1/2021: License Application - other than dogs and cats: APPLY: . If you have questions about the Auction, as well as how to donate items, give us a call. Contact us today Exotic-animal auctions are nightmarish for animals, who are confined to cramped cages, traumatized by loud crowds, and denied adequate veterinary care. Many of the exotic animals sold from Lolli Bros. go to breeders who supply the exotic pet trade in the U.S., and many roadside zoo exhibitors trade animals at this market. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Followed by the exotic birds, macaws, pocket pets, monkeys, wallaby, kangaroo, fur bearers, reptiles etc. She is 4 months old and is very small. Lolli Bros. has been cited by the USDA for confining cats to cramped cages with no room to turn around or lie down and rabbits, primates, and a fox to unsanitary cages, some of which were filled with waste. This is THE exotic pet expo you dont want to miss! An exclusive look inside an exotic animal auction | WUSA9 Investigations - YouTube WUSA9 witnessed Jerry Lee Holly's representative sell two zebras at auction while Holly faces animal. Are there any corrections or dates you know of? Hosted by the Nashville Exotic Pet Club, the Nashville Exotic Pet Expo will be returning April 15-16, 2023. The feds have repeatedly cited the auction for failing to provide animals with adequate shelter during auctions held during inclement weather, for keeping animals in cages with soiled bedding, and for failing to provide them with potable water. The auction, established in 1991, in 2006 added exotic animal sales four times a year. Espresso Exotic Animal Expo in Dandridge, TN | Buy Exotic Animals Tennessee Animal Laws Restaurants Saturday & Sunday October 29-30, 2022 10 AM - 4 PM eastern time. Find the perfect gift for the chicken farmer in your life. Livestock/Exotic/Tack. Sell the Auction WAY. Instead, WUSA9 paid for tickets and using cell phones out in the open, captured what happened over the last six days. The inspection report also took concern with its enclosure of cats, dogs and guinea pigs. Holly declined to comment to WUSA9. Less than 10 miles from Interstate 5, it is easily accessible and features an 11-acre site with complete livestock handling and auction yard facilities. This medium-sized heritage breed was created right here in the Midwest, and they are friendly, quiet (compared to other geese), and auto-sexing - you can WI - Show Potential Buckeye Chickens Buckeyes are the only APA-recognized breed created by a woman! WildLife Partners is an innovator in the exotic wildlife industry. Download the apps today for live newscasts and video on demand. Call Brad Wood, (864) 903-0296 3rd Saturdays, noon: Goats, sheep; Agri Auction Sales at Eastanollee Livestock Market, Highway 17 between Toccoa and Lavonia. 42) are also not allowed. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal info in accordance with our privacy policy as well as to receiving e-mails from us. We will have a huge variety of educational Critter Talks starting every 30 minutes throughout the day, both days, on every type of exotic pet imaginable. Failing to provide a black llama, who was later found dead by the USDA, with adequate veterinary care (According to an auction staff member, the animal spent the morning constantly sitting down, but instead of notifying the veterinarian, staff took him to the sale ring. I have pair of Asian small Otters . According to the auctioneer, zebras are sold in pairs because they typically have a mate, whether it be a mother and child, or adult zebra and a friendly donkey. Exotic animal auctions are held often, all over the country. You may contact us through this site or through our Facebook page and we will do our best to make it happen. Tama Livestock Auction, Special Bred Cow & Heifer and Feeder Cattle Sale. Auction info, please call 423-237-5775 To Consign, please call 423-237-5885 Admission is $5 Smokey Mountain Exotic Animal Auction Apr 27, 2019 We are located on Oregon Hwy 20 between Albany and Lebanon. There is usually thousand of birds. No health issue . For a flyer to this auction call the Auction office @330-674-6188 or see below to download flyer if available. Terms for automated texts/calls from PETA: http://peta.vg/txt. Exotic-animal auctions are nightmarish for animals, who are confined to cramped cages, traumatized by loud crowds, and denied veterinary care. Small Chickens $2.00-$6.00ea. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing everyone! In September 2021, the USDA cited the auction for accepting over 40 animals from unlicensed dealers, and in May 2021, a zebra escaped from a Triple W event. The sales draw customers from 25 states to buy exotic birds, bison, water buffalo, yak, llamas,. Consignments include alpacas, sheep, goats, exotic cattle, african hoofstock, primates, pet shop animals, exotic fowl, barnyard fowl, zebras, camels, and more! Meanwhile, in Tennessee on Wednesday afternoon, zebras began arriving, kept in pens. If an undisclosed injury is noticed when we deliver, WLP, at our discretion will either keep the animal or extend the warranty to two weeks. We also offer capture, transport and boarding. October 20, 2021 Rachel Kurzius From A newborn baby zebra named Seka rests at the Belgrade Zoo in Serbia. Exotic animal auctions are hubs used by roadside zoos and exotic-animal dealers to make sales. FEEDER CATTLE STEERS - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 3 210-230 222 230.00-255.00 244.77 11 255-298 278 230.00-250.00 239.59 Search-by-Breed Poultry Breeder Directory, Raising Poultry 101 - Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens, Fancy Poultry 101 - Beginner's Guide to Showing Poultry, Fancy Poultry 201 - Extend your Knowledge & Learning, Resources & Products - Get Organized & Informed, Fancy 101 - Beginner's Guide to Showing Poultry, 8 Useful and Fun Gifts for Chicken Farmers, The Concise Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens. The creature dashed down a Highway 111 . We will no Luverne MN Farm Equipment & Personal Property Auction Aug 18, 2022 Luverne, MN. Poultry/laying hens $8.00-$13.00ea. As the result, you can bid with absolute confidence. February 20, 2023. What do they usually sell at an "Exotic" sale? WildLife Partners Super Exotic Wildlife Auction October 14th & 15th ONLINE BIDDERS Click Here to Register to Bid Online We would like to invite you to the WildLife Partners' ranch in Mountain Home, Texas, for our 2022 Super Exotic Wildlife Auction this coming October 14 th & 15 th! Frazier Farms Exotics is a TWRA state licensed & USDA Federally licensed facility specializing in Exotic pets and ambassador animals. Search the website: Learn the basics with this beginner's guide to showing poultry. deer, antelope, hogs, swine sheep and goats. 1050 W Cemetery Rd Cookeville TN 38506. 505 Wedgewood Avenue Whether you are looking to buy a new exotic pet, adopt an exotic pet, need some pet supplies or feed, or just want to learn about exotic pets and their care, we have something for everyone. There is no set number of noncompliances that will start an investigation," a USDA spokesperson said when asked about repeated citationsat the auction house. True assessment of the show quality of a bird must be done in person. What can we help you find? The fuzzy, the furry, the creepy, the crawly, the cute, the cuddly, the slinky, the slimy and the feathered fun will keep you and your family entertained for hours. Another zebra was found dead and decaying on his farm, according to a state complaint. Ducks-Mature $12.50ea. The auction will include Llamas, Alpacas, Water Buffalo, Exotic Fowl, Camels, Zebras, Mounts & Collectibles, and much more. More Information. Jerry Holly auctioned these two zebras from his Florida property, according to Triple W's auctioneer. Tennessee's exotic animal law places wildlife into five classifications. . featuring sales of cattle, horses, exotic animals, taxidermy, guns, tack, antiques, farm/estate auctions, and consignment sales. Marion Kramer, Semi Annual Midwest Draft Cross & Quarter Horse Sale. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Both males and females grown horns, but the males grow considerably larger horns. Be the first to review! The auction started on Monday with cattle, some of the more exotic longhorns. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? READ MORE, Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA President and co-author of Animalkind. We are at your service: Josh Keller, Owner/Auctioneer and Rowdy Malchow Owner/Manager. Triple W Arena. The fuzzy, the furry, the creepy, the crawly, the cute, the cuddly, the slinky, the slimy and the feathered fun will keep you and your family entertained for hours. For this expo only- FREE PARKING to anyone who says they are attending our expo. These are all very cruel industries where animals are denied their most basic welfare needs," added Metzler. Pickup and delivery. Don't judge a bird by it's picture alone. Stay far away from wildlife auctions: Never buy any animals or attend an exotic-animal sale. The citations paint a picture of nightmarish conditions for the animals at these auctions, ones that result in preventable suffering, constant potential discomfort and stress, and even death. September 18 - Saturday - 8:00 AM - Exotic cattle, Buffalo, Camels, Zebras, African stock, Elk, Fallow Deer and Whitetail Deer Ring 2 -Building B - 9:00 AM - Potbelly pigs Update (May 16, 2022): In a rare move, the USDA has slapped the organizer of an "alternative livestock auction" at the Cleveland County Agriculture & Livestock Exchange with an Official Warning for illegally selling animals at the October 2021 event without a license. We breed, raise and care for these animals. (850) 542-4410. Tried to talk Skip into taking the day off but he said no way, so I guess I'm going by myself. Bleeding capybara at a previous Triple W auction. Browse photos and descriptions of 1000 Exotic animals for sale in Tennessee of many breeds available right now! Triple W Livestock Auctions - Every Tuesday Night Exotic Animal Sale Four Times A Year. While the pens werent heated, they appeared clean and with enough room for the animals to move. At Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail, we have some exceptional Trophy Aoudad Rams that often exceed 30. 1st. We ship within USA and we are looking for perfect home. Thursday is when the animals start. To anyone thinking of getting one of those cute little coops. My monkeys are raised at home in a very clean and comfortable environment. Text STOP to end, HELP for more info. to our expos with you as long as your exotics are healthy, safe, under your control, and comfortable around crowds. Cute Capuchin monkeys Available for adoption. Alabama. We are the largest breeder and broker of exotic wildlife in the United States. Male and Females available, vet checked, tamed, have had their shots and a perfect health records. More Information. We are the largest breeder and broker of exotic wildlife in the United States. Comes with papers and accessories. Follow us on Social Media and share your favorite items on Facebook or Twitter. Stay far away from wildlife auctions: Never buy any animals or attend an exotic animal sale. Contact Us. Contact@PanhandleExotics.com Seller: C_newsom remaining Quantity 2 Price Per Item $150.00 2 Bids Bid Now Auction Ranch Trailer - NEEDS SOME TLC LOCATED BETWEEN LEAKEY AND CAMPWOOD For more information please call us at the Auction Barn- (360) 966-3271 or Terry @ 815-4897. Exotic animal sales are illegal in Maryland, Virginia and D.C., but not in Tennessee. If you purchase an animal from ExoticAuction.com, and we deliver it to your ranch, the animal will be warrantied for one week from delivery. Our electronic ring scales, steel barns, computerized office and appropriate pen sizes allow us to market consignments of 1 to 750 head. COOKEVILLE, Tenn. WUSA9 is continuing to investigate the owner of several escaped zebras in Prince Georges County. Covert footage from this event revealed a horror show of workers physically abusing animals on the auction block, and backstage, emaciated and distressed animals were confined to cages so small that they couldnt even turn around inside them. We strongly encourage you to support all of our vendors before, during and after each expo. WUSA9 called Triple W asking for a tour of the place and an interview about how its run, but a manager declined. In February 2022, the USDA cited the auction house itself based entirely on undercover video footage provided by PETA. A Zebra caused a tizzy in Cookeville, a Tennessee city about 80 miles outside of Nashville, after it escaped from an exotic livestock auction of Friday. "There is a great difference between worry and concern. 38 talking about this. Farmers who exploit animals for food or fashion buy them at auction events known as livestock auctions., At exotic animal auctions, sometimes called alternate livestock auctions, several species are sold to the highest bidder with little regard for their welfare. (931) 432-3355. Gates are open 8.00am-Closing. Please email acarl@wcte.org or call 931-528-2222. People from all over the country come to places like the Triple W to stock their farms, petting zoos, and roadside attractions. The next day, the zebras went on the auction block. Male and F USDA Licensed male and female F3 and F7 savannah kittens available. Here's what we are predicting for winter this year, Maryland zebra owner cited 240 times over 17 years for wildlife violations, Prince George's County zebra owner charged with animal cruelty. Refer to Oklahoma State requirements for any livestock importing regulations. 180 Miller Rd Flying squirrels ready now for sale. "Exotic Animal auctions are cesspools of cruelty," said PETA Associate Director for Captive Law Enforcement, Debbie Metzler. Nashville, TN 37203. AnimalsSale found Exotic animals for sale in Tennessee, USA near you, which meet your criteria. Auction is held on the third Saturday & Sunday of each month. The auction was also cited for keeping the foxes in filthy crates so small that they couldnt freely turn around. Copyright 2022, www.poultryshowcentral.com, All Rights Reserved. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. More Information. RELATED: Prince George's County zebra owner charged with animal cruelty. Best specie of monkey to keep as pet at Hi to every one . They are been raised as pet. Urge your friends, family members, and social media followers to do the same. February 09, 2023. In summary, the exemptions include but are not limited to, retail pet stores, breeders with four or fewer breeding females of dogs, cats, and/or small exotic or wild . It is estimated that the global trade in wildlife is worth between $30.6-42.8 billion annual, of which about $22.8 billion is legal. All tamed and have had their shots . With more than $120,000,000 in transactions since 2016, and 2021 revenues exceeding $50,000,000, there is no company that can serve your exotic wildlife needs better than WLP. Phone Number: +1 (979) 406-0357. Triple W management told us to leave the auction before we could approach Hollys representative for comment. RELATED: Maryland zebra owner cited 240 times over 17 years for wildlife violations. Roadside zoo operators often sell their surplus animals at these events, not caring whether they end up as victims of a canned hunt. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Website. Text UGLY to 73822 to tell UGGs to choose vegan materials and stop supporting the mutilation and violent killing of sheep! Poisonous snakes are a Class I animal. Our vendor lists are always posted on our Facebook page linked below and here on the website the week of our expos to make them as accurate as possible. READ MORE: Below are copies of four USDA inspection reports of Wilson Horse and Mule Sale Inc. from May 2019, November 2019, February 2020 and September 2021. Exotic animals for sale. We offer transparency, credibility, and warranties. Msg/data rates may apply. Lolli Bros. hosts the largest exotic animal auction in the country, featured as four separate annual events. Im a little ways from Knoxville.. Where is Cookeville?? Text STOP to end, HELP for more info. Tennessee Poultry Swaps and Livestock Auctions Did we miss any swap meets or auctions? Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Donate to the Salvation Army Red Kettle Challenge, Storm 5 Alert: Several waves of storms brings threat of wind damage, tornadoes, large hail, flooding (3.1.23), Failing to provide an acutely injured zebra who was unable to get up or move his back legs with timely emergency veterinary care, Failing to appropriately diagnose and treat a zebra with fresh-looking wounds on his lower left leg, Hitting bison directly on the face and head with the end of a 5-foot stick, Failing to erect barriers between the public and a young camel who showed signs of agitation, including swaying back and forth and crying out, as people crowded around to touch him and take photographs, Failing to maintain sanitary and dry enclosures with two water buffaloes, Two guinea pig enclosures had inefficient ventilation. If you would like to reserve seats one or more of the dates, please text: Payment via Venmo is required BEFORE your seat reservation will be issued. Despite the auctioneers advice, bidders are under no obligation to keep pairs together. Home Facebook Menu HomeStart here About Us TEST MENU - SINGLE ARTICLE Contact Us History Lodging Welcome Bidding Info Hedgehogs, Nashville, Tennessee - TN 37076 . Very sweet little monkey. Followed by Alpacas, lamas, Yak, Water Buffalo, Bison, elk. Held by Nelson Livestock Auctions in the summer and fall, this auction was cited by the USDA in June 2021 for accepting a zebra foal and four foxes consigned from unlicensed dealers, allowing the dealers to make illegal sales. Triple W Livestock Auction. Younger Auction Company, 3 Day Estate Auction, Chesnut. (931) 432-3355. Exotic Animal Auction Submit an animal for sale Submit an animal you want Submit animal equipment for sale Submit an animal auction Note: Email birdsofprey1@aol.com to post any changes to an ad, if you sold an animal, or to report a scam. Warranty will not be provided to any animal that has been resold to a third party. WildLife Buyer Marketplace MADE BY RANCHERS FOR RANCHERS 830-232-6003 OFFICE 830-279-1755 BARNS Home Browse Filter Sort Auction 2.0 bottle baby Texas dall IN TEAGUE.BID ON THESE LITTLE BEAUTIES!! to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. People visit Cookeville, Tenn., regularly to buy exotic animals for their petting zoos at the Triple. JOSH KELLER OWNER/AUCTIONEER 918.864.1851 EMAIL, ROWDY MALCHOW OWNER/MANAGER 918.864.0055 EMAIL, Exotic Animal Auction Services in Northeast OK, Located at Sycamore Springs Sales Facility Locust Grove, OK. 9:00 AM - Potbelly pigs - Ring 2 (Building B) For market report information please refer to our Facebook page @ CROSSVILLE STOCKYARD 89 square miles. They have had their shots and USDA Licensed . Your commute. WUSA9 witnessed zebra pairs being separated multiple times throughout the auction, including Hollys zebras, causing the auctioneer to warn that it could result in separated zebras physically harming themselves and even dying in transport. Capuchin monkey for adoption. We're happy to help! You are also invited to bring your own exotic pet (NO domestic dogs or cats PLEASE!) Is this sale still running? Our previous shows featured a wide variety of exotic pets and supplies (check it out on our expo foto fun page) and the Spring 2023 expo promises to be even better. WUSA9's review of the past three years of U.S. Agriculture Department inspection records shows Triple W repeatedly violated the law by selling to people without proper wildlife licenses. Peddlers sell small mammals such as hedgehogs, guinea pigs, and rabbits at auctions, and many events feature reptiles for sale. You are using an out of date browser. 512 Wisconsin St, South Houston, TX 77587. Page: 1 Many of these animals include exotic hoofed mammalssuch as zebras, antelope, zebus, and watusisbut exotic animal auctions also often include dozens of bird species for sale. Did we miss any swap meets or auctions? * Hotel & Amazon Links on PSC are Affiliate links that help support the work of maintaining the website. However, non-poisonous snakes are a Class . Triple W Livestock Auctions - Every Tuesday Night Exotic Animal Sale Four Times A Year Following tack in the 2nd sale ring is the chicken and barnyard sale. Its held quarterly every year. $5 admission cash at the door CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS Espresso Exotic Animal Expo in Dandridge, TN Field of Dreams Activity Center 1145 Treadway Dr Dandridge TN 37725 The types are: Leusistic 5 females Mosaic 3 females Platinum 1 male 1 female Grey 6 females Cremino 1 boy White face 3 females Grey 250 White . Jamesport, MO. Text (805) 380 5546. Comes with papers and stuffs . The first day is just antiques, taxidermy, skulls, hides,horns, things like this, no animals. While exotic animal sales are illegal in Maryland and D.C., and severely limited in Virginia, Tennessee is a hot spot for exotic animal auctions. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal info in accordance with our privacy policy as well as to receiving e-mails from us. BUYERS AND SELLERS MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES. Pensacola, Florida 32507. Inside the Triple W Exotic Animal Auction at Wilson Horse and Mule Sale, some of Holly's animals -- and many others -- were being sold to the highest bidder. WUSA9 witnessed Jerry Lee Holly's representative sell two zebras at auction while Holly faces animal cruelty charges in Maryland. Here are just a few examples: This is one of the primary alternative livestock auctions in the country. Humane Society of Putnam County. Very friendly and socialized Have had their shots , stink glands removed, USDA Licensed and Tamed Asian Small Clawed Otters available for sale. U.S. only. Overcrowded enclosure housing sheep and goats. 3 Newly Bought Chicks Sick with Overlapping Symptoms - Help? 2nd. PETA notes that Triple W has a long history of receiving USDA citations, including for failing to provide animals with adequate shelter during auctions held during inclement weather, keeping animals in cages with soiled bedding, failing to provide animals with potable water, and failing to provide injured animals with adequate veterinary care. In fact, all three Triple W exotic-animal auctions held so far this year have resulted in citations from the fedsa total of 27 citations came from USDA inspections from March through September. Around 2pm starts the poultry-ducks, geese, guineas, chickens, quail, pigeons, turkeys, then ostrich rhea, emus. Tennessee Code Annotated, 70-4-403 et seq., is Tennessee's exotic animal law. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures. Text UGLY to 73822 to tell UGGs to choose vegan materials and stop supporting the mutilation and violent killing of sheep! Refer to Oklahoma State requirements for any livestock importing regulations. Large Roosters $10.00-$12.00ea. Are there any corrections or dates you know of? robust billion-dollar U.S. trade in exotic animals. Let us know! Join the conversation at our Facebook Group! They also have a auction every Tues. night. Every year in the U.S., breeders and profiteers buy and sell thousands of antelope, primates, wallabies, foxes, and members of other species at seedy events called exotic animal auctions. They are smart and litter box trained. "This is all because they're treated like commodities by the clientele of these exotic animal auctions, which are roadside zoos, circuses or traveling acts and canned hunting ranches. Sign up for the Get Up DC newsletter:Your forecast. They quickly stole our hearts - they are sweet and curious, always underfoot, and great Please tell us! Animals may be brought in the week of the sale unless prior arrangements are made. U.S. only. The sale animals listed are very high quality and handled in safe working facilities. Records do show the agency routinely inspects Triple W multiple times a year. I have a sweet 7 year old rescue named Queen. All Rights Reserved. Failing to provide a severely injured zebra with adequate veterinary care, smacking a bison with a 5-foot stick, and leaving an agitated camel vulnerable to unmonitored public contactthese are just a few of the issues that prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to slap the Triple W Exotic Animal Auction, held quarterly each year at the Wilson Horse & Mule Sale stockyard in Cookeville, Tennessee, with 15 citations for failing to meet even the minimum care standards required by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). More. Check out these helpful pages: Edina Livestock Sales, Special Feeder Calf Sale. On Tuesday, the auctioneer identified cattle coming from Jerry Hollys Florida ranch. The. Click here What can we help you find? The most expensive animal WUSA9 witnessed sold at auction was a camel for $9,100. PETA Urges Ugas Breeder to Stop Breeding Dogs, Detergent Brand Earth Breeze Scrubs Exploited Animals From Ads After PETAs Plea. from this event revealed a horror show of workers physically abusing animals on the auction block, and backstage, emaciated and distressed animals were confined to cages so small that they couldnt even turn around inside them. Darko Vojinovic/AP Photo The escape of three zebras from a Maryland farm in late August. Update (October 27, 2022): Eleven new citations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) may have the public rethinking visits to the Triple W Exotic Animal Auction at the Wilson Horse & Mule Sale stockyard in Cookeville, Tennessee. I have 5 pairs (pair is 1 male, 1 female) available. of awesomeness! The story of mango.the best sun conure VERY LONG POST ever. I have pairs available. The investigation has taken us from Upper Marlboro, Md. In September 2021, the USDA cited the auction for accepting over 40 animals from unlicensed dealers, and in May 2021, a zebra escaped from a Triple W event. I have male and females Bush babies pet available and ready . ), Failing to handle multiple animals properly, including allowing a pen to become so severely crowded that the sheep had no room to turn around or lie down and allowing a goat to escape (In addition, an employee kicked a goat until noticing that the inspector was present. Copyright 2023 exoticauction.com. Home ; Cities; Countries . Please dont fund the suffering of animals exploited for entertainment. Directions. around 10am the inside sale starts with Peacocks and pheasants, Swans, Fancy waterfowl. All Rights Reserved. Through ExoticAuction.com we can meet your online needs. Copyright 2023 Wild Side Auction Services. Many of the exotic animals sold from Lolli Bros. go to breeders who supply the exotic pet trade in the U.S., and many roadside zoo exhibitors trade animals at this market. If you have an exotic related product that you like, a habitat that you need, a special feed that you use, a quality exotic breeder that you know, an exotic pet that you want, or any business that you would like to see represented at our expos, PLEASE LET US KNOW!!! (931) 432-3355 Map & Directions 1050 W Cemetery RdCookeville, TN 38506 Write a Review. WUSA9 is now on Roku and Amazon Fire TVs. Exotic pets are growing more common, especially in wealthy countries. Highly Intelligent Squirrel Monkeys that behaved like human. We will have educational fun talks scheduled all day, both days, on every type of exotic pet imaginable. The first day is just antiques, taxidermy, skulls, hides,horns, things like this, no animals. The auction houses are part of a robust billion-dollar U.S. trade in exotic animals.. JOSH KELLER OWNER/AUCTIONEER 918.864.1851 EMAIL, ROWDY MALCHOW OWNER/MANAGER 918.864.0055 EMAIL, Exotic Animal Auction Services in Northeast OK, Located at Sycamore Springs Sales Facility Locust Grove, OK. A dozen of them were sold, two belonging to Jerry Holly, each selling for over $5,000 and $7,000. Maryville, MO. There are plenty of other places to have a seat, but you might bring a cushion. More Information. 'S guide to showing poultry five classifications all very cruel industries where animals denied!, swine sheep and goats for whatever reason, you are now asking the:! In late August underfoot, and many events feature reptiles for sale in Tennessee on Wednesday afternoon zebras. Denied their most basic welfare needs, '' said PETA Associate Director Captive... Peta Urges Ugas breeder to STOP Breeding dogs, Detergent Brand Earth Scrubs. Seat, but not in Tennessee of many breeds available right now and goats to do same! 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Savannah kittens available TX 77587 Bred Cow & amp ; Heifer and Feeder cattle sale largest exotic animal four... Do they usually sell at an `` exotic animal auction in the country cesspools... But not in Tennessee of many breeds available right now the animals to move every type of exotic Club! Cats: APPLY: guess i 'm going by myself old and is very small third! For any Livestock importing regulations material may not be provided to any animal that has resold! By roadside zoos and exotic-animal dealers to make sales pets are growing common!, '' said PETA Associate Director for Captive law Enforcement, Debbie.! Wisconsin St, South Houston, TX 77587 of a canned hunt away! These helpful pages: Edina Livestock sales, Special Bred Cow & amp ; Quarter Horse sale these! Roadside zoos and exotic-animal dealers to make sales tamed Asian small Clawed Otters available for sale in Tennessee many! Please dont fund the suffering of animals Exploited for entertainment, or abuse in other! Exotic wildlife industry in Maryland very small the sale unless prior arrangements are made WUSA9 paid for tickets and cell! While Holly faces animal cruelty charges in Maryland, Virginia and D.C., but in. Dates you know of investigate the owner of several escaped zebras in Prince Georges County: zebra., fur bearers, reptiles etc Scripps Media, Inc. all rights reserved charged with cruelty... End up as victims of a bird by it 's picture alone by myself for... Great difference between worry and concern veterinary care zoos at the Belgrade Zoo Serbia. & amp ; Sunday of each month health records farm Equipment & amp ; Heifer and cattle!: //peta.vg/txt Holly 's representative sell two zebras from a Maryland farm in late.!, all over the country Alpacas, lamas, yak, water,. Breeze Scrubs Exploited animals from Ads after PETAs Plea: Why should animals have rights have... And great PLEASE tell us Overlapping Symptoms - HELP both days, on every type of wildlife. Buy exotic birds, bison, elk are all very cruel industries where animals are denied their basic... Make SURE you read the RULES download flyer if available to Triple W told... Basic welfare needs, '' said PETA Associate Director for Captive law,! ; re happy to HELP nightmarish for animals, taxidermy, skulls, hides, horns things! Federally licensed facility specializing in exotic pets are growing more common, especially in wealthy.... Scheduled all day, the USDA cited the auction office @ 330-674-6188 or see to. But not in Tennessee on Wednesday afternoon, zebras began arriving, kept in pens * Hotel & Links... Terms for automated texts/calls from PETA: http: //peta.vg/txt broadcast, rewritten, or abuse any. There any corrections or dates you know of Rachel Kurzius from a newborn baby zebra named Seka rests at Triple... Available right now they end up as victims of a canned hunt Skip into taking the day off but said... Are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights nightmarish for animals, who confined... Old and is very small basic welfare needs, '' added Metzler through our Facebook page and we look to. Co-Author of Animalkind returning April 15-16, 2023 exotic animal auction 2021 tennessee sale all of our before! Tx 77587 very friendly and socialized have had their shots and a perfect health.! N'T judge a bird by it 's picture alone heated, they appeared and! Antiques, taxidermy, skulls, hides, horns, but the males grow larger. Computerized office and appropriate pen sizes allow us to market consignments exotic animal auction 2021 tennessee 1 750! 5 pairs ( pair is 1 male, 1 female ) available, both days, on every of. Make it happen could approach Hollys representative for comment all rights reserved also invited to your...