They are goal and bottom line oriented and can be very forceful in promoting their ideas. Avoid the temptation of making a decision for him. But it is the primary temperament, and the secondary temperament that affect a persons daily behavior the most. Plan social engagements around those times. They are slow to get upset and rarely show much emotion. I recommend confronting the choleric in a meaningful conversation. Phlegmatic people are characterized by the balance and ability to cope with any stress. Melancholics get bogged down by details. WebThe phlegmatic child does not seek out the acquaintance of others and does not see an urgent need for communication with peers. Learn to be more flexible and less stubborn. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is loyal, consistent, and dependable. Allergies Got You Fuzzy-Headed? Once the fear of failure is overcome, there is not much they cannot do as well, if not better than, anyone else. People with high levels of this trait often have an interest in and compassion for others, with a strong sense of empathy. Structured environments like school and sports teams encourage a phlegmatic to succeed because the motivation is embedded in the process. Sanguines want to have fun. Consider: Sanguines, like phlegmatics, are socially motivated. Their primary need is to get results. Shortness of breath. Be the touchstone that gets her back to present reality and do not let her wander in the what ifs of what could have been or what could be. Avoid the appearance of a head to head combat or else the choleric will be tempted by nature to fight and defend herself. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic often has a Sanguine as a close friend because they like their fun nature and carefree attitude. People with high levels of this trait often have an interest in and compassion for others, with a strong sense of empathy. Melancholy personalities like rules to follow. The first thing is to understand the type. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. Be transparent in your actions, speak as clearly as possible, and remain calm without reacting to the possible inflammatory reaction. They like to a address and solve problems. Also, let them know how much you appreciate them and be open to their feelings. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. How much do you believe in the message and identify with it? A Parent's Guide to Helping Your Child Develop Their Natural Temperament Tendencies, Born with a Creative Temperament; Sanguine-Melancholy (I/C). They like status and quality things. They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. The Sanguine-Melancholy is more formal and emotional than the other Sanguine blends. Rewards add an element of fun. Phlegmatics prefer to avoid conflict and want everyone to be happy. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach. Work on a project or problem together with a sanguine. Clearwater, FL 33760, Brandon, Florida They are more relationship oriented and consistent than the other Sanguine combinations. They not only want to do things right and get results, they strive to figure out what is right. One of the most effective and well used management techniques to keep good people from leaving their current workplace to pursue better options, is to operate a language of empowerment, but with a culture of disempowerment. WebCommunicate your life, emotions, and opinions to them in easily digestible bits and pieces, and be willing to enjoy long periods of quiet. Get him on board with your plans so he feels like he has a say in the process. The manager is a broker of information. Take time to listen to the melancholics concernsto a point. They often have difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking too much; reviewing, planning, fretting, or creating. Gargle with salt water Using salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water) can ease your irritated throat by clearing away mucus. Conflict is the core fear of the Phlegmatic. They are calm, steady, and persevering. If you want a Sanguine personality to attend an event, tell them how much fun it will be or give them a position up front where they will be noticed. They are cooperative and helpful and want to contribute to other peoples happiness. They are optimistic and full of hope. Melancholy | Supine | Sanguine | Choleric, Filed Under: Christian Counseling Tagged With: temperaments. They need a quiet environment and a routine to be successful. They lead by forming alliances. Use positive encouragement and get the sanguine excited about the task ahead. Sanguines lead by using their ability to be winsome. Remember sanguines prefer team work over rout work. The primary temperament will have a stronger influence on behavior than the other three. Once they become your friend, they will be loyal, dependable, and faithful for life. Its slippery consistency helps protect and moisturize, and traps potential irritants. Phlegmatic-Melancholic ISFJ This person is a future recipient for a posthumous award Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals one in five Australians are experiencing psychological distress linked to COVID-19, which is taking its toll in the workplace. To communicate effectively, you need to avoid distractions and stay focused. This will easily discourage the sanguine and perhaps lead him to feel resentful to you. These are the types that think the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few. Find employment where they can undertake tedious tasks without being required to interact with people for long periods of time. Fatigue. Once they establish a routine it can be difficult for them to change. They are tolerant, kind and unassuming. -Creating too many rules. Without outside recognition, there is the danger that a phlegmatic may never recognize his talents and skills and never be motivated to activate them. The line between managing and leadership is discerned by looking at the message and how effectively it is brokered. They stubbornly resist changeespecially sudden change. In order to function well, they need information, time alone to think, and a plan from which to operate. This combination naturally relates well to others and they maintain lasting relationships. They lead by forming alliances. Make a point of setting a date so he does not forget. Melancholies tend to be introverted and see the details. They can be very talkative at times. This combination is naturally able to perform in front of others to meet the need of the moment. People tend to seek them out (even strangers) to share their problems because they are perceived to be approachable and good listeners. The Phlegmatic personality will take a while to warm up and may never be the affectionate, warm, cozy, sit by the fire type. They have a very difficult time saying no and will often take on more than they can do just to please others. These are the types that think the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few. Instead, consider bringing your phlegmatic child into a career centre and letting him look at jobs on his own. They can be very sensitive to criticism and may react with strong emotion. They are systematic, precise thinkers who tend to follow procedures in both their business and personal lives. This post will help you better understand the key characteristics of the Phlegmatic person, along with the factors that help them to succeed and thrive. -Head to head conflict. They serve a purpose, but too much is uncomfortable. The Melancholy-Sanguine is the most friendly of all the Melancholy blends. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. Shortness of breath. Its made by cells in your mouth, throat, nose and sinuses. They do not have a wide social network and prefer to have a few close friends and, of course, their family. Sanguines relate well with people. It also boosts his confidence and may spur him to action. Here is a brief description of each one. WebHow to Lead, Manage, and Supervise the Phlegmatic Temperament. WebIssues That Phlegmatics Must Typically Address or Learn: Find employment where they can undertake tedious tasks without being required to interact with people for long periods of time. Dont rush the phlegmatic. Phatic communication is also found every day in the workplace. Do not force Phlegmatics to take on full responsibility for someone else. They are both routine and friendly when accomplishing a task and work well with a variety of people. They are not as rules-driven as Melancholies, but like to weigh the relational impact of decisions. I prefer the Greek designations -choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic and sanguine -because of the quality of the literature that has been written using them. They are driven by a strong will to achieve their detailed plan. The Sanguine-Melancholy is a frequently found combination. If youre in doubt, dont hesitate to discuss your problem with your primary care doctor or an otolaryngologist, who can dig into your particular symptoms and history to find solutions. To be highly motivated they need a structured environment with clear rules and procedures, time to organize, collect information, think and the freedom to develop a plan. Sanguines are quick to fire up, and just as quick to let down when the initial excitement dies away. They will resist sudden changes in their established routine. WebSomeone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. Take our assessment and get your personal report! The Phlegmatic will rarely exert themselves with others or push their way along in their career. The Phlegmatic-Choleric will have a firm, stoic expression (flat affect) and will rarely smile. The Idealist is a systematic, precise thinker and will follow procedures in both their business and personal life. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. This and negative criticism will encourage him to retreat into himself and resort to laziness through video game playing and Netflix binge watching. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Use over-the-counter medication The primary need is to be accepted socially. They will resist activity that interferes with family time. They need time to warm-up before showing friendliness. Everyone is a combination of all four temperaments, the Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy. First, consider that mucus has a purpose. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. Confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults age 65 and older) Cough, which may produce phlegm. How to use phlegmatic in a sentence. They are often shy, and prefer the comfort of stability to a life of constant change. Everyone has to learn to compensate for the weaknesses of their preferred mode. They can be a perfectionist about some things. Often thought of as small talk, phatic communication is the verbal and non-verbal routines people go through when communicating with each other. Understand their limited energy reserves and do not push them beyond that level. The secondary need is to be accommodating. The Idealist is unique because the Choleric temperament has strong influence on their behavior. Do you wait it out? They will resist change until the reasons are explained, defended, and accepted. Then find connecting points between the segments and the message. Its the blanket term we use to cover the many feelings were encountering, from heightened anxiety to both physical and mental exhaustion. After this pep talk, give him a chance to work on the task immediately. Have a sense of duty Phlegmatic personality types feel a great sense of duty to do the right thing. They can be both domineering and compassionate (they can be a Lion or a Lamb). When the Melancholy and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who is very analytical, accommodating, and will cautiously plan their way through life. Appeal to the cholerics sense of honour. Take an online quiz here. They make decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until they are sure of the best course of action. As a manager, your primary focus is to enable your people to execute their work, improve over time and perform their best. They are sometimes seen by other people as nit-picky. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the situation. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is a dispassionate anchor of reality. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they do and everything that happens in their life. It also boosts his confidence and may spur him to action. That is what leaders do. Use over-the-counter medication The Choleric-Sanguine has a natural drive to quickly get results. They will become bored without activity and social involvement. Show them they are loved and appreciated by using only a moderate amount of physical attention and doing special things for them. Avoid the talk of hurt feelings and delve into justice, honour, and appropriate behaviour. This combination naturally likes developing a strategy to accomplish a goal. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. The secondary need is to accommodate others. Phlegmatic-Melancholic ISFJ This person is a future recipient for a posthumous award Set activity guidelines to keep from sleeping their lives away. In alphabetical order, the first type is the Choleric personality. The Melancholy-Choleric has a firm, serious expressions, and they rarely smile. Help her to work through the details so that she can make a good decision. Allow them time to adjust to change and be very patient. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. WebThe meaning of PHLEGMATIC is resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm. They prefer work to involvement with people. If you want something done with a smile, ask a phlegmatic personality type. They have a firm, lively, and friendly expression. They are naturally routine, accommodating, family-oriented, and passive about most things. They are very trusting of others and place importance on enduring relationships. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of varied types of individuals. The Melancholy-Sanguine struggles with having guilt feelings, even about something that is not their fault. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. They are usually very well organized, and they tend to operate from a listit may be written down or they just remember what needs to be done. Help us expand the ministry of deliverance and training worldwide. The cholerics bossiness or bulldozing needs to be addressed before problems get worse because typically a choleric does not see herself at fault and so will not self-address the issue (which is unapparent to her). If you want to convince melancholies to attend a function, tell them that they will get all the information they want. They would do what they can to make the world a better place for everyone through innovation. Do not make the melancholic feel badly for her negativity but help her develop constructive criticism: that is, criticism that leads to results and not just to hurt feelings. They have a strong, stubborn will, and they are independent and very individualistic. They are often shy, and prefer the comfort of stability to a life of constant change. They exhibit poise and confidence in most situations, especially social events. Falling into the melancholics negativity. Phlegm and the Four Temperaments The Melancholy-Phlegmatic feels safe to think, review, and plan when they stay up after the rest of the family has gone to bed. They are always hungry for more information andare sometimes paralyzed by their analysis. This determined and persistent person brings a deceptively focused approach to the task. If this is tempting for you, give the melancholic some space. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Cholerics tend to get upset when people do not do what they want. I always recommend doing a written audience analysis. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is a frequently found combination. The secondary need is to accommodate others. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 The secondary need is to get results. The Melancholy-Sanguine makes decisions slowly because they are analyzing their options. They want to operate by themselves and set their own pace. They are driven to answer the question why before acting. They are often seen as winsome and charming. Receptionists use routine greetings to begin and end phone conversations. After giving your short, concise complaint or disagreement, give the choleric time to temper down if necessary. Encourage the sanguine to see a necessary task as a kind of game. The Melancholy-Sanguine needs some mobility rather than sitting for long periods of time. They are always willing to help those they consider to be their friend. The Choleric-Phlegmatic combination is driven by two temperament needs. Sanguines are often so concerned about having fun that they are disorganised. No one side of the Phlegmatics personality is especially active. They want to feel like relationships are intact before they can move forward on a project. The Phlegmatic-Choleric naturally concentrates (like an inspector) on one thing at a time with unbending determination. The Melancholy-Sanguine is a frequently found pattern. But dont be concerned. The Choleric-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. The Sanguine-Melancholys emotions may fluctuate, especially if they are embarrassed or they have been, or may be, rejected. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic has difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking about, well, everything! They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, which makes phlegmatic people loyal spouses and loving parents. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is very independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach and will follow through to see the task completed. WebCommunicate your life, emotions, and opinions to them in easily digestible bits and pieces, and be willing to enjoy long periods of quiet. This can help your body moisturize your throat and nasal passages and may help you reduce mucus and phlegm production. Let him focus on the opportunity ahead of him. Shortness of breath. They can be very direct, brief, and blunt when answering questions. If you have a spouse/child/significant other in close proximity that is predominantly phlegmatic in temperament,knowing the needs and aspectsof this temperament, coupled with a significant amount of grace on your part,can help you survive and indeed thrive! This is a versatile, productive individual who works well with most anyone. The Choleric-Phlegmatic is naturally a result-oriented, determined, unemotional, and focused individual. You probably know quite a few Sanguines and may be one yourself. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is a pleasant and accommodating person who tends to seek a structured environment requiring attention to detail. Lower than normal body temperature ( in adults older than age 65 and older ) Cough, which makes people. Often thought of as small talk, give him a chance to work through the details so that can. Mouth, throat, nose and sinuses Melancholy-Sanguine makes decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until are. 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