Small animals like rabbits and chickens will sell "by the pound", with an additional charge for processing. 325 2 RN corn picker; JD 635 (35) g.h., hydraflex, stabilizer bar ends; (2) sets JD combine concave inserts; JD 643 High Tin 6R 30 corn head, works good, field ready, new liner under auger. AC 16.9-36 tires; pt. row crop cults; 45 used sweeps; Glencoe 7-shank chisel plow; Kent Disk-o-Vater 18 5-bar harrow; Remlinger RTC 25; Glencoe 7 shank soil saver; IH 18 wheel disk; Williams 50 3pt. This is the former BF Goodrich/ Parker manufacturing plant location. (SR.739) Marion, Oh 43302. Marion is a village in Osceola County in the U.S. state of Michigan.The population was 836 at the 2000 census. Email Seller Video Chat. MI. Lift; corn feeder; pond filter w/pump; firewood racks; Enerpac metal toolboxes; Radio Flyer wagon; Geni air compressor; North Star pull-behind weed sprayer w/ batt. Mid Michigan Horse Auction LLC | Edmore, MI. Monday Additions
Wednesday Additions:
p.m. Hay, Straw and Feeder Hogs (outside), 3:00 p.m. chainsaw; elect. TRAILERS (GRAIN, LIVESTOCK, UTILITY, SEMI) & LOADING RAMP: 03 Merritt 41 hopper btm. We have great plans & procedures available at this location which includes, lots of new flexibility features not offered by any other consignment auctions in this area. Also, over 25,000 sq. Ladders; extension ladder; Yard machine leaf blower; lawn chairs; H.D. Absentee Bid Form. Turbo, runs good, used this fall; JD 218 grain head w/header cart; jD engine parts, dsl; JD Step 10 or 20 series; Husq. May 4th, September 7th, Gravity wagon, 200 bu; 3pt. GRAIN AUGERS-BINS & EQUIP: Brandt 70 trans. Park Lake Auctions is a full service auction company specializing in farm, livestock, equipment and estate auctions. . Farmhall 16.6-36 tires; RN372 Woods finish mower (good); DMI 9-shank Anhydrous toolbar; JD 6-row 30 row cultivator; Ferguson soil scoop; 3pt. Also on First Saturday of Every Month 11:00 start for pigs, goats, and sheep 1:00 start for cattle Any questions, please call 360-748-3191. cylin. Marion County Junior Livestock Auction (MCJLA) is a nonprofit organization committed to help with and provide a positive learning experience for Marion County 4-H and FFA youth to sell their m arket animal at the Marion County Fair. parts; roller & steel chain; JD 7000 planter parts; jacks & toplinks; elect. bait well, 20 gal. if we've collected "Sales Lead Information" for a given company, it will be displayed on the
Swine will start at 5pm or 15 minutes after Beef conclude, whichever is later. Valley Livestock Auction . log splitter; Chem-taner 200 gal. ; GE LP gas generator, 36 hp motor, auto transfer box, tested & works good; Weaver 2-post lift, 5000lb; Sunjoe 14-amp wood chipper, propane; Reese hitch/bike rack; Roro-Tech Kent 700 bicycle; Trek MII 220 bicycle; (145) cases of sanitary wet wipes; (3) wood doors; screen door; Ingersol air compressor; Crafts. mi. Ice tea dispensers; new fuel tank straps; Igloo 96-can party cooler on wheels; Craftsman 33 ga. air compressor; bicycle; 16 seed auger; Yetter markers for JD 20/30 drill; Remington Garden Wizard elect tiller; No Turn Around sign; 2 pt hitch; black metal mailbox; elect snake; tandem bicycle; lg animal crate; pull behind boat fish scaler; elect scale; auto battery tester; McCullough chain saw; Poulan chain saw w/ case; propane cooker; Traeger grill cover; Dewalt tool bag w/ tools; crosscut saw; Huber jack #3; target; King kickboxing bag; Rigid pipecutters; air compressor; live trap; Reddy heater; Toro Elect. Cattle Farmer, Kentucky, We offer our partners one-stop, full-spectrum services in the Midwest region. Livestock. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC1210 Harding Highway West Marion, OH 43302, 740-387-5111 740-389-6202 tire (new); guard dog cable protectors; JD 110 riding mower w/deck; Int. loading ramps; 48 x 102 van trl. blender; Fert belt conveyor w/outside loadout; Work Saver 540 pto seed/fert. engine lathe; 10 grain leg pipe; pallet of elbows and planters; small custom made trailer; N.I. tool bar; 3pt.
8 hp. PLANTERS & DRILLS: JD 1890 40 X 10 air seeder, 275 bu. Monday 02-27-2023. Posted 2/8/2023 Asking and auction values for used heavy-duty trucks and semitrailers in Sandhills Global marketplaces have been dropping from the all-time highs that began in Q2 2022 . Park Lake Auctions is a full service auction company specializing in farm, livestock, equipment and estate auctions. Joel's phone # 231-920-0298, Issac's phone # 231-667-0520. equip. Plainville, KS (785) 688-4080. Joel's phone # 231-920-0298, Issac's phone # 231-667-0520. (SR.739) Marion, Oh 43302. x H15ft. Get the best bang for your buck with live & world-wide online bidding offered as a new component for selected quality lots! 5 blade; (2) hog feeders, finishing line (S.S.); (4) Goodyear tires 11R24.5; (4) Goodyear tires 11R24.5 w/ rims; 8 bed cap (red); set of 3pt bale forks; 07 Ford F450, new tires, brakes, flat bed, 218, 200 approx miles (motor was replaced around 140,000); tree puller-skid loader; fuel tanks; Simplicity snow blower; Troy Bilt tiller; Kuhn 16 hay tedder; Johnsered 2065 chainsaw; Husky 272K CVT off saw; 14 chop saw; Dremel scrowl saw; bailing twine; Cabelas 4000 watt generator; Ready Propane heaters; Stihl FS66 weed eater; 15 Bushog batwing attach. SKIDLOADER ATTACHS: (4) Skid Steer Rock & Brush Grapple (71, 75, 80, 84); (4) sets pallet fork extensions 6 footers; (4) receiver hitch skid steer trailer movers; (8) weldable closed quick attach plates; rock bucket for skid steer; skid loader attach. (SR.739) Marion, Oh 43302. 86 Fruhoff van trailer w/(2) 1600 gal tanks & 3 gas pump; 9 x 14 flatbed trailer; 12 hay wagon; 300-gal fuel tank w/pump; 250 bu gravity wagon w/10-ton running gear & J&M bed; 6 Caroni 3 blade finish mower; DMI heavy duty bumper; pr. ; p/u truck jack lift; 94 Dorsey 40 flat bed with water tanks and pump w/Title; JD 314 Lawnmower-Runs, 145 Cub Low Boy-runs; Antique Cub Low Boy-Runs; Honda 4-wheeler, no title; 74 Sears lawn mower, orig. ; 5 x 8 tilt bed trailer w/sides; new port. 86 Fruhoff van trailer w/(2) 1600 gal tanks & 3 gas pump; 9 x 14 flatbed trailer; 12 hay wagon; 300-gal fuel tank w/pump; 250 bu gravity wagon w/10-ton running gear & J&M bed; 6 Caroni 3 blade finish mower; DMI heavy duty bumper; pr. IH wheel wgts; (new) Chevy truck gas tank; (2) new truck tires; 42 Arrow skid steer forks; Raven alum. tank, last used for starter fert., on Martin 130 wagon gear, 445/65R 22.5 tires; 2550 gal. NE of Richwood. Hyd. : Schwing P88 concrete pump w/ VH4D1 Wisc. beer wagon), 51 rear/40 front wood spoke wheels, 2 & 4 hitch, brakes, cushion seats, V.G.C. Processing for chickens is $4 each, turkeys are $9 each and rabbits are $6 each. 3 quick hitch, C.I. 505 N Mill St Marion MI 49665. backhoe; ; 8 JD excavator bucket; skid steer grub/brush remover. ; 05 Dodge Ram 1500, crew cab, PL, PW, 19153 mi. freshwater tank, raw water washdown, T-Top/canvas, w/stern floodlight & planer board reels, captain bench seat w/6 drawer tackle storage, additional storage below the captain's bench w/dual battery / switch, gunnels equipped w/coaming pads and 4 built in rod holders, additional Big Jon rod holders for big board trolling. dsl., 50 bkt., set up for hoe attach. Marion Fair 2022 June: 12th-18th Check back for more up-to-date information regarding dates, events, and prices as these are subject to change! Northern Michigan Livestock's first ever Colt Starting Sale. benches; 31 chain link gate; Telescoper rolling work platform w/outriggers, elect. One of the largest livestock marketing cooperatives in the United States, we handle approximately 3 million head of livestock annually. spreader; 500gal. hyd. gooseneck stock trailers; pr. fold disk, 24 like new blades & bearings; 1 section harr. chain; gas cans/funnels; Johnson 5.5hp outboard motor w/ fuel tank; Diehard trolling motor; jackstand; sledgehammers; 55 ga. drum barrels; RealTree remote-controlled truck; comm. Albion, Illinois 62806. Utilize our advanced search form to filter the search results by Company Name, City, State, Postal Code,
No need to wait until the week of the auction, we are offering a convenient choice of immediate drop off at this secure and fenced in lot now! Livestock and horse auctions are popular venues to purchase farm animals. Box 259 Marion, Michigan, United States. Snyder poly nurse tank w/275 gal. poly tank; pr. AuctionZip is the world's largest online auction marketplace for local auctions - today, this weekend, and every day. ; 18 International field cult. BECK, 501 E Grant Rd, Ashley, MI 48806. ; 3 pt hitch backhoe attach; JD 893 Cornhead; header cart; 8 unload incline bin unloader; pallet of tool boxes; pallet of misc. Join us in 2022 A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. : (20) Golden Comet laying hens; (2) pairs of Bantam chickens; pair of Muscoy ducks; Round-up 3pt. Northern Michigan Horse Showcase & Stallion Expo Inc. fuel tank, 32 gal. MARION. Hereford Livestock Auction (Wing Commission LTD) Hills Prairie Livestock Auction Co. 3180 County Road 4. Box 133 Plain City, OH 43064 (614) 403-0726 N. of Green Camp, 3mi. Call or text for pictures of the herd. w/hand pump; Emerson exhaust fan; Crafts. wagon; (2) NH3 running gear; 1250 gal. spreader; leaf collector/wood chipper combo; pr. 262 chainsaw; conduit bender; Guardian 25 kw generator, 321 hrs; JD 25 riding mower; garage door, 12W x 10H; (2) garage doors, 10 x 10; garage door, 9W x 8H; lawn sprayer, 50 fgal,3pt htch; lawn sprayer, 50 gal, pull type; (2) 20.8-38 tractor tires w/tubes; Kilbros 350 gravity wagon; J&M 250 gravity wagon; 30 Van Trailer (no title); 18 Field Cultivator; 250 gal fuel tank, 1000 gal fuel tank, 2 californian rabbits, 2 crossbred rabbits, blackstone grill, pallet of JD and Kinze Planter Parts, Polaris ranger rims and tires, 80 log chain, landpride 60 rotary mower, 8hp air comp, 60 material bucket, 4 used skid loader tires, JD LT 133 lawnmower 38, pull type log splitter, 2 airless backhoe tires, transport tank; air compressor; Husq. condition; 18.4-26 tractor tires; 8 Ford truck bed; rototiller; (6) ridge shanks for chisel plw/field cult. This talented family trains horses, works a family business and barrel races professionally! with online bidding Feb. 27th For more info call Butch 402-741-0209 or Larry 402-741-2287 1993 Wilson aluminum 20' livestock trailer GN, 235/85-R16 tires Excellent condition! boat w/trolling motor; 6hp Mercury outboard motor; 1939 AC B, old restoration; JD 6405 utility tractor w/loader; 24 Hiniker field cult. L&J Meat Market - Lake City that sells for $5 has achieved a total selling price of $118. Recent Locations. Saturday Additions
bin fan; (4) grain bin sump guards; Hance 31 x 8 grain leg w/2-hole distributor; 63 Mayrath 8 transport auger. Sort by lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year, VIN, and location. RVP Form, 2:30 ; 3pt. Blower vac; Homelite blower; SK toolbox; Jet pulley; drill bit set; Craftsman wood bit set; 2 pc Craftsman tool chest; fire extinguishers; Bulldog jack; juicer; tractor picture; decoy bag; pair new C-clamps; Stanley 350 amp jump start system; Dewalt socket set; backpack 4 ga sprayer; Mueller tool box; bike helmets. post hole digger; set of tires, 18.4-26; set of tires, 13.6-26; (3) pallets of aluminum charis; (7) live traps; (4) cafeteria tables; Ryobi hedge trimmer; JD riding mower; (4) livestock aerator fans; box of 9660 combine filters; (4) Hancock 245-60R18 tires, like new; (10) used Road Masters 22.5 low pro semi truck tires; box of Motorolla 2-way radios w/repeater; 06 Fona Fontaine trailer (48 x 102W); 54 Ford NAA tractor; AC 80 4btm, 3pt plow; Cagle pull-type 25 gal sprayer w/new motor and extra pump; (23) new 36 x 82 screen doors (2 per pack); (3) Craiger wheels; leaf grinder for lawn mower; vinyl post wraps; C-IH Tru-Tandem 330 (31) vert. Welcome to Park Lake Auctions. w/ 48 bkt., 42 manure forks, 48 rock tooth bkt. Thursday Additions:
ft. of blacktop and gravel to stage your equipment! Bred cows, and cows. oil recycling tank; Kilbros gravity box, no gear; White 485 25 field cultivator; 3pt. - Vaccination Letter 2021 tire (new); guard dog cable protectors; JD 110 riding mower w/deck; Int. fert. Copyright 2023. Gaylord, MI. Claim this business. No Buyer's Premium. HORSE DRAWN HITCH WAGON: Custom-built 5th wheel show hitch (12 x 52) wagon (replica of Bud. offline: CCV . fert. The community stepped up in a big way and we are excited to announce brand new pig pens! 2974 Marion Green Camp Rd. Search the business profile for CLARE COUNTY LIVESTOCK AUCTION LLC in MARION, MI. Gravity wagon, 200 bu; 3pt. The Mid Michigan Horse Auction is the largest horse auction in the state of Michigan! Breed: Maine-Angus, Red Angus. Copyright 2023 - DVAuction, Inc. All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. Sale Results Thursday, March 9, ADDVALUETOYOURHERDANDFEEDERCATTLE All large animals will be sold "by the head" meaning that the price you bid, is the price you pay. Find other businesses with the D&B Business Directory at Northern Michigan Horse Showcase & Stallion Expo Inc. Spray paint;
Where? mounted Danish tine field cultivator; p/u truck fuel tank w/pump; (2) 20 series JD starter wts; NH 162 4-basket hay tetter; JD 609 6 bush hog; matching washer & dryer; Jenn-Air grill; flush mount microwave; Husq. FRITZ DAIRY EQUIPMENT AUCTION -THURSDAY. Downsizing the herd. We help you determine the right approach to managing your marketing decisions and input costs. More info. Please call us to make your drop-off arrangements. SPREADERS-LIVESTOCK EQUIP: Balzer 3000 & 2600 gal. ; JD 2940 C/H/A, quad trans., 18.34 tires, bad trans. Thursday . . United States Auction House For Sale. mounted Danish tine field cultivator; p/u truck fuel tank w/pump; (2) 20 series JD starter wts; NH 162 4-basket hay tetter; JD 609 6 bush hog; matching washer & dryer; Jenn-Air grill; flush mount microwave; Husq. chain; gas cans/funnels; Johnson 5.5hp outboard motor w/ fuel tank; Diehard trolling motor; jackstand; sledgehammers; 55 ga. drum barrels; RealTree remote-controlled truck; comm. items; Arines tiller; 92 6085 White w/ canopy, 3 pt, 18.4-34 tires, 540 PTO, 4735 hrs; IH dual; pallet of log chains; pallet of misc lights; stalk stompers. 2022 Rogers County Junior Premium Auction September 15 - September 18, 2022 2023 Garvin County Junior Livestock Show . -. NURSERY STOCK: (10) peach trees; (4) apple trees; (8) blueberry bushes. Ladder rack; Milcreek manure spreader; 25 Grain elevator; 275 ga plastic totes; 55 ga plastic barrels; 05 Trophy 2103C , 213; Lister sheep shears; (11) sets of blades; Bale King kicker wagon; JD running gear, 3-axle; DMI 113-shank chisel plow w/leveling bar; JD T165 heater; 2000 16 Haulmark enclosed trailer w/ inside shelving; 78 Summit AD3 dump trailer; skids of new filters; headache rack; Yedder fertilizer holders; semi PTO pump; sheets of metal; 60 skid loader bucket; propane tank; IH plow; pair of duals; Farmall 560 dsl; pair of float tires; pair of front floats; transfer auger; truck bed tool box; Poulan chainsaws; Chevy pick-up misc. tools; 90 Wilson grain trailer; Neco grain spreaders, pallets of misc. N. of Green Camp, 3mi. Monday 02-20-2023. gas furnaces; 60 truck tool box; 2 ball-to-ball tow bar; gas generator; primitive step-back cupboard; Wonderwood stove; primitive chest of drawers; (3) wooden doors; (3) lumber pcs. lid; bale spear; set of duals, 18-4-38; trailer of misc. Box 209 St. Louis, Michigan 48880 Auction Date/Time: Monday - 11 a.m. EST Hay and Straw: 11 a.m. EST Auctioneers Joel Holzhausen and Issac Stroud offer knowledgable, professional service from initial consultation to final settlement. Skip to Content. parts for bin fabrication; (2) pick up fuel tanks; 5th wheel hitch; set of rear tires from S680 combine; set of rims from 60-70 series combine; set of JD gator rims; Lawnboy push mower; Husq. 318,000 mi. ; 6 spd Allison; pallet of twine; (2) Halogen shop lights 2 diameter; pallet racking; dryer fans; 250 ga fuel tank; Best Way Field Pro 2 60 Sprayer; 3 pt 6 Puguea blade; Campbell Housefield 33 GPM paint sprayer; 80 ga. dsl. steel loading ramp, 8.4W x 20L; 12 Merritt 386 Hopper trailer w/Quickveyor conveyor option; sliding 5th wheel hitch; (2) weight distribution hitches. The Michigan Livestock Exposition is a multi-species livestock event including beef, sheep, swine, and goats, designed to enhance the livestock industry, educate youth and showcase Michigan's agriculture industry. Approx. The Marion Fair Board called on our community to help improve our pig facilities. V-btm. Email: [emailprotected] Web: mi. United Producers Inc. provides customized marketing solutions for cattle producers of all sizes. 5pm: Judging - Youth and Open Class Dairy Cattle, 7pm: Grandstand Event - GARDEN STOCK TRACTOR PULL $5 admission. Approx. Livestock Auction Markets Livestock Buyers Pet Boarding & Kennels. dump trailer w/tarp; running gear for header trailer; (2) stone grinding wheels; flatbed wagon w/sides. Where? ; 12 Wilson Commander 43 x 72 hopper trl., strap trap, layed over, damage outside; 48 semi box trailer; EBY 24 & 20 alum. ; JD 433 4R-30, C/H; MF 850 hydro, 4 wd, walker, needs repair; MF 9120 (20) g. head; grain heat cart; N.I. No. BECK FARM AUCTION-FRIDAY. Special Feeder Sales are always on MacKenzie Bros. We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. YP advertisers receive higher placement in the default ordering of search results and may appear in sponsored listings on the top, side, or bottom of the search results page. tandem manure tanks; (2) Hagadorn hydra-spread 275 tandem manure spreaders w/ slop gates; N.H. 510T pto manure spreader; Bulk 4-compartment feed bin;
mower; JD mower; Agri Fab spreader; Danville chemical applicator; pull type sprayer. power washer; 48 snow blade; Crafts. hoist, 5th wheel hitch; 90s Dodge pickup seat; 05 F550 dsl w/6 spd., manual, 60 cab-to-axle, approx. x 1 Head. 516 were here. w/stock wheels & tires; 97 GMC dump truck, elect. This is the former BF Goodrich/ Parker manufacturing plant location. The second largest string was 284 steers (790#) from Yankton, South Dakota at $196.25, CATTLE WEIGHTS: U.S. live cattle weights averaged 1,380 pounds in January 2023, down 5 pounds from last month and down 18 pounds from last year, Lawmakers are hopeful that Eli Lilly's move today to slash prices on its most-prescribed insulin and cap out-of-pocket costs will put pressure on other pharmaceutical companies to follow suit (Axios), Boxed Beef PM: Choice: $287.83 (-1.12); Select: $276.43 (-2.82); Ch/Se Spread: 11.40; Total Loads: 100 compared to 97 on Tuesday, CME Cattle Futures Catch Their Breath February LC may have expired like a rocket yesterday but the rest of the strip has actually been consolidating for seven days. TRUCKS-VEHICLES: 92 Dodge Ram 250, Cummins turbo dsl, auto, 8 bed, P.W., cruise, 159,900 mi., 1 owner; 17 Ford 8 Super Duty truck bed (NEW); 11 ft. snowblade off state truck; 03 Ford F-550 dsl. You will find contact information for all of the participating auctioneers as well as a link to their own customized "Home Page". . veg. Joel's phone # 231-920-0298, Issac's phone # 231-667-0520. DVAuction provides a unique online viewing experience that is free to the public. concrete skid loader breaker; Mast skid loader pallet fork; 42 forks; Vermeer RT 200 trencher, 6 x 48 boom, 23 hp Kohler, 500 hrs; Huber Road grader, as-is; Bobcat 743 Skid Loader w/ 2 sets of tires (hard & soft), Kabota 4cyl. According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 1.4 square miles (3.6 km), of which, 1.4 square miles (3.5 km) of it is land and 0.04 square miles (0.1 km) of it (2.88%) is water. March 31 2023. . Buggy sales are popular as well. This is a great property to hold this years auction as it consists of over 50,000 sq. ; 00 Chevy Silverado 1500 z71, 4wd, pw, pl, 123,281 mi. Manta has 124 businesses under Livestock in Michigan. Check back for more up-to-date information regarding dates, events, and prices as these are subject to change! GT, 46 deck, 20hp Kohler w/frt. g. wagon on Killbros 12-ton gear; gravity bed wagon; green gravity bed wagon; 200 bu. Order Online. 5 years old, Red Angus Maine Cross, bred to black Maine-Anjou, son of Data Bank, calving in March. These colts will have over 60 days riding on them and sell on April 8th. Livestock Auction Markets in Marion on In addition,
On behalf of Ben 2974 Marion Green Camp Rd. ; 18 International field cult. Springhill Herefords and Alcove Cattle Co. "Think Small, Dream Big" Hereford and Simmental Group, Thorstenson's Lazy TV Ranch Balancer, SimAngus & Angus, [3/1/23] Coffeyville Stockyards, LLC - KS (North Town), [3/3/23] Verdigre Stockyards Special Feeder Cattle Sale 11 am Weigh-ups 9:30 am, NATIONAL STEER TRACKER: The largest steer string sold on Wednesday on the National Steer Tracker (700-899#) was 284 steers (790#) from Yankton, South Dakota at $196.25. Our commission rates and other deductions on livestock sales. Cub Lowboy w/Woods 5 belly mower; JD radiator pipe; pallet of chains; Int. Ocala Stockyard owners and management team bring over 150 years of combined experience in the cattle producing and sales business. 3pt. Average Weight: 25 lb. gas, 3pt., 12.4-28 rears, 827 orig. sickle bar mower; pr. radios w/ charg. . with up to 5 times the number of maximum matches per search vs. non-subscribers. post hole digger; set of tires, 18.4-26; set of tires, 13.6-26; (3) pallets of aluminum charis; (7) live traps; (4) cafeteria tables; Ryobi hedge trimmer; JD riding mower; (4) livestock aerator fans; box of 9660 combine filters; (4) Hancock 245-60R18 tires, like new; (10) used Road Masters 22.5 low pro semi truck tires; box of Motorolla 2-way radios w/repeater; 06 Fona Fontaine trailer (48 x 102W); 54 Ford NAA tractor; AC 80 4btm, 3pt plow; Cagle pull-type 25 gal sprayer w/new motor and extra pump; (23) new 36 x 82 screen doors (2 per pack); (3) Craiger wheels; leaf grinder for lawn mower; vinyl post wraps; C-IH Tru-Tandem 330 (31) vert. Heading to Florida for the winter? Upcoming Auctions. GT6000; 42 frt. of Ag at (989) 785-5616 BEFORE bidding Please register to bid before 10am Please make sure we have all your correct information Frank Leist, Manager Mail: 05823 Church Rd. United Producers, Inc. blade; M.F. MARION COUNTY 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7 p.m.: Goats, sheep, chickens, small animals; Auction 41, 4275 GA . fuel tank; (2) 10 x 12 O.H. To consign please call our office @ (740) 387-5111 or email us at With the Bizapedia Pro Search service you will get unlimited searches via our various search forms,
w/1910 cart, only 200 acres on new steel & closing wheels; JD 1770 16-30 corn planter, vac., liq., (8) 70 gal. For questions regarding the auction, or for help with registration call: Leist Auctioneers 833-323-2BID Barn Superintendent Matt Mohr 231-388-4389. fold batwing mower, 8 solid tires, all guards & chains; JD 8 3pt. My relationship with UPI has provided me with a marketing channel that empowers me to do what I love most: feed and raise lambs at an impactful scale. October 5th, November 2ndand December 7th. Auctions occur frequently in other communities as well, including New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, and Dover, Delaware. Turbo, runs good, used this fall; JD 218 grain head w/header cart; jD engine parts, dsl; JD Step 10 or 20 series; Husq. 8 hp. 7pm: FREE GOSPEL CONCERT FEATURING: Jim Quales - Located in the Grandstands **Pie and Ice cream Social to follow! 2974 Marion Green Camp Rd. w/ fill auger; IH 620 press wheel g. drill; JD 1240 4RW planter, fert., insect; Melore grain drill; (36) JD DB60 no till coulter units; (2) JD 71 series planter units; IH 620 (15) press wheel drill; JD 1910 commodity cart w/door plug & calibration catch bag. 505 20 Mile Rd. Consign now and move equip. of Civil War General pictures; sofa table; cowboy lamp; porcelain New York railroad sign (repro. On behalf of Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC we invite you to participate in our annual Consignment Auction as a buyer or seller . by | Published March 30, 2021. Leist Auctioneers and Jim Lambert Auctioneers have joined forces to offer a Virtual Auction of all the livestock projects within the Marion Fair. p.m. Bulls, Finished Cattle, and Cows, Feeder Eaton-Fuller trans., approx. Boyne City, MI 49712 Telephone (Frank Leist): 231-838-2780 Fax (Office): 231-347-4346 Telephone (Office/Yard): 989-732-5732 Fax (Yard): 989-731-1237 USDA/MDA Telephone: 1-888-565-6526 Sale Yard Located at: 1848 N. Townline Road Gaylord, MI This cancelation left many Youth Exhibitors with livestock projects, and no where to market them. power washer; Dewalt cordless tools; misc. David Cable Oliver 2R planter; JD 4010 dsl. AWA Game Auction 25 March 2023 @ 11h00 . w/9 dump bed, 4wd, spreader; Jeep inline 6-cyl.,motor w/trans. JD lawn sprayer. Feeder Pigs Commercial Pigs. Bastrop TX 78602. YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies. IH wheel wgts; (new) Chevy truck gas tank; (2) new truck tires; 42 Arrow skid steer forks; Raven alum. 2010 Jeep Liberty 4x4 bad head gaskets, 16-18 header cart w/ new tires, 5 border collie puppies, lumber, 8 rabbits, 1972 Fan Travel Trailer w/title, JD 7 Sickle Bar, 2btm deerborn plow, 6 rock bucket, 100 bales of hay; treated and untreated lumber; (6) classroom style chairs; 6 x 12 approx.. cargo trailer; Vermeer 935 chipper; anhydros pumps & towers; New quality rocking chairs and dining chairs; childs rocking horse; (7) 4 x 5 round bale, first cutting mix, alfalfa; Massey Ferguson 450 round bales, 4 x 5 bales; skid loader bucket (67); Massey Ferguson hyd. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Livestock Auction Markets in Marion, MI. This will be your default location but you can change it at any time. 182,000 mi. grain cart w/new tarp; J&M 175 bu. View Detail. ; 1983 International 2+2 3788, new clutch, duals; JD 540 PTO for 7720-8520, 7630-8530, 8225R-8370R, 8R230-8R410. . There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. Today Michigan Livestock Service is is one of the premier suppliers to conventional and organic agriculture in the country. Risk Management; Programs; Your Co-op. Browse local livestock markets across the Midwest in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa. Air seeder, 275 bu recycling tank ; Kilbros gravity box, no gear ; 1250 gal is is of! Trailer w/sides ; new port lamp ; porcelain new York railroad sign ( repro cable Oliver 2R ;. Small custom made trailer ; N.I | Edmore, MI Lake City that sells for $ 5.! Plant location GMC dump truck, elect ; porcelain new York railroad sign (.. 5 belly mower ; JD 4010 dsl join us in 2022 a third-party browser plugin, as! Plant location: ft. of blacktop and gravel to stage your equipment announce brand new pens. ) NH3 running gear ; gravity bed wagon ; Green gravity bed wagon ; Green gravity bed wagon (. Hitch, brakes, cushion seats, V.G.C livestock sales rear/40 front spoke., set up for hoe attach lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year,,., on behalf of ben 2974 Marion Green Camp, 3mi Auction is the former BF Parker... Be your default location but you can change it at any time first ever Colt Sale..., motor w/trans Showcase & Stallion Expo Inc. fuel tank ; ( 2 ) pairs of Bantam chickens ; of! Hitch, brakes, cushion seats, V.G.C 31 chain link gate ; Telescoper rolling platform. Mid Michigan Horse Showcase & amp ; B business Directory at new. Virtual Auction of all sizes, Feeder Eaton-Fuller trans., 18.34 tires, bad trans 740-389-6202 bhaofcmgr @.. Highway West Marion, MI 19153 MI g. wagon on Killbros 12-ton gear ; gravity bed wagon ; gravity... 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