Finally, the sexual competition argument points to the greater conflict among human males as compared to non-human primates. A considerable body of research suggests psychological effects on boys of growing up in polygynous households, particularly if they grow up in mother-child dwellings where the father is relatively absent early in a boys life. These groups live in paired kinship groups called moiety (two relatively even groups of people that marry each other). exogamy is exogamic exogamousadj. exogamyn.[] exomis exosmosisn Long-fallow agriculture is associated with moderately complex societies and thus may account for the finding that polygyny is more prevalent in such societies, but less common in very complex societies. Interracial marriage: a marriage between two people of different races. There are very few societies that transfer labor or goods to the grooms family from the brides family, which is something of a puzzle. Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a not-for-profit membership consortium of universities, colleges, and research institutions. Their main findings are. anthropology news 25 chapters | in agricultural societies where womens subsistence contribution is low (Gaulin and Boster 1990). Starkweather, Katherine E., and Raymond Hames. The problem is that if there were no stable matings, we are probably talking about half-brothers, not full brothers. [citation needed] If a cousin marriage has accrued in a known ancestral tree of a person, in historical time, it is referred to as pedigree collapse. 2007. See: formal polyandry and informal polyandry. The second may be related to that finding that polygyny is associated with lower warmth toward children presumably because mothers have little help in childcare (Korotayev and Bondarenko 2000). Outbreeding favours the condition of heterozygosity, that is having two nonidentical copies of a given gene. Exogamy is the social norm of marrying outside one's social group. The opposite of this concept is endogamy, or marriage within one's own social group. According to a survey 83% people practice exogamy in these tribes. Ross, Cody T., Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Seung-Yun Oh, Samuel Bowles, Bret Beheim, John Bunce, Mark Caudell, et al. 1988. Endogamy and exogamy are the two main rules that condition marital choice. In human autosomal-DNA science, endogamy has been used to refer to any cousin marriage that affects an ancestral tree. But recognition does not necessarily mean an elaborate ceremony. Thus, persons may be expected to marry outside their totem clan(s) or other groups, in addition to outside closer blood relatives. Keywords: Adat sanctions, exogamy, marriage, Tenganan, Bali. Family relationships may also be affected by the type and form of marriage. Though marriage primarily involves developing a social bond between those who are getting married, how their lives are shaped hinges heavily on the type of household they will live in. Because inbreeding is generally deleterious (first cousins share 1/8 of their genes and therefore have a higher likelihood of producing a child with a double recessive gene), theory suggests that is advantageous to forbid cousin marriage the more likely it will occur by chance. As part of defensive masculinity, women are often derogated. Does this theory suggest any advantage for a woman to marry polygynously? Alternatively, indirect dowry can be thought of as a combination of bride price paid first and then dowry. One estimate is 70% of societies allowing cross-cousin marriage allow symmetrical compared with 30% for asymmetrical cousin marriage (Coult 1965). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Indeed, as mentioned above, polygyny is also associated with a large discrepancy in age of marriage (M. Ember 1984) and both conditions explain polygyny better than one condition alone. Korotayev, Andrey V., and Dmitri Bondarenko. 6 main causes of divorce: 1) Rise of individualism. matrilocal exogamy, also called out-marriage, custom enjoining marriage outside one's own group. Are there structural factors that can help us account for varying divorce rates? Polygynous societies, particularly those with nonsororal polygyny, tend to be found in societies practicing patrilocal residence (Whiting 1964; White and Burton 1988) and also those having male-biased inheritance (Hartung 1982; Cowlishaw and Mace 1996). Trust: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. The opposite of exogamy is endogamy. The number of individuals in such a household can be very large if there are polygynous marriages. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, has been practiced by people in many different countries and cultures throughout recorded history. A type of polyandry where a womans husbands are all considered to be her childrens fathers, contribute to their wellbeing, and live with their wife. Simple exogamy is in practice in the Indian tribes and North American. The rule that requires marriage to a person within ones own group (kin, caste, community). Kenya Research has found that. Kin groups formed on the rule of descent, which stipulates that an individuals membership is assigned at birth through the line of descent of either the mother (matrilineal) or father (patrilineal). Marriage outside this group is exogamy. Schaden, Egon, and Lars-Peter Lewinsohn. Families are essential for human development. Exogamy is also practiced for practical reasons. my ek-sg--m plural exogamies 1 : marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law 2 : sexual reproduction between individuals (as of a particular species) that are not closely related exogamous ek-sg--ms adjective or exogamic ek-s-gam-ik More from Merriam-Webster on exogamy In endogamous, marriages with the same families are prohibited. In this section we discuss what cross-cultural research tells us about the degree to which societies prohibit, allow, or prefer marriage to cousins, to people in or outside the community, and the degree to which parents and others decide on marriage partners or allow individuals to make their own choices. Meaning of Exogamy Marriage That marriage in which all the blood relatives and members of the same kinship are prohibited to marry one another. Using this line of reasoning, Boserup explains why societies with long-fallow agriculture, which involves rotating through relatively large tracts of land, is associated with polygyny compared with societies practicing plow agriculture on permanent plots of land. Exogamy definition, marriage outside a specific tribe or similar social unit. The Raven totem could have ten individual tribes, while the Eagle totem could be composed of another ten tribes living separately from each other. Exogamy is the practice of marrying someone from outside one's own community. [2][3] In native populations, exogamy might be detrimental if "the benefits of local adaptation are greater than the cost of inbreeding." Exogamy, the practice of marrying outside the group, is found in societies in which kinship relations are the most complex, thus barring from marriage large groups who may trace their lineage to a common ancestor. Members of each half of the moiety may only marry someone from the other half of the moiety. Exogamy does not guarantee that spouses have no genetic relationship. 1981. But, if land is limited or scarce, this strategy is not a particularly good one. Cultural exogamy is marrying outside a specific cultural group; the opposite being endogamy, marriage within a social group. Many societies have strong social norms against marrying within ones own family or social group. In the diagram below, a circle stands for a female, a triangle for a male, and an equal sign for a marriage. The opposite of exogamy is endogamy or the practice of marrying from within one's social. An analysis of hunting-gathering societies using language history not only supports this conclusion but suggests that arranged marriage may go back further to the early migration of humans out of Africa (Walker et al. Members of each totem may only marry members of the other totem. Women are limited in the number of children they can have throughout their reproductive careers, so obviously they cannot increase their number of children by marrying polygynously. 2018). Why? Consequences of Marriage and Family Forms, C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019, 245, Teaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Community exogamy/endogamy. The children of siblings of the same gender (i.e., the children of a woman and her sister or of a man and his brother are parallel cousins to each other). The marriage would be practiced outside one's group, class or caste. Edvard Westermarck said an aversion to marriage between blood relatives or near kin emerged with a parental deterrence of incest. However, some relatively recent cross-cultural research by Starkweather and Hames (2012) suggests that while polyandry is the norm in only a few societies, there are societies where polyandry sometimes takes place. Greater social involvement in the marriage (Frayser 1985). Exogamous marriage or exogamy is the custom of marrying outside a specified group of people to which a person belongs. When one marries outside of a social group, it is called exogamy. If there is a child from these relations and if they hit it off, that is, if there is accord, they discuss marriage (1962, 87), In still other societies, there may be little or no ceremony at all, such as for the Trobriand Islanders of northeastern Papua New Guinea. more alloparental care (childcare provided by someone who is not a parent) (Quinlan and Quinlan 2007). Morgan[10] maintains that exogamy was introduced to prevent marriage between blood relations, especially between brother and sister, which had been common in an earlier state of promiscuity. All societies have at least one rule about whom one cannot marry, namely, the prohibition on marriage to brothers or sisters or parents (the incest taboo). The custom is common among indigenous groups in the northwest Amazon, such as the Tucano tribes. Asymmetrical cross-cousin marriage with preferred or prescribed matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is more likely in patrilineal societies, those societies that are not bilateral, and in those societies with strong economic marriage transactions (Textor 1967; Coult 1965). 1976. Why? There is relatively little known about predictors of rules of exogamy and endogamy, either for the community or for the kin group. Unless people can marry within their kin group, which is usually not commonly allowed in unilineal societies, none of the cousins on your mothers side will be in your patrilineal kin group. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. in bilateral societies, the greater the likelihood that marriage takes place within the community, as opposed to marrying outside the community, the lower the divorce rate. 2018). Pathogen stress is the only predictor of nonsororal polygyny in state societies. He tells us, When I asked more specifically whether the children of first cousins were allowed to marry, people gave me a decided no and added in an indignant tone: Do not ask further; blood relatives may not be united! (Gusinde 1931, 48889). One important predictor is whether or not women engage in craft specialization or work outside the householdwhen they do so, there is a lower likelihood of arranged marriage (Hull 1989). For example, an incompatible activity arises if a mother needs to work on her agricultural fields for much of the day, but her children need to be cared for at home. Burton, Michael L., and Karl Reitz. This social group can be defined in a number of ways, including by race, ethnicity, religion, caste, clan, or family. And, in both cases, males were frequently absent. Religious exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own religion. Thus, exogamy meaning is defined as intentionally marrying outside one's group, clan, or social unit. marriage However, this overall finding comes with some qualifications. in complex societies that have social stratification and intensive agriculture (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Evascu 1975), although such societies are also likely to lack substantial transactions at marriage (Evascu 1975). Because of polygynys pervasiveness in human societies, this section will mainly be concerned with cross-cultural research that has been conducted about polygyny, as contrasted with monogamy. In particular, groups that prioritize kinship (such as clans of indigenous people or moieties, meaning two kinship groups into which a group of people is divided for identification purposes) often practice forms of exogamy due to its ability to preserve lineages and reduce birth defects. Disclosure:Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links. While such tests cannot be conducted without variation to study, behavior in other animal species may shed light on these theories. Historically, royal families have practiced a form of endogamy for the sake of maintaining ''royal bloodlines'' while many indigenous peoples of both North America and Australia are well known for their practices of strict exogamous marriages to build strong genetic lines and strengthen bonds among all the peoples of an area. Bride price involves goods or money given by the grooms family to the brides family; bride service involves labor given to the brides family by the groom or his kin. So, in a patrilineal society, children will be in the same kin group as their father, their fathers brother, and their fathers brothers children. Korotayev and Bondarenko (2000; also Bondarenko and Korotayev 2004) find that polygynous societies and those with large extended families are less likely to have democratic norms in both community and supracommunity leadership. Why? The figures come from the Ethnographic Atlas Murdock (19621971) as retrieved from in (Kirby et al. Starkweather and Hames point out that polyandry is often associated with the belief in partible paternity, the idea that a particular child can have more than one biological father. (Matrilocal residence can more readily accommodate polygyny if it is sororal because sisters grow up in the same household.). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Why? It is also important to note that science has taught us that exogamy is a way to prevent inbreeding and genetic defects within a community. We don't care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. In many mammal species that browse or graze on vegetation, babies can walk shortly after birth and travel with their mother as she feeds, allowing them to nurse with little impediment. We concentrate here on economic theories suggesting conditions that might make polygyny attractive for men and evolutionary theories that postulate advantages for both men and women. Unfortunately, they did not measure family in exactly the same way as Nimkoff and Middleton (they termed their variable family complexity and included societies with considerable polygyny in the same category with extended family households. See more. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. As we have discussed, most societies forbid any cousin marriage, but a great deal of anthropological theorizing involves explanations of the different types of allowed, preferred, or prescribed cousin marriage (Levi-Strauss 1949; Homans and Schneider 1962; Leach 1951; see discussion in Berting and Philipsen 1960). 1980. It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe, The word exogamy comes from the Greek words exo-, meaning outside, and -gamy, meaning marriage.. exogamy, also called out-marriage, custom enjoining marriage outside one's own group. But if arranged marriage was the ancestral form, what predicts variation in more recent times? Generally, more societies in the ethnographic record forbid first cousin marriage than permit it. What is a Exogamous relationship? Marriage and Family in C. R. Ember, ed. Why? 2003. Obviously, women can have children without being married, but unmarried women generally face greater economic difficulties when trying to raise children. Pathogen stress is more likely to be problematic when populations are denser. religion While almost all cultures we know of have had the custom of marriage and all have families, there is tremendous cross-cultural variability in customs surrounding these aspects of social and cultural life. Finally, another reason for exogamy arose out of a need to access resources that were unavailable within ones own group. Pasternak, Burton, Carol R. Ember, and Melvin Ember. The Inuit peoples of North America represent an example of exogamy in practice. In some cases, the rules of exogamy may also specify the outside group into which an individual must marry. The presence of extended families may also affect the marital relationship. However, they found that the complexity of a society introduced a qualification, namely that, High mortality rate predicts nonsororal polygyny in non-state societies, but not in state societies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Human Relations Area Files, accessed [give date]. Affiliations: Structural Determinants of Differential Divorce Rates., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: The Role of Parents in the Evolution of Human Mating., Sexual Selection Under Parental Choice: A Revision to the Model., Individual Mate Choice in an Arranged Marriage Context: Evidence from the Standard Cross-cultural Sample., Bride Theft and Raiding for Wives in Cross-Cultural Perspective., Explaining Cross-National Differences in Polygyny Intensity., Solidarity, Stratification and Sentiment: The Unilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage According to the Theories of Levi-Strauss, Leach, and Homans and Schneider., Causes of Conjugal Dissolution: A Cross-cultural Study., Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis., Nuclear Vs. Extended Family, Monogamy Vs. Polygyny: Democracy Vs. Non-Democracy? 2004. 2007. The Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS) is a sample of 185 societies. The globalization of society has had a profound effect on the practice of exogamy. This distinction mostly matters in societies with patrilineal or matrilineal descent because in such societies one set of parallel cousins is in your own kin group, while cross-cousins are generally not. There are many advantages to the practice of exogamy. Advantages and Disadvantages of Exogamy Marriages, Indian Rajya Sabha The Council of States, Powers and Functions of Lok Sabha | House of People, What is Economics | Basic Economics Concepts, What is Ethics | Relationship between Jurisprudence. If a mother has to leave her hatchlings in a nest when she gathers food, they have little chance of survival. Since pathogen stress is higher in tropical regions (Low 1990), this result may partially explain why polygyny is higher in such regions. And what if a woman has no brother, or what if a family has one brother and three sisters? Polygyny is one of the most widely researched topics in cross-cultural research. Hoben, Ashley D., Abraham P. Buunk, and Maryanne L. Fisher. This has made exogamy more common than ever before. The argument is that if women contribute substantially to subsistence, men may benefit economically from having more than one wife. Bride price or substantial transactions of wealth accompanying the marriage (Frayser 1985; Rosenblatt and Unangst 1974). Love as a basis of marriage is antithetical to arranged marriage (Hull 1989). In addition, if women have very low status (and men have high status), adult women may have few alternatives to marriage. And of those that have substantial economic transactions, bride price or bridewealth is the most common, followed by bride service. Ackerman (1963) finds that. Very different types of structural factors may be related to divorce rate. A division of labor by gender is a cultural universal and it is proposed that marriage is a way for females and males to productively share the results of their varied subsistence tasks. Create your account. According to coded data by Frayser (1985) from a subset of the Standard Cross Cultural Sample, approximately 65% of cultures worldwide have a moderate or elaborate celebration of marriage, while the other 35% have either a small ceremony or no ceremony at all. Rosenblatt and Hillabrant (1972) find that societies that do not allow childlessness to be an acceptable reason for divorce are more likely to be lenient with regard to the commission of adultery. Even though there are many people within each totem and many different individual family groups due to the different tribes within each totem, it is required that members of each totem marry from the other totem. Bilateral Descent: Definition & Variations, Incest, Endogamy & Exogamy: Definition & Examples, Bride Price, Dowry & Other Economic Marriage Customs, Plural Marriage vs. Monogamy: Definition & Types, Social Status: Caste vs. Class and Social Stratification, Family of Procreation: Definition & Example, Family of Orientation: Definition & Example, Interracial Marriage: Definition, History & Laws, Studying Political Organization in Anthropology: Help and Review, Studying Religion in Anthropology: Help and Review, Applications of Anthropology: Help and Review, ILTS School Counselor (235): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Environmental Education (0831) Prep, Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) Prep, Praxis Business Education: Content Knowledge (5101) Prep, DSST Human Cultural Geography: Study Guide & Test Prep, Foundations of Education: Certificate Program, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, NY Regents Exam - US History and Government: Test Prep & Practice, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Tutoring Solution, ILTS Social Science - Sociology and Anthropology (249): Test Practice and Study Guide, FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036) Prep, How School Counselors Can Help Students Maintain Healthy Family Relationships, Strategies for Counseling Students on Sexual Abuse, Disaster Management: Dealing with an Environmental Crisis, Miller v. California in 1973: Summary & Decision, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): History, Mission & Lawsuits, Democratic-Republican Party: Definition & History, What is the Tea Party Movement? In modern times, the practice of exogamy has largely been driven by cultural factors. A socially approved sexual and economic union, presumed to be more or less permanent, entailing rights and obligations between the married couple and any children they might have. This type of marriage is common in many cultures around the world, as it helps to prevent inbreeding and promote genetic diversity within a community. Community exogamy refers to marriage with a spouse from another community; endogamy refers to marriage within the community. Biological exogamy is marriage of non blood-related beings, regulated by forms of incest law. An example of endogamous marriages can be seen in historical royal families where maintaining the royal bloodlines required members of royalty to marry only other members of royalty, often leading to marriage within family units and certainly within genetically close units. Factors that can help us account for varying divorce rates healthy relationship 1990.. Likely to be problematic when populations are denser members of the moiety may only someone... Marry one what is exogamy marriage paired kinship groups called moiety ( two relatively even groups of people that each... Is having two nonidentical copies of a given gene kinship are prohibited to marry polygynously marrying someone from the half!, exogamy, also called out-marriage, has been used to refer to any cousin marriage ( 1985! Endogamy has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be related divorce! Points to the greater conflict among human males as compared to non-human primates in other animal may. 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