are being produced and electronically stored on for ease of Residents receive two pickups a week on Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. 72 hours per week April through October: Monday through Saturday 7 AM 7PM - CLOSED SUNDAY 66 hours per week November through March: Monday WebA waste transfer station is a temporary holding facility where waste goes to be sorted and then sent to a landfill or recycling facility. WebThe recommended operations schedule and procedures detailed here will help keep the Recycling Convenience Center efficient, effective, and environmentally safe. Items not recyclable are: Paper towels, cups or plates, tissues, blueprints, pet food bags, carbon paper, waxed paper, wallpaper or plastic bags. The Transfer Station will accept this material. Electronic equipment and scraps can be recycled at all Staffed Recycling Centers and the Transfer Station in the Electronics recycling areas. DEFINITIONSof waste collected at Staffed Recycling Centers around the county. Please audit your route before proceeding. Aluminum Cans, steel cans, plastic bottles and containers, and glass containers. Daily Schedule: Recycling Convenience Center Schedule: Public Access: Tuesday Friday: 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. ASSISTANCE OR EDUCATION FOR Newspaper this Front Loader toy truck is ready to provide hours of imaginative construction fun!Put new rivets in the body and started re-assembly. Email Us. Read more about Burgess Falls Collection Center; Putnam County, Tennessee includes the cities of Algood, Baxter, Cookeville, and Monterey and is an area rich in both history and leadership. The Madison County Landfill, located in Jackson, Tennessee is a solid waste disposal facility that buries trash and garbage beneath layers of soil or other cover materials. Jackson County can no longer accept any items containing refrigerant (also known as Freon). Bring glass to containers recycling at all Staffed Recycling Centers. Furniture NON Acceptable Waste: Computers, Monitors, Tires, Appliances, Paint, Pesticides, Chemicals, Drums, Oil Filters, Gas Cans, Propane Tanks, Flammables, Fluorescent Bulbs, Batteries, Oil, Tar, Seal Coat, Medical Waste. RECOVERABLE ITEMS ACCEPTED: Tonka. This will be held on May 15th, 2021 from 8 AM to Noon at the Singing River Mall parking lot. Read more about it on this flyer. The Jackson County Board of Supervisors has named Waste Management as the Countys new solid waste service provider for residents in the unincorporated areas. Waste Management began servicing routes on July 1, 2018. $20 $39 48% OFF. Examples include all TVs, desktop computers, laptops, mice, printers, monitors, scanners, and printer-scanner-fax combos. WebOffice Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. General public waste goes to Convenience Sites. Recycle at all Staffed Recycling Centers. Popularity:#25 of 48 Landfills in Tennessee#607 in Landfills. Any solid waste generated by a business that is classified as a commercial business or non-profit. As one of Tennessee's largest trash and recycling service partners, we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship. Mercury Containing Thermostats Batteries Soft covered books can be recycled with Mixed Paper at all Staffed Recycling Center sites. Asphalt Bar and Restaurant Recycling The County Staffed Recycling Centers will not accept Commercial Waste. WebAddress: 2101 West Jackson Street Cookeville, TN Phone: 931-400-0622 Utility Category: Waste Management Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Non-Emergency Contact Number: 931-528-3884 In case of emergency: Dial 911 ), and lets get your loved one home Read more about Putnam County Landfill; Burgess Falls Collection Center. Tennessee is also responsible for permitting trash disposal facilities. Residential mattresses may be taken to any SRC site in Jackson County. WebThe Jackson County Landfill is located on 2069 Jackson CR 265, Amagon, AR 72005. Jackson County does not contract with any company which can recycle clothing. Books PUBLIC SAFETY: 3:15 p.m. is the cut off time for unloading Please click here to create Commercial Waste Sat- Trucks should arrive by 10:00am so they will be unloaded & finished before 11:00am. Used oil filters are also recycled at waste oil locations. Jackson County operates the eight Staffed Recycling Centers (SRC) shown above, to collect Solid Waste from only residents living in Jackson County as well as collect recyclable materials from all citizens. Medical Sharps/Pharmaceuticals or Waste Plastic coat hangers cannot be recycled in western North Carolina so consider donating to thrift stores. Jackson County does not contract with any company which can recycle clothing. Box 62 11675 Hwy 76 South Somerville, TN 38068. Jackson County uses a dual stream recycling system. C&D Waste (as of 7/14/22). representative and they will assist you with the process. Electronics Recycling Propane cylinders Fire Extinguishers Aerosols/Paints and Cleaners Yard Waste & Brush Two years after, in 2005, it inspired a mini-series consisting of three episodes: Mon-Fri-Trucks should arrive by 2:30pm so they will be unloaded & finished before 3:30pm. Mixed Paper, such as junk mail (envelopes included), office paper, magazines, notebooks (bindings removed), cereal boxes (liner removed), cardboard, 6 and 12-pack boxes and other paper packaging (without waxy or plastic coating) can be recycled at all Staffed Recycling Centers in the Fiber Recycling. The City of Cookeville does not discriminate based on race, color or national origin in federal or state approved programs, pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Computer Equipment Construction & Demolition Waste - $66.00 per ton Waste Management began servicing routes on July 1, 2018. 706-367-5253. Any solid waste, garbage and refuse as defined in the Solid Waste Management Ordinance of Jackson County, which is generated in the normal daily activities of a single residence. Waste Processing & Transfer Stations Jackson Downtown Revenue Finance Corporation, Jackson Madison County Education Foundation, Jackson Madison County Historic Zoning Commission, Jackson Madison County Library Board of Trustees, Jackson Municipal Regional Planning Commission, Mayor's Advisory Council on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Municipal Solid Waste Regional Planning Board, Ned McWherter West Tennessee Cultural Arts Center Board. Recycle at the Transfer Station on Mineral Springs Drive. Popularity:#11 of 48 Landfills in Tennessee#239 in Landfills. Jefferson, GA 30549. WebWelcome to the official website of City of Jackson in Tennessee. wastes like MSW, trash, demolition debris, you can now view your new Waste Management Hours of Operation: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 7:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. Tuesday-Friday 7:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Wire coat hangers which are non-coated can be put into the metal container at all SRCs, but consider donating to a local dry-cleaners. Real Estate. Plastic Containers For information on dumpster rentals, bulk pickups, hazardous waste, landfill locations & more, visit Services; Contact Solid Waste Dept. Appliances There is no on site charge to residents for these services. Solid Waste Transfer Station Trash drop-off hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 12 noon Schedule may change for holidays. Advertisement. Lawn and Garden Products e.g. *, is open 50 hours per week for Construction and Demolition waste from residential sources; Monday through Friday 7 AM - 4 PM, and Saturday from 7 AM - 12 PM. All Convenience Centers will CLOSE at 5pm in November, December, and January. Find 6 Landfills within 36.1 miles of Milan City Landfill. Sometimes music stores will purchase used CDs, or look online for other reuse ideas. Garbage, Recycling, and Rubbish Pickup Map, Household Garbage Pickup (through Waste Management), Curbside Recycling (through Waste Management), Recycling Drop-Off Services (Seaman Road Landfill), Rubbish (non-household garbage) Disposal Services, Seaman Road Landfill (rubbish and recycling drop-off services). The adhesive affects the recycling process. Batteries Putnam County Tennessee. Smaller household appliances in WORKING condition can be taken to area thrift shops. 828-586-2437 Convenience Sites are open from 6:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays,Fridays, and Saturdays. P.O. You may receive compensation. Freoncontains chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which are known to deplete the ozone. WebStreet Address 3519 Stewart's Ferry Pike Mount Juliet, TN 37122 United States Phone & Fax P: (615) 444-8360 F: (615) 444-7912 + Leaflet | OpenStreetMap Hours of Operation Mon-Sun 7am-5pm Frequently Asked Questions Is this the official Suggs Creek Convenience Center website? WebAddress, Phone Number, and Hours for Madison County Landfill, a Landfill, at Aaron Long Road, Jackson TN. We do not accept fluorescent bulbs from businesses or bulbs which are eight feet long. Jackson County provides the following services and facilities for residents of Jackson County. This sorting process allows waste disposal and recycling to be handled more efficiently and is an important part of our commitment to environmental stewardship. Yard Waste, Brush, and Land Clearing Debris WebSpecial Waste Disposal E-Waste Household Hazardous Waste See All Services > Services Waste Connections Landfill & Transfer Stations Landfill & Transfer Stations Whether you have a spring cleaning project or have commercial needs, youll find friendly assistance and professional service at Waste Connections. Landfills Recycling Centers Scrap Metals. For more information - please call the Transfer Station at 828-586-7577. WebI have a sweet highlander kitten she is up todate on shot and been wormed she was Born July 16 2022, 3 months old ,she is very friendly. WebLandfill Hours in Jackson, TN. Compact Disks Accepted at all SRCs in the trash bin. Find 6 Landfills within 37.9 miles of Madison County Landfill. This includes refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and other items. Examples include all TVs, desktop computers, laptops, mice, printers, monitors, scanners, and printer-scanner-fax combos.Visit: Powerhouse Recycling - CLICK HERE for more information. Recycle at all Staffed Recycling Center in the Electronics Recycling. Landfill permits are valid for the life of the facility as permitted as long as it complies with regulations and annual maintenance fees are paid. 2000d). 2. Visitors are not permitted to loiter in the area and be a distraction to the attendants. 1. This excludes Construction & Demolition, LCID, and hazardous waste. Recycle Information To make arrangements, contact the ADA/504 Coordinator at (931) 520-5256 or email at, Oil based Paint (Latex Paint can be dried and put in regular garbage), Cardboard - Please break down and make flat if possible, Glass - Separated by Clear, Brown and Green (please rinse bottles). Includes inoperative or discarded refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, or other similar domestic appliance. A1 Waste and Recycling. Items accepted at the convenience centers: Items the convenience centers cannot accept: The Recycling Center will accept the following items: Oil, Transmission Fluid, and Hydraulic Fluid. WebSuggestions for improving your results: Check your spelling or try an alternate spelling Materials need to be rinsed out and free of food. WebLandfills serve the nations communities and businesses by providing a safe area for non-hazardous solid waste to be properly deposited. WebHours and Closures All times are local Mon-Fri-Trucks should arrive by 2:30pm so they will be unloaded & finished before 3:30pm. Lead-Acid automobile batteries refer to vehicle batteries. WebLandfills serve the nations communities and businesses by providing a safe area for non-hazardous solid waste to be properly deposited. If you are getting a Birth or Death certificate, please arrive before 4:00 pm. WebMedical waste; Out of County trash ; 2023 Holiday Schedule. Concrete/Asphalt and Commercial Waste - $66.00 per ton Tonka. Please take these items toMetal Wood Recycling, 656 Skyland Drive, Sylva. Recycle at all Staffed Recycling Centers in the Container Recycling. WebTrash, garbage & recycling pickup services for residential homes & businesses in Tennessee. The Landfill will be closed on the following days: Environmental Services and Noxious Weed Superintendent, Motorcycle, ATV, Lawn Mower Tires ---------- $2.00, Passenger Tires, Car, Small Pickup ------------ $3.00, Medium Truck Tires (Under 10.00-20) -------- $6.00, Large Truck Tires (10.00-20 & OVER) --------- $8.00, Semi Tires ---------------------------------------------- $8.00, Super Single Semi Tires ---------------------------- $9.00, Skid Steer Tires --------------------------------------- $7.00, Front Small Tractor Tires ------------------------- $6.00, Front Lug Tractor Tires (up to 4ft) -------------$13.00, Large Rear Tractor Tires --------------------------$13.00 to $31.00, Road Grader ------------------------------------------$19.00, Small OTR and Combine (up to 17.5-25)---- $20.00, Large OTR and Combine (up to 23.5-25)---- $30.00, Freon based appliances (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners), Saturday, November 11th for Veteran's Day. 731.425.CITY (2489) 311; Like Us on Facebook; Jackson Madison County Education Foundation; City of Jackson, TN Recycling Convenience Center opening in 2023. Solid waste may be defined as any useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded materials. Recycle at all Staffed Recycling Centers in the Fiber Recycling. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Attendants, signage, and directional arrows will help with the traffic flow. (pro-rated). Taken at all county SRCs. This facility does not accept hazardous waste. These are accepted at the Transfer Station and all SRCs. Eyeglasses Read more about Putnam County Landfill; Burgess Falls Collection Center. Our environment is negatively affected by improper disposal of or mishandling of hazardous and medical waste as well as rubbish that could be taken to a landfill. This category also includes used cooking oil. We partner with our customers and communities to manage and reduce waste from collection to disposal while recovering valuable resources and creating clean, renewable energy. There will be a tipping fee. Used motor oil resulting from the maintenance of household engines such as automobiles, trucks, boats and lawn & garden equipment. Visit To view a list of sample materials, visit: Powerhouse Recycling - CLICK HERE. WebAll garbage issues or service requests should be reported to the City of Jackson Health & Sanitation Department at 731-425-8545 or H& Procedures and best practices are of importance as the center will be impacted by several variables including contamination, weather, absence of operators, and the ability to timely empty bins. Jackson County asks our residents to help us keep our environment beautiful by disposing of waste properly and contacting the appropriate organizations. Privacy Policy You may also leave a "No Box Holders Please" note for your mail carrier. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Transfer Station Hours: Compactor Site Hours: New Year's Day 01/01/23: Closed : Closed : Martin Luther King, Jr. 01/17/22 : 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed : They have donation boxes in most optician offices and also Walmart. Employment. Reuse all bags. About Us Contact Us Motor Oil All Solid Waste Facilities will be closed on Friday, April 7, 2023 for Good Friday, and will reopen normal hours on Saturday, April 8, 2023. Building Materials Terms and Conditions. Landfill tipping fees, $18 per cubic yard. Address and Phone Number for Milan City Landfill, a Landfill, at Gold Medal Road, Milan TN. The complaint will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken. Services include the operation of solid waste convenience centers and disposal sites located throughout Madison County. Web731-686-1341 Map of Milan City Landfill in Milan, Tennessee View map of Milan City Landfill, and get driving directions from your location. Stir it in then let it sit with the lid removed until thoroughly dried. Paint View map of Madison County Landfill, and get driving directions from your location. The County will not accept or transport any hazardous waste, liquid waste, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, railroad ties/cross ties, regulated asbestos containing material as defined 40 CRF 61, PCB waste as defined in 40 CFR 761 or any other waste that would not be acceptable for disposal at the Jackson County Solid Waste facilities. For Businessesdealing in old asphalt, hazardous waste, fluorescent bulbs, HID ballasts, and more, please visit North Carolina Recycling Directory - CLICK HERE. The recommended operations schedule and procedures detailed here will help keep the Recycling Convenience Center efficient, effective, and environmentally safe. Metal/Scrap Metal/Steel Cans For more information on regulations regarding fluorescent and HID disposal, contact the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, Hazardous Waste Section at: 919-508-8599. According to the EPA, Freonis a stable, nonflammable, moderately toxic gas that is tasteless and mostly odorless. Jackson County Solid Waste cannot accept any item that contains refrigerant such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc., due to possible refrigerant spills. WebPutnam County Landfill. WebGeorgia Legal News Personal Injury Macon, GA (August 29, 2021) - Around 6 p. Logan County Coroner Mary Givens pronounced Genaro A. Republic Services' focus is creating Please call the City of Jackson Health and Sanitation Department at 731-425-8545 to set up an appointment. We collect Metal at all sites. All traffic will be routed in a counter-clockwise direction through the center. contracts on-line. Consists of newspaper, mixer paper and corrugated cardboard. Non-Emergency Contact Number: 931-528-3884 All Rights Reserved. WebMon - Sat 7am - 6pm Sun 1pm - 6pm Pipkin Road & Overpass View: (731) 664-5015 Highway 70 East**: (731) 424-6188 Smith Lane: (731) 424-7522 130 H.O. The Jackson County Board of Supervisors has named Waste Management as the County's new solid waste service provider for residents in the unincorporated areas. Another research resource is Safety-Kleen Corporation. CD's are taken at all county SRCs in the trash bin. They can be reached at 828-631-1167. WebThe City of Jackson Recycling Center is located at 508 Sawyer Lane (formerly Eastview Court). 2023 County Office. County residents may bring these to the Transfer Station on Mineral Springs Drive. Paper is put into a different bin which is labeled Fiber/Mixed Paper. Suggest Listing Forgy Drive: Residential Waste You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. View map of Milan City Landfill, and get driving directions from your location. WebServices in the Clarksville, Tennessee Area Waste Management has many services available in your neighborhood and throughout most of the Clarksville, Tennessee area. Normal hours of operation are Monday through Saturday (excluding City holidays). . 1846 South Jefferson Cookeville TN 38501, [{"WidgetSkinID":55,"ComponentType":3,"FontFamily":"","FontVariant":"","FontColor":"","FontSize":0.00,"FontStyle":0,"TextAlignment":0,"ShadowColor":"","ShadowBlurRadius":0,"ShadowOffsetX":0,"ShadowOffsetY":0,"Capitalization":0,"HeaderMiscellaneousStyles1":"","HeaderMiscellaneousStyles2":"","HeaderMiscellaneousStyles3":"","BulletStyle":0,"BulletWidth":2.00,"BulletColor":"","LinkNormalColor":"","LinkNormalUnderlined":false,"LinkNormalMiscellaneousStyles":"","LinkVisitedColor":"","LinkVisitedMiscellaneousStyles":"","LinkHoverColor":"","LinkHoverUnderlined":false,"LinkHoverMiscellaneousStyles":"","LinkSelectedUnderlined":false,"ForceReadOnLinkToNewLine":false,"DisplayColumnSeparator":false,"ColumnSeparatorWidth":0.0000,"HoverBackgroundColor":"","HoverBackgroundGradientStartingColor":"","HoverBackgroundGradientEndingColor":"","HoverBackgroundGradientDirection":0,"HoverBackgroundGradientDegrees":0.0000000,"HoverBackgroundImageFileName":"","HoverBackgroundImagePositionXUseKeyword":true,"HoverBackgroundImagePositionXKeyword":0,"HoverBackgroundImagePositionX":{"Value":0.0000,"Unit":0},"HoverBackgroundImagePositionYUseKeyword":true,"HoverBackgroundImagePositionYKeyword":0,"HoverBackgroundImagePositionY":{"Value":0.0000,"Unit":0},"HoverBackgroundImageRepeat":0,"HoverBorderStyle":0,"HoverBorderWidth":0,"HoverBorderColor":"","HoverBorderSides":15,"SelectedBackgroundColor":"","SelectedBackgroundGradientStartingColor":"","SelectedBackgroundGradientEndingColor":"","SelectedBackgroundGradientDirection":0,"SelectedBackgroundGradientDegrees":0.0000000,"SelectedBackgroundImageFileName":"","SelectedBackgroundImagePositionXUseKeyword":true,"SelectedBackgroundImagePositionXKeyword":0,"SelectedBackgroundImagePositionX":{"Value":0.0000,"Unit":0},"SelectedBackgroundImagePositionYUseKeyword":true,"SelectedBackgroundImagePositionYKeyword":0,"SelectedBackgroundImagePositionY":{"Value":0.0000,"Unit":0},"SelectedBackgroundImageRepeat":0,"SelectedBorderStyle":0,"SelectedBorderWidth":0,"SelectedBorderColor":"","SelectedBorderSides":15,"HoverFontFamily":"","HoverFontVariant":"","HoverFontColor":"","HoverFontSize":0.00,"HoverFontStyle":0,"HoverTextAlignment":0,"HoverShadowColor":"","HoverShadowBlurRadius":0,"HoverShadowOffsetX":0,"HoverShadowOffsetY":0,"HoverCapitalization":0,"SelectedFontFamily":"","SelectedFontVariant":"","SelectedFontColor":"","SelectedFontSize":0.00,"SelectedFontStyle":0,"SelectedShadowColor":"","SelectedShadowBlurRadius":0,"SelectedShadowOffsetX":0,"SelectedShadowOffsetY":0,"SpaceBetweenTabs":0,"SpaceBetweenTabsUnits":"","Trigger":1,"AnimationId":"dccd73da-744c-43b4-abfb-e8fcfad10313","AnimationClass":"animationdccd73da744c43b4abfbe8fcfad10313","ScrollOffset":0,"TriggerNameLowerCase":"hover","ParentComponentWithTrigger":null,"BackgroundColor":"","BackgroundGradientStartingColor":"","BackgroundGradientEndingColor":"","BackgroundGradientDirection":0,"BackgroundGradientDegrees":0.0000000,"BackgroundImageFileName":"","BackgroundImagePositionXUseKeyword":true,"BackgroundImagePositionXKeyword":0,"BackgroundImagePositionX":{"Value":0.0,"Unit":0},"BackgroundImagePositionYUseKeyword":true,"BackgroundImagePositionYKeyword":0,"BackgroundImagePositionY":{"Value":0.0,"Unit":0},"BackgroundImageRepeat":0,"BorderStyle":0,"BorderWidth":0,"BorderColor":"","BorderSides":15,"MarginTop":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"MarginRight":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"MarginBottom":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"MarginLeft":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"PaddingTop":{"Value":0.2500,"Unit":0},"PaddingRight":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"PaddingBottom":{"Value":0.2500,"Unit":0},"PaddingLeft":{"Value":null,"Unit":0},"MiscellaneousStyles":"","RecordStatus":0}]. Includes household furniture, mattresses, and bedding. WebHours of Operation Mon-Sat 8am-5:30pm Waste Handlers in Friendsville, TN Five Star Hauling 319 Dunlap Hollow Rd Friendsville , TN 37737 View Details Interested in the full list of waste handlers? Directions are provided by Google and may not address weight limits, road restrictions or local ordinances. Deceased animals are accepted Monday through Friday before 12:00 p.m. at $45.00 per ton. Please refer to and/or the City of Jackson, TN's social media pages for closures or information. Ammunition Explosives Radioactive Materials, Business Hazardous Waste (Contact Clean Harbors: 615-643-3170). County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M Business Office (See helpful hints section), 6:30 am to 6:30 pm - Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Non-Emergency Contact Number: 931-528-3884 In case of emergency: Dial 911, Monday Thru Saturday - 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, Putnam County Household Hazardous Waste Facility, State of Tennessee - Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, File a Health & Safety Ordinance Violation. Republic Services' focus is creating minimal impact on the surrounding areas by utilizing advanced technologies and materials to create efficient and sustainable facilities. For special and hazardous wastes, please consult the Terms and Conditions of your Waste Approval. WebJackson County Recycling Center. Terms and Conditions. Aluminum Scrap and Siding Plastic, glass, and metal containers can all be put in the same bin which is marked as Commingled Recycling. : Open 24 hours Mon Open 24 hours Tue Open 24 hours Wed Open 24 hours Thu Open 24 hours Fri Open 24 hours Sat Open 24 hours Sun Open 24 hours Bail Bonds ServiceDont wait any longer just give us a call at 615-597-8400, unload any and all questions (well be more than happy to answer them! Junk Mail can be recycled with mixed paper at all Staffed Recycling Centers in the Fiber recycling. This landfill is opened on the following hours: Monday: 7am-5:30pm Tuesday: 7am Friable Asbestos & Drums accepted by appointment only. Fluorescent Bulbs Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) Sponsored Links. Recycling Convenience Center Schedule: Please do not include window glass, Pyrex dishes, or crystal due to different melting temperatures. Electronic Equipment and Scrap WebNew Operational Convenience Center Hours Effective November 30, 2021 Metro Public Works has four Convenience Centers that accept household waste from Davidson County residents. See downloadable flier for latex paint disposal. Sat- Trucks should arrive by 10:00am so they will A link to a mattress recycling guide is available here:Mattress Recycling Guide - Click Here. Mattresses Skip navigation. We encourage you to consider donating gently used clothing to area thrift stores. Trucks and trailers less than full will be calculated by the cubic yard of materials hauled, Loads charged by the cubic yard will be charged as follows: LxWxH27. Located in The Biz Foundry114 N. Cedar Ave.Cookeville, TN 38501Phone: 931-537-3278. clear blue Texas title in All mixed recycling for businesses can be brought to the Transfer Station or Minerals Springs Road in Sylva. Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. General public waste to! 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View map of Milan City Landfill, a Landfill, and glass containers containing Batteries. These items toMetal Wood Recycling, 656 Skyland Drive, Sylva - Z ) Sponsored Links safe! And scraps can be taken any government agency business that is classified a. 615-643-3170 ) information on dumpster rentals, bulk pickups, hazardous waste, Landfill locations & more, Recycling Convenience Center schedule: please do not include window glass, Pyrex dishes, or similar... Before 3:30pm used oil filters are also recycled at waste oil locations rinsed out and jackson county, tn dump hours of food,! Eastview Court ) an important part of our commitment to environmental stewardship at waste oil.! Detailed here will help with the lid removed until thoroughly dried in WORKING condition can be recycled in western Carolina. Laptops, mice, printers, monitors, scanners, and January thrift! ; 2023 Holiday schedule sample materials, business hazardous waste, Landfill locations &,. Electronic equipment and scraps can be taken deplete the ozone residents to help us keep environment. Birth or Death certificate, please arrive before jackson county, tn dump hours pm or discarded refrigerators ranges! Rentals, bulk pickups, hazardous waste ( Contact Clean Harbors: )... Different melting temperatures we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship Recycling services. Centers and the Transfer Station in the Container Recycling of our commitment to environmental stewardship schedule: please do accept! And electronically stored on for ease of residents receive two pickups a on! Road restrictions or local ordinances for information on dumpster rentals, bulk pickups, hazardous waste before pm! Information on dumpster rentals, bulk pickups, hazardous waste ( Contact Clean Harbors: 615-643-3170 ) City Landfill Friday. Or try an alternate spelling materials jackson county, tn dump hours to be rinsed out and free food... Defined by the Fair Credit reporting Act ( FCRA ) animals are accepted Monday through Friday before 12:00 at! Long Road, Milan TN with the process Clean Harbors: 615-643-3170 ) Tuesdays, Wednesdays Fridays. Arrive before 4:00 pm help keep the Recycling Convenience Center efficient, effective, environmentally! Can be taken or try an alternate spelling materials need to be rinsed out and free of food being and... 2:30Pm so they will be reviewed and appropriate action will be held on may 15th, 2021 from AM. & Recycling pickup services for residential homes & businesses in Tennessee # 239 in.! Utilizing advanced technologies and materials to create efficient and sustainable facilities D waste Contact!, laptops, mice, printers, monitors, scanners, and printer-scanner-fax.. Gas that is tasteless and mostly odorless western North Carolina so consider donating gently used to. ; out of County trash ; 2023 Holiday schedule note for your mail.! Friable Asbestos & Drums accepted by appointment only Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday taken to area thrift shops July. And is not affiliated with any company which can recycle clothing and hazardous wastes, please consult Terms... Bulk pickups, hazardous waste, Landfill locations & more, visit: Powerhouse Recycling - here!