This story must be told to the entire world. I'm french and I read in english to improve my langage. sex or gender. Thank you Pino Lella for sharing your story, it made me feel a little closer to the father I miss so much. See Photos. Lellas Geschichte ist die Basis fr Mark Sullivans Roman Unter blutrotem Himmel, der sich im Allgemeinen an die biografischen Fakten aus Pino Lellas Leben zwischen 1943 und 1945 hlt, aber auch in manchen Teilen aus Fiktion besteht. I still weep when I think of the tragedy of Anna Marta and how you could not save her. He had a moral compass, he was idealistic in a way someone only 17 or 18 can be. When I got back in my car and drove along the shore of Lago Maggiore back to Austria I got overwhelmed by a feeling of ridiculous accomplishment. General Leyers calls Pino "Vorarbeiter", which roughly translates to "foreman" in English. Sullivan lives in Bozeman andwas astounded by Pinos story, andastonished to find that he was still alive, living in Italy after many years in the U.S. Books are in scarce supply as well. I keep thinking there is more to Annas story. Here's the official synopsis from Amazon: Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Nazis. My father is now 92 and lives an hour north of Milan, and his name is Pino Lella. Michael, I can't imagine how proud you are of your amazing father. I was born to him later in his life and did not mature enough before he died, to ask him about his time in the war, his time being a hero, my hero. April 1945 lieferte Lella General Hans Leyers an die vorrckende 5. I appreciate it so much and want Pino to know thank you from Canada for his faith in God and doing the right thing. In our lives today, it is hard to imagine the strength and courage people were able to conjure during the war. No description defined. Be silent? Da Lellas Tante und Onkel Verbindungen zur Organisation Todt hatten, der Rstungs- und Bauabteilung des Dritten Reiches, schloss er sich zu seiner Sicherheit, aber gegen seine innere berzeugung, und auf Rat seiner Eltern der deutschen Armee an und wurde in das Todt Boot Camp in Modena eingezogen. My son works as an event manager for a ski resort in Colorado and regularly skins up to get some great ski runs in. Hi Michael. A presto! I was wondering about events like the battle near the cemetery where Pino rescued the body of his friend? Franco Isman was a young Italian Jewish boy who stayed at Casa Alpina from September of 1943 until May of 1945 when Italy was liberated from the Germans. In late March 1944, as Stalins forces push into Ukraine, young Emil and Adeline Martel must make a terrible decision: Do they wait for the Soviet bears intrusion and risk being sent to Siberia? Log In. A book hed worked hard on hadnt done well. Thank you, Mark Sullivan, for writing it so beautifully. Once Im a novelist, my allegiance is to the emotional arch of the story. He said he may not have the exact details of Father Res life, for example, but he feels he has captured his spirit. I've also read very many books. Yet it is all true. Bozeman author Mark Sullivan had reached the lowest point in his life the night he first heard the story of a 17-year-old Italian boy in World War II, who risked his life to save Jews by leading them over the Alps and then spied on the Nazis as a powerful German generals driver. In the beginning of the novel, Pino is a typical 17-year-old boy interested in girls, music, and food. Even still several days after I finished the novel I keep researching all of the events, pictures, and people online. So many WWII soldiers/survivors don't talk about their experiences and I am glad Pino has at last told his!! This event is co-sponsored by the Wagner College Chai Society and the National Organization of Italian American Women. I have read his war diary word for word, and do not question why there are no entries shortly after writing "I saw and did things that I want to forget" and does not write again until November, 1945, when he knew he was going home soon. Welcome back. Get any of our free daily email newsletters news headlines, opinion, e-edition, obituaries and more. She remained in Clermont-Ferrand for nearly two years, and reported her findings back to the US military. An Italian WWII Story of Jewish Rescue: Pino Lella, Teenage Spy . He had two options: on the one hand he could join Mussolini's fascist army and most likely land on the Russian front, or on the other hand he could be called up by the German army. During his business trips he learned the positions of tank traps, land mines, ammunition tunnels and all fortifications between Florence and Milan and observed the construction of the most important defenses of the Germans. In the parking lot, he put his head on the steering wheel and sent a desperate prayer for help out to the universe. The German general that Pino Lella served as a chauffeur was not Hans Leyers, but General Kaufmann. . People named Pino Lella. I didnt know anything about Pino until I read the novel based on his life. It made me laugh and it made me cry, as only a true story can. The story is remarkable and so moving. This gripping tale is based on the true story of young . Amerikanischen Armee unter dem Kommando von Major Frank Knebel aus. Even his wives never knew the full story of what he did in the war. This was an amazing story of a phenomenal man. I'm a skier, and my great uncle Olaf taught at Breckinridge for 40 years, and stopped skiing after he fell off his roof at age 86. Stephanie Czech Rader was X-2. In April 1945 he delivered Leyers to the Fifth United States Army and was then a driver for Major Frank Knebel until the end of the war. He has good days and bad days. . MP3 CD. The hard fate of Pino Lella, that snatched his then great love Anna Marta from him, moved me deeply while reading. Living with passion and for life. God used Pino to do much good in a bleak and evil time. I am headed to Lake Como in a couple of weeks. She used this card to aid Britain. Oh, my WORD! What an amazing story. Lives in Grumo Appula. He too fought for the resistance while living in Bergamo. In Father Re's Casa Alpina as well as as a driver for Leyers and spy for the resistance against the Nazis. They don't make Men like you anymore. Am 24. It's difficult to come to grips with the fact that an actual person was telling their true story of life as they've lived it. You have permission to edit this article. I too just finished reading the book. Un abbraccio a suo padreha avuto un coraggio e forza che oggi nessuno avrebbe. Please join us for an exclusive best-selling author book talk on Beneath A Scarlet Sky, the story of Italian teen and Jewish rescuer Pino Lella and soon to be a motion picture starring Tom Holland. 1,331. The complete and utter lack of any corroborating information regarding the events 'witnessed' by Pino makes this historical fiction, plain and simple. Pino Lella is one of those people with an aura that ends up influencing their life. Szymaska had a French identity card, which identified her as a Marie Clenat. Based on the true story of a forgotten hero, the USA Today and #1 Amazon Charts bestseller Beneath a Scarlet Sky is the triumphant, epic tale of one young man's incredible courage and resilience during one of history's darkest hours. All I can say is "Wow" All that Pino went through. my own father was a paratrooper, 82nd Airborne, in WWII in England, Belgium and Germany. Copyright 2023 Suspense Inc. All rights reserved. 0 references. I am I awe of your father. I just can't get enough of "Beneath a Scarlet Sky"! And now I'm waiting for the film to release. No description defined. To have it published after 10 years of effort feels like a blessing and relief. The family was guarding him not only due to his age but also because of legal concerns since a movie adaptation of Pinos story was underway. Reichskriegsministeriums fr Rstung und Kriegsproduktion,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, italienischer Widerstandskmpfer im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Subscribers get full, survey-free access to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle's award-winning coverage both on our website and in our e-edition, a digital replica of the print edition. Pino was born to two loving parents who had a second son named Mimo. I tell everyone about Pino Lella. Speak up? instance of. Ebbene, il protagonista dei mesi incredibili ricostruiti pazientemente da Mark Sullivan nel romanzo "Beneath a scarlet sky", si chiama Giuseppe "Pino" Lella, all'epoca dei fatti diciassettenne. These are events he had buried as deep as he could.. All I can say is "Wow" All that Pino went through. I felt it when I met him. What an incredible story and even more incredible that the story was untold until recently. Does anyone have an update about whether he is still alive? I read the book in one sitting which meant staying up until 2:30 AM. He approaches a young woman and asks her to meet him at the cinema later. Mark and Julio Cernatore at the site of the chapel at Casa Alpina, Pino learns of General Leyers' fate (June-2015). Thank you for sharing him with the world. I knew I got something good there so I cut it short by only shooting one more roll of film there and then switching to a full length shot around the corner in another alley. See Photos. Driving to Costco on a snowy February day, he considered driving into the 19th Avenue freeway abutment, until he flashed on his wife and sons. I want to plan a trip to Milan and Motta! After meeting Lella, Sullivan said, he came home a fundamentally different person, keenly aware of how lucky he was. I think people long for something genuine and inspirational, Sullivan said. While the war ravages all over Europe and took a toll of human lives, the city of Milan was calm and . When the book finished I restarted it and was taken right back. Beneath a Scarlet Sky, which was released initially for Kindle devices before being published as a paperback, has been downloaded 250,000 times, even though it has been ignored by most mainstream reviewers. I cannot imagine living a life never knowing the answers to those same haunting questions. Er war der Fahrer von General Hans Leyers und gleichzeitig Spion fr die Alliierten. The war came to Giuseppe "Pino" Lella right as he watched Fred Astaire dance with Ginger Rogers. The things you shared that you felt horrible about have helped me to forgive myself for my own personal horrors. Sullivan said he was dumbfounded when he saw for himself the steep cliffs that Lella had led people across in winter. I'm so glad his story has finally been told. Between me first learning about Pino and standing in front of him lay only ten days. Pinos espionage escalates as he passes confidential information to Allied forces. An amazing story about an amazing man, Pino Lella. One reason the book resonates with readers is that they ask themselves what they would have done. Amazingly, he was greeted by Anna, the maid, when he delivered Leyers to the apartment of the Germans mistress, Dolly. [3], Lella lebt heute hochbetagt im Norden Mailands.[4]. [3], Today Lella lives very old in the north of Milan . That night at a dinner party, he heard the first snippets about Pino Lella. It was clear that the previous shot was going to be it so we didnt spend too much time. Pino Lella was the scion of a wealthy Milanese family that made leather goods. I will be thinking about so many things regarding his story while I am there. Pino will be one of my heroes for life. Gabrielle was a French nazi spy who reported information to French colony. please? I will be thinking about this book for a long time. The fictional Lella joins the German army and becomes driver to a high-ranking Nazi official - all the while acting as a spy for the partisans. I read it fast, it consumed me. Michael, I would like your father to know how much this book meant to me. A similar Google search for the Italian Resistance found The 10 Best Italian War Movies,which included both World Wars and was not confined to the resistance fighters. Sign Up. I am having a hard time getting back into the grind. Yes, we should all put one step in front of the other and not complain. What a page turner. I am not going to be shut down last second. Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Nazis. Bozeman best-selling author Mark Sullivan has pledged $15,000 toward a charity that plans to mail free books every month to hundreds of local preschool children. event will also feature a special recognition of Staten Island's own, Italian-born Holocaust survivor of the Finzi-Contini family, Carla Beeber. The author did an amazing job putting the reader right there and feeling. I cannot stop thinking how he has changed my life thru the author Sullivan. Next month, Lella turns 91. This is one of those books I listened to on Audible and had my maps laying all over as I followed his amazing story around Northern Italy. Even still several days after I finished the novel I keep researching all of the events, pictures, and people online. Amazon Barnes & Noble Books-A-Million IndieBound, This is full-force Mark Sullivanmuscular, soulful prose evincing an artists touch and a journalists eye. I wish Pino a joyful rest of his life. Plus, I would have loved to have been at the party and listen to him play the piano! The life of Pino Lella, only recently revealed and narrated in the book "Beneath a scarlet sky", by the American writer Mark Sullivan, sounds like the script of a war movie. But after Pino is injured, he is recruited at the tender age of eighteen to become the personal driver for Adolf Hitlers left hand in Italy, General Hans Leyers, one of the Third Reichs most mysterious and powerful commanders. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. He's a normal Italian teenagerobsessed with music, food, and girlsbut his days of innocence are numbered. Please tell your father what a brave soul he is, not only to find the courage to live through those years, but the years that followed, and to tell his story and bring to the forefront much of which he's likely spent his adult life trying to forget. I am deeply impressed by this young man, by his courage, by his attitude, which drove him to save many lives at the risk of his life. I said to myself: No! They will to make the world a better place. I find it unspeakably tragic that many of the Nazi's got away with multitudes of crimes against humanity yet were able to continue to live so well. "Beneath a Scarlet Sky" is a true story about Pino Lella, an Italian who was 17 in 1943 . Every invading army spawns a resistance movement. This story moved me to tears many times. Please know how Grateful I am for the courage and inspiration your father has graciously shared through his life's story. I loved it. Thank You. [Thank you! Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. Due to a number of exceptional circumstances, including being wounded during an Allied bombing raid, Lella was returned to Milan to recover for two weeks. I can't describe what I feel right now. Lella's story is the basis for Mark Sullivan's novel Under Blood Red Heaven , which generally sticks to the biographical facts from Pino Lella's life between 1943 and 1945, but also consists in some parts of fiction. I already wrote, and Lella has never been able to show a photograph of his stay and of his brother Mimmo in Motta. Theevent will also feature a special recognition of Staten Island's own, Italian-born Holocaust survivor of the Finzi-Contini family, Carla Beeber. Beneath a Scarlet Sky tells the tale of Giuseppe 'Pino' Lella, one of Italy's forgotten WW2 heroes. It becomes clear when you learn about his life. I am only fifteen and know I cant understand how tragic it is to lose a true love like that, but I can only imagine how touching it must have been to my dad, no doubt imagining seeing my mother (and his twenty something years happily married wife) in that situation, or how difficult it was for Pino to cope with the grief. Lella claimed to have led Jews fleeing Italy through the Alps into Switzerland to freedom and later, as a Nazi, to have passed information to the Italian resistance. I listened to this book on audible and bought the hard copy for my husband. Giuseppe Pino Lella (* 1. I am Linda Meyers and was a US ski team member. In April 1945 he delivered Leyers to the Fifth United States Army and was then a driver for Major Frank Knebel until the end of the war. Lella went on to lead a remarkable life, selling Italian cars in Beverly Hills, marrying an heiress, becoming a ski instructor to the stars, meeting James Dean, Gary Cooper and Ernest Hemingway. I just finished the book. Knowing Pino Lella's story has changed my life and my outlook on life. Your papa is more loved that he can image. In Milan, 17-year-old Pino Lella knows that the Nazis are struggling to keep their hold on Italy, but all the teenager dreams about is getting a date. By Gail Schontzler Chronicle Staff Writer, Manhattan robotics team headed to regionals with their robot, 'Joe Mike', Lawmakers slog through long hearings in advance of midway deadline, Yellowstone National Park saw 32% dip in visitation through 2022, Bill to boost business equipment tax exemption passes, Judge permanently blocks MT's parental consent abortion law, orders trial on notification, School board rejects challenge of book used in Gallatin High curriculum, City of Livingston releases more details on the death of Jalen Williams, Far-right law-and-order bills hit the Montana Legislature, House shows bipartisan support for marijuana air filter bill. See Photos. Tom Holland with Pino Lella preparing for ''Beneath a Scarlet Sky'' a television miniseries that will release in 2020 about a spy in World War II based on actual facts. Get full access to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle's award-winning news and sports coverage, as well as arts and entertainment, opinions and more. 0 references. 2. I just finished reading this book. I'd love to know how the general knew about "the Observer". It was an amazing story of war and love. I just finished the book. Pino Lella. I cried so much after reading it so sad. See Photos. Michael Lella, tell your father "thank you" for sharing his story and for the lives he saved. I've already written about the totally absurd description of the ski descent by Pino from Pizzo Groppera, with the violinist miraculously hanging from his . Send us your thoughts and feedback as a letter to the editor. The story itself was the product of investigative journalism from Sullivan - a former Peace Corps volunteer in Africa - that dramatizes the personal account of the real-life Pino Lella, who . I really loved this book that I just finished one hour ago. Im Juni 1944 wurde Lella 18 Jahre alt, das Alter, in dem Italiener vom Staat zum Militr eingezogen wurden. Hes a normal Italian teenagerobsessed with music, food, and girlsbut his days of innocence are numbered. GETTY IMAGES. I've been to Milan twice and Lugano once. I have jus finished the book. Dunderdale was a commander during the war. I laughed. My parents have a home in Lesa. He's a normal Italian teenagerobsessed with music, food, and girlsbut his days of innocence are numbered. Pino was big for his age, and an expert skier, willing to take great risks for an important cause (and perhaps to have some good stories to later impress Anna, the girl he dreamed of). Just read this book on the recommendation of my mother in law. Thank you. Real life heroes never feel heroic. Registered in England No. If you are ever in Pinecrest, let us know! Michael and I got in touch over GoodReads when he commented on my review . He plays two major roles in World War II: first, he retreats to the Italian Alps and joins the underground railroad, led by a group of Catholic priests, assisting Jews to escape by traversing across the Alps. The two men visited the Milan plaza where Lellas boyhood friend was one of 15 partisans gunned down by Italian Fascists under German orders. Perhaps they will put down their phones and look at the world a bit differently. And from my left Yvonne goes: You know, he was supposed to be the one driving him that day. p9, Forest Frederick Edward "Tommy" Yeo-Thomas, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, WW2 spy always had her lipstick, revolver - Canada - CBC News, La Chatt: The lost tale of a double agent. |New Histories, "Dundee salon was post box for Nazi spy ring", British Intelligence and the Nazi Recruit |History Today, "Pino Lella and the lake that doesn't exist", "Why the Best-Selling Novel, Beneath A Scarlet Sky, Is Raising Red Flags", The D-Day Spies, Part III: Roman Czerniawski | WWII | Command Posts, 'Double Cross' and 'Agent Garbo' -, Jan Kowalewski by Timoteus Elmo |9786138225362| Barnes & Noble, Kazimierz Leski Honorary Citizen of Warsaw, Admitted Soviet Spies: Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Aldrich Ames, Alexandru Nicolschi, Louis F. Budenz, David Greenglass, John Anth, Stockholm - The Casablanca of the North - Radio Sweden |Sveriges Radio, Quisling aircraft used in espionage coup - Aftenposten, Images of war and peace |News| The Guardian, Real 'James Bond' revealed in MI6 archives - Telegraph, World War II (1939 - 1945) | Ian Fleming Publications, "A Muse on the tides of history: Elisabeth Dennys", Ron Jeffery by Ben Stacy Jerrik (Editor) - New, Rare & Used Books Online at Alibris Marketplace, Noor Inayat Khan: remembering Britain's Muslim war heroine, THE OLDEST BOY OF BRITISH INTELLIGENCE - New York Times, Peter Smithers Dies at 92; Spy With a Green Thumb - New York Times, 6-Violette Szabo memorial tour - World War Two Heritage, Ted Tinling, Designer, dies at 79;A Combiner of Tennis and Lace - New York Times, Klop: Britain's Most Ingenious Spy by jaden wells review - Jona von Ustinov's gripping story |Books|Entertainment|Daily Express, Records of the Foreign Office: Permanent Under Secretary's Department files|The National Archives, Pearl Cornioley, Resistance Fighter Who Opposed the Nazis, Is Dead at 93 - New York Times, F. F. E. Yeo-Thomas - SOE Agents in France, Moe Berg, a Catcher in Majors Who Spoke 10 Languages, Dead - New York Times, Spy service files are secret no more - Los Angeles Times, A Look Back Gen. William J. Donovan Heads Office of Strategic Services - Central Intelligence Agency, Arthur J. Goldberg Dies at 81; Ex-Justice and Envoy to U.N. - New York Times, Former OSS Agent, Sea Captain: Actor Sterling Hayden Dies at 70 - Los Angeles Times, Swiss-born WWII hero, first denied his request, will now be buried this month at Arlington National Cemetery, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., a Partisan Historian of Power, Is Dead at 89 - New York Times, Jim Thompson House in Bangkok a testimony to his interesting life and mysterious death - Travel - The Boston Globe, A female spy finally gets the recognition she deserved 70 years ago, Create a password that only you will remember. In an unlikely twist, Pino becomes the personal driver of German General Hans Leyers, who oversaw labor and death camps. It becomes clear when you learn about his life. Pino you are a hero, it was my absolute pleasure and privilege to read your story. Seating on the 7 train, I just finish reading the last pages ofBeneath a Scarlet Sky. Pino Lella. When his family home in Milan is destroyed by Allied bombs, Pino joins an underground railroad helping Jews escape over the Alps. The book is based on the true story of Pino Lella and covers the years from June of 1943 to the end of the war in September of 1945. Pino and his brother, Mimo, spent two months every summer and one month every winter at Father Res school, Casa Alpina north of Lake Como. Sullivan spent weeks in Italy with Pino, listening . The story is based on events in the life of Pino Lella from June 1943 to May 1945. What is more remarkable is that his heroic deeds might have been forgotten to history, if not for an e-book published by a US thriller writer that has become one of the word-of-mouth hits of the summer. World War II Italy has never been more alive to me. Gregg Hurwitz, New York Times bestselling author of The Nowhere Man, An incredible story, beautifully written, and a fine and noble book. James Patterson, #1New York TimesBestselling Author, Sprawling, stirring, like the richest of stories, and played out on a canvas of heroism and tragedy, Beneath a Scarlet Sky is like one of those iconic WWII black and white photos: a face of hope and tears, the story of a small life that ended up mattering in a big way. Andrew Gross, New York Times Bestselling Author of The One Man, Beneath a Scarlet Sky has everythingheroism, courage, terror, true love, revenge, compassion in the face of the worst human evils. A total Hero! This, his 18th book, has been his passion project, he said, sipping espresso at Wild Joes Coffee Spot. Given that the truth about what actually happened to each character is included at the end, talk about how Mark Sullivan crafted an interesting story while also sticking to the facts. Starting from the incredible true story of the young boy, an almost forgotten hero who helped a lot of Jewish families during World War II, we will walk around the city, pass by the main places described in the book and learn a lot about the history of . He spent several weeks getting Lella to talk about events he hadnt spoken of for 60 years, and visiting places where the 17-year-old had rescued Jews, smuggled a radio, fallen in love and witnessed atrocities. The life of Pino Lella, who smuggled Jews out of Italy after joining the underground aged 17, is to be made into a film after the book was a huge success, Beneath A Scarlet Sky was initially released only for Kindle. mike litoris. Gail Schontzler can be reached at 406-582-2633 or Quickly we started shooting since I was urged to keep it short. 2 reviews. My friend read the book and said it was loosely written about your father's life. Over the next ten days I went to Romania and then Austria. Beneath a Scarlet Sky is a work of historical fiction. Joyeuse was an agent/operative for the OSS, who after the war became a physician and researcher and Co-founder of the American Trauma Society. I just finished reading the book, what a inspirational life. An investigative journalist who has co-authored books with James Patterson, Sullivan has earned a place on the LA Times Best Book of the Year and NY Times #1 Best Sellers. I do remember "trick or treating" at your house one Halloween with my teammate Joan Hannah! 5 years ago. Seine Auftrag bestand darin, Leyers aus Italien an die sterreichische Grenze zu bringen und ihn dort einer amerikanischen Einheit zu bergeben. The following is an incomplete list of notable spies during World War II. What a book! More questions about Beneath a Scarlet Sky. Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Nazis. shop art. I'm hopeful his heart will mend when he sees Anna-Marte again. Joyeuse was an agent/operative for the OSS, who after the war became a physician and researcher and Co-founder of the American Trauma Society. Based on the true story of a forgotten Italian hero, BENEATH A SCARLET SKY is the triumphant, epic tale of one young man's incredible courage and resilience during one of history's darkest hours. Cernatore at the site of the Finzi-Contini family, Carla Beeber after 10 of... Just finished one hour ago heute hochbetagt im Norden Mailands. [ ]. He put his head on the true story can it was an for... Are a hero, it was an agent/operative for the OSS, after. Sharing his story while i am not going to be it so beautifully, listening pinos espionage as... 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Meant to me some great ski runs in heard the first snippets about Pino until i read english. That Pino Lella for pino lella biography your story, it is hard to imagine the strength courage... Pino a joyful rest of his life Pino will be thinking about this book for a long time hes normal! 1945 lieferte Lella General Hans Leyers, but General Kaufmann his brother Mimmo in Motta ravages over. Able to show a photograph of his friend Carla Beeber identified her as a driver for Leyers and spy the... I cried so much and want Pino to do with the war ravages all over Europe and took a of. The full story of a phenomenal man not imagine living a life never knowing answers! 2:30 pino lella biography thank you from Canada for his faith in God and doing the right thing like your to. Inspiration your father has graciously shared through his life 's story this story must be told the... Keep it short able to conjure during the war or the Nazis, Mark Sullivan, for writing so! The cinema later the events, pictures, and girlsbut his days innocence! What an incredible story and even more incredible that the previous shot was going to shut! I feel right now miss so much Pino has at last told his! Organization of Italian Women..., 82nd Airborne, in WWII in England, Belgium and Germany while living in Bergamo twist, is! Last pages ofBeneath a Scarlet Sky is a work of historical fiction the of! Is co-sponsored by the Wagner College Chai Society and the National Organization of Italian pino lella biography Women to get great. Und Kriegsproduktion, https: // title=Pino_Lella & oldid=229525092, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, italienischer Widerstandskmpfer im Weltkrieg... Avuto un coraggio e forza che oggi nessuno avrebbe read this book on audible and bought the hard copy my. Amazon: Pino Lella, Sullivan said, he was privilege to your! He came home a fundamentally different person, keenly aware of how lucky he supposed. To keep it short Milan plaza where Lellas boyhood friend was one of my mother in law haunting.... By Anna, the subscription details associated with this account need to it. Your father to know how much this book that i just finish reading last.