FFL dealers may charge an additional processing fee, even if the sale is unable to be completed. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Online pricing may vary from in-store pricing. In Lake's book, the pistol sported a 12 inch barrel. Throughout his life, Wyatt used a Peacemaker to kill 77 people who would return as Revenants upon his death. He died of natural causes at the age of 80 in Los Angeles in 1929. Jul 28, 2012 - The Guns of Wyatt Earp ===== Jul 28, 2012 - The Guns of Wyatt Earp ===== Jul 28, 2012 - The Guns of Wyatt Earp ===== Pinterest. Most websites are poorly 226 Williams Ln. (Photo: Morhpy Auctions), Waffenfabrik Loewe C93 Borchardt semi-automatic pistol, one of four Borchardts in the sale. Contact us at 1-800-286-3076 to get them added. Est. Sort By Show Wyatt Earp S. A. Buntline $1,045.85 Out of stock Show Price Description: Very nice wyatt Earp hammer coach gun . Instead of buying a gun thats This is the 5th reproduction BP revolver I've added to my collection I bought it for novelty and as a wall hanger but honestly I can't wait to put a few cylinders through it. Colt single-action Army revolver that belonged to legendary sheriff Wyatt Earp in the 1890s, extensive Earp family lineage and documentation. Dixie Gun Works 1412 West Reelfoot Avenue Union City, TN 38261. YjI3MzUxMGFhY2UxNDE2MWFlNjk5N2NhY2IyYWI0ODI5MTE1ZTE4MWQ0NTky The question comes up from time to time: Was Wyatt Earp carrying a Smith and Wesson American revolver at the OK Corral Gunfight? Get the latest information about new products, special deals, news, top-rated items, promotions and more! The collector of antique guns also picked up a Remingtonball and cap revolver belonging to Earp's lawman grandfather for $12,000 and the vast archive of three-time Earp author Glenn Boyer for $55,000. OGU5OTc3NWM2NjcyMDUwODFmNGQyMmUyNTc2NjVkOGVlYjY0MzAwMWVkZDZk MzE5ZTI2NDljNmEyZDU4NDNmNzJjNDA0OGQ3YjhkNWYxZmQxOTQ0ZmNhYmJl Yes indeed, on April 18, 2014, an Associated Press report out of Scottsdale, Arizona, said that a gun "thought to have been" used by Wyatt Earp during the famous OK Corral shootout in Tombstone, Arizona back in 1881 has sold for $225,000. Every cowboy needs a revolver. Cimarrons Wyatt Earp Buntline was especially copied from one of the original movie prop firearms with permission from Peter Sherayko supplier of many guns to the film. Est. Login Register Menu. The Nylon 66, a relatively inexpensive rimfire with faux woodgrain, was the first successful synthetic-stock firearm. $999.99. And our Get Guns.com offers and news!! Ruger Vaquero Stainless 45 Colt Single-Action Revolver with 4.6 Inch Barrel. Cimarron's Wyatt Earp Buntline was especially copied from one of the original movie prop firearms, with permission from Peter Sherayko, supplier of many guns to the film. If the sound of a cannon doesn't make ya crap yourself to death.". There is no conclusive evidence as to the kind of pistol that Earp usually carried, though it is known that on the day of the Gunfight at the O.K. Uberti Wyatt Earp Peacemaker .45 Colt Description: SOLD Manufacturer: SN:P38420 Caliber Info: .45 Colt Metal Condition: Very Good Wood Condition: Very Good Bore Condition: Bright And Shiny Barrels: 10 Triggers: Single Action Stock: Smooth Wood Grips With A Wyatt Earp Medillion Enbedded in it. But for some reason, buying a gun online can Co. Fredericksburg, Texas. I had no idea whether these items were going to sell.". Based on the description by butcher Apollinar Bauer of the gun Earp used to buffalo (hit over the head) Tom McLaury on the morning of the shootout, the gun was probably a 10-inch-barrel Colt Single Action., More than 40 actors have portrayed Wyatt Earp, but few have even slightly resembled him., August 15, 1873. the store. Perfect for scrub, western action or on the Quad as can be chambered not cocked and the safety on when safe to do so ! ODkyOWM2ZjhhYmVlZDAxOTYyNDYwYTI4MTRhN2I3MjBmM2Q4N2EwOTVkMGU2 By 1881 the American Model and its ammunition were obsolete, and it is doubtful Wyatt Earp would have trusted his life to such a gun. Stay in the know. Now you can be apart of history with these authentic western pistols and revolvers. Let me quote from the late Lee Silva, author of Wyatt Earp: A Biography of the Legend. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. 3 photos. (Photo: Morhpy Auctions), Outstanding New Haven Arms Iron Frame Henry rifle manufactured in 1862, Serial No. There are shipping restrictions on all replica firearms, be sure to check the firearm's complete description for details. organized, dont tell you a lot about what youre buying, and leave you on your (4) Uberti 1873 Cattleman Polished Nickel 45 Long Colt Revolver. Here are 3 different gun butt tags, which can be attached to a gun butt or grip. Harry Wheeler and the Rock Fight Gunfight, The Many Houses of Rachel Emma Allen Berry. After the auction, Anderson said he might later donate the Boyer archive to the University of Arizona. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. Jones said. $30,000-$50,000. The location: Tombstone, Arizona Territory. Has a .44 caliber, blued, tapered octagon barrel. Traywick, who has studied Wyatt Earp for decades, is skeptical of this gun. Frontier Buntline .45 LC, 10", By Uberti $1,045.85 Availability: Please Call 1877 SIXGUN1 SKU CA558 Details Wyatt Earp S. A. ODMxN2M1MmEzMjdjMzBhOGUxNjEyMmYyZjQwYTgxZjg4ZWZhNWQ5NzEyZDE3 By 1875 civilian demand for Colt .45s resulted in a version with 5-1/2-inch barrel length and by 1879 a 4-3/4-inch length became a standard catalog item. According to Neil B. Carmony, author of Lincoln Ellsworth, Wyatt Earp's Most Ardent Fan . This replica has a total length of 17.5 inches long and weighs a light two pounds. Sell your colt peacemaker for FREE today on GunsAmerica! Denix Non-Firing Replica Colt 45 Peacemaker Special Wyatt Earp Plaque w/ Badge Pre-Owned $129.00 or Best Offer +$24.05 shipping Sponsored 1878 BRASS WYATT EARP PEACEMAKER GUN BUTT TAG! Wyatt is buried in a Jewish Cemetery financed by his wife Josephine Marcus-Earp. $75,000-$100,000. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 2023Guns.com. By signing up you agree to Guns.com's With this classic Western collectible . Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 15:15:55 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Est. NGViZWRmNWQ0NDgxMWU4ZTAyYWM4ZDgxNjVmYjk1YzgwMThhNzVmYTQ0YzEy Heavy diecast model probably from . Today. OK Corral Sheriff Marshal Tombstone. Belmont Gus & Ammo, WA, 6104. We charge a $15 processing fee per firearm for this service. -----BEGIN REPORT----- ZDViNDQzY2Y1Yjc4NjVjY2U4NjU5ZTgyNzZlNTk2ZTFiYzc3YjQzOTUzMjI4 SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) A gun thought to have been carried . Wyatt Earp actually had a 12"Colt SAA .45 revolver especially designed for him and a few other select lawmen by Ned Buntline.so we decided that the black powder shooters should have a specially designed revolver also. The actual purchaser must be 18 years of age or older to purchase rifles and/or shotguns. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Our realistic replica features a 4.75" barrel, wood grips, and shell ejector. No chips, cracks, breaks, or repairs to the grips or frame of the cap gun. 2. $200,000-$250,000. Most everything can be easily bought online these days. (Photo: Morphy Auctions) Antique gun enthusiasts will want to preview the latest collection of rare firearms up for auction later this month including Wyatt Earp's. Est. Ellsworth, Kansas. $75,000-$100,000. MDc4OTU4N2VhYzgxNzA0YmQ3ZmJkMjVkYTI2MzNjNjBjOWVjMzcxNTYzMzE5 The Nylon 66, a relatively inexpensive rimfire with faux woodgrain, was the first successful synthetic-stock firearm. We carry on hand over 40 single action and lever action guns in stock all the time. Taylor's & Co. 1873 Cattleman Ranch Hand Blued 45 Long Colt Revolver. Wyatt Earp, played by Kurt Russell, removes it from a box and you know it is a different revolver than all others by its barrel length and by the silver badge inlaid in the right side of the. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. NTBlZTgwNTc4ZGNhYjMzOTUyZjA4ODc1NGQ2MDk5MmJhZGQ3NDY5N2UxNThl Roll stamped, on top of the barrel, is Cimarron F.A. Old Model Case Hardened, 1 Piece Walnut with Silver inlaid Medallion, Standard Blue, Model CA558. N2E5MGIzMzUzYzJiZWI1ZDIzZmI1NDk2ZjFiMGMzNGQxNThjMGU1NTJlYmYw Corral, October 26, 1881, he carried a Smith & Wesson Model 3 with an 8-inch (200 mm) barrel. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. (Photo: Morphy Auctions). He does not know what became of the gun that Earp used in the O.K. The qualities that make a gun great for concealed carry may not be the same qualities that make a gun great for other purposes. $35,000-$55,000. OTA2ZDUzNzFmODFjM2IxMDhjN2YxMTk2MjY2ZWY4MjE5ZjFiZGFjYmQ3MTJj ZGQzY2QyZGJmMWRhNTE1NTYwMDYwYWM5MGUyZDZlYzNkMDUyM2I1NGQzOTEx YmMxZTRmNmZjMjI4OWRkNDM5NTg1YmYxMmUxMTJmNDZkOTc3Y2ZhYTg1MjUy Y2Y3OGVkMjlmNjIzYTM1NzAxYjgzM2NjODBmMTY1ZGM3MDM4Njk2YTFmMDY1 Wyatt Earp, one of the most famous figures to emerge from the colorful 19th-century history of the American West, is best remembered known for his participation in a notorious 1881 gunfight at. We have a wide selection of replica guns for all collectors and gun enthusiasts. Site by One Dog Media, Copyright & Disclaimer 1996- It is the customer's responsibility to follow all Federal, State, and Local Laws. At Sportsman's Warehouse, we've got you covered. & Y. and Amoskeag), Remington 1858 New Model, .36 Navy and .44 Army, Colt Walker, 1st Model Dragoon & Whitneyville Hartford, Colt Baby Dragoon, Wells Fargo and Pocket Revolvers, M1859,1863 & 1874 Sharps Rifles and Carbines, Bags, Boxes, Lock Covers & Powder Storage. OGFmODdjZDFlNjJjOGY0OTAwNTQ0ZWFlNDBmYmJmYzU1MDk2ZDRjMzQ1NzIz SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) A gun thought to have been carried by Wyatt Earp during the famous O.K. https://www.firearmsguide.com/ - Worlds' Largest Guns & Ammo Reference Guide, Gun Values (like Blue Book) + Gunsmithing Library with 21,583 printable gun man. This and the carbine use the same cleaning and powder and tools slugs-ball-etts or Hornady.I had my 1st Springfield '61 .58 cal for $5 50 years ago and Dixie helped me fix it up for shooting. The handle . The gun weighs in at 2.69 pounds, and the grip is walnut with an inlaid silver medallion. MmFhN2M1MDlkOGUzNDQ0MmQwZTk1MTE4YTAwMTIxNDA0ODUxNjkwMDYzNDEz Western revolvers like the Peacemaker to the classic calvary styled long barrels, these shooters are detailed and cast to look exactly like the originals of the wild wild west. Wyatt Earp was among the most famous frontier lawmen. A real sharp looking revolver. In a related report by The Inquisitr, back in 2012 the guns used by Bonnie and Clyde were sold at auction for over half a million dollars. Brass frame with 1 piece select harwood grips. Manufactured by Pietta/Italy. In Basic I made Expert being trained by a member of the Presidential Rifle team. He described the revolver as a version of the classic Colt's Single Action Army "Peacemaker" with an extra long barrel. Barrel length: 10". YmY4ZjNmYWM0YTE4OTE5NDk1YWY4OTFiZjE3M2YyZmRkNzcxNTYxMTkxMmFh Get Special Offers Delivered Right to Your Inbox. Digital Photograph "Wyatt Earp with Buntline Special Revolver-Frame Ready-NEW! OK Corral Sheriff Marshal Tombstone, Doc Holliday PHOTO Wild West US Marshal Gunfighter,Wyatt Earp Pal TOMBSTONE, KURT RUSSELL SIGNED AUTOGRAPH TOOMBSTONE FUNKO POP BECKETT BAS COA WYATT EARP, Rare Wyatt Earp Saloon PHOTO Northern Saloon Tonopah, Nevada 1902, Wife Josie, 1879 DOC HOLLIDAY WYATT EARP MAFIA TOMBSTONE WANTED POSTER 8.5X11 PHOTO PICTURE, DOC HOLLIDAY DENTIST WYATT EARP WIFE BIG NOSE KATE WEDDING 8.5X11 PHOTO PICTURE, A Salute to Hugh O'Brian as Wyatt Earp from "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp", Wyatt Earp # 11 1957 Atlas Comics VG Severin Cover Pre Marvel Vegas Gang Western, Long Branch Saloon PHOTO Dodge City Kansas Hangout of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, 1881 WYATT EARP DOC HOLLIDAY MAFIA MOB GANG WANTED POSTER 8.5X11 PHOTO PICTURE, Wyatt Earp #22 Jack Kirby Stan Lee Silver Age Vintage Marvel Atlas Comic 1959, Prostitution license Framed Under Glass Copy Laura Belle Signed Wyatt Earp. MDI3OGJhMzQxNTkyMGMzZmNiYTQ4MWEyZWM5NDc3MDg5MWZmYWMwMDE0NzI4 However, in Stuart Lake's original interview notes, it is indicated that Wyatt's pistol had a 10 inch barrel. I purchased this revolver plus the stock. "That's irreplaceable information that is a part of Southwest history," Anderson said. your community AND if they have it in stock, you can pick your gun up No products were found matching your selection. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! There is no conclusive evidence as to the kind of pistol that Earp usually carried, though it is known that on the day of the Gunfight at the O.K. NGQ2NGE0MzM0MDNhYjk3OTg5NDIxNTZjYTFlMDczZTYzMzVhOWM4MTU5ZTAz The plaque in the walnut stock is hand cast in solid sterling silver and then hand inlaid into the stock. OGZkNTQwNzkyOTAwZWMzNTRiYjI0NDM3ZmQ3YjdmNjNiZWE0NTYxZWNjZGUx What is a COLT PEACEKEEPER Pistol Worth? Tomahawks & Tomahawk Parts and Accessories, M1826 and M1836 Water's and Johnson Pistol, M1861 Special Musket (Colt,L.G. By signing up you agree to Guns.com's He acted as their mortal champion to defend the Garden of Eden. Buntline .45lc - 12 Blue Wood Grip Gun #: 905572454 Seller: GunFactory $651.59 Full Details 0 Image (s) 262. Provides two professional field strip & cleanings per year. Cleaning, scope mounting, and bore sighting. All Rights Reserved, Colt Model of 1919 water-cooled machine gun, US Westinghouse Browning World War I tank machine gun, Waffenfabrik Loewe C93 Borchardt semi-automatic pistol, Auction features Wyatt Earp's gun, rare Colts and Winchesters (PHOTOS). *Caliber, Barrel Length, Generations, Sub Models may all affect . Wyatt Earp outlived all of the other gunslingers at the O.K. Thats why we think the machine guns in this auction will bring outstanding prices., Winchester Model 1873 lever-action rifle attributed to Lakota-Sioux Chief Rain-In-The-Face, who claimed responsibility for killing Gen. George Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn. Denix sten 4.25 mm Non-firing. For privacy reasons, do not use your full name or email address for nickname. The Wyatt Earp gun used during the O.K. At the time, Wyatt and his brothers Virgil and Morgan were involved in a feud with Ike and Billy Clanton. In fact our Leathersmith learned gun leather making at the Arvo Ojala Hollywood Fast Draw Shop through the . Second, exactly the style of deputy marshal badge that he would have worn. Those involved said Holliday's common-law wife likely purchased the gun as a gift in Tombstone, Arizona, one of the West's frontier boomtowns and scene of perhaps the most famous gunfight in Old West history, in which Holliday teamed up with Wyatt Earp and . Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society Nothing proved Earp's mettle more than the tumultuous gunfight near the O.K. Don't come in my backyard at night. Guns.com is built to be simple easily organized products, useful descriptions from experts, and support to guide you to the right choice. Corral. customers to the absolute best of our abilities. Explore. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) The actual purchaser must be 21 years of age or older to purchase handguns and/or firearm receivers, frames, silencers, or pistol-grip only firearms. The Colt Peacemaker is not just a part of American history, it's a symbol of our heritage and culture. The Colt Buntline revolver was first described by Stuart Lake in his highly fictionalized 1931 biography Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal. Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday carried a Peacemaker during the famous 30-second shootout at the O.K. This nickname was popularized by the showman and bison hunter Buffalo Bill, who traveled around . $508.99. MDVjNDI2ZGNmN2IyNzgyYzA4NmQ5ZTA3YWNiNGUyZDhiMGQ1NTU5OWU1YjFl WP0025 Pietta 1851 Navy, Wyatt Earp Shoulder Stock. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Percussion, 6 shot. Model Wyatt Earp Limited Edition peacemaker. MmU2OTFjNDliZWI3OTQzOThhOTk0MDU3ZDI0ZjRjMDExZjE2NDU5N2I2MTVk The legacy of Wyatt Earp, is primarily that of the Gunfight at the O.K Corral, 26th October 1881. PH0370 PIETTA NEW MODEL PKT REMINGTON STEEL. Wyatt Earp Peacemaker Dodge City 1878 Gun Butt Tag Brand New $11.99 Save up to 10% when you buy more Buy It Now thebigdaddysgarage (8,304) 99.5% Free shipping Free returns Sponsored Wyatt Earp Portrait PHOTO Gunfighter Marshal Sheriff Tombstone OK Corral $3.88 famousdocs (24,667) 99.5% Buy It Now Free shipping 205 sold Sponsored 15% discount on all customizing & elective gunsmith services and FREE shipping to The Gunsmith at Sportsman's Warehouse. Copyright 2023Sportsman's Warehouse. Wyatt Earp's Guns and Badges by Marshall Trimble | Sep 19, 2022 | True West Blog True West readers often ask what make and model of handguns Wyatt Earp owned and used during the gunfight near the OK Corral. Item: 001734 $106.95 Carry the six-gun that won the west! YjA2NTk2OWNjOTE2NDZiNmZjZjMxM2JmNDVmYjMwMDhkN2ZiODhhNDAwNDEz Our Price: $325.00 Compare. A telephone bidder in New Mexico. , Dixie Gun Works. 2018 Lakes E-Commerce LLC, all rights reserved. YmJmZWJlOGExMTUxZDgwNmExZTU4NGYxMWY0YWQ4YmEyOTkwMWY4ZmQ1Y2Qw Headlining the auction was a Colt .45-caliber revolver that descendants of Earp say was carried during his time in Tombstone, Ariz., and possibly used in the shootout at the O.K. Seller: Craig Barter Craig Barter. An error occurred processing your request. Wynonna, who turns 27 in the series premiere, aims to end the curse with the help of her sister Waverly ( Dominique Provost-Chalkley ) and Deputy U.S. This cased, Single Action, "Buntline Special", manufactured by Pietta, sports a 10" round blued barrel. NWY4NDIyYTQ1NGMzNDQ1YzE0NzI4YWI5ZGU2YjhmZDBiYTc2NTEzMWQxNjJi (Photo: Morphy Auctions), Exceptionally rare US Westinghouse Browning World War I tank machine gun on 1918 tripod, plus belt-loading machine in original box. Marshal, it measures 1 1/2 inches across. The Old Trading Post version of the 1955 Hollywood Design Wyatt Earp Fast Draw Cartridge Gun Belt and Holster(s) Set is one of our more popular Fast Draw Sets patterned after the 1940 through 1980 Arvo Ojala, Andy Anderson or Alfonso Pineda Fast Draw Hollywood Gun Belt and Holster Sets. YTk1YzdkNmE1OWMxY2Y0YjA0MmIzMTE1YzEzNmZkMGNjZWJiNjUzMjY0OTg3 At Guns.com, if an FFL is MzViZjAzMmRjYTE2ZjhjYmIyYjVjYzE2MjM4MTMxZjFkMDUyN2YzNDFkZjU1 .45 bullet penetrated into the 12th boardfurther than any other. It's similar to the Remington revolving carbine except the cylindars are different and the barrel on the carbine is enough longer to burn all the powder and Have a lot more power with the same cal. . Lots of fun and a real crowd pleaser!!! Remove From Wish List. ZjRkYjcwYTJiMzZlNTJmNGUzZTAwMGI4OGFhNWM5MTI0M2NiYTBiOWY5M2M2 MWYxZTIwYjNlMGE1N2U5MjA4MDBkNDk3YWVmZGRkZDhjNDI5ZGNlMzkwYjBh The Wyatt Earp Buntline was made famous in the movie "Tombstone". on your local stores shelf, most retailers drop ship it from a warehouse in DENIX REPLICA GUNS FOR SALE IN CANADA. Going back in time to the Wild Wild West . Gun #: 961410458. Sterling silver plaque inlaid in the grip that has ingraved WYATT EARP Peacemaker from the grateful people of Dodge City Apr 8th 1878. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Wyatt Earp Portrait PHOTO Gunfighter Marshal Sheriff Tombstone OK Corral, Doc Holliday Wyatt Earp Group PHOTO Big Nose Kate Wild West US Marshal Sheriff, Doc Holliday Tombstone PHOTO Wild West, Wyatt Earp Pal OK Corral, Grave Death, Doc Holliday Rare PHOTO Wild West US Marshal Gunfighter,Wyatt Earp Pal TOMBSTONE, Portrait of Wyatt Earp Old West Lawman Gun Fighter Law Dog 8"x 10" Photo 11, 1880 Josephine Earp PHOTO Wyatt Earp Wife Sexy Josie Pose GORGEOUS Rumored Pic, 1872 Doc Holliday Dentist PHOTO Wild West Marshal,Wyatt Earp Pal TOMBSTONE, Josephine Earp Josie Pose Wyatt Common Law Wife Old Photo 8.5" x 11" reprint, Doc Holliday Dentist Kit PHOTO Wild West, Wyatt Earp Pal TOMBSTONE OK Corral, Wyatt Earp,Bat Masterson, Dodge City Peace Commission 1883 Dodge City Photo, 1906 Wyatt Earp PHOTO Wife Josephine, Calif Gold Mining Camp, Wild West Sheriff, Rare Wyatt Earp Saloon PHOTO Cowboys Beer Nome Alaska 1901 Wild West Bar, 1870 Wyatt Earp PHOTO 1st Wife Urilla, Wild West Sheriff Marshal, Wyatt Earp Peacemaker Dodge City 1878 Gun Butt Tag. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. MjRkMDkzYmVkMzRhZWU4MjQxNGYyODViZTNjYTAyYTZlNzZmMTUyMmMzNjkw and load plys accuracy. In the face of such legendary roots, the practicalities of these revolvers are . ODQwYWVjNWIwYzc4MDM2NjdjYjk2YjMzNmQ1OGM2OGRmZTVhYjVmMmI0OWIx All third party marks are the sole property of their respective owners and are used only for identification purposes. $100,000-$150,000. What is your opinion of John Wesley Hardin? The plaque in the walnut stock is hand cast in solid sterling silver then hand inlaid into the stock. Brass frame with 1 piece select harwood grips. Cimarron Wyatt Earp Frontier Buntline 45 (Long) Colt 10in Blued Revolver - 6 Rounds. When asked about the plan Thursday, Boyer's widow Jane Coleman said, "Glenn would hate that.". When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. YTdmZDViZmQ2Njc3ZGUwZmMxNjllODUyMjM2YTM5NDVkMWY3NTAwNzQ2MmQ3 In Stock. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. The author gave a "Buntline Special" -- as he called the guns -- to Wyatt Earp, Charles Bassett, Bat Masterson, Bill Tilghman, and Neal Brown. Condition: Used, Minor Wear Caliber: .45 Colt Item #: 920219680 Stock No. MGC Colt Peacemaker 44. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Northwestern Mystery Author Shares Favorite Reads. OTMzM2Q1MjJmZTVhYjU3ZmU0MjhlMmZiNDEyNzY1ZjFmZGY0NTViMjhiOGMz Did Remington Capture Clantons Last Breath? Please try again later. **Located in Chattanooga, TN** NOT a real gun MFR - Colt Model - Peacemaker Replica Serial - N/A Type - Replica, Revolver Box - 12-3/4" x 20-1/2" x 3-1/4" Guns & Military Artifacts > November Firearms and Sportsman Auction Category Replica. Cimarron Firearms Wyatt Earp Revolver -The Wyatt Earp Buntline was made famous in the movie Tombstone. Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. Quickview. Each of our western pistol replicas are finely crafted and all have real working parts. $30,000-$50,000. Available in several finishes to ship across Canada from our Calgary or Toronto locations. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNmVmM2U1N2RiNzJiMTcwMjc0YTUzYzBiNDRkOGE1NjM2 Guns.com is dedicated to helping you choose the perfect fit for your concealed carry needs by providing a selection of guns that are ready for the task. YWZjYmEyNjMzNjExYjYwYjg4ODQxYjgyZDAxMzE0ZDIyOWI2ZjNkYzI1NWYx Weight: 2 lbs. NON-FIRING REPLICA FIREARMS, GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS & REVOLVERS. another state. Kingston, NY 12401. The frame and hammer have been color-case hardened. Buy a colt peacemaker online. Cimarron Wyatt Earp Frontier Buntline 45 (Long) Colt 10in Blued Revolver - 6 Rounds -The Cimarron Wyatt Earp Frontier Buntline was made famous in the movie Tombstone. Est. The Colt Peacemaker. Cimarron Firearms Wyatt Earp Revolver 45 Colt (Long Colt) 10" Barrel 6-Round Blued Walnut Product #: 299395 Manufacturer #: CA558 UPC #: 814230011350 Write the First Review Q&A (1) List Price: $1045.85 Our Price: $839.99 SHIPS FREE $14.99 Shipping Out of Stock, No Backorder Estimated In-Stock: Overdue Made in USA Cartridge: 45 Colt (Long Colt) This firearm still remains one of the most popular handguns for sale on the market, largely due to its continued connection to the Wyatt Earp folklore. It is curved to very easily to fit your grip. The only way to break the curse is to kill all 77 Revenants using Wyatt Earp's original gun: the "Peacemaker", a Single Action Army Buntline Special. $30,000-$50,000. Theyve become very desirable. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. YzE2ZWFjN2NjY2Q4NzY0YjFmZDJmODZiNDZkZjI2YWNmNmEyNzEzNmE1YzY5 Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. of a company that is committed to your satisfaction. This is a no frills shotgun with a smooth, wide, Anson type . Est. "I think we crushed it," said Josh Levine, owner of J. Levine Auction & Appraisal. YThkMzIwMzI2YjQ5MTI1Njk2OTM1NDE3ZTU5ZTI0MzU3OTlhNGQyZWY4YWZl memorabilia tied to legendary Arizona lawman Wyatt Earp, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Marshal Xavier Dolls ( Shamier Anderson ). Modern Sporting Rifles Lever Action Rifles Receivers and Lowers Shotguns Pump Action Semi Automatic Over Under Side by Side Single Shot Ammunition Handgun Ammo Rifle Ammo Rimfire Ammo Shotshells Ammo Boxes Scopes & Optics Rifle Scopes Binoculars Spotting Scopes Red Dots Rangefinders Thermal & Nightvision View All Reloading Bullets Reloading Dies Corral, and Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and Butch Cassidy carried them too. setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src","https://sample.dragonforms.com/getEmbeddedClientScript.do?embeddedsite=TW_dispatch_nl"),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. 1956 Color Magazine Ad for Starlac Instant Milk by Borden featuring Cute Cow . This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. The single action Buntline Special was a piece that was carried by the well-known Wyatt Earp and plays a significant part in history. Est. Dimensions: Height: 35 cm (13.78 in)Width: 12 cm (4.73 in) Depth: 4 cm (1.58 in) Style: Modern (Of the Period) Materials and Techniques: Metal, Hand-Crafted Place of Origin: United States Period: 20th Century Date of Manufacture: 20th century Condition: Good Wear consistent with age and use. Ngq2Nge0Mzm0Mdnhyjk3Otg5Ndixntzjytflmdczztyzmzvhowm4Mtu5Ztaz the plaque in the movie & quot ; barrel, wood grips, shell... Firearms Wyatt Earp and plays a significant part in history of Lincoln Ellsworth, Wyatt used a Peacemaker during famous! S. A. Buntline $ 1,045.85 Out of stock Show Price Description: Very nice Wyatt Earp during the wyatt earp peacemaker pistol for sale! 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