They immediately focused on the similarities rather than the differences. With Mom and Dad on the sidelines, they filmed Hattie for an hour a day, doing the things typical of a Western baby waddling around in a diaper, eating a banana, playing with Moms cell phone, etc. -- Advisory: This film contains a birthing scene and nudity. /Parent 1 0 R (2011, April 9). >> by Scott Renshaw May 5, 2010. (2011, April 9). Personal information policy and operating limits, We and our partners use different technologies, such as cookies, to personalize content and ads, offer innovative functions on social media, and analyse web traffic. Since there are no equipment or toys, she will be playing with other kids so her relationship with others are quite well. In any culture, this brings the mother joy. ENGLISH. Two of the babies featured in the film are from rural areas: Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, and Bayarjargal (Bayar) from Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, and two are from urban areas: Mari from Tokyo, Japan, and Hattie from San Francisco, U . stream (I'm with you, Hattie. What differences or similarities do you see in parenting style for the different babies? Here are some of the most striking differences: South Korean babies had the longest attention spans. /MC0 38 0 R Get started for FREE Continue. The film documented 4 different babies from birth to approximately 1 year of age. Ponijao, on the other hand, is constantly with her mother and the rest of the Himba mothers and babies. /Contents [ 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R ] Older toddlers will notice the difference. Majority of the time Bayar was lying down by himself. Hattie and Mari had actual toys while Bayar and Ponijao had animals, sticks, and other parts of nature. endstream The mother of Ponijao, the African baby, is the one that appears to have the most companionship. Consider the cultural variability of infant care as demonstrated in the "Babies" documentary, what similarities do you see in predicting secure attachment? /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Starring Bayar, Hattie, Mari and Ponijao. Never has wrapping a blanket around an infant looked more like a work of art. After watching the film I realize there are probably still some illnesses that babies such as Ponijao would encounter however the baby did not appear to be unhealthy in any way. While these differences illustrate the impact of childcare practices on the rate of development, the similarities in the babies overall development regardless . One of the most obvious differences between you and your friends will be that some are boys, some are girls, you all look different, you sound different, your family background is different and. /Parent 1 0 R /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] /GS0 18 0 R The babies with the most parent interaction appeared to start cooing and babbling first because they often had their mothers talking and singing to them. Articles 23 and 25 shall be revised to read as follows: "Article 23. The documentary shows us many similarities and a lot more differences of the lives of these babies based on their cultures. Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bb(s), is a 2010 French documentary film by Thomas Balms that follows four newborns through their first year after birth. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] In particular, Balmes is skilled at drawing out the way Hattie's parents -- and to a lesser degree, Mari's -- work hard to enrich their children's lives by putting back what relative economic privilege can take away. >> Mari had a toy where she could fit a ring onto a stick to build and after a while she realized that the ring would fit. The birth of a baby is a blessing. Some of the babies might developed earlier than the others, this showed that the development varies and the environment can be a factor of this variation. /Pages 1 0 R (LogOut/ Which is to say that at its simplest, Babies is just babies. >> 4 0 obj >> /T1_0 25 0 R >> /Rotate 0 If in doubt, it's best to consult a trusted specialist. 10 0 obj 3) Namibia is a warm environment and clothes are not overly necessary in the hot climate. Ponijao seemed to be very content with her surroundings. The next part is the psychosocial development. The families that reside in Tokyo and San Francisco, seem to have both the mother and father caring for the child. /Contents 31 0 R This creates a more dramatic scene, which I think is what the director wanted instead of her just. In her spare time, she likes hiking, cooking and spending time with her family. Being topless isnt socially acceptable in Western society because society dictates that male and female bodies should be covered. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate, Documentary. They can each rock the peach fuzz. /Length 875 They then begin hitting one another because they are responding to each others emotions. BABIES Opens on Friday nationwide. Babies Thomas Balmes (Director) Rated: PG Format: DVD 2,463 ratings IMDb 7.0/10.0 Amazon's Choice for "babies documentary" $829 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime FREE Returns Save 50% on 1 when you buy 2 Shop items Prime Video $2.89 $12.59 Blu-ray $19.52 DVD $8.29 Multi-Format $5.84 Blu-ray $16.52 DVD September 28, 2010 DVD 1 $8.29 $5.99 Ultimately, he wanted to make a movie audience applaud when a baby any baby eventually stood on his or her own two feet. Blunt-force truth in advertising, really. Brooks, A. She graduated from San Diego State University Cum Laude with a BA degree in journalism and lives in the East Bay. << I love that one, says Balms, on the phone from New York. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Overall I still learned that material items and resources even parental attention do not necessarily indicate whether or not a child will have a positive or negative overall development early on. They have different customs, to interact with different environment or stimuli. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. Show them how your hands are longer than theirs. >> A grieving woman magically travels through time to 1998, where she meets a man with an uncanny resemblance to her late love. /Font << /Resources << 'Zero visibility' conditions: All roads to Tahoe are closed, My meal at this landmark SF spot was too expensive to be so bad, One of the largest movie theaters in SF to close permanently, Report: Matthew McConaughey has a massive Salesforce paycheck, Horoscope for Wednesday, 3/01/23 by Christopher Renstrom, 'Really cool sight': Rare waterspout forms in Northern California, Man shot dead near San Francisco Ferry Building, A different horse': Bay Area will likely continue to see rain, 'Lady in the fridge' murder victim ID'd as Bay Area mother of 3, 'Life threatening': Tahoe braces for massive blizzard, Snow shuts down over 70 miles of I-80 in Northern California, These East Bay gems are a haven for music lovers, You can still overpack the smaller Monos check-in suitcase, 6 Cabo hotels for your spring break vacation, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). /MC0 29 0 R (2016, January 12). 4.9. Social-Emotional Development Domain. Neither of them had siblings so this may be why their parents took them to these classes so they could have interactions with other babies. Namibia Though you see them only tangentially, it's obvious that all these parents love their kids; Babies passes judgment on none of them, and it doesn't specifically argue nature vs. nurture or more supervision vs. less. This will give them the opportunity to discover different circumferences. The only difference: one illustration must be small whereas the other one must be big. (4065 years ofage, Activity 5: Identity Crisis in PopularMedia, ACTIVITY 4 : AN INTERGENERATIONAL DIALOGUE. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Dear Abby: My wife said she doesn't like it, but it's part of my life, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. >> /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Finally, baby Bayar from Mongolia appeared to fairly content. >> /Type /Page Predictably, there are similarities between the urban, fast-paced lives of Mari and Hattie, both filmed in condo-style living quarters. You cant make that up.. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. After watching this documentary I feel as if I was given a different insight on culture differences pertaining to child rearing practices and child development around the world. The parents from Mongolia should travel around the world to demonstrate their superior swaddling techniques. These developmental similarities include such things as learning to crawl, walk, talk, etc. I knew going into the movie that the 4 different cultures shown throughout the documentary would be incredibly different, however I did not realize that there would be so many positives and negatives to each culture in terms of how different rearing methods and cultural beliefs and practices effect the development of the child. All of the babies had different environments and stimuli. At the same time, Hattie and her mother, as well as Mari and her mother, attend gatherings in the homes of friends and family. /ExtGState << Predictably, there are similarities between the urban, fast-paced lives of Mari and Hattie, both filmed in condo-style living quarters. /Font << The activities suggested within this theme will give children the chance to explore the key experience-Similarities and differences. Local parents will admire the resourcefulness of the families in less developed areas. For instance, in terms of physical appearance, it is known that a normal person should have two eyes, two legs and so on. Hattie. >> Still, parents usually have the best intentions while raising their children, and Balms wanted to illustrate that. Change). Please click on the button below to give your consent. /Parent 1 0 R And on the other end of the spectrum,Hatties father appears almost as much as her mother. Help children notice and name the different lengths by, for example, saying, "This piece is short and this one is long." The couple wanted to participate because the project combined observational filmmaking with observational parenting, Wise says. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Discussion of the film Babies by ThomasBalmes, The Movie Babies Human development psychology, The First Three Years (Babies) Thomas' Blog. HarperCollins. So the education level of the parents were different too. (PG. And if it has a thesis, it's that there are lots of ways to get to some of the same destinations. His brother also hits him with a cloth that causes him to cry. They do so in very different settings and landscapes and their cultures are all very different from one another. The similarity between the children is the most striking part of the movie. Then answer the following questions: 1. The infancy and toddlerhood period is from birth to two years old and it brings changes in the body and brain that support the emergence of a wide array of motor, perceptual and intellectual capacities (Berk &Meyers, 2016, p.6). Jessica is a member of Illuminoshi, The Not-So-Secret Society of Jewish Food Professionals; a member of PROOF Collective; a recipient, Professional Wine Writers Symposium, Napa; a judge, Taste our Terroir, Livermore Valley; and a frequent judge for other food and wine competitions and contests. One of them was between the Japanese baby, Mari, and the American . First, we have Ponijao, a baby from the Himba ethnic group, born in Opuwo, Namibia. Some did it faster than others but eventually they were all taking steps and beginning to babble words. This is known as cognitive development. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? Namibia. For instance, three of the four cases represent communities have access to high-tech and modern hygienic obstetric care. Road safety laws, social mores and levels of consumerism may be different across the world, but tiny people are pretty much the same. /GS0 18 0 R Cut a house shape out of cardboard and, with your group, glue the cut items on the house. P1P3. Physical development in babies and children. It is crucial to change perspectives and to realize that there are many ways of doing things.. In general, balls can safely be manipulated by young children. My initial reaction was, They are just animals! Sometimes they would ask us to back off and give her (Hattie) some space, because were pretty interactive with her, Wise recalls, referring to the French film crews who visited monthly and stayed for a few weeks at a time. This 79 minute film is a nonfiction gem and earned a PG rating because of natural . Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Focus Features They do so in very different settings and landscapes and their cultures are all very different from one another. $rwfwftxXX[|2:?|eI'.f;lv-v"nTCU72}W os' sIg@XWENy,o{zs9N3Es9l&|z]'MoI/O/Tk*o,ZKGOj'&oVT[EMw|4JJ^hpJYj(>|E*#idxUiKW%J@N:cd=Y%n"oNlWao3V7eI;2S!n]9.Ht$KS]CrC@9=&xKE`Y`KW+e@K}y`iBnWiLppjit2c:uR#YAG0q`ZyQsT.w-2U[S8l4pwRhC<29I;E'q+7{0_Z-!~ma *#7w4lH4k1:A@j?/1%0AMDpDv.ww xZ$W)SH2bodS]:Uyy$ xl] "ho:Nzm:w?#>))\2#ByYA{pdpO 6 /Im0 19 0 R >> Set several balls on the floor (different sizes). Star of the Week follows Cassidy-Li, who was adopted from China as a baby, as she prepares an assignment to teach her class about her life. Editorial: Newsom takes page out of Trumps water playbook, Ominous signs hint at wobbly Bay Area hotel market, Here are the places that received some of the most snow in California, Christian high school basketball team forfeits tournament rather than play against transgender player. Outgoing and bare-bottomed, Ponijao, whose family comes from the Hima tribe, spends most of her time playing in the dirt with her eight siblings. It was found that the babies' brain is developing and maturing in the first three years of life and this is the most critical period for acquiring language abilities. Photo credit: Focus Features. A flock of babies. Compare your own experiences, as children and/or as parents, to the experiences of the families in the documentary. There will be other people who will see, in Babies, a panoply of subtle lessons, like this one: "Given that babies elsewhere in the world are allowed to run around without diapers, getting poop on their mothers' legs, and given that their moms wipe it off with a corncob and move on, it just might be overkill to dust your infant off with a lint roller, there, Mr. San Francisco Dad.". I believed this to be true because baby Hattie and baby Mari both had access to what I initially thought was more and better resources to rear an infant. Manipulating short and long itemsCut Christmas garlands so that you have several pieces of different lengths. Older toddlers can walk in the sand or snow. There is this one scene where Mari played with her toys, the circle one and that shows her cognitive development, the part when she figured out how to play but still, she cannot get it right.For their language, every babies developed their language normally except for Bayar. << This is one of the aspects where we can best observe the differences between one culture and another. Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. difference between classical realism and structural realism. They all crawled, began to walk, and talk. Help babies and toddlers identify similarities and differences among the objects that surround them. Particularly with his first daughter, Balms says, he was always reading to her, singing songs or carting her off to a dance lesson. A French documentary released in 2010, Babies was filmed over a period of 400 days in Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Tokyo. Let babies and toddlers manipulate the blocks. Provide lots of material they can safely explore to understand similarities and differences. endobj Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives (2012) Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives captures a spirited group of women who taught themselves how to deliver babies on a 1970s hippie commune. The similarities however could end there because every person has . /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] All but three fly away, and life continues on the farm. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Balmes. >> The movie provides great perspective on different cultures and different lifestyles without the use of words. Among the four families in the documentary, "Babies", there were only some similarities but many differences. /Type /Page Perhaps,given the large workload on his parents shoulders, he must spend a lot of time alone. endobj Bayar has very little interaction with his parents; he is often by himself. In the society to which I was raised, my mother was extremely clean almost the point of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Watch Babies now on iTunes. /Resources << /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] . Discuss the differences in size with children. /T1_1 21 0 R Jessica previously worked for the San Luis Obispo Tribune, San Diego Union-Tribune and Seattle Magazine, where she was the food and dining editor. H\T]o6|R!=PEAI$$eC Ponijao was never swaddled he was always in his mothers lap or arms. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] I have divided the activities in the following categories: length, size, color, and identical objects. As for the family from Mongolia, the father appears in some scenes, but only in family gatherings and never alone with Bayar. /MC0 32 0 R Once they have identified the difference, put a white sweater on so you are all dressed in the same color (similarity). At snack time, stick eyes on the plate. /ExtGState << He is one of the four babies filmmaker Thomas Balmes follows in Babies. Hattie, on the other hand, gets the once-over with that lint roller after a spell on the floor. We can see Ponijau is surrounded by her family, Hattie and Mari as well, there are always surrounded by their families. Encourage babies and toddlers to color them before gluing them on a large piece of blue cardboard. Mari also showed this when she was trying to place the sticker on the piece of paper. /Rotate 0 /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] Being cherished, cared for, honored, and valued within these families ties the story together, providing a rich and meaningful cinematic journey for people across the globe. Hercules saves Meg from the underworld, gains immortality and then gives it all up to be a mortal with Meg on earth and everyone lives happily ever after. And even though she acknowledges baby Hattie on the screen, she doesnt realize the child was her younger self. endobj /Type /Page Reflexive documentaries share similarities with participatory documentaries in that the documentarian also makes physical appearances in the film. There was no narration, which allowed the focus of the movie to be on the babies and their interactions with their surrounding. Babies observes cultural differences and overly precious cuteness. Things you may not know about language development, Communicating with parents when something is wrong, Personal information policy and operating limits. Variation: Use scarves or streamers instead of garlands. They will enjoy observing the tracks they leave behind and comparing them. Ponijao, on the other hand, is born in the huts of her village. Social-Emotional Development Domain. 4.) A road rage incident between two strangers a failing contractor and an unfulfilled entrepreneur sparks a feud that brings out their darkest impulses. You can, for example, use cut gift bags. Ponijao, who lives in Namibia with her family, is one of four babies followed from birth to first steps in Thomas Balmes' "Babies," a Focus Features release. Craft, my familyCut several pictures of people or characters out of magazines, flyers, or catalogues, making sure you have people of different sizes to represent family members. A perfect accompaniment to your Life and Living science unit.These worksheets should follow a discussion on animals' different features and habitats. And being wrapped up is a way to guarantee his safety. If you're interested in trying your hand at photojournalism, you can expect to work at a much quicker pace than in documentary photography. This is because both of them have no siblings and the class is the only way to develop relationship with other people. My hands and feetHave fun comparing the length of children's hands and feet. What are the differences between the development of the babies in the documentary? References. Turner Fenton Secondary School. As the documentary progresses, an interesting contrast begins to emerge as the audience witnesses how the babies, from opposite ends of the world, entertain themselves. And then we have Bayarjagal, a baby that sometimes shows up in scenes all by himself. Some babies may learn to do these sorts of things faster than others but the timeline is usually relatively similar among all babies without any underlying development disorders or health conditions. I wish I had a couple of acres so Hattie could spend her day in the field observing things, says Wise, who works for the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. (LogOut/ Each childs temperament, or reactivity and self-regulation showed from the time they were born (Berk & Meyers, 2016, p.253). /T1_1 25 0 R Some of the babies might developed earlier than the others, this showed that the development varies and the environment can be a factor of this variation. For Bayar, he also lives in a rural area but his parents do not interact with him much. Man with a Movie Camera (1929) - Dir. /Resources << Blamed by some, hailed as heroes by others, those involved with Fukushima Daiichi face a deadly, invisible threat an unprecedented nuclear disaster. Many similarities and differences were recognized and easily helped illustrate how diverse the world is. Print this second picture too. All babies fight with their siblings, feel curious about their environment, and smile when they see their mothers face. (12) $1.30. Even though the babies were raised in different environments they still went through similar types of development. /Properties << When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. What were the most striking similarities and differences . Hattie and Mari, however, appear constantly in their strollers or in their mothers arms. 5 0 obj Without a doubt,postpartum is a stage that mothers spend very close to their babies. They grow, they learn, and they remind the rest of us of the astonishing power that is our common birthright. Laminate them to create a simple oversized lotto game. The babys gross motor skills developed throughout the movie. And the urban babies in Japan and America have similar enough home lives that they start to seem redundant. Cut several fish shapes out of construction paper. Everybody loves Babies In the French documentary directed by Thomas Balms, we get a glimpse of four babies' lives after birth. Aside from the sibling rivalry, baby Bayar appeared to be contented and very much independent much like baby Ponjiao. This is a carousel. This Similarities & Differences Boom Cards deck (SET 2) is designed to help you teach similarities and differences using real images within task cards. This is because as soon as she was born, her mom would put her in her mothers lap without wrapping her is some cloth. The movie's baby-first mentality does leave some unanswered questions, most notably where all the grown men are in Africa. Babies shows us that, even though some grow up surrounded by nature and others in large urban areas, all babies laugh and cry. Documentary Film. All that remains is the universality of the growth of a human baby . And somehow without shelves full of books, without being forced to imitate animal noises, she learns to talk and learns to walk and seems to be just about as developed as the carefully managed Hattie is after her first year of life. This documentary film follows four babies from four different countries: Ponijao from Namibia, Bayar from Mongolia, Mari from Japan, and Hattie from the United States. This indicates to me that presence of materialistic elements is not necessarily a factor in positive healthy child development. Retrieved from, Advice on how to be a Successful Online Student, 5367 553 article.htm,,, sites@gsu - Blogs for Georgia State University. Culturally we know what is the right way to eat, to think, to write, to do everything. Help children notice the different lengths of the marks left on the paper. Bayar seemed to struggle keeping his balance and crawled. Directed by Thomas Balms; adapted by Mr. Balms from an original idea by Alain Chabat; director of photography, Mr. Balms; edited by Craig McKay and Reynald. It took two years and 400 hours of footage to make Babies. Some of the films most poignant shots including the No Hitting moment required weeks to get. The movie adaptation made significant changes to the book, although they still have many similarities. The "babies" documentary by Thomas Balmes showcases the early childhood lives of four babies living in unique environments from each other. The mother sits behind the father with her newborn cradled in her arms. I believe that it is because of the views on women in the Namibian culture that make it acceptable to be topless. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! Brooks, A. But on the other hand, as these babies giggle and hiccup their way through their first year of life, the film quietly, without any narration, casts light on the dual facts that they have a great deal in common and that they're being raised very differently. But it also involves the company of others. << He may not feel a connection with her because they have not bonded. Two of them are from the urban first-worlds of San Francisco. hide caption, There will be people who will view Babies as a pleasant little grab bag of cute-kid videos. Include some balls that are too big to fit through the holes. Take another picture of yourself in the same position, but with an accessory (large hat for example). Help toddlers find matching illustrations (example: a small bear with a big bear). What evidence did you see in the documentary to support your answer on attachment being multicultural or not? On the one hand, the father of Ponijao doesnt appear in a single scene throughout the entire documentary. Hattie, now 4, doesnt remember being filmed for Babies. But she loves the trailer, and watched it 12 times in a row, according to her dad. Human beings behave in a way that shows some resemblance to each other while at the same time has some differences. In case of an emergency or for immediate assistance, dial 1-888-986-7126, 2023, /Properties << Perhaps most shockingly, the babies in more developed urban areas seem just as resilient as the newborns who are off the grid. Identify similarities and differences in terms of size. The first one who can walk is Ponijao. Inspired by author Darlene Friedman's own family, the book includes Cassidy-Li's concerns about missing her birth parents and her creative way of including them in her project. At one point, baby Bayar is shown playing amongst several large cows. endobj If you wish, play music. As a matter of fact all of the humans and animals seemed much adjusted to the proximity in which they coexisted. Enough said. California Department of Education explains that the social emotional development of a child looks at childs experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (2016). /Contents [ 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R ] One of the main differences I want to draw attention to is child care. Big and small association gamePrint several identical illustrations. Retrieved from 5367 553 article.htm, California Department of Education. << The baby from Namibia plays with rocks and an empty water bottle in a dirt pile, but she has the same looks of joy, confusion and frustration as the girl in Tokyo whose house is full of toys. She is dealing with the emotion of sadness or anger. Le premier cri (2007) Documentary about births around the different cultures and regions of the world. stream I also read some of the posts on a forum posted by some of my fellow university students. There is a gap in our beliefs with the rest of the world that we should fill up every minute (of a babys time) with activity and stimulation, the filmmaker says. Act surprised and congratulate the child for noticing the difference. hide caption. California Department of Education explains that the social emotional development of a child looks at childs experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (2016). As for Bayar, his mother rarely interacts with him and that is why his language development is a bit slow. I noticed with these other babies that, being active with themselves and their environment, looking at the sky or a cat, allowed them to develop a relationship with the world, he says. 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Parents when something is wrong, Personal information policy and operating limits doing things so in very different from another... Was trying to place the sticker on the paper responding to each others emotions first, we Ponijao... Film documented 4 different babies in some scenes, but only in family gatherings never... Astonishing power that is our common birthright all but three fly away and. Endobj /type /Page Reflexive documentaries share similarities with participatory documentaries in that documentarian... Was no narration, which allowed the focus of the posts on a large piece paper... Hours of footage to make this Activity easier for little ones, use cut gift bags make babies a,. Ec Ponijao was never swaddled he was always in his mothers lap or arms select illustrations that are well! Illustrations ( example: a small bear with a movie Camera ( 1929 ) Dir... Very different settings and landscapes and their interactions with their surrounding ] but... Between one culture and another documentaries in that the documentarian also makes physical appearances the. Do you see in the sand or snow for babies short and long itemsCut Christmas garlands so that have... Explore to understand similarities and differences were recognized and easily helped illustrate how diverse the to. These babies based on their cultures South Korean babies had the longest attention spans other... Be contented and very much independent much like baby Ponjiao between two strangers a failing contractor an... Have access to high-tech and modern hygienic obstetric care row, according to her dad 10 obj... Seem redundant of education his parents shoulders, he must spend a of! Gem and earned a PG rating because of the most companionship given the large workload his... Beginning to babble words and female bodies should be covered, however, appear constantly in mothers. A way to eat, to the book, although they still have similarities... Are too big to fit through the holes > the movie this theme babies documentary similarities and differences give children the chance explore. Entrepreneur sparks a feud that brings out their darkest impulses position, but with an accessory large... That mothers spend very close to their babies different from one another they leave behind and comparing them crawled. All by himself never alone with Bayar wrapped up is a bit.. < this is because both of them are from the Himba ethnic group, the. < the activities suggested within this theme will give children the chance to the! The project combined observational filmmaking with observational parenting, Wise says < /bleedbox [ 0 595.27600! Have the best intentions while raising their children, and watched it 12 times in a row according! ( 2011, April 9 ) that remains is the universality of the babies and their with! 'S that there are no equipment or toys, she will be people will. Articles 23 and 25 shall be revised to read as follows: & quot ; 23... The movie two of them have no siblings and the class is the most striking differences: South Korean had...