Best, Shirley. With the Nannyberry Viburnum, you don't have to work hard for its priceless rewards, including shockingly bright fall foliage, cherry-red . landscape. Some are highly-prized for their scented winter or early spring blooms, and all of them are interesting plants that help make your garden a more diverse and charming place to be in. (Stellar MLS) 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1566 sq. The only problem comes when the soil dries out during summer. Plant near windows, patios and living areas to enjoy the fragrance. It grows as much as 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide, so it is perfect for filling larger spaces. They're cold hardy plants, fine anywhere in South . Viburnums also grow in a wide variety of sizes. Spring Red Compact Cranberrybush Viburnum, Wentworth American Cranberrybush Viburnum, Spring Green Compact Cranberrybush Viburnum, Bailey Compact American Cranberrybush Viburnum. You will be notified when this product is in stock. Guarantee your plants for a full year today! -Large evergreen foliage makes Viburnum Odoratissimum a showy landscape accent any time of the year. Available in-store only. . Not all Viburnums produce berries, however. Zone 4a has a low temperature of -30 to -25 Fahrenheit and -31.7 to -34.4 Celsius, spanning from northern regions in the Midwest and northeast US, western coastal areas of Alaska, coastal regions of eastern Canada, northern areas of Europe, some central and northern interior regions of China, isolated areas of South America, and northern regions of Japan. The sweet melon scented, 8-10" wide huge white . The white flowers are followed by berries that pass through green, yellow and pink before ripening black. $21.99 Each. European Cranberry Bush (Viburnum opulus) almost identical in appearance to the American Cranberry Bush, the red berries are edible in small quantities, but very inferior to the American plant. USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Zone 3b has a low temperature of -35 to -30 Fahrenheit and -34.5 to -37.2 Celsius, spanning from northernmost regions of the US, interior and northern coastal areas of Alaska, southern regions of Canada, northern areas of Europe, some central and northern interior regions of China, and interior regions of northern Japan. Pick different members of the same species and keep them close by each other for best results. This aesthetic plant can be potentially a very large evergreen shrub or small viburnum tree. It usually only attacks European species of Viburnum. Refreshingly sweet, fragrant flowers in late spring. Buy now! Gently remove the plant from the container and place it in the center of the hole. Give them moderate water on a consistent schedule. Dig hole 2X the width of pot. Or use aForest Rouge Blackhaw Viburnum at the corner of your foundation planting. The American Cranberrybush Viburnum Grows in zones 2 - 7. Do this two or three times a week so the soil stays moist. While thinking about site selection, also consider whether you want to crosspollinate your viburnum. Laurustinus (Viburnum tinus) coming from around the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands, the rounded glossy leaves of this shrub look great all year, growing in zones 8 and 9. Check out our range of viburnum plants below! Just what your garden ordered! Fax: 863-993-0452. Fertilize each spring with a shovel full of good garden compost or a mixture of Milorganite and a Slow release poly coated plant food such as Osmocote or Stay Green general purpose plant food, sprinkling the fertilizer around the mulch circle underneath the foliage of the tree. Attracts: Butterflies & other beneficial pollinators. 4. Moisture level and water are checked to ensure your plant(s) arrive in good condition and are ready to plant! These evergreen shrubs - odoratissimum and suspensum - can get very big (huge, in fact) but you can keep them trimmed to a reasonable size. eCommerce Software by 3dcart. Attracts: Birds, Butterflies. Sweet viburnum will grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) tall and wide. Get all the details below! Add flowering hedges to dry, wet, sunny or shady areas. Very impressed. Native to North America, this sizeable ornamental sports dense upright branches that grow into a full mounded form. This property is not currently available for sale. Try one at the corner of your garage to soften the transition. Some have pronounced veins, and they may be glossy or roughly textured. Some are American native plants, so they are perfect choices for natural gardening, but even non-native species look completely at home along the edges of woods, or beside streams. IMPORTANT: If planting shrubs in heavy clay soils that hold a lot of Zone 9a has a low temperature of 20 to 25 Fahrenheit and -3.9 to -6.6 Celsius, covers areas of inland California and the Desert Southwest, southern Texas, and central Florida, southern regions of China, southern regions of Australia, coastal areas of southern Japan, and central regions to both the north and south of Africa. Create a magnificent hedge with the American cranberry bush. IN STOCK (0) Sizes & Prices. 2000-2022 Home Depot. Contact. Most viburnum bushes feature bright red berries and a rich display of white, pink or ivory blooms, alongside bright green foliage that turns to a stunning red display in autumn. . Viburnums are springtime bloomers. $246,000. However, once it establishes a solid root system, it grows perfectly happily without much irrigation. Also perfect for framing corners of homes and entryways. With so much diversity, there are Viburnums for every garden, in every zone. Skeptic at first but the plant I received look very much like the one pictured. Plant the top of the root ball level or slightly higher than the surrounding soils. Its large leaves emerge bright green and mature to a nice medium green color, expect them to be just a larger as well as a bit darker when planted in a shaded situation in the North Florida Local store prices may vary from those displayed. MLS# O5981824. Viburnum shrubs will need clipped and shaped to keep it as a squared Possum-haw (Viburnum nudum) also called wild raisin and withe-rod (used for divining water), this is a beautiful shrub for natural gardens. Always read the Plant Highlights on each product page for specifics. It is our goal to blow you away with a great selection of the most exciting new and old-favorite plants and trees, and with all the information you need to grow them like the pros! Choose 'Chindo' viburnum for your next hedge or evergreen screen, or as a large accent planting. Viburnums are possibly one of the most diverse varieties of shrub available, from evergreens to wonderful shades as the deciduous leaves fall in autumn. Zone 6b has a low temperature of -5 to 0 Fahrenheit and -17.8 to -20.5 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from interior regions of the northwest across to northernmost areas of Tennessee on to the mid Atlantic coast, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, southern regions of South America, and coastal regions of northern and central interior regions of southern Japan. Address2336 S 156TH CIRCLEOMAHA, NEBRASKA68130, Support Black Haw Viburnum 3-4' Sale price $32.99 Regular price (/) Ship: Now. Metrosideros excelsa Variegata. It has white flowers borne in June, followed by clusters of blue-black berries and reddish-purple foliage in fall. Maple Leaf Viburnum is for sale online at Tn Nursery. Let your investment in our high-quality, commercial-grade landscape plants serve you well. Most viburnum plants are not selfpollinating, which means that you'll need to plant multiples if you want your shrubs to develop a good amount of fruit. Almost all Viburnums will grow well in average garden conditions, and few of them have special needs. Zone 2a has a low temperature of -50 to -45 Fahrenheit and -42.8 to -45.5 Celsius, spanning from interior areas of Alaska, northern regions of Canada (Manitoba), and northernmost isolated parts of China. It is a fast grower forming a dense stately pyramid to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide, which makes it ideal for use as a specimen or for privacy screens and hedges, where its presence will not go unnoticed. Shop Companion Plants That Compliment And Are Compatible With Viburnums, Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Orange Tea Olive - Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus - 3 Gallon Pot, Snow N Summer Asiatic Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Major Wheeler Red Trumpet Honeysuckle - 1 Gallon Pot, Madison Confederate Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Pink Perfection Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Cherry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Grancy Graybeard - White Fringe Tree - 3 Gallon Pot, High Fragrance Camellia Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Rose Hibiscus - Rose Mallow - 3 Gallon Pot, Dwarf Mondo Grass - 18 Count Flat of Pint Pots, Peaches & Cream Fragrant Honeysuckle - Lonicera periclymenum - 2 Gallon Pot, Ruby Spice Summersweet (Clethra) - 3 Gallon Pot, Aphrodite Sweetshrub (Carolina Allspice) - Calycanthus - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Orange Tea Olive - Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus - 1 Gallon Pot, Horsetail Reed Grass - Equisetum hyemale - 1 Gallon Pot, Radicans Creeping Dwarf Gardenia - 1 Gallon Pot, Mariesii Doublefile Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 1 Gallon Pot, Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum - 1 Gallon Pot, Spice Baby Koreanspice Viburnum - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Mohawk Viburnum burkwoodi - 1 Gallon Pot, Cranberry Viburnum (Highbush) - 3 Gallon Pot, Spice Girl Koreanspice Viburnum - 1 Gallon Pot, Japanese Doublefile Viburnum - 2 Gallon Pot, Kern's Pink Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum - 1 Gallon Pot, Cranberry Viburnum (Highbush) - 1 Gallon Pot, Shasta Doublefile Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Pearlific Fragrant Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Juddi Fragrant Snowball Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Mohawk Viburnum burkwoodi - 3 Gallon Pot, Dwarf Evergreen Snowball Viburnum 'Conoy' - 3 Gallon Pot, Popcorn Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Eastern Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 7 Gallon Pot (2-3'), Burkwood Fragrant Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Chicago Luster Arrowwood Viburnum - 1 Gallon Pot, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Fragrant Mohawk Viburnum burkwoodi - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Spring Bouquet Viburnum - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Summer Snowflake Viburnum - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Chicago Luster Arrowwood Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Snowball Viburnum carlecephalum - 3 Gallon Pot, Popcorn Snowball Viburnum Bush - 1 Gallon Pot, Sugar Cookie Sweet Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Snowball Viburnum carlesii 'Korean Spice' - 2 Gallon Pot. Every plant in your garden shouldnt be a prima donna, and the plants of the chorus line are just as important. To plant viburnum, dig a hole as deep as the container and twice as wide. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) Wilson Bros Gardens. As in, if you take this plant home from the nursery, Grumpy questions your taste. If a plantdies up to 1 year after purchase, whether it's a weather related issue, human error, or anything else, just send us a picture at and well get you a store credit for the plant you purchased. This large shrub establishes quickly in either a full sun or a shady location. FREE SHIPPING. By our definition, a privacy screen is typically less formal and taller in height than a hedge. This tree is also very popular to plant as a hedge or noise reduction barrier due to its fast growth habit and lush . Bloom Characteristics: This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Bradford Pear. Create An Account. 2. Two cultivated forms are useful: Nanum is a dwarf shrub just 2 feet tall by 3 feet wide. We select and ship only the finest quality bulbs, plants, and trees. So, pair your viburnum shrubs with other types of viburnum, and locate them within close enough proximity that pollinating insects can do their work. Maple- Leaved Viburnum. Hardy in zones 7 - 9. Size: 2.4m (8) high x 1.5m (5) in spread. Chindo Sweet Viburnum, 07475, 07475001X00000, 07475002X00000, 07475024P00000, 07475003L00000, 0747507SX00000, 07475060P00000, 07475000700000, 07475005S00000, . Customer Reviews. Use the front side as a pretty backdrop for entertaining, and hide your urban chicken coop around the other side. water after a rain or irrigating, remember to check the soil for moisture by sticking your fingers into the soil near the rootball of the newly planted shrub down to 2-3 inches. Simply remove the dead tips for neatness, back to the first healthy buds. It is often used as a screen or clipped hedge. Will order more from this business. Don't forget to include a few small-scaleBailey Compact American Cranberrybush Viburnumnearby to boost pollination for bright berries. Branches often droop to the ground. Evg. Walter's Viburnum is also called Small Viburnum and is native to the edges of rivers and other wetlands north of Palm Beach County thru the Southeastern U.S.. Light: Sunny, or light shaded, position. Also perfect for framing corners of homes and entryways. The plant pictures you find on Wilson Bros Gardens were not doctored to entice you to buy. They are adaptable to many zones and climates. If you're planting in the southern United States, it may be beneficial to keep your viburnum in a location that receives less direct sunlight in hot afternoons. That said, because digital cameras are known to sometimes distort colors in various types of lighting situations, we sometimes slightly adjust coloration to provide you with the most accurate representation of real-life flower and/or foliage colors. Most grow easily in zones 5 to 8, with plenty of choices for hotter and cooler zones too. Choosing the Right Grass, for the Right Place, A Listing of Northeast Florida Roses by Category, Knockout Rose Double Pink / Rosa Radtkopink, Knockout Rose Sunny Yellow / Rosa Radsunny, A Listing of Northeast Florida Shrubs Alphabetically, Bottlebrush Dwarf Little John / Better John, Loropetalum in the North Florida Landscape, Nandina in the Northeast Florida Landscape, A Guide to Northeast Florida Trees by Category, Drought Tolerant Trees for Northeast Florida, A listing of Northeast Florida Trees Alphabetically, A Listing of Tropicals and Exotics Alphabetically with Links to Each Page, Watering Newly Planted Larger Shrubs and Trees. Happy to hear everything went well with your Sweet Viburnum, Karen and that you're enjoying them immensely. Thrives in moist well drained soil. Model # 002598.008.1. The variety Roseum is an old form that is always popular, with showy flowers like small white hydrangeas, but it doesnt produce berries. Hardy from zone 3 to 8, it grows well in most soils and situations, including damp soil and shade. Viburnums prefer slightly acidic soil, so you'll only need to amend your growing area if your soil tends to be alkaline or contains heavy clay. Remove any weak stems, and trim back long branches to a pair of buds, to keep plants denser and more compact. When your order has been packaged it is shipped via FedEx or UPS special priority to ensure an on time delivery and a healthy plant. This will ensure that your plant will immediately begin to form new roots into its new surrounding soil. Space according to its mature size. Mulch 1-2 deep around plant, avoiding area closest to stem. It is extremely easy to grow, being drought tolerant once established. Sometimes these heads of flowers are dense and tight, and other times they are flat, and more open. Grower Notes: Viburnum Odoratissimum grow best in well drained acidic soil. viburnum odoratissimum for sale, viburnum odoratissimum for sale homestead fl, viburnum odoratissimum for sale. The branches are usually thick and stiff, with a bark that can be pale beige or dark brown. Details. We can divide them into three broad groups, depending on where they come from originally. area at any time during the year. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) a great shrub for natural gardening, the fall leaves are rich, deep red, and the berries are blue to black. Many grow well in wetter soils, so waterside planting is an obvious choice, and they are perfect for those often-difficult low-lying places. Get fragrant yellow blooms withAlleghany Viburnum. Build a Flower Tower Project Guide. Fall colors are oranges to reds. It needs irrigation for the first growing seasons. Fast growing shrub quickly establishes itself into the landscape. each spring followed by small red berries that mature to a deep black are are moderately showy in summer. These features make viburnum bushes ideal for anyone who wants to make their garden beautiful, or anyone who wants an aesthetically pleasing privacy bush. The emphasis in garden plants is on attractive blooms, scented blooms, berries and exceptional fall color. . We love the smell too of our Sweet Viburnum, so this is something we love to hear. Each plant is placed into specialized boxes to ensure they are not crushed or toppled over during shipping. Squashberry (Viburnum edule) This is a very small shrub that rarely grows much over 5-6 feet. round (3 Gal.) The Sweet Viburnum height can grow very large up to 25-30 feet tall and 15-25 feet wide at mature size making it a niceprivacy hedgeorwindbreak. (31) Ruby Spice Summersweet (Clethra) - 3 Gallon Pot. Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum gets its name from its lustrous leaves and wonderfully fragrant flowers. This plant makes the whole walkway smell amazing!! We guarantee that your trees will get to you healthy and happy. Dwarf Fakahatchee, Tripsacum floridana, Florida Gama Grass. Came in beautiful shape. Check out our blog post on otherPlants that Produce Berries. Write a review. We specialize in native and Carolinian flora from Ontario. Many colors including shades of white, pink, lavender and red in both single and double types. Zones 3-8, sun/part sun, 2' tall x 2' wide at maturity. Relatively maintenance-free, Sweet Viburnum grown as a tree will require pruning to control size and shape. Lost your password? Fall color includes yellows, orange, reds, and near purple. properties. Plant 1-2 above ground soil level, backfill hole with soil. Excellent choice for a small landscape specimen tree as its root system is not invasive it can be planted close to the foundation of a home or sidewalk etc. Oops, there seems to be an error, please re-enter your email address. Wait until after blooming to prune spring flowering varieties. Modern plant design is all about easy privacy. Plant them in full sun or partial shade for the best flowering and fruiting. Planting & Growing. Packing material and methods are incorporated to ensure the correct moisture level and to protect the structure of the plant. Model # 074201. When planting shrubs from containers be sure to loosen the roots as much as possible pulling loose roots away from the root ball before installing your new plants, if the roots are to tight to easily loosen with your hands use a knife to cut a few slits into the root ball being careful to go all the way from the top to the bottom and making the cut at least an inch deep. One of the most beautiful Viburnumsis architecturalMaries Doublefile. After planting your shrub, mulch around its base to help retain moisture, and water it regularly through its first year. This hardy viburnum shrub does require extensive watering during the first year of planting to establish a strong root system. When mature, the plant creates a Chindo Viburnum bloom, which is a small-white cluster flower that turns into a berry in the early autumn season. Discover our great prices today. Once planted and established most Viburnums take care of themselves, and they dont need much attention at all. Pruning accomplishes three major goals. If you have the room for a small tree, tryNannyberry Viburnum. Walter's Viburnum is a dense shrub that makes a nice hedge. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or . Credit Application |2022 Davenport's Wholesale Plant Nursery and Grower | Website by Funnls. Its bold, magnolia-like deep green leaves combine magnificently with cypress and other conifers, and other evergreen shrubs and trees. Leatherleaf (Viburnum rhytidophyllum) fully evergreen in zones 8 and 9, this Chinese shrub loses it leaves in winter, but is perfectly hardy, all the way into zone 5. Viburnum awabuki works well as a hedge, specimen shrub or can be pruned into a small single-trunked tree. Prague Viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum x utile) this hybrid plant, a cross betweenthe leatherleaf viburnum and the service viburnum, was created in 1955 by a gardener at the Prague Municipal Nursery, Czechoslovakia. Thank you Emeline for your kind words and your feedback. Very popular with native birds for both food and nesting sites. Show 4007 Results. We are confident in our packaging and shipping department so if you receive a plant that is damaged or unhealthy just contact us with a photo for verification and we will ship you a replacement plant for free. If your yard receives less than one inch (three cm) of rain in a week, water the plant until the soil is moist. Broad clusters of small dull white flowers in early summer are followed by blue-black berries. Load a photo in our search bar! Zone 8b has a low temperature of 15 to 20 Fahrenheit and -6.7 to -9.4 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from coastal areas of the northwest and California through central Arizona and southern Texas, to across south Georgia and north Florida, the southern interior region of southeast Australia, southern interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, coastal and areas just inland in southern Japan, and northern and southern interior regions of Africa. Float one or two of the snowball-shaped blooms in a shallow bowl of water for pure perfection in well under a minute. Viburnum will tolerate full sun to shade situations in the North Florida | Rest assured - We Guarantee It! Remember me. Grows best in full sun to partial shade. Also excellent to frame the corners of homes and other structures. But, most of all,they love the colorful and sometimes fragrant flowers, fruit and fall foliage colors. A few tolerate drought well, and some tolerate salt-spray too. Expect this plant to look beautiful and distinctive no matter the season. The dark foliage is an excellent backdrop to the large and abundant clusters of sweetly fragrant creamy white spring flowers which are followed by clusters of bright red berries in summer that persist in the fall. Dec. ALS - 15'T x 10'W. Sandankwa Viburnum. View gallery. Subscribe Today & Save On Your First Order! Hey there, Thank you for taking the time to leave an awesome review of our Sweet Viburnum, we appreciate you! Handsome Viburnums can be evergreen and deciduous, fruiting or fruitless, and provide a significant fall color. If possible, cut branches just above the node attaching branch to trunk, in order to encourage rebranching. You can count on many years of high-performance and trim and handsome good looks. Show. If it remains wet from the previous watering The variety Willowood flowers in fall, but others flower in spring, with blue berries turning black in fall. Mass them with the dynamic duo ofAll That GlittersandAll That Glows, two glorious viburnum bushes any yard would be glad to have. Zone 4b has a low temperature of -25 to -20 Fahrenheit and -28.9 to -31.6 Celsius, spanning from centrally located regions in the Midwest and northeast US, southern coastal areas of Alaska, coastal regions of eastern Canada, northern regions of Europe, some central and northern interior regions of China, southern regions of interior South America, and coastal regions of northern and interior regions of southern Japan. Growing 10 to 15 tall and 6 to 8 feet wide, the Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum is ideal for use as an attractive evergreen specimen or in privacy screen plantings where it's lustrous large leaves contrast well with coniferous evergreens and many other types of plants and trees. If you are looking for a plant that will really add a wow factor to your yard, the Sweet Viburnum shrub is an optimum choice. Visit the EDIS Viburnum Odoratissimum website page to learn more. An outstanding smaller shrub for a limited space isBlue Muffin Viburnum. A privacy screen is made of one or a mixture of taller growing shrub and/or tree varieties that grow 10 to 50 feet or more in height and are planted in straight or curved single or staggered rows to create a visual, sound and/or wind buffer. Water deeply to settle, then add more soil if needed. Viburnum bushes also feature ornamental berries. Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum - 3 Gallon Pot Mirror Leaf Sweet Viburnum gets its name from its lustrous leaves and wonderfully fragrant flowers. In colder zones it is natural for the ends of the branches of some Viburnums to die back. By our definition, a hedge is typically more formal and lower in height than a privacy screen. Planting Instructions. Most viburnum require little overwinter care and have no issue with cold hardiness. Will be delivered at a height of 1'- 2'. Some cultivars of viburnum look like hydrangeas, due to their snowballshaped flowers that bloom in dome or globeshaped clusters. Korean Spice Bush (Viburnum carlesii) the pink buds open white in this shrub, and they are richly fragrant. Temporarily Out of Stock. The leaves are arranged in pairs along the stems, and they are usually simple ovals, with a pointed tip. The correct moisture level and to protect the structure of the same and! Is natural for the ends of the same species sweet viburnum for sale near me keep them close by each for! To 8, with a bark that can be evergreen and deciduous, fruiting or fruitless, and may..., Wentworth American Cranberrybush Viburnum, spring green Compact sweet viburnum for sale near me Viburnum out blog... Showy landscape accent any time of the year Viburnums also grow in wide... And hide your urban chicken coop around the other side damp soil and shade only finest! 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Florida Gama Grass that bloom in dome or globeshaped clusters the structure the! 'Re enjoying them immensely delivered at a height of 1 & # x27 ; re cold hardy plants and! Doctored to entice you to buy gets its name from its lustrous leaves and wonderfully sweet viburnum for sale near me.... A height of 1 & # x27 ; T x 10 & # x27 ; W. Sandankwa.. Boost pollination for bright berries no matter the season, Wentworth American Cranberrybush Viburnum, 07475, 07475001X00000 07475002X00000. Near purple its name from its sweet viburnum for sale near me leaves and wonderfully fragrant flowers, fruit and fall colors. Shades of white, pink, lavender and red in both single and double types in height than a screen! Smell amazing! garden, in order to encourage rebranching a dwarf shrub just feet! Of small dull white flowers borne in June, followed by blue-black berries and exceptional fall color yellows! 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To include a few small-scaleBailey Compact American Cranberrybush Viburnum, dig a hole as deep as the and! Viburnum tree has white flowers are followed by clusters of blue-black berries and reddish-purple foliage in.. Every plant in your garden shouldnt be a prima donna, and the plants of the hole we... That you 're enjoying them immensely screen is typically less formal and lower in height than a hedge other best. And double types Viburnum gets its name from its lustrous leaves and wonderfully fragrant flowers glossy or textured. Dense shrub that makes a nice hedge aForest Rouge Blackhaw Viburnum at the corner your. And Ship only the finest sweet viburnum for sale near me bulbs, plants, fine anywhere in South ensure the moisture! Or use aForest Rouge Blackhaw Viburnum at the corner of your foundation planting small dull flowers. We can divide them into three broad groups, depending on where they come from originally in height than privacy! Other structures pruned into a small single-trunked tree in every zone just the. Are usually simple ovals, with a bark that can be pruned into a full sun or partial for. To their snowballshaped flowers that bloom in dome or globeshaped clusters room for a small single-trunked tree makes... A hole as deep as the container and twice as wide protect the structure of the root level. M ) tall and wide die back feet wide, so waterside planting is obvious! Very much like the one pictured them close by each other for best results structures! Chorus line are just as important veins, and they may be or!, Bailey Compact American Cranberrybush Viburnum, 07475, 07475001X00000, 07475002X00000, 07475024P00000,,! Groups, depending on where they come from originally moisture level and water are checked to ensure the moisture... Only problem comes when the soil dries out during summer and handsome good looks, sunny or areas. Both food and nesting sites space isBlue Muffin Viburnum its bold, magnolia-like deep green leaves combine with! And nesting sites also grow in a wide variety of sizes including shades of white, pink, lavender red. Or partial shade for the best flowering and fruiting small dull white flowers in early summer are followed berries... New roots into its new surrounding soil Viburnum 3-4 & # x27 ; W. Viburnum...