The establishment of ferry service at Rhinebeck in 1752, brought the inhabitants in closer connection with Rondout. Also on microfilm. Matteawan. From 1872 to 1898 it occupied rooms in the High School building, and was then removed to the Adriance Memorial Library building. Samuel and Amos had been connected with the Goshen, Connecticut settlement. The Quaker Meeting House at Clinton Corners was built in 1777. pilot or "Flying Tigers" Chapter Page Number Clear search Browse this collection Table of Contents Title Page Contents to This Section July 1938, Title Page It was replaced in 1852 by a stone bridge, thirty feet wide, which in 1884 was widened to sixty feet. Arthursburg and Morey's Corners, now La Grangeville, were early neighborhoods. When the railroad extending from Dutchess Junction to Pine Plains was completed in 1869, a hamlet sprang up near Hopewell station, and when the New England road was built, intersecting the Dutchess and Connecticut at this point, the hamlet was called Hopewell Junction. These early Quaker settlers or "Friends" as they preferred to be called, were mainly farmers and came from Dutchess County, NY and previously England. 1717, a portion of Albany County transferred to Dutchess County. Large quantities of stores from Dutchess and adjacent counties were there accumulated for use of the Continental army. Philip had a son, William P. Rowe, who served as a soldier in the war of 1812. The community was set off from the Town of Poughkeepsie when it became an incorporated village in 1799. The organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church of La Grange was effected July 14, 1849. This valley is known far and wide as "The Clove," its limits extending beyond the town borders, and was an important landmark in the early history of the region. Junction was built in 1888. This town occupies a central position upon the west border of the county, and has an area of 22,395 acres of rolling and hilly upland. It originally extended westward to the Hudson and comprised over 66,000 acres, with a population in 1790 of 4,607. A Red Hook High School alum, Gomez graduated from . Among the earliest landholders within the present town limits were the Van Benschotens at New Hackensack. Other early settlers were the Bowermans, Wilburs, Briggs, Whites, Pells, Hicks, Martins, Motts, Fultons, Stalls, Fellers, Hopemans, Philips, Teats and Frasers. Amenia Seminary was built in 1835, and the school opened in the same year. The village then had something like 1,500 inhabitants, and the population of the whole town in 1800 was 3,246. As this name caused confusion in the delivery of mail, it was changed in 1829 by the Board of Supervisors, to La Grange, after the ancestral estate in France of the Marquis d' Lafayette. It was built in 1775 by John De Witt, son of Captain Petrus and Rachel (Radcliff) De Witt. Three additional patents, to 1706, laid claim to the remaining interior lands. The expansion of their operations in the 1950s and 1960s introduced an era of tremendous growth in the Information Technology field and further transformed the county landscape. Gen. Joseph Howland, who was much interested in the development and improvement of the village of Matteawan, established and perpetually endowed a library here which bears his name. Some were long term tenants, while others resided a short time and moved on, going farther north into New York and . Wood, map between 330 and 331, and 348-49. The records of the present society state that the Presbyterian church of Pleasant Plains was organized March 28, 1837, by Rev. 8 Aug., 1702. Before 1870 the second great period of growth, comparable to that of the days of the old improvement party between 1830 and 1837, was in full sway. It has changed hands several times, and is now successfully conducted by Morgan H. Hoyt. Many acres of land were plotted and sold in lots, two chief centers of development being around Mansion Square and the old French farm, south of the English Burying Ground, that is, south of the present location of Christ Church. He returned the following statistics: Population, 2,300; electors, 431; taxable property, $547,106. There is also a Catholic and a Pentacostal church in this village. The town of Fishkill as constituted today is situated at the southwesterly corner of the county. Along the banks of the Wappingers stood several factories. A Catholic Church at Bangall is a Mission of the Millbrook church. (I) Phillippe Martin Wiltsee, of Fort Orange and Waalbogt, was born in the latter part of the sixteenth century in Holland (probably at Tirlamont), and died in Swaanendael, March, 1632. The sons built the Methodist church there, and were generous supporters of local enterprises. William Coe, Peter G. Emigh and Jonathan G. Vincent were the original trustees. Johannes Rowe died in 1771, and was buried in the family ground across the road from the church which bears the family name. Land was added from time to time; a $10,000 endowment fund was secured, and the school prospered until 1828, when the unfortunate separation in the Friends' Society occurred. They called one of their encampments Poughkeepsie, the reed-covered lodge by the little water place.". This territory was a portion of the Beekman patent, and settlement is supposed to have begun about the year 1716. NOTE: Additional records that apply to Dutchess County are also on the New York Histories and Genealogies page. Gulian Verplanck, the co-patentee, did not come to live or build on the land set off to him. Z. A fulling mill east of the village was built by John Kenyon in 1808, and this is the site of the present plant of Garner & Co. 6,388 Views . It has two school buildings, a bank, a public library housed in a beautiful building, forty business places, including grocers, plumbers, barbers, butchers, hardware, jewelers, druggists, dry goods, etc., etc. His grandson, Gulian, came about 1730, and built the house still standing known as Mount Gulian. The capital which was then $75,000 has been increased to $300,000. From 1730 until 1775 New Englanders were the main new settlers in Dutchess County. By 1730 it was decided to have a church in the immediate vicinity, which was erected on the site of the present "Old Dutch Church.". About 1735 Jacob Stoutenburgh, a Hollander and trader from Westchester, became interested in lands now comprised within the bounds of this town. Dutchess is an archaic form of the word duchess. John Barkalo, Dr. Thomas De Witt, Rev. Among the early settlers we find the names of Livingston, Potter, Abel, Morey, Reed, Uhl, Cline and Wilkinson. Artsen, with a family of ten children, came to live upon and cultivate his land in 1702. The village contains four churches : Baptist, organized 1794, present edifice erected in 1833; Methodist Episcopal organized in 1852, church built in 1853 at a cost of $5,000; St. Charles Borromeo (Catholic) erected in 1859, during the pastorate of Rev. Many emigrants from New England lived in and passed through the Beekman Patent on their way west. First Effective Action Against Slavery Taken Here in 1767. This latter period of improvement included the building of the new water works, pumping from the Hudson River with sand filtration; the installation of a complete sewerage system; the Fallkill improvement by which the old mill ponds on the kill were abolished and the stream was walled in; the Poughkeepsie & Eastern Railroad; the building of the city railroad, and the beginning of the Poughkeepsie Bridge. The trail would become the means by which settlers would access the frontier. This is a natural fountain of the purest water, from which flows a stream equivalent to an ordinary mill-race. At Dover Furnace are the ruins of the works of the South Boston Iron Company, established in 1881, principally for the manufacture of iron for government cannon. Tried to use year, where stated, person and where they were from. Later an industry for the manufacture of cement, for use in the first Poughkeepsie bridge, was started here. These barracks became the retreat for wounded and naked soldiers. A grist mill was conducted here during the Revolution by one Vincent. Settlers of the Beekman Patent, Dutchess County, New York: Historical records Frank J. Doherty F.J. Doherty, 1990 - History - 885 pages 2 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks. Volume 11 contains over 1,000 pages and is focused on families with last names between Rood and Sly. It has in 1911 about 1200 inhabitants, four churchesFriends, Methodist, Catholic and Episcopal. The New York Rubber Co. was organized in 1848, to manufacture articles under the Goodyear patent. The Native Americans who lived in the Hudson Valley just before and at the time of European contact were agriculturalists," says Joseph Diamond, a professor of archaeology at SUNY New Paltz. Anti-critical race theory parents in Tennessee are reportedly objecting to an English language arts curriculum that includes a book by civil rights activist Ruby Bridges, decrying it for not having enough "redemption." The Tennessean reported last month that parents in Williamson County have been criticizing the . Occupied as Hospital in 1778 By Revolutionary Soldiers Many of Whom Are Buried South of This Road. gave the house and land to her nephew, Sebring Ackerman. It was established in 1797, and was the first public library in Dutchess county. One of the early aldermen was Henry W. Shaw (Josh Billings). Located in southeastern New York in the valley of the Ten Mile River, Wassaic is bordered to the east and west by mountain ranges. In 1720 Scotch-Irish settlers in the vicinity of Goshen, Orange County, New York, were numerous enough to form a congregation. In 2013, Dutchess County celebrated its 300th anniversary of democracy based upon a legislative resolution sponsored by County Legislator Michael Kelsey from Salt Point. is privately owned and is not an official site of FamilySearch International or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). In 1790 the Baptists and Methodists organized separate societies, and in 1833 the Presbyterians built a house of worship in Amenia. In 1855 when the city had been taken out, the town had left but 3,110 people. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. Meeting Divided in 1828. The Bank of Pawling was organized in 1849 by Albert J. Aikin. This is one of the southern tier towns of Dutchess, its southern angle extending almost to the north line of Putnam county. Hunt, Selleck and Collins. The seeds for post-World War II prosperity in Dutchess were planted in 1942 when IBM purchased property in Poughkeepsie. Wappingers creek is the principal stream. It contains a National Bank with a capital of $100,000, organized in 1857; a Military School established in 1880; a Union Free School building which cost $10,000, and a Public Library with over one thousand volumes. Abraham Polhemusfamiliar names in the annals of the Reformed Church of New York. It is a spacious structure, and was erected in 1907 by Hon. ^ P A^ P E R S NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thomas and Alice Casey, from Rhode Island, emigrated here about 1750, and located on what is now known as Chestnut Ridge, Derrick Dutcher and Jacob VanCamp came here previous to 1731, and located near Plymouth Hill. In 1715 Beekman induced many Palatines to locate on his lands. Education. A growing population, with accompanying expansions of suburbs, required new roads and increased engagement from county government. It became widely known throughout the country, and students were enrolled from every State in the Union. A strip of about five thousand acres was taken from it March 1, 1827, to form part of the town of Union Vale. North of Spencers Corners stands the old-fashioned house of the Dakins, built by Orville Dakin, when the country was a wilderness. History of Duchess county, New York : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. A notable fire of the village days was the burning of the court house September 25, 1806. John Carman represented the precinct at Supervisors' meetings from 1739 to '42. South Dutchess County expanded rapidly, growing from fewer than 50 families in 1740 to nearly 1,400 in 1790. Charles Slevin. Another early innkeeper and merchant was Abel Peters of Clinton Corners. Entituled an Act for Regulating the militia fo the Colony of New York. Among those recorded from 1748 to 1756 are Nathan Bull, Moses Harris, Isaac Germond, Dirck Van Vliet, Jacob Spricor, John Earll, Lieut. Colonists from New England founded communities throughout the disputed areas of eastern Dutchess in the opening decades of the eighteenth century. II. The valleys are very fertile and well adapted to grain and grass culture. The present edifice waserected in 1837, enlarged in 1859, and the parsonage built in 1866. South of this is the Catholic church, its attendants forming an outlying mission of the Sylvan Lake Church. It has always been an industrial center. Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. As this leisure class with money and time to pursue learning and culture emerged, literary and historical societies, schools, and institutions of higher learning emerged. The building remained until 1826, and the business was conducted by descendants of the Brett and Wiltse families. Meetings are held here at stated intervals. It was rebuilt and leased by the Rotherys to Messrs. Rockwell & Son for a silk factory. Co. which was organized in 1812 by Peter H. Schenck, J. J. Astor, Philip Hone, and others. The plant covers about 1200 acres, and gives employment to 400 persons. 1878 It is no easy matter, in view of the conflicting testimony, to fix the exact date of the first settlement.. Frost. Owing to its secure position at the head of the Highlands, and being on a direct route of communication with the New England States, it was selected as a natural depot for army supplies in this section. The Quaker Society was also organized at an early date. Early settlements in Dutchess County, New York Family History Library General History of Dutchess County, New York, 1877 (included in U.S. County and Regional Histories and Atlases collection) Ancestry General history of Duchess County from 1609 to 1876 Index LDS Genealogy General history of Duchess County from 1609 to 1876 Index Internet Archive Its surface is generally hilly, and in the southern part mountainous. In early times there was much trouble over water privileges, and June 4, 1789, Dr. Samuel Bard deeded four small parcels of land to Richard de Cantillon and James Stoutenburgh, thereby adjusting the water privileges. Tradition says they acquired 2,800 acres between them, around the shores of the beautiful sheet of water long known as Thompson's Pond. In 1812 the Presbyterians of Pleasant Valley erected a house of worship in the village, which gave way to a new edifice in 1848. Kip built a stone house on his land in 1700. It hopes to restore power in Orange County by 4:30 p.m. and Dutchess County by 5 p.m. Millbrook is the principal village. "To qualify for inclusion in this work a family had to have been in Beekman or Pawling by the time of the first census in 1790 [with] a few exceptions."--Intro. Dutchess County's history is visible at every turn. The freshet of 1865 swept the dam away. Records of Crum Elbow Precinct, Dutchess County, New York, 1738-1761, Together With Records of Charlotte Precinct, 1762-1785, Records of Clinton Precinct, . . The Treaty of Dover of 1731stabilized the border zone. Prepares genealogy tables of early settlers; 7. Methodism was introduced into the town in 1788, and in 1825 the Society built a church here. The business was discontinued with the failure of the first bridge project in 1873. It was located on the then chief highway from Hartford to Fishkill. William Thorne, great-great-grandfather of Samuel Thorne, the present owner of Thorndale, was one of the first settlers of Nine Partners, and was a merchant and large landholder. They have leased the old ore mine property for a term of years, and erected a large club house, where they are at liberty to come at pleasure. Channingville, that part of Wappingers Falls north of the creek, accounts for several hundred of the town's population. But the influx of Quakers and their progeny wasn't, and over the next 20 years the community outgrew it. They died, respectively, in 1881 and 1888, and left the college considerable sums of money. The Bethel Baptist Church at Shenandoah was dedicated in 1835, mainly through the efforts of Isaac Knapp and Abram Pulling. The camps were occupied until the "contact period" in the early 1600's. The Wappingers (Wappinnee, Wapinck, Wappinge) and related Native American communities lived along the eastern banks of the Mahikannituck (Hudson River), from modern Dutchess County NY, east into central Connecticut, and south into Westchester County. President James M. Taylor took charge in 1886, and the growth of the college has been continuous, until in 1905 the trustees found it necessary to limit the number of students for a term of five years to one thousand. The advent of graded schools rendered the existence of such an institution unnecessary, and the buildings have been closed since 1888. Wassaic. It was incorporated December 31, 1895. He died about 1860. In 1910 the property was sold to the Deering Co. It was not a success financially, and in 1883 was discontinued. Peter Contine and his wife, Eleanor, daughter of Jacob Heermance of Kingston, lived at Upper Red Hook previous to the Revolution. That they have paid $3,700. The village lies on both sides of the creek, having been made to include the village of Channingville, in the town of Poughkeepsie, by its incorporation, September 22, 1871. Its boundaries at that time included the present Putnam County, and a small portion of the present Columbia County (the towns of Clermont and Germantown). The Reformed Church at Hopewell dates back to 1757. This town was formed from the town of Clinton January 26, 1821, and covers an area of 20,255 acres almost equally divided by Wappinger's creek. The population of the town in 1810 was 1,756. The congregation numbers about forty. This was the origin of river freighting. Harvey G. Eastman, George Innis, Mark D. Wilbur and George P. Pelton were leaders in this latter improvement era. The name Poughkeepsie is first found in an Indian deed, dated May 5, 1683, on file in Albany, granting to Pieter Lansingh and Jan Smeedes each a farm, and to the latter "also a waterfall near the bank of the river to build a, mill thereon. They were: The Settlers of Beekman Patents, 13 volumes. The waterfall is called Poughkepesingh and the land Minnisingh, situate on the east side of the river.". The Highland Division of the N. Y. N. H. & H. Railroad running east and west through the central part of the town has stations at Poughquag and Green Haven. George Clinton, was formed from the precincts of Charlotte and Rhinebeck, March 13, 1786. Since the construction of the Newburgh, Dutchess & Connecticut Railroad, in 1869, the mail has been carried by steam. Key Aspects In the central portion is a good agricultural region. Crum Elbow Creek and the Fallkill flow in a southwesterly direction through the town. The Clove Valley Rod and Gun Club is another association of wealthy gentlemen of sportsman taste, as the name implies. Phone: (845) 486-2120 The pulpit is now supplied by Rev. In 1891 the village was bonded for a sum not to exceed $15,000 to procure a water supply. In 1832 James Ingham established a plant for calico printing, subsequently known as the Dutchess Print Works. Dutchess County was one of the first 12 counties that were established in the Province of New York in 1683. The Starr Institute, which contains a free library, was built and furnished by Mrs. Mary R. Miller in 1862, at a cost of $15,000. The Treaty of Dover of 1731 stabilized the border zone. It is said that the first namedthe Ousterhoutsand the Wilcoxes, Dutchers and Bensons were the first settlers, and that they located under the East Mountain; but there are no dates accessible to define the time of their incoming. and Helen Wilkinson Reynolds. Until the American Revolution, much of Dutchess County was organized into large land patents owned by a few rich men, including the Rombout Patent, the Beekman Patent, and the Nine Partners Patent. He built a house about 1712, near the place known as the Steel Works, where he lived and died. Counties included are Oneida, Madison, Chenago, Onondage, Chemung, Brooms, Elmira, and parts of Ontario. In recent years, county government has acted to preserve historical elements of the landscape through adaptive re-use, nomination of sites to the National Register of Historic Places, and the development of entire historic districts. The company has lately invested thousands of dollars in the acquisition of rights and in erecting buildings for the use of the club. The village contains a National Bank, which was organized in 1893 with a capital of $100,000, and a Savings Bank chartered in 1870. In later years it was used only for entertainments. Its growth was slow, and services were finally discontinued. In this building the Society of the Cincinnati was instituted, May, 1783. Milan was formed from the town of Northeast March 6, 1818. The City of Poughkeepsie was chartered in 1854. Records of Crum Elbow precinct, Dutchess county, New York, 1738-1761. Includes marriages and deaths for the 12 months prior to the census, ending 1 June of the census year. A Presbyterian church was organized in Poughkeepsie as early as 1749, but failed to maintain itself or erect a building. The Settlers of the Beekman Patent series, by Frank J. Doherty, contains data on over thirteen hundred families who settled in the Beekman Patent, an original land grant given to Col. Henry Beekman in 1697 by the English Crown and the second largest patent in present-day Dutchess County, New York. The " Red Lion," another notable inn, was located at Webatuck, and part of the original building is standing. William Seward. They erected a stone cotton mill in 1814. Catharine Rombout, the only child of Francis Rombout, the patentee, married Roger Brett, and in 1709 the young couple built the house now standing in Matteawan, known as the Teller House. For Sale: 280 Jeremy Swamp Rd, Southbury, CT 06488 $124,900 MLS# 170551724 1 Acre Lot, Approved Building Lot, Approved for and Will Accommodate a 4 - 5 Bdrm Home , Lot is Mostly Clear and Jus. About thirty in number were captured and marched to Sharon, from whence they were taken to New Hampshire and held until the close of the war. In 1911 it contains about 50,000 volumes. Among the pastors who served this church were Rev. You may select a specific volume to restrict your search results. The production of milk is probably the largest industry in this section. Among the descendants of Gen. Lewis still resident in Staatsburg is the family of the late Lydig M. Hoyt. These owners subsequently sold lots or rented out allotments to tenants, leading to fraught relations that presaged the American independence movement. After the destruction of Kingston by the British, October 16, 1777, Gov. 20-62; Transcribed by Terri Griffiths). Colonial homesteads, gothic cottages, clapboard farmhouses, Victorian villas, Beaux Arts mansions, stone churches, country inns--all stand in silent witness to past lives and events that have shaped the distinctive character of Dutchess County. On November 1, 1683, the Province of New York established its first twelve counties, with Dutchess County being one of them. The oldest mill in the town was built by Robert Thorne, two miles west of Lafayetteville. During the Civil War the name of the post office was changed to Fishkill-on-Hudson. All genealogical and family history records we come across are being added to this website. Online at, Rensselaer and Columbia (NY) Turnpike 1799, New York County Common Pleas Court, 1792-1895, New York County Superior Court, 1828-1895, New York City and County Supreme Court, 1868-1906, U.S. The Ten Mile River, some eighteen miles in length, runs south through the eastern part of the town. Eastman College was started by Harvey G. Eastman in 1859. The Baptist records are complete from the organization of the society in 1807, when they erected an edifice on Mill street. 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