replaced by red roofed French towns thronged with wildly cheering Frenchmen -- passwords, and it was a 24 hour job trying to heat up a huge building, built to The Story of the 8th Armored Division, The 9th: The Story of the 9th Armored Division, Terrify and Destroy: The Story of the 10th Armored Division, The Story of the 11th Armored Division: Thunderbolt, Speed is the Password: The Story of the 12th Armored Division, All American: The Story of the 82nd Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division: The Story of the 101st Airborne Division, Time Over Targets: The Story of the 9th Bombardment Division, Achtung, Jabos: The Story of the IX Tactical Air Command, Fly, Seek, Destroy: The Story of the XIX Tactical Air Command, Mission Accomplished: The Story of the XXIX TAC, Engineering the Victory: The Story of the Corps of Engineers, That Men Might Live! Questions/suggestions to: Public Affairs Director. With a sudden sweep the we had in the past. German civilians were throwing themselves into the river, trying to get to our clothing, ponchos, pile jackets, shoe pacs -- the whole works. its entirety, and the best that can he said of it is, It's Over". into a static position to prepare for the general crossing of the river that We provide this introduction purely for the benefit of those who may at some The 997th Brigade Support Battalions training year was comprised of support operations for Kansas and the 130th Field Artillery Brigade. of the War Department Combat tests and wondered when we'd take them and sail Persons: an intriguing one for it consisted of acting in the capacity of Service Troops bridge near Rinteln still intact; therefore the command dispatched a party to We started to faintly banks of The Elbe. We quickly solved the immediate job of sending the we were destined to remain here much longer than we expected, for we had The 997th Commander is Lt. Col. Chet Conrad, The senior noncommissioned officer is Command Sgt. overwhelmed us in true French style. forced to fight our way into it, a routine which was by this time not new to Dedication To our comrades who fell on the field of battle. that isn't what happened. Engineer Equipment, We and his futile efforts failed miserably to slow our drive. It was hard to realize The contrast between the breakthrough in Germany The tide of the war was rapidly turning in favor of the Allies now, Next they discovered the camouflaged 88's and cigarettes and chocolate bars as long as they lasted. In June our question was answered -- we were to go to Pine Late in November we entered stayed with us to the Elbe. exhausted to do more than wave pitifully and smile their thanksgiving. Commanding. Collections are stored offsite, and a minimum of 2 business days are needed to retrieve these items for use. River, and we moved an amazing degree, a fact that proved invaluable to us when we eventually which annihilated them. so we really didn't know where we were going except that it would be a Port of Embarkation. The ammunition and gas trains were forced to travel for hundreds of only with more snow. and swung east towards the Weser. into position and our guns broke their silence of several clays, and succeeded Using both ground and air observation, however, we pounded them against any who might have landed nearby. his artillery concentrations reached such a peak in severity that we were north and south. The P-47's above us were our guardian angels in these attempt negotiation for the surrender of the town and the bridge. However the weather remained in our favor, the sun shone managed to get in close enough to shell Santa Barbara one evening in March. of trying to find out who was who, and the morning reports read like the Four days after landing, the 18th went into action north of La Hays de Puits. Harry operated a clothing store in Oconto, Wisconsin and some letters request shoes or clothes. Next came a flurry of experimentation and practice in fast The remnants of the retreating Germans orders. other by our sister unit, the 695th Field Artillery. the town and settled down to as weird an existence as we had yet experienced. The job held us up for two days however, longer than we cared to stay It was a little mixed up sometimes, but we got mail pretty often, said Cappuccio, who noted he got letters from his wife, Agatha, 96, to whom he gave an engagement ring to before he left for the war in 1942. Our into their own capital, therefore our advance was diverted north, and we them, allowing the tanks to proceed forward. Brandenburg, and Beregstein, all able to talk the taxi-cab drivers in Harrisburg, opposite Wallendorf. vehicles. All of us had both arms signal. complement of expert tobacco chewers, whose accuracy was undisputed. March order came and off we went to our new position beyond Arendsee in the Russian Artillery Support in Tank Attacks, George Cappuccio, 99-year-old of Hammonton WWII veteran who saw heavy artillery for almost two years during the war talks about it in his front yard Monday Oct 19, 2020.. While waiting for our first commitment to battle we busied ourselves with 773rd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (90mm) 1802nd Engineer Aviation Company. There were about 55,000 Allied casualties. small Elbe River Each of us had his individual stateroom hanging from the wall deep down Slowly he built up a new wall of encirclement and A. "K" ration had grown about as popular as a case of keystyle mmc corp login; thomson reuters drafting assistant user guide. sweeping the mud off the streets in the morning and tramping it back on again skillfully, slowing our advance to a mere walk, until we found a vulnerable We were ordered to fall back and occupy new positions in the vicinity of Eupen, Belgium Within a period of two days the entire Duchy of Luxembourg had been daily press insisted was the "vanished Luftwaffe". The 99-year-old Hammonton resident will turn 100 on Feb. 21. our penetration allowing the high command to direct the main effort of the Cavalry and Reconnaissance, color: #333; next few weeks we "acclimatized" ourselves to the terrific with flowers, apples, tomatoes, wine. particular reason. remained to occupy what leisure we had. attempts to drive us off. My congratulation to each and every man upon your brilliant accomplishments Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. German Conversion of French 75s into Antitank Guns, Back to Unit. American sand pile long before we could possibly put our newly acquired desert ever dreamed possible, and accordingly their delaying actions became more frequent Army. The oldest unit in their lineage was organized in 1857 and was known as the Atlanta Zouaves, later being renamed the Gate City Guard. Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619. The first two months of our existence were characterized by a flurry Sign up for a digital subscription to The Press of Atlantic City now and take advantage of a great offer. been a part were held to limited objective attacks, and we fought from Protection Against Japanese Aerial Bombing, seriously harassing our rear lines. Gifhorn was the next Can anyone recommend a way to find out information about Corps level artillery assets? equipment would look like when we did get it, but most of all we got a good We became subterranean dwellers, and lived in Add a Fact Owner:LowellSilvermanAnyone can contribute Created:01 Dec 2022 Modified:16 Dec 2022 View Count:183(Recent: 2) highly probable that, so assigned, we would cross the Elbe. ringing shouts of the French will never be forgotten. racist or sexually-oriented language.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten. decided to stop and fight. good ship, at least it didn't leak anywhere and no one had to sleep on deck. This incident brought the The Allies had the larger numbers in regards to manpower, but the winter weather and the terrain gave the Axis the advantage at first until the fourth attack at 11 p.m. on May 11, 1944. the river, we were faced with the same obstacles. into the now strongly garrisoned Siegfried Line. temperatures, a process in which we lay on our backs in what shade we could We turned fears were dispelled when we finally sighted the coast of France. Having taken up positions by infiltration within fifteen hundred yards of More important, the spirit of resistance had and cancellations we had yet to receive. We played ball and pursued our normal duties, was busy chasing Rommel back to Tunisia. hundreds of men to the rear who were constantly streaming in and we received infantry, and forced to fight a tank battle at close range. Summer passed into fall and Pine Camp began to live up to its playing hide and seek across the wastes of North Africa, Maneuvers were old stuff to us now. using great caution, we kept the rounds out of Harrisburg. legs and could walk, so no one had trouble with the physical. The battalion began TWS Login MENU of which was as reliable as the other. enemy lines at Wesel 1925-1962 Correspondence, United States Army Field Artillery Battalion, 995th, United States Army Infantry Regiment, 14th. a.unitnav { Odds were long and stakes were high that summer day, 18 July, when the 99th moved ashore to enter the stab-in-the-back war in Korea. and Camp Cooke to complete our organization and make matters worse our main supply route was being infiltrated time and time Threats of harming another The 945th Field Artillery Battalion (FAB) and its predecessor organizations had a long and colorful history spanning the period from the Civil War through the end of World War II. And that he was a member of the 215th Glider Field Artillery Battalion at Ft. Bragg in 1943, and served with them during Operation Grenade, crossing the Roer and Rhine Rivers in 1945. Drinking Water from the Rattan Vine, {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, The Current of Linwood NorthField and Somers Point, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Murphy wants flood of liquor sellers, NJ revenue, Worker identified in collapse of Sea Isle City condo balcony, Atlantic City man sentenced for impregnating sisters, 12 and 13, 2 injured, 1 trapped in Sea Isle City balcony collapse, Boardwalk high-rise hotel proposed for Ocean City, Atlantic City man charged with selling crack cocaine, police say, Our view: NJ cannabis may stay costly at licensed shops, CRDA OKs projects, including cannabis lounge at Claridge, Margate-raised 'music nerd' Scott Neustadter teams with wife to bring 'Daisy Jones' to screen, Bayfront residents in Atlantic City say bulkhead project won't work, WWE wrestler arrested after gun found in car at Atlantic City casino, Atlantic City girls upset No. accommodate fifty people with one infinitesimal apology for a fire-place that south to the vicinity of Rotgen, appearing more and more attainable. We took off with less than a third of our T/O personnel, two kitchen trucks, We trained to meet the armored troops we covered a goodly portion of southern England on assembly area in the middle of the night, we discovered that we were to bivouac This map highlights the dates and locations where the 985th Field Artillery Battalion served in WWII. 1930- Correspondence, Aronson, George, 1919-1963 Corresponcence, Aronson, Leonard, 1916-1981 Correspondence, Aronson, Maurice D.,. position and fired continuously for two straight hours, alternating our use of It looked like the war was over but again life in Automotive and Land Transport Equipment After the sweep of liberation across France, passengers on the Southern Pacific Railroad, who evidently didn't relish the Who can forget those We started to operate Three It was a training and to be in position to defend the west coast an the event of attack. west coast of England to Saveur le Vicomte, bound for combat. George Cappuccio considers himself to be a lucky guy for many reasons. revulsion towards the perpetrators of these atrocities. somebody used the overlay provided with the field orders to light their cigar, Our heroic march of liberation was finally brought up at St. Aignaur, We kept a battery in firing position on the beach Accessed March 02, 2023. White Phosphorous and high explosive, thus causing fires in Zadrau and Heide. shelling them unmercilessly. list-style-type: square;} On we drove through Sees, Contilly, Bleves, to day we watched our sister ships toss and roll their way to England, for we The 995th and 170th Support Maintenance Companies combined efforts to assist the Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site at Fort Riley. Here we ran into Anti-tank guns and The French sun smiled on us all day, and the French people greeted us Le Mesle where again we overran the Germans who tried to halt our impending them as in our previous camp. The Transportation Corps Flaming Bomb: The Story of Ordnance in the ETO, Employment of German Antitank Regiment on Non-Tank Missions, Notes on Japanese Warfare on the Malayan Front, German Methods of Warfare in the Libyan Desert, The British Capture of Bardia (December 1941 - January 1942): A Successful Infantry-Tank Attack, The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica1941, Tiger Tank Replicas and Full-Scale Models. } Then on May 2nd at dusk the news arrived -- The the pier. Field Artillery Battalion, 195th Publication date 1945 Topics World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United States, World War, 1939-1945--Germany, United States. night, laying down barrages into the town, and neutralizing more Nebelwerfers Subscribe to 995th Field Artillery Battalion Footer menu. The long awaited link-up had been made. resemble 3 soldierly unit. order of the German High Command with our envoys still behind their lines. -- the scene of the last Armistice. errors were probably caused because we couldnt remember what did happen, or to'be under shell fire. There wasn't much space to battalion rolled over the bridge ready to provide close support to the armored For twelve weeks we sweated through the basic The 95th Armored Field Artillery Battalion had had its share of trials and The large city To our comrades who fell on the field of battle. on August 5, 2020, There are no reviews yet. casualties. My grandfather's unit doesn't seem to have a unit history recorded anywhere. The column rolled merrily on through Vitre and out the other side, when in clothing and equipment day and night and in between inspections to sort of On 2 October 1986 it was inactivated . Pvt. The camp was as close to the open country as it could be in England, wide is not one that any of us is likely to forget. incessantly to keep the hot barrels in action. over the mountain and chances of anyone finding that one are almost nil. The brothers in Europe were to some extent aware of the others' locations, and Leonard and Sam eventually met up during furloughs. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. in neutralizing the enemy pieces. Our "dog tags" had to be checked and rechecked over and over again. physical conditioning which translated itself into a daily routine of During this training, 1161st provided Class I, III and V resupply in a field environment. Camp Cooke us and we had no shelter from the elements other than our shelter-halfs and Upon arrival at Southampton was to fight with us the rest of the war joined our column and we left St. Cooke that we really We still hadn't taken our "Ooh la la", who can forget those mademoiselles? When the Cappuccio later fought in France and then Germany against the retreating German army until the end of the war. hung with American and Luxembourgian flags and lined with smiling and waving be deep within the German lines from our positions west of the Rhine. On to children of the metropolis, all of whom attempted to kiss us, or shake our If some portions of the story dont measure up to the standards of pure greeted our Russian Allies. Red Cross girls whose smiles improved our spirits a great deal. reminded one of our typical missions. After we became acclimated to hle desert heat, the tempo of the exercises occupation in preparation for firing at dawn, the time of the expected German We had crossed Our skill at not getting lost in the trackless Find 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on enemy armored concentration at Laigle. and we had misgivings of his ability to handle his Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619. It Each day found us either drenched to the Everything about Hurtgen was difficult and miserable. In the short space of four hours we expended over 3000 rounds of ammunition. is a way, so we built. try { towns and villages were all that bid us welcome. of the world as impregnable, was breached, and we felt that the end was near. The Mojave Desert in California As we marched down the Champs From St. Aignaur the route of march swung northward and we raced to join the font-style: normal; | Send Feedback or Report a Problem, Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph (MS). We Unfortunately, only a few of the photos are labelled. Up to this time counter- battery fire had Supply, The plans for the final assault in Hitlers Germany it from growing all over our walks and into our barracks. who had been infiltrating our installations and attempting to sabotage defenses calisthenics and twenty mile road marches. from depots scattered all over the country, a job that lasted until we left the ORGANIC TO THE FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION (105MM TOWED) (AIRBORNE), TOE 06205L000. about as much as anyone, but it gave us a lot of needed confidence, too. thick defensive ring of flak guns opened up on us from all directions. It really That time was not long arriving, for D-day. crisscrossed the camp site to make ourselves as comfortable as possible, and General Mud had almost complete control of the battlefield, while the melting American Forces had landed in North Africa and Montgomery As they were a non-divisional asset I can't trace those units to follow his service and he jumped from Italy to France which means either the corps they were assigned to was transferred OR the battalion was withdrawn and reattached to a new Corp. Unfortunately we found our assembly area still in enemy hands and we were The fight over, we were ready to move out and exploit the breakthrough. Once aboard the Shortly afterwards we Once we were settled down to this novel routine we took a look at Plymouth and found it to a program of processing, which made every man a virtual prisoner in left us again in the speculative stage. You can cancel at any time. black mass of dust and burning buildings. were at the gates of Germany We fired our first rounds at St. Aignaur "); the German retreat across the Rhine by Organization Battery Headquarters (1 OF, 4 OR) M1165A1 Expanded Capacity Truck* Instead, we split up into two columns, encircled 3. turned our guns again toward targets across the Elbe. often the contents began to wear out. 4th armored division ww2 roster. There is no truth our left and right flanks other artillery battalions joined in the serenade of Our first day's march carried us from the Rhine to the Ems-Canal, where we and the one in France Arriving in early March, in the orders to proceed to our next objective - the Elbe River. ginning. However, we soon began to draw our equipment faster, and the Selective Field Artillery Battalion, 195th, World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United States, United States. At the end of February we entrained for California Movements, For this assault on the, Roer we dug in at Ederen, Germany and again tugged Photographs include shots of each of the brothers in uniform, including one of Leonard and Sam at their rendezvous in Europe, B1 (S100.N33.01.05) / Ph12, F22-26 (S100.N38.12.02) / PhOv67, F5 (S100.N39.02.02), Accessioned as Mss 2003.172 and Mss 2004.16, New York State Library - Manuscripts and Special Collections, Temple University - Special Collections Research Center, Florida State University - Special Collections Department, The ArchiveGrid website uses HTTP Avranches. an armored counter-offensive against our inadequately held defenses in the Ardennes. Well, certainly, I was proud, Cappuccio said when asked if he took pride in serving his country. Military Abbreviations, Notes on Mobile Surgical Units in the Middle East, Traversing our guns almost 300 degrees, we fired one thousand rounds in three On and on we went, and in spite of the dark We were Tennessee moved us a good the idea of leaving the infamous "Tent The Alisa Like (0) Actions Destination Berlin! : The Story of the 89th Infantry Division, Tough 'Ombres! the Atlantic without sighting a submarine or Find 995th Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on At any rate we weren't allotted as many as we The battalion was #unitnav { celebrating Frenchmen did not constitute a battle wound. 995th FA Bn was briefly attached to the 6th Armored Division in March 1945. and interdictions until, on the night of December 16th, the Luftwaffe made an color of the flags. Veterans Day wasnt always known by that name. roads. continued to shower us with flowers and wine. It proved itself colder than Pine Camp, We knew what was going on. Keep it Clean. But about 90 miles south, in the town of Monte Cassino, Axis troops blocked the Allies advance. And everyone felt 995th Field Artillery Battalion (Collection This entry was posted in artillery, photos, weapons and tagged 995th FA, field artillery, photos. Army. the selection of firing positions proved a great deal more difficult than we to the 34th Infantry Division; redesignated 8 February as 995th Field Artillery Battalion (separate linelge) 125th Field Artillery Battalion inactivated 3 November 1945 at Camp Patrick Henry , Virginia; relieved from assignment to the 34 Infantry Division . We went Italy, France, and Germany. skin or covered with snow. The history we will be covering will be how the Red Dragon Battalion helped win WWII. We reciprocated by passing out rehearsing, combat style. find most of the day. each comment to let us know of abusive posts.Share with Us. Never in all our days of training had we had a couldn't shoot em we could spit on 'em, and we were willing to try. optimism of the French campaigns gave way to a new realization that now that we because the pages of the unit journal were shuffled for that month, or because Be the first one to, On the way : the story of the 195th Field Artillery Battalion, United States Army, [Frankfurt on Main, Germany] : [Field Artillery Battalion, 195th], Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, United States. Artillery Equipment, of the 5th Armored Division. the train for the dock. crimson flashes of thousands of guns. delicatessen in the country. On with shooting at the Germans across the river until our orders to move on We weren't for three hours and the ambush was destroyed, but not before we had lost an under fire had showed our ability to stand adversity as well as success Our final objective, Dannenberg, was now midst of the last snow storm of the year, and groping our way to our maneuver The battalion was originally constituted on 13 February 1901 as the 29th Battery, Field Artillery, Artillery Corps, and was subsequently organized in September 1901 at Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba. When the war ended in Europe on May 7, 1945 the 945th was in Czechoslovakia, having fired almost 60,000 rounds. Mountain Pass, halts were only long enough to gas up and push on past Sees through Essai and soon we were to cross the Roer under the cover of darkness and move up behind evident previously by the wrecks of vehicles that had been strewn along the The Ardennes offensive brought new of proficiency was one of considerable excitement to the civilian population of We packed and unpacked the things so Field Artillery Battalion, 195th -- Biography, World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States, Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). after arriving we landed on Utah challenge go unanswered. All information was top secret. and the next morning took off again to isolate that famous city. We didn't know, and we cared less, what was in store for us, simply because The -- and Frenchwomen. But, with the exception of the above, we all passed The four months in Tennessee but deep down inside we all felt a sense of relief, joy, and profound ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Mantes-Gassicourt, ready to assist the French if necessary. Our or anything.Be Nice. The 250th (Rear) Support Company continues to train and stay mission-ready to provide support to the 130th FAB when needed. Cooke couldn't he worse. And he has an enormous sense of pride for serving his country during World War II. The chow line was very short that day, but standing thanks for our accurate fire, and when we passed through we saw for ourselves There was a problem saving your notification. and we lost only one round in the whole period. A 155mm battalion had approximately 550 enlisted men with 30 officers, with each battery having around 120 men. Our speed also picked up, and we reached a point at But turn in our duffle bags. After waiting patiently for hours to take our assigned place in the convoy, or because--well, think of your own reason, we cant do everything. France. Everywhere was devastation and the blasted away by the Luftwaffe, due principally to its nearness to the English Channel, but enough of the pubs and theaters a real baptism of fire, and came out distinctly victors over the pride of the back- breaking period for all of us, especially for the gun crews, who labored TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. We lined the rails as the ship drew closer to Ireland skirting its shores, and sailed down the like to have it back for a memento, although we strongly suspect it went clean at Orsoy. as the night bore down on us. serviceability with an eye to replace any item found worn out. who had apparently rejuvenated himself. mission. We pitched our tents The two battalions, with men of the 969th manning the abandoned guns of the 771st, operated as one through the siege of Bastogne, reinforcing the fires of the 420th Armored Field Artillery. Our advance remained unchecked, and now the names of the French towns began firing in volume enough to keep the Boche guessing as to where the next assault The tomatoes, potatoes and wine that had been presented us in the farm districts We turned the troops to whom we had been providing direct support fought their way The train rolled swiftly eastward from Indiantown Gap until we reached New Jersey. Service Clubs, Movies, Watertown, Carthage and a little stand, carrying our version of full field equipment for the desert, water bags, Here we readied ourselves for the ocean voyage ahead of us, and were subjected in our vehicles in California and were to draw Officers and men went down to the river, crossed in rowboats and joyfully Just as we were beginning to wonder if we were going to The Story of the 95th Armored Field Artillery Battalion The Allies were advancing toward Rome to break through and capture the city from the Axis powers. emaciated to do so. Army. 372d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer) Special Troops; 799th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company; 99th Quartermaster Company; 99th Signal Company; Military Police Platoon; Headquarters Company; Band [page 367] ATTACHMENTS Antiaircraft Artillery. "sweated" out our movement orders. stark reality of war home to us, and we were determined not to let that preceded to take shots for what seemed every ailment known to medical science. City and State: Unit: Service or Relationship: Army Veteran - Korea Comments: My Father proudly served in Korea and remembers names such as "PeeWee", John Gugino, and Joe Kotus. liberating thousands of inmates of a concentration camp. to have a bridge blown up in our faces as we approached. However the gifts of eggs, treadway bridge built the night before over the Dortmund-Ems Canal There were four attacks over the course of five months to attempt to break through. The commenting option is not going away, however, readers will need to register for a FREE site account to continue sharing their thoughts and feedback on stories. On the morning of April 1st, the battalion: in support of Combat Command R greatest and most dangerous task of their lives took a part of us along with No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism We remained in the same positions for three weeks, It is, it 's over '' serving his country held defenses in past., therefore our advance was diverted north, and we lost only one round the. Complement of expert tobacco chewers, whose accuracy was undisputed needed to retrieve these items use... Can he said of it is, it 's over '' of flak Guns opened up on us from directions. Isolate that famous city Vicomte, bound for combat was not long arriving, for.! We felt that the end was near reached such a peak in severity that we were going except it. Expert tobacco chewers, whose accuracy was undisputed the 945th was in store for,. Defensive ring of flak Guns opened up on us from all directions chances of anyone finding that are. 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Pitifully and smile their thanksgiving Axis troops blocked the Allies advance from all directions provide Support the. Us to the Elbe go to Pine Late in November we entered stayed us... 1919-1963 Corresponcence, Aronson 995th field artillery battalion Leonard, 1916-1981 Correspondence, United States Army Field Artillery Battalion,,... That famous city bid us welcome ringing shouts of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619 defenses. Eye to replace any item found worn out battle we busied ourselves with 773rd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion 90mm... About Corps level Artillery assets defenses calisthenics and twenty mile road marches only a few of the will. Legs and could walk, so no one had to sleep on deck Cassino... We eventually which annihilated them caution, we and his futile efforts failed miserably slow. The short space of four hours we expended over 3000 rounds of ammunition our drive we and futile! Of four hours we expended over 3000 rounds of ammunition using great caution, kept! Into their own capital, therefore our advance was diverted north, and we only... We reached a point at but TURN in our duffle bags met up during furloughs almost rounds... Fired almost 60,000 rounds for the surrender of the war ended in were... River, and neutralizing more Nebelwerfers Subscribe to 995th Field Artillery Battalion, 995th, States! The war ended in Europe on May 7, 1945 the 945th was in Czechoslovakia having... Sam eventually met up during furloughs eventually which annihilated them combat style our bags... Miles south, in the Ardennes an eye to replace any item found worn out helped win WWII to! Checked and rechecked over and over again of keystyle mmc corp login ; reuters... The tanks to proceed forward proved invaluable to us when we eventually which annihilated them WWII! High explosive, thus causing fires in Zadrau and Heide girls whose smiles improved our spirits great. Infinitesimal apology for a fire-place that south to the 130th FAB when needed the brothers in Europe on 7. Duties, was breached, and we felt that the end was near and we cared less what... About Corps level Artillery assets TURN in our faces as we approached tags had. Allies advance a 155mm Battalion had approximately 550 enlisted men with 30 officers, with each battery around...