I'd live in a penthouse , (Screen flashes revealing Sulley and the other top scarers slowly walking to the screen. Give me the child! Randall blames Mike for the situation and at this point, Mike is going to miss his wedding. (Sulley pulls Mike up into the door with him just as Randall emerges from Hawaii. ), (Sulley and Mike wear colanders, snorkel masks, and oven mitts for protection. Waternoose: (stammers) B-butH-How'd you--?! Amplified stomach gurgles are heard while he waits. (SMACK! Now, that's my boy. But when the shredder does shred the door, the machine starts driving around the Scare Floor. Fungus stands next to him.). (The CDA are impressed, some of them laugh with Roz) Ha, ha, ha! He and Sulley run down the hallway. The toys and kid junk from Boo's room -- which Sulley stuffed in the night before -- fall out onto George.). (Mike scoots her out of view using a broom, then sprays the area with disinfectant. Let's take it home, big guy! Things just got worse. Mike/Sulley: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a night for my mother to be in the audience, ladies and gentlemen! The silhouette of a large horned creature rises up over he bed. Mama, 'nother gator got in the house. (to Sulley) All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. These surely can't be final drafts, they're so bad! Mike: I'm telling you, big daddy, you're gonna be seeing this face on TV a lot more often. When they reach the scare floor however, they aren't allowed to actually go inside, for it is too dangerous. Randall: (in pain) Yaaaaah! No, no, no, no, no. Join the Conversation The door lands in the station. Randall tells them that it doesn't matter if he knows them, as long as Boo doesn't, they are stuck. Of course, I did learn from the best. Bom, bom, bom, bom . Shut it off! ), (A dilapidated trailer sits swamp-side. Pow-pow-pow-pow-pow! Mike and Sulley follow her back to her house and try to use her door to return to the monster world, but it doesn't work. A world based on Monsters Inc appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3. Rock music pounds as the door opens and Claws scrambles out of the room, sobbing pathetically.). The child may have escaped! And I don't want to see any paperwork on this. The boy looks around the room, nervously, eyes growing wide. Just the other day, someone asked me who I thought the most beautiful monster was in all of Monstropolis, and you know what I said? SULLIVAN! (Randall watches the trio cling to the door hanging overhead. (Sulley and Mike turn at the sound of Randall's voice.). Randall: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. ), (Mike lifts up a copy of the magazine and holds it in front of him.). (Boo's door jerks violently and heads off towards the exit. You'll have the child, and the criminals responsible for this whole mess. (The recruits sit in their usual chairs, taking notes. (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). Both dreams do come true , Josh Rivera: (voice slowed down) Action. It stops in front of a pile of hiker paraphernalia piled in the corner of the cave. Suddenly, Sulley is knocked back into the room, as if punched by nothing. Come on! You know, he's got them shifty eyes. Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. MOVE! Just then, Flankbottom, who's been hiding out in the corner of the restaurant, lying in wait to win back Celia's heart and marry her tomorrow instead of Mike, makes his way over to the table and tells them that Mike sent him to tell them that he and Sulley got caught up in a work emergency and that he's sorry he missed lunch, but he will definitely be at the wedding tomorrow. You're trying to scare the kid, not lull it to sleep. ), (Sulley closes the door, embarrassed. Animated Views' article on the history of Circle Seven Animation. Splish! I'm a nice guy. It's all about PRESENCE! (laughs) Hey, Boo, just kidding. You're safe now. Frank, a newspaper delivery monster tosses a paper on the stoop of Mike and Sulley's apartment building. Success! (Needleman and Smitty load the defunct door into the shredder. The door turns, suddenly going into a ninety degree drop.). ), (Suddenly Boo slips through Sulley's arms and disappears, Boo screams. We can start a whole new life somewhere far away! Let's go, everybody. I'll call you! The film was canceled, and will likely never be released. There's no "we" this time, pal. She pulls Sulley into her room and hands him various toys, each one with a new sense of excitement.). And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it. ), (Sure enough, Randall is heading towards the exit with Boo in tow. CDA Agent: Building clear. Look, I already told your buddies I haven't seen anything! Did the whole family see it? Behind them a giant explosion envelopes the restaurant and was blown to smitherines. Fungus waits impatiently, pointing to the newspaper as Randall kicks open each stall door. More details are available in the progress report. Employee Walla: Way to go, Randall! Mike enters the room, breaking Sulley's days. Mr. Waternoose and the workers cover their eyes. George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. Judging by her tone, she's been through this before.). Mike: Whew! with a million or two , Mike: (v.o.) George Sanderson, please remain motionless. WE HAVE A 23-19!!!! Sulley: I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey. Boo whimpers. Mike: We're gonna get our lives back. Red alert! He tells Mike that it's Boo's birthday tomorrow and invites him to come visit her. (Sulley opens the closet. (Mike looks up at the Yeti as though he's insane.). He jumps a second time but loses his grip, almost falling. Hijinks and sue would see Mike fall down a manhole and as Sulley pulls him up from the sewer, his horn is ripped clean off the left side of his head. You had something? It travels away on an overhead track.). (He picks up Boo.) Mr. Waternoose: Well done! (Mike and Sulley have a good chuckle about this and the screen flashes to Sulley talking to Boo, who can't sleep because of Randall.). I was just (Sulley reaches towards Boo. So do a collection of snakes, which we now realize make up Celia's hair.). Come on, tell me. (As Sulley listens to Mike, his eyes are drawn to the purple, scale-like fabric of his reclining chair. Mike: Sulley, what are you doing? Trapped in the human world, Mike and Sulley must embark on a quest to find her and return to their world. ), (Later at the Monstropolis grocery store, Tony the Grosser arranges fruit on a stand with his many tentacles.). Randall hits a switch on the console, turning it off. ), (Outside of Monsters, Inc., helicopters hover over the factory as large black trucks squeal into the parking lot. It powers up. In the living room, Mike is in deep thought.). Sulley bursts through the door and spots Boo standing alone in the middle of the moonlit room.). Where are you, buddy? Go fetch. Mr. Waternoose: What was that? It was released on June 17, 2013. Randall materializes, hanging from the ceiling.). Giant slingshot? Here's the kid. Fungus: (suddenly entering the room) Randall! But the neat conceit of "Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise" is that once Mike & Sulley cross over into the human world, they then aren't allowed to return to Monstropolis until they actually reunite with Boo. So help me! Mike: WHAT?! (Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless, then jogs again.). Sulley gasps for breath.). Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point.). (They dump the box out into a chair, revealing Mike. Number one wants to talk to you. Mike: None of it matters? Scientist: It is my professional opinion that now is the time to PANIC!!! Mary pulls covers over her head. Sulley: Okay, all right, making a nice little area for you to-- (Sulley hears a giggle. He stumbles back onto a skateboard, slips, and lands on a pile of jacks. ), (Befuddled, Mikes looks to the window. ), (Screen flashes, revealing Sulley in the MI bathroom. Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! Hello? (SMACK! (A horrible scream gets Mike's attention. Not when we're so close to breaking the record. Monster Kid: Morning, Mike! In silence, he slowly pushes it past Mike.). It makes Celia delay their wedding three times already and she's furious. ), (A circular shower curtain flies up around George. No, no, I can't Sir, sir, you have to listen to me. Sulley runs toward in the next station over. I had it a while ago. Sulley: Did you lose weight? Sulley fits the piece into the door. And cut! Mike: Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet-- Oop! Save it for the scare floor, will you? Tongue Monster Kid: (turning her head) Bye, Mike! The curtain flies open. Mike: Sorry it took so long, pal. ), (Mike and Sulley are taking Mary to the scare floor. Celia is right in front of him, scuffed, bruised, and wearing an Elizabethan collar around her neck.). These are the best of the best; the top Scarers, ready for action. CDA agent #2: Please clear the contaminated area. Just a straightforward continuation. Milking a yak ain't exactly a picnic, but you know, once you pick the hairs out, it's very nutritious. Each painful jerk of his fronds makes Randall change colors. Aaah! , (A female monster scream is heard as the crowd of monsters run across the stage the other way. (The room is lit by candlelight. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mr. Waternoose: (o.s.) A newscaster talks to the camera.). Mike smiles and steps aside. Surely she's gone down. (Sulley goes up and down, roaring on two levels. The tension is broken by a laugh. And, uh, how's Georgie doing? As Randall exits the floor, Sulley watches as Boo's door disappears into the vault, and with it all hope of getting rid of Mary. Come on, get lost, you two. Mike: Okay. The animatronic screams. This has gone too far.). There's a sock on it! ), (They place the sock on the floor. The script-writing program changed through the years, and we . Sulley: Mike, think about it. Looks like you're out of a job. You in there? I just read the Toy Story 3 script a little bit ago. ), (Randall looks up, but Mike is gone. Interviewee #1: I tried to run from it, but it picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a doll! Goodbye, Mr. Waternoose! Tough kids, sissy kids, kids who climb on rocks (This diversion is more that Sulley can handle.). ), (The trio jump inside and shut their door just as Randall leaps towards them.). Mike: Really? Funny, she doesn't look dangerous. We got Boo home. Boo rushes to her room and Sulley is overjoyed, he calls out her name, but she doesn't acknowledge him. In fear, she calls out for Sulley. Look at those numbers! What'd you do, forget to check if her stupid hood was up, you big dope?! She runs to her closet and opens it. (Mike and Sulley turn to see a line of monster children, led by the day care worker. Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 2.1 Additional Voices 3 Development 4 Box office 5 Critical reception 6 Music 7 Awards and nominations 8 Allusions 9 Alternative versions 10 Prequel 11 Release Cheating. The kids inside the house are freaking out, begging the parents to call the police, because there's something in the house. Despite this, they end up promptly botched their escape attempt, getting scared by the younger brother sleeping upstairs and bolting from the house into the back of a newspaper delivery truck. None of it matters? (The machine comes closer to Randall and Mike.). Roz magicially appears in a sparkly dress from inside the tub.). Simon jumps up and grabs one of the doors. Sulley: Now, look, what if we just put her back in her door? (Twelve scarer of the month photographs -- all of Sulley -- hang on a wall. Cancelled Movies. (A CDA agent stands in front of the apartment buildings. They laugh. Mr. Waternoose: There is nothing more toxic or deadly than a human child. (hands Charlie his crutch) Here, take this. But right before they hit the ground, Sulley riding two canisters swoops in and saves them before landing. He's of English, Welsh & German ancestry. Everything is not okay. The helicopters are getting closer. (The assistants run to their stations and stand at attention. (beat) Does anyone else know about this? I'll see you all in the morning. (Fungus struggles and grows pale as the machine does its work. Go to sleep. The song continues. Mike rockets towards the doors and grabs Celia before the can runs out of energy, sending the nearly weds plummeting hundreds of feet as Simon escapes. A yellow hand reaches in with a huge electric razor. Sulley sets her back in bed, then walks slowly to the door. Hoo-hoo! What are you doing? Sulley clasps the small chip in his large hand. Full Name: Simon Nerlich Simon Nerlich is the main antagonist in Monsters Inc. 2 Lost In Scaradise, A cancelled sequel to the 2001 film, Monsters Inc. Up! You're about to see the best in the business. ), (Smitty has a hard time pulling the lever, which appears to be jammed. (gasps) 23-19!! Hurriedly Mike and Sulley yank the shades closed. ), (Mary wears a big goofy grin that says "Gotcha!" Help!!!! Mike place a door near the edge of the platform, opens it, and crouches down in front like a baseball catcher.). Randall disappears. The lunch bell rings. Mike: You know what? Waternoose: Sullivan! Jerry: We may actually make our quota today, sir. (A circular shower curtain flies up around George, yelping in terror. Mike stands in front of him barking orders like a coach.). Sulley rounds the locker bank and disappears from view. ), (Randall snaps to attention and disappears. Wait. (Sulley closes the closet door behind him. (Boo spins around in a circle, getting dizzy). ), Mike: (v.o.) A metal dome is bolted over the sock. (Pushes Needleman), (Screen flashes to Sulley and Mr. , (Crowd cheers as the piano music comes to a close). (We cut over to Mike's mother in the audience wearing a foam finger. John Stephen Goodman's an American film, TV & stage actor. Mike smiles in recognition. We're still working on it. Sulley follows Randall around the corner to a dead end. It's "Sullivan", not "Soloman"! Randall steps on Sulley's other hand. Contents 1 His Evil Ranking 1.1 His Villainous Deeds 1.2 Why He Doesn't Stand Out 2 Navigation His Evil Ranking Coub is YouTube for video loops. All doors must be returned. Guy takes five steps and he's there. Sulley deposits Boo on top of her bed. The door! Sulley: How could I do this? As they leave the store, Simon, who works at the shop, manages to get a glimpse of the two monsters. Mike stands atop the pile encouraging him.). Mike hangs precariously over the vault, thousands of feet in the air.). As they exit to go to the wedding, Simon pops out from behind one of the doors and begins to snoop around the factory. Sulley: Three days?! This caught the attention of Simon Nerlich, a nerdy 30-something and a self-proclaimed monster hunter, who was listening in on his police scanner. Take it easy. Now. Enormous wooden horse? (Waternoose grabs Boo from Sulley and hands her to Mike.). Birthday tomorrow and invites him to come visit her insane. ) travels! The MI bathroom snakes, which we monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script realize make up Celia 's hair. ) it for the floor. 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