"So across all the Infantry weapons, they will get more bullets," Hedrick said. Thank you. 22-week Infantry OSUT pilot program trainees graduate at forefront . Here is what we did and some of my thoughts after its all said and done. If a Soldier's plans fall through, they can still receive government transportation to their next duty station up until graduation day. Narrator: This group of infantry recruits was exposed to CS gas, or tear gas, in week one of their training. Narrator: The minimum age to enlist in the Army is 17, and the maximum age is 35. FORT BENNING, Ga. The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the What time is the turning blue ceremony/family day/graduation ceremony? The pilot training program began in July 2018, extending infantry OSUT from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. Drill sergeant: Quickly! Our Drills took extra time on CQ to draw out the battle drills to ensure that everyone knew what they were supposed to do. person will not be tolerated. Follow what your Soldier told you or what is sent in the commander letter, but as a guideline addresses usually look like this: Abuse of any kind is not tolerated. How long will my Soldier be in basic training? First 22-Week Infantry OSUT Companies Graduate The pilot class for the 22-week Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) graduated on 7 December at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, GA. From what I could tell, they stacked our class with above average guys*. Can I go? The best thing you can do is to write as many positive letters as possible, and as often as possible. Possibly. He just said it! I got the feeling that other cycles dont spend nearly the same amount of time going through these modules. There are some things that are universal, like the length of time for BCT (9 weeks), but most things are done on a company by company basis. BCT FAQ - Fort Benning https://www.benning.army.mil/common/faqs/bctfaq.html Jul 24, 2018 . A lot of guys had degrees of some sort, some could speak various languages, and the majority were above the 250 PT mark by the end of the cycle. Each company/troop does things differently. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Zach Brewer, who said he joined the military much later in life., The 22-week system is an improved version from the 14-week model, said Pvt. Recruits: Yes, drill sergeant! Ricci: It's really just a little shock to the system so we can break them down to build them back up.Drill sergeant: Answer me! Processing Companies will ensure that Trainees call home the evening of day 1 and the evening prior to shipping to basic training. On day one, new infantry recruits on a bus from the Atlanta airport arrive at the 30th AG Battalion Headquarters, where all new recruits are received. Drill sergeant: Why is that so difficult? Here is what we did and some of my thoughts after its all said and done. Each will fire four daytime and two nighttime rounds on the 120mm. There are many factors that can move that date. Please remember this is general guidance, YOUR Soldier will have the best information. Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. First 22-Week Infantry OSUT Companies Graduate The pilot class for the 22-week Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) graduated on 7 December at the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, GA. My Soldier said he isn't receiving my letters. Narrator: Recruits are issued uniforms. It's important for the future soldiers' muscle memory, because they are working as a team with minimal communication, and they have to understand how that coordination works together. To make up for that time, the platoons that weren't doing ATT worked on moving tactically and conducting battle drills from ORPs and setting into patrol bases at night. Recruits: Movie, yeah! The preliminary 22-week OSUT pilot program is slated to start this July with a graduation date scheduled for December, the commandant added. Reimbursement for Soldiers for their travel home or to the next duty station is on the basis of mileage from Atlanta to their next assignment. Invalid password or account does not exist. Im glad they are actually improving the process, did you guys have a lot of washouts? Additionally, the Infantry School has added six days of vehicle platform training to the new program. Don't Threaten. Army to extend Infantry OSUT to bolster Soldier lethality, STAND-TO! Yes? "Extending Infantry OSUT will allow us to allocate more time to honing the necessary skills to provide greater capability to our commanders," Dailey said. Changes to the program are meant to increase Soldier readiness, making them more lethal and proficient before they depart for their first duty assignment, according to the Infantry School commandant, Col. Townley R. Hedrick. Drill Sergeants are selected from the best Soldiers in the Army, and are highly qualified to train recruits. Our platoons hit their stride around week 16 where permanent leadership was established and we made squads and fire teams that were familiar with each others style of command. Be Nice. var today = new Date() While in the rehabilitation battalion, injured Soldiers will do modified PT so as not to put more stress on their injury. Your last four of your social. Ricci: We create lethality. -- The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the charge. Narrator: During combatives training, recruits warm up with a particularly painful-looking exercise referred to as the EO. Dewayne Waugh: Infantrymen are expected to fight in different types of terrain and survive and win the fight. They have to relearn everything, and learn pretty much all the basics when they get to their unit., The extended OSUT program was designed to fix the crammed 14 week, get em in, get em out mentality, Davis said. That's what I thought. Infantry and Armor OSUT lasts from 20 to 22 weeks depending on your soldier's MOS. Drill sergeant: Watch the video. With thousands of letters going to thousands of Soldiers, it takes time to get everything to everyone. Most all I read seems to indicate that in late 2019 a transition was made from 14wk to 22wk as the standard. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. Where will my new Soldier be stationed after training? Recruits: I will never leave a fallen comrade. If Soldiers are allowed to use them they will not have them at all times. Do you understand? Their training is 22 weeks as well. Additionally, the Infantry School has added six days of vehicle platform training to the new program. How long will my Soldier be in basic training reception? What is "OSUT"? Short answer is "maybe, but probably not." We won't share it with anyone else. The most common reason your Soldier may not be receiving your letters is because he's only been in the system for a couple of weeks. As a Soldier arrives at his first duty station, while they are in-processing, one of the requirement is to go through the education service. Narrator: Before training officially begins. U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to 198th Infantry Battalion conduct squad room clearing procedures during the Military Operating Urban Terrain Training (MOUT) portion of infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) October 23, 2019 on Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry OSUT was recently extended to 22 weeks to allow for more in depth training. Waugh: In operations across Afghanistan and Iraq, we are conducting clearance operations, and it's applicable wherever we go. Receive the digital, interactive PDF of the newspaper in your inbox. Narrator: After 22 weeks of training, these infantrymen are ready to leave Fort Benning. For the past 44 years, Infantry Soldiers were trained in a 14-week program. Soldiers have the opportunity to attend religious services. I really hope the Army transitions to this model entirely, because I'll tell you what; you don't want your first time behind a loaded .50 cal to be in the middle of a war, as I experienced. I think our attrition rate was 6% compared to 10-15% in a 14 week cycle. Primarily, the program focused on more weapons training, but it also added more physical training, drill and combatives training. Before they join the United States Army, all recruits have to graduate from a 22-week program known as One Station Unit Training, also known as OSUT. If your Soldier's unit has these, they will be listed in the letter you receive from the commander. "Under the new course, a Soldier will do an individual day and night land navigation course on their own. First, I'll give some background on our company and our command. If they remain in basic training they will join another unit at the point where they left off with their original unit. Basic Combat Training for all Military Occupation Specialties (MOS) in the Army lasts 10 weeks. Under the current 14-week program, three drill sergeants are responsible for training a platoon of 60 Soldiers. With more time to train on critical Infantry tasks, we'll achieve greater lethality.". Wow thanks a lot for posting this. This month two classes of future armor crewmen and scouts kick off extended One Station Unit Training in a pilot program similar to what the Army did a year ago with its infantry. However, keep in mind Soldiers only in process Monday through Friday, so if he arrives later in the week it will carry over to the following week. Programs of Instruction. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Yes, just ask his family for the commander letter. The average length of time between home and being assigned to a basic training unit is 7-14 days. Currently, armor soldiers are primarily trained on the platform theyll most likely see once they get their unit assignment, for instance a Stryker with a Stryker BCT or a Bradley for an armored BCT. What comes out of this evolution and others over the next year will inform the next waves of armor soldiers coming through that essential training. Overall, the additional instructors provide a better student-to-instructor ratio during certain aspects of the course, the commandant said. Upon exiting the gas hut, the recruits are told to flap their arms like birds to remove excess gas from their uniforms. Most soldiers quickly adapt to the new life. The goal is to help trainees understand where they fall within a fire team or rifle squad and make them more proficient while operating in the field. BCT or Infantry OSUT is very demanding and challenging. We spent a day learning and qualifying with the M320. Soldiers are generally given a pass to spend time with family; however, the availability and amount of time is determined by his chain of command. The longer training infantry pipeline kicked off as a pilot phase last year gives a lot more trigger time to Soldiers, Davis said, adding that additional weapons training lets privates shoot roughly 1,300 more rounds per Soldier, and hit their 10-level tasks more often. During this time your Soldier is traveling for 1-2 days and in processing for 3-4 days. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey said. Drill sergeant: Grab one and go, it's all the same. The goal is to help trainees understand where they fall within a fire team or rifle squad and make them more proficient while operating in the field. Drill sergeant: Get on the bus! Due to the sensitive nature of financial information, it is advised that Soldiers takes care of pay issues rather than spouses or parents. Right side bag. Under no circumstances will Trainees be permitted to use cell phones for purposes other than calling home while assigned to the 30th AG Battalion. Our Company had an unheard of 100% pass rate for land nav. After being called retarded for 6 months, believe me I'm surprised that I retained the ability to form sentences. Narrator: This is Army boot camp. Keep it Clean. Does my Soldier's basic training unit have its own Facebook page or Web site? This will depend upon your soldier's Infantry MOS and on the needs of the Army. Do you understand? "Extending OSUT is about increasing our readiness and preparing for the future," Sgt. 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry Regiment - Fort Benning; . That's a long time. The 19D scouts will get more real-world identification training that moves beyond just adversary standard military vehicles and adds in newer threats that are being put in theater now, Plummer said. The increased training isnt meant to focus on innovations, said Col. Dave Voorhies, 198th Infantry Brigade commander, last year in a news release. "U.S. Army Recruiting Command has already gone back to those identified personnel, regenerated their contract, and let them know that they would be part of the first classes to execute a new and improved training program," Hedrick said. Again, it was privates leading privates, but I truly think that it prepared a lot of us to be good team leaders right off the bat. Prior Service Trainees are not authorized to allow the use of their phones by trainees in an IMT status. Basic Combat Training for all Military Occupation Specialties (MOS) in the Army lasts 10 weeks. My recruiter thought it was 14 wks but is out of state for the . No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism 0, Initial in-processing, First 100 Yards, Equipment Issue and . Friends and family gather to watch their soldiers graduate on Inouye Field. Infantry and Armor OSUT lasts from 20 to 22 weeks depending on your soldier's MOS. Three of them had Ranger tabs, 3 were former recon guys, and finally the CO was tabbed as well. Red phase: Red phase was for the most part the same. ", Changes to the program create an extended and more gradual training process to help decrease injuries caused by lack of nutrition or poor conditioning, Hedrick said, "We've developed a set of metrics, with the U.S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Science Solutions to try and evaluate how the Soldiers are doing during the 22-week pilot program versus the 14-week program," Hedrick said. is scheduled to grow by three battalions between February 2019 and September 2020. Your worst nightmare. During this time there was a Squad Tactics week laid out as well where we would spend another week in the field; however, a hurricane cut it short. Yvette Zabala-Garriga). The change will include increased time in the field during both day and night operations and include an increased emphasis on drill and ceremony maneuvers. We spent a day firing the MK-19 and M2A1 .50 cal followed immediately by the Night Infiltration Course. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, The decision was made simultaneously to increase the OSUT of other branches within the Army, said Col. Townley R. Hedrick, Infantry School deputy commandant. Roster Number This army OSUT training schedule is an overview of the entire boot camp process and explains how Soldiers are well prepared for their initial entry into the Army. Narrator: Recruits get rid of contraband in an amnesty room, where they dispose of it by throwing it down a metal chute. In response to the increased focus on readiness, specifically within the Infantry force, leadership within the U.S. Army Infantry School approached the 198th Infantry Brigade, which trains all Army Infantry forces, and asked what could be done to make better Infantry Soldiers. And those same crewmen will see nearly double the driving time as their predecessors. Grab your bags and go. Because if you finished you would have also learned about machine gun beatings. ", Changes to the program create an extended and more gradual training process to help decrease injuries caused by lack of nutrition or poor conditioning, Hedrick said, "We've developed a set of metrics, with the U.S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Science Solutions to try and evaluate how the Soldiers are doing during the 22-week pilot program versus the 14-week program," Hedrick said. In 2019, the Army will extend one-station unit trai Congress Confirms the Armys first Lead Special Trial Counsel, Army announces upcoming 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 4th Infantry Division unit rotations, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center Media Roundtable, October 27, 2022, Department of the Army updates Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Army announces upcoming 2nd SBCT, 2nd Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 1st Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army Inspector General visits Alaska for New Soldier Experience, U.S. Army STAND-TO! This training was an extremely useful confidence booster for those slotted for 18x and opt 40. Narrator: The mood was much more relaxed. The command team was keenly aware of the hazards of doing live fire with privates, but all the necessary precautions were taken to ensure that we did it the right way and safely. Spending time with family after graduation Because I dont have anything to compare my experience to its hard for me to pass any kind of judgment on the program compared to a 14 week cycle; however, I think that the increased reps, concurrent training, and time spent in the field helped forge better, more tactically sound, and lethal soldiers while instilling a sense of pride in our training. 198th Infantry Brigade 198th Infantry Brigade transforms civilians into disciplined Infantrymen who embody the . Do something! If they feel the soldier is not at the same level with the other soldiers of the company, they may decide to recycled him to another company in earlier stages of training. Their presence through out the cycle helped the trainees get reps on each training module. I should've been retired a long time ago, but I wake up in the morning now, be wanting to come out here and go to work. Anybody who's done the new osut as a reclass any Info would be mucho appreciated. The Army believes that education is one of the keys to building a successful future. What can I do to assist my Soldier during BCT or OSUT? If he requests an item he can receive it. Depending on when you were at Fort Benning you will need to contact either Leonard Studios (706) 687-5509 or Basic Video Productions, (210) 695-4979. Oct 15, 2020 Twenty-two week One Station Unit Training will be made permanent as the second year in the pilot program showed big improvements. In A U.S. Army Infantry Soldier-in-training assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, engages the opposing force (OPFOR) May 2, 2017, with a M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) on a Stryker to provide suppor A U.S. Army Infantry Soldier-in-training assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, rappels off Eagle Tower March 4, 2017, on Sand Hill, Fort Benning, Ga. Gen. Kevin Admiral, who took command of the post at that time. "And they will also shoot more at night, rather than just doing a day familiarization fire.". After consulting with the Army chief of staff, however, the combined OSUT team was directed to extend the new program to 22 weeks and include combat water survival training, he said. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, Senior Video Correspondent Graham Flanagan spent four days at the Army's. It is at Company Command Team discretion to allow Trainees to use cell phones during matters of extenuation to include: holidays, inclement weather, and Family emergencies. Edit: I forgot to mention that we got Level 1 combatives certified. And the Army Vision, recently published by Secretary of the Army Mark T. Esper and Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, reinforces the defense secretary's priority. This is because those units are filled with Soldiers with the same MOS, whereas 9-week basic training units are filled with Soldiers with a variety of different MOSs. Black Phase: We started out black phase with a 40 hour Combat Life Saver course where we were CLS certified. The 194th Armored Brigade conducts One Station Unit Training (OSUT), Advanced Individual Training (AIT), and select Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) training in order to produce competent and fit soldiers, ready for action. Narrator: The recruits spend about five minutes inside the gas hut. Why do I have to do this? Do drill sergeants hold mail? It is not recommended that you overnight anything to your Soldier. Drill sergeant: You can't pick that bag up? Share with Us. However, for many of the recruits its about the experience. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That way you have all the information you need for the family day and graduation ceremony. With our first major change to Infantry training in 40 years, he said, we are investing in future Army readiness, which will ensure we are prepared to deploy, fight and win our nation's wars when called upon to do so. Under the new OSUT program, Soldiers will get more training with their M4 rifle and increased hands-on experience with the M240 machine gun and the M249 squad automatic weapon. Provides in-depth and hands-on job training. Drill sergeant: Everyone move your feet! Drill sergeant: Over your head! What happens if my Soldier fails a portion of BCT/OSUT? They added more training to the gunner skills test, five more days of tactical field training, more live fire time and more time spent on the fundamentals of reconnaissance and security, Admiral told Army Times. Graduated 22 week Infantry OSUT. To meet that goal, six modernization priorities, one of which is Soldier lethality, were developed by Army leaders to prepare Soldiers against near-peer competitors. You will get kicked out of the military, and then you'll probably have to file as a registered sex offender. Much like parents, each drill sergeant has a different style, so they are the ultimate decision makers when it comes to what your Soldier can and cannot receive. By Team MeaningKosh. We dial it back a little bit. BRM standard was to qualify. So, we don't want them frightened; we want them to be comfortable and in a state of mind that is receptive to learning and performing at that level. That offer will stay open as long as possible, Admiral said. We create expert marksmen at their individual weapons, because as an infantry soldier, that's what we're asking them to do. Narrator: Before they go inside, the new recruits learn some basic commands and standing positions. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. (The time spent at the reception battalion can vary based upon things such as medical issues.) With more time to train on critical Infantry tasks, we'll achieve greater lethality.". Drill sergeant: We will produce the best soldiers in the United States Army. Red Cross messages cannot be sent for pay issues. To meet modernization goals, the Army is set to invest in roughly 20,500 infantrymen annually, with one-time bonuses available to qualified new recruits and Soldiers reclassifying. During the new course, Soldiers assigned to a Stryker or Bradley unit will learn how to drive and perform maintenance on their assigned vehicle. "So across all the Infantry weapons, they will get more bullets," Hedrick said. With our first major change to Infantry training in 40 years, he said, we are investing in future Army readiness, which will ensure we are prepared to deploy, fight and win our Nation's wars when called upon to do so. Rank(PVT, PV2, PFC, SPC) Last name, First name Arctic Warrior | Contact Us |. How long is Infantry OSUT, 22 or 14 weeks? Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. Hey. Discussions about changing OSUT began shortly after Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis identified the need to re-establish readiness and build a more lethal Infantry force, Hedrick said. Ten weeks were allocated to basic military training, and an additional four were reserved for training Infantry-specific skills, Hedrick said. Ricci: I have trainees that were not alive when 9/11 happened. Splitting the Platoons off to do different training made for more efficient training and less time standing around. Cell phone use depends on the drill sergeants. The West Central Georgia chapter of the Red Cross services Fort Benning, http://www.wcgredcross.org/. You will be able to find out the exact dates once you know the training company. ft benning osut training schedule army osut training schedule 2. Week, Training Activity. They receive a series of immunizations and vaccines. Course Schedule. Be Truthful. Depending the on the extent of their injuries, Soldiers who get injured during basic training are usually allowed to continue training as part of the rehabilitation battalion until either the injury is healed or they are medically discharged. We spent a week on mounted vehicle platforms, spicifically Humvees, Strikers, and Bradleys. Go! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Pensado: They use their momentum, shoulder blades, their core, to help them create space, warm up the body. The phones will be locked up with the Soldier's other personal belongings and distributed when phone privileges are earned. While laying on their backs, they have to engage their core to wiggle across the entire room. Narrator: First, they're given one last chance to discreetly dispose of prohibited contraband like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and inappropriate photographs. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. The first time I ever saw a claymore was about 10 minutes before I set one up with a tripwire and everything. Can my Soldier go home with his family after graduation? U.S. Army Infantry Soldiers-in-training assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, begin their first day of Infantry one-station unit training (OSUT) February 10, 2017 on Sand Hill, Fort Benning, Ga. Most Soldiers attend it immediately after Basic Training. Also, there was a staff of contractors to help facilitate training. Col. Dawson Plummer, commander of the 194th Armor Brigade, laid out whats happening with the armor OSUT pilot: two classes this month and the pilot beginning in November. Earlier this month, armor crewmen and cavalry scout recruits began an extended OSUT pilot program, following infantrys lead. FORT BENNING, Ga. The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the charge. Once Trainees have completed their Day 1 call, Processing Company Cadre will collect and secure all cell phones until the evening prior to ship. Hello r/army, I arrived at Ft. Benning on July 2, and here we are 22ish weeks later after completing the first cycle of the new Infantry OSUT. Each platoon had three drills assigned to it. Exactly this. Drill sergeant: Listen up! According to a drill sergeant, the effects of the gas begin to wear off after about four minutes. Currently, the U.S. Army Armor School and U.S. Army Engineer School are performing internal analyses of their curricula to determine what resources will be needed to extend their own programs. They may "pay" for them with extra push-ups or sit-ups especially for music/recorded voice cards but they will get to keep them. The preliminary 22-week OSUT pilot program is slated to start this July with a graduation date scheduled for December, the commandant added. Some new soldiers, who may get a chance to train on that SEPv3, are the more than three dozen Marine Corps reservists who enlisted in the Idaho Army National Guard in September. My Soldier took his cell phone to basic training. These repetitions, while monotonous, helped solidify muscle memory down the line. WASHINGTON -- In 2019, the Army will extend one-station unit training for Infantry Soldiers from 14 weeks to 22 weeks. When you get to your unit, make sure to tell your leadership that you went through the 22 week infantry training, so youre a real infantryman. You will delete them all. My Fianc's/boyfriend's family is not able to attend the family day or graduation ceremony. Its designed to establish firmer training fundamentals: marksmanship, physical training, land navigation, the ability to medicate, combat lifesaver skills, combat water survival, Soldier discipline, and more all under the leadership of their initial drill sergeant. By the end of the day, if they couldnt crack it then they didnt get certified. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Still don't know how to do shit on the radio. Some units do. Some of the motivation to amend the program came from a 2017 study of unit leaders that found soldiers arriving at their first assignments physically unfit for duty and undisciplined. When they're training in the field, recruits are issued MREs, which stands for "meal, ready-to-eat." Drill sergeant: Hey, sit up straight! We conducted buddy team and fireteam dry/blank/live fire during the day and during the night. "We think this gets us to the objective of a more expert and proficient Soldier. 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Improving the process, did you guys have a lot of washouts will get more bullets, '' Hedrick.!: during combatives training Equipment Issue and Us | 22 weeks depending your... I forgot to mention that we got Level 1 combatives certified was for the family and... & # x27 ; s done the new OSUT as a registered sex offender the exact dates you! Find out the cycle helped the trainees get reps on each training module its said... And as often as possible, Admiral said what happens if my Soldier during bct OSUT! Drill Sergeants are responsible for training a platoon of 60 Soldiers certain of... Sexism or any sort of -ism 0, Initial in-processing, first name Warrior!, if they couldnt crack it then they didnt get certified team and fireteam dry/blank/live fire the. Get reps on each training module of BCT/OSUT in 2019, the effects of the Army will one-station.