That you put it that way tells me precisely that you dont live in their world. The people protesting the buses are hipster transplants who have most likely lived in the area for less than 10 years. I understand perfectly why theyre going after Google buses (after reading up on the protests): the buses are there. Thus, the correct sentence after adding the question tag is. Gentrification is what happens when White Flight has successfully ruined a community. I appreciate the centrist vibe here. That is the guy who is proposing a federally mandated ban on gay players in the NFL. I would say that they do too little and that is protestable. Today you'll learn Tag question rather you can say Question Tag. You see them now, dont you? @kazzy Unfortunately, not everyone can do X at the same time. These protesters are, at root, targeting a company, and the rank and file thereof, for doing exactly that. Th hin ti hon thnh4. Im in a currently-gentrifying neighborhood in Dorchester, a traditionally blue collar neighborhood of Boston. Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. I liked that I could bring my friends to that sports bar. I dont have much more of an explanation other than I like having my privacy. Did they go back and time and change the facts and moral premises of the arguments that convinced you? It might be pointless or misguided, but fine. What in the world has this nation come to?, Now to be fair, it should be noted that Burkman is a lobbyist and not a legislator, and that he is just publicly announcing the idea of a bill to outlaw gays in the NFL. I am concerned about our general societal focus on making people feel like their body is naughty and that they should hide it at all costs. Are they still protesting? 2. Personally, Ive showered with some gay dudes (in a team sport environment) and i could FEEL teh gay eyes staring all over my hetro christian boooody. Especially when they could be raging at the people who are aggravating that scarcity with unnecessary building restrictions.Report. Doesnt mean i agree or dont think they are wrong. Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, growing income inequality, a failure of the upper middle class to try to integrate and live with lower classes, etc. Violations. Thats not to say a critique of someones views wont reveal that they hold those beliefs out of partisan identification. A tag question is a question we can add to the end of a statement. In these cases, the speaker's intonation rises at the end. Someone who argues that government should not just allow, but actually force a private business to discriminate in hiring should have to hand his card in.Report, The thing is, for most of American history, social conservatism (as one would define it today) has been more closely economic populism, not economic conservatism (again, as one would define it today). In a tag question, the speaker makes a statement, but is not entirely certain of the truth, so a tag question is used to get the confirmation from the listeners. I think he will pass the exam , won't he? Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject. What standard are you holding them to?Report. at the very least the google protests show that krugman is lying when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percentReport. In other words, hes asking for men (in the NFL) to have the same protection women already have, not for men to be granted a special protection that women dont have. Tag questions are very common in English and are used to ask if you agree with the statement. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Non responsive to indications of a lack of interest? But Jesus, does it depress me that those are our two choices.Report. He does not yet have a sponsor and likely may never get one; even if he does, the bill will never see the floor of either chamber. that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. We are late, do we? ft. on a locker room with private areas, Im going to prefer the former. I dont know. 1. He was not watching the cricket match, was he? What are the people who participated doing now? But I think the default towards that is based on a broader, more harmful prudishness about the human body.Report, One mans harmful prudishness is anothers protective prudishness.Report, My point is that a societal tilt towards prudishness gives us all sorts of complexes about our own bodies, most of them harmful. An accompaniment to Andrew Reeves's Warhammer post. I dunno, BB. A family of hospitals for your family. People who throw rocks at Google busses and employees are not allowed to be mocked, because they are people looking at changing times that are leaving them behind, and even though theyre lashing out at people and things that arent responsible for that, we must be sympathetic to the very real fear and anxiety that this changing world brings. I was a bit over the top upthread, I admit, and Im sorry for that. P1: Those hippies did something weird in that protest. Brandons just dismissed them, though, mostly mockingly. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. Yellow. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. The ones that did best were either so good that people were willing to drive through (like the one that extended out over the Hudson and had a celebrity chef involved) or the one that could cater to the long-term locals (like the sports bar I frequented). Arent those all independent things?Report, You thised a comment claiming that I had to remember (and presumably criticize) the GB protesters in order to have any claims to political superiority. Im not advocating we go full on nudist. Of course there's a great deal more to successful healthcare advertising. It is a perfect example of the type of thinking Im criticizing. 7. Which is pretty much exactly the opposite of what I signed up for when I started taking concerns about inequality seriously.Report, Losing your apartment because of rent hikes (or the building being bought and removed from the rental market) is a tangible loss. and 50 years ago people who lived in all white areas suffered tangible losses when black people moved in. (c) You can swim very well.'. Mark, tons of respect for you, but why do you think they have a notion, of any kind, about rising inequality? This is a clever worksheet that combines the classic game, tic-tac-toe, with tag question practice. How much are the rock throwers and the non-rock throwers lumped together? A tag question is a short, grammatical unit used to express uncertainty or ask for confirmation. In fact now that I think about, one of the things I hear from men who roll their eyes when women complain about being ogled (which I suspect overlaps somewhat with men who think gays shouldnt be in the locker room) is that it doesnt hurt anyone, it should be taken as a compliment, and they really secretly love it. You think he will pass the exam, don't you? Who cares what the questions is! They mean something like: "Is that right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English. to a statement to make it into a question. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. It seems counterintuitive, but that's the way English works. So I do kind of see the irony zinc points out.Report, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men, And no ones forcing straight men to shower with gay men if one of them joins an NFL team. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this.Report, Theyre not protesting Google qua Google, theyre protesting Google (and the other tech companies) as the symbol of increased income and housing inequality, and the cause of evictions and skyrocketing housing costs. Sorry to be nitpicky, but you appear to be engaged in some form of fallacious hippy punching ad hominem. Who interrogative subordinate clause interrogative . Hes an ass. If the main part is negative, we usually add a positive question tag. Not sure what to say about it. If Google were closer to town, theyd probably be protesting at the Google campus, but its not, so you go with whats close. Reglas y ejemplos de las Tag questions. Sentences using the tag questions should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. She was a student, isn't she? Rafikan Grammar School. Mocking is not having that conversation, or any conversation, though.Report, No worries. Brandon has simply repeated his theyre the losers mantra, which is his wont. Theres nothing to say in response to that accusation, it seems to me, since the people who accuse a commenter of being irrationally partisan view the writers words thru the lens of their being partisan. yes. In reality, however, this "question" part states what is already implied in the original statement. (One of them is Gone, Baby, Gone, which you might have seen the film version of.) I have a hard time seeing people whose starting salaries starting salaries average in the 6 digits, as rank and file, but I get your point. But why do you think they do? Im not convinced thats unhealthy, and even if it is, I think its reasonable that people should be able to choose to maintain their privacy (which is actually what I do by avoiding communal showers).Report, This whole subthread makes me long for the public baths of yore. I work really hard on instilling this idea in my students. Im not saying you approve of the Google protestors. Looked at as a process, refusal to integrate is a lot more problematic, and lack of integration looks more like an unintended result than an intent. I think some religious conservatives homophobia is neither reasonable nor morally understandable. standing close to the wall and facing it doesnt work? And its pretty clear that both sides dont do itat least not in anywhere near equal numbers. Im engaging in a thread with Hanley right now where he specifically accused me of just that. I also think I have an argument to express what that heat source is. Not to mention that through much of humanitys history, lobbing rocks at each other was THE way we killed each other.Report, Glyph, I like the low rents. The four colors include: Red. However, how many people threw rocks? Our older students who change for gym/athletics do so in front of one another. I understand that you dont get it, but I get the distinct impression that you dont live in their world. so then krugman is lying when he claims that the problem is just the top one percent. Ill also remember while reading those future posts that as a liberal Im uniquely prevented from presenting an unbiased argument regarding the evidence you present and the conclusions you draw.Report. @jaybird. In 19th century New York, the firercest Sabbatharians were also rich, conservative Republicans. Depending on what youre trying to accomplish, the former route might be much preferred. Let's go to a picnic, shan't we? I dont like feeling unsafe. The throwing of rocks at buses is the most egregious example, but the whole movement is rotten. 1. I like the fact it is slowly becoming a gay-borhood. I love the two-or-three nice restaurants. What are question tags? (Brain-damage minimal, as far as I can tlcgh.) Blaming problems like gentrification, rising housing prices in SF, loss of community in SF, etc. nh nghaII. Gentrification is neither wholly bad nor wholly good, and its been my experience that which of the two valences one focuses on has a lot to do with which side of the gentrification equation one is on. Did the reasons and evidence and argumentation get changed by the protestors? View Notes - Who Cares and So What from ENGL 1320 at University of North Texas. We use question tags to check whether something is true or to ask for agreement. We can look at gentrification as an end-state, or we can look at it as a process. But really, I just wonder how you could begin to think theyre even comparable, let alone indistinguishable.Report, @stillwater I think you misunderstood the birthright citizenship reference. After all, if you can point to someone on the right thats worse, wheres the harm? And were laughing our asses off that men like this are all twitterpated that they might be subject to what theyve done to us; that they fear it because they do it. After every examination we are publishing question solution of particulate subject. (confirmation) Tag questions can also be used to ask a real question. Definition: Tag means something small that is added on or attached after a sentence. Negative question tags are usually contracted: It's warm today, isn't it (not . Who interrogative subordinate clause interrogative subordinate clause question tag ( tag question) , Interrogative Assertive Who cares Nobody cares ( Nobody / None cares, do they? ) They live in San Francisco, aren't they? They have lots of options. Gangbusters! I disagree with it, but it isnt loony. you both think that computer programmers making 80k at year are an acceptable target for protest(and a better target thank baseball players making 10 million a year). If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. Out-of-control? Theyre 4- and 5-years-old. In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag. In these cases, the speaker expects the other person to agree with him, and the speaker's intonation (voice) drops at the end of the tag question. Most Southern business people benefited from Jim Crow because they were racists to and also because it gave them ready access to a despearte, ill-educated, and easily intimidated work force.Report, Another example was the Sabbath debates in 19th century American cities. A commitment to community. I know of no tags for these; they have no verbs to tag with. 1. Honestly, I think of you as representative of the kind of left wing I wish we had, not the one we actually do have.Report, The rock throwing and other property damage, Not sure what the laws are there and whether the buses were occupied when the rocks were thrown, but where I live rock-throwing into an occupied vehicle is a second-degree felony, since a thrown rock can cause great bodily harm or death.*. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. Should I criticize them again? Complete the following exercises and also check your answers once you are done. Now even the military is going commie.Report, Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she ). Lesson 01: Tag Questions Tag Questions Question tags are the small questions that come at the end of sentences. there are the notorious scofflaws paid in cocktail weenies who work for charities that cant afford to pay em more.Report. Your style of analysis and mine are different. Are there any examples of neighborhoods that were in the process of gentrifying then stopped (and perhaps even ungentrified)? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Things did not spread instantly __ the whole nation, Spot the error in the given sentence They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. Liberal does something slightly controversial or mistaken. This particular stupid/evil thing is peculiar to conservatives. Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man. In the OP's sentence, the subject is not "nobody . Examples of Tag Questions these people are no different than working class whites who want to stop blacks from moving into to their neighborhood, both groups think they own the place and want to keep out people will change it in any way. No, that is exactly (one of) the problems that people complaining about gentrifying are complaining about. (I know this because my BIL owns such a company, has no office, but international staff that all work at home. the problems that they are upset about are real. Like I said, that says more about Brandon than it does about the protestors. Dangit, now Im starting to sympathize with the protestors!Report, theres a difference between not liking mass market beer and mocking anyone who does. Th tng lai n6. Protesting at city hall might be a more direct way of doing it, but the Google Bus protests have gotten the issues a hell of a lot more attention than a few people with signs and slogans down at city hall would have. Really, if Google buses is the best snark youve got, you should probably go back to the drawing table.Report. I didnt, and still dont, understand what Tim was getting at in that post. But they neednt hold any developed views about advanced economic models and effective political strategies in order to feel that something is at stake when wealthy people buy up housing and drive up the cost of living in the areas where they live. I find that strange. Some werent. Black. We should not do a both sides do it and give one example of something reasonable and morally tolerable (even if I disagree with it) from one side and something unreasonable and morally reprehensible from the other side.Report. Mt s trng hp t bit1. He is not a Donald Trump/Frank Gafney type. The question tag must be negative if the sentence is positive and vice versa. A negative statement or sentence is one which has, 'no', 'not or 'never in its verb elements. Thats all you have to say? Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. The sentences who cares or who goes . negative tag. The Joker may have anti-social personality disorder. @mike-schilling I totally think you responded to not only the wrong comment, but the wrong thread? The basic structure of a tag question is: positive statement. a. I dont know how many of them get down to their birthday suits (Id venture to guess only the older ones who might don athletic cups or some other such equipment). A question tag is something which can turn a statement into a question. Here is a collection of the most outstanding health care slogans in the entire industry. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence. What will be the tag questions for above sentences ? Use a question mark at the end of a tag question. Replies. Question tags: Grammar test 1. Cu trc cu hi ui - Tag QuestionIII. It is a remarkably important lesson to learn. if your workers get sodding drunk whenever you pay them (and dont come in to work until Wednesday of next week), yeah, you do start putting in rules about not hitting the saloon.Report. Theyre also inconvenient for the non-Google people who use public transportation, which increases their visibility and their association with the frustration.. If we start a tag question with expressions such as " I think ", " I suppose ", etc., we do not use the do I in the tag. b. Tag questions are a fun way to get to know each other better . At the moment it doesn't make sense because a question tag turns a statement into a question. a was simply pointing out that krugman is wrong.Report. this is in contrast to krugmans claim that the left only has a problem with the top 1% and that taking about anyone making less than that is diverting attention from the real problem. Depends on which protestors youre talking about. I would reserve the word stupid for things like the denial of evolution or the belief that the poor are eating Tbone steaks with their welfare checks.Report, the computer programmers riding the google buses are hardly the super rich, if their problem is with the super rich why not protest them, there are plenty of them in SF.Report, Their problem isnt with the super rich. Henry Ford and Pullman were the most prominent examples of this but other plenty of other businessmen had long lists of rules about what their employees could do off-hours. Leave the rest of the sentence the same. If I recall the film correctly, that means sexually excited. The rules of tag question | tag question | tag question . If you treat them as hourly workers (e.g pay overtime), you can pay minimum wage, provided you can find someone wholl accept that.Report. Nevertheless, its impossible for me to ever get past the accusation that my views are determined by partisanship, even tho I criticize and disagree with liberals and Democrats all the time. I just dont think these protests are loony or vile, in the way that AZs SB 1062 is vile and loony, even if the protests are based on what are arguably false beliefs about housing policy or who is responsible for such and such an aspect of inequality, or whatever.Report, Well, as long as were all agreed on who gets to decide what counts as sufficient integrationReport. You also learn tag question of Who cares, ___?, Who loves, ___?, Who forgets these memories,. It happens. Just a free speech thing. No sarcasm intended. To the larger issue, I will only say (restate? Make a question tag using the word "right," a helping verb, or a being verb. And it isnt loony to protest Google busses. Question tags go at the end of a statement to turn it into a question. Looked at as an end-state, refusal to integrate looks like an accurate statement. Such neighborhoods, hell, is some places whole states, litter the map.Report. A 35-year-old female with severe chest pain: red tag d. A 60-year-old male with an open fracture with distal pulses: yellow tag Red-tagged clients need immediate care due to life-threatening injuries. A process me precisely that you put it that way tells me that. Our two choices.Report those beliefs out of partisan identification engaging in a thread with right. Rank and file thereof, for doing exactly that source is, with tag question much. Correct sentence after adding the question tag is something which can turn a statement a. The exam, won & # x27 ; s the way English.... 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