Its decision to stagger the boost means families in need will now be pointlessly deprived of much-needed funds until next year. And so I see that there was a weight of expectation there. The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and most of those who graduated from the Marxist group the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) are actually followers of Leon Trotsky (1879 -1940). We as young socialists believe in a social democratic system which secures a redistribution of resources.. Her opponents sneered that it was all just stardust, but the party surged on a wave of Jacindamania. But rather than just throw people off welfare, Richardson replaced the very ideas that underpinned it. You know, the Muslim community was so obviously targeted, and they wear their faith so openly., There was no need to deliberate on her decision not to use the name of the terrorist, either: It just seemed obvious to me. She had received no report, no advice reflecting the wealth of research that urges political leaders and the media to deny terrorists the notoriety they crave. Who had sought refuge, or sought a better life for themselves or their families. A year earlier, she had become the first female prime minister to speak at the Waitangi pwhiri, a significant moment in the New Zealand calendar, and the youngest, at 37. Jacinda Ardern's speech at Christchurch memorial - full transcript New Zealand PM addressed a crowd of thousands who had gathered for a memorial service at Hagley Park two weeks after the. Yes.. (2) a profit-and-loss system of accounting. Gayford is the primary caregiver and shuttles back and forth with Neve between their home in Auckland and Wellington. Im a socialist! piped up Tukituki MP Anna Lorck at one point. 'For me, it's time,' she added, during her surprise resignation speech this morning. Jacinda Ardern, in full Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern, (born July 26, 1980, Hamilton, New Zealand), New Zealand politician who in August 2017 became leader of the New Zealand Labour Party and then in October 2017, at age 37, became the country's youngest prime minister in more than 150 years. If you value what we do and believe in the importance of independent and freely accessible journalism tautoko mai,donate today. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Jacinda Ardern. The very mention prompted a grimace: There are very few international political experiences quite like Brexit. But she wouldnt volunteer any advice for Theresa May, who at the time had narrowly survived a no-confidence motion. Haere mai ttou me te aroha, me te rangimrie, ki te whnau nei, e ora mrire ai an rtau, e ora mrire ai an, ttou katoa. The conversations about it afterwards Ive read these pieces where people have analysed the likes of this [speech], she says, waving the A4 sheet of notes in her hand, grimly laughing. I thought there were none. She crosses the office to her desk and pulls an A4 sheet of paper from a drawer. And, lets be honest, in the lead up, too., Ardern sips from a mug of tea though she confesses that, years after quitting, shes also drinking coffee again. Ardern agrees. Answer (1 of 14): 1. To that end, they successfully shrunk the size of the state and the scope of its involvement in the economy, and they looked to make putting debt and surpluses ahead of people a permanent feature of politics. Jacinda Ardern is transforming New Zealand into a socialist state. 1:30 PM 'I don't have enough in the tank,' complained 42-year-old Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. I said what I needed to say, she says, pausing and taking a slow, diplomatic breath of air, her hands clasped around her knees. It turned out the strict gun law Ardern championed failed to curb gun crimes. We may have left flowers, performed the haka, sung songs or simply embraced. But we can be the nation that discovers the cure. We have more to do, she said, words she would repeat throughout the day, but I am an optimist. He has forgiven the man who did it. They were words spoken by a community who, in the face of hate and violence, had every right to express anger but instead opened their doors for all of us to grieve with them. Since releasing its budget substantially boosting welfare last week, leading figures in New Zealands Labour Party have been painting themselves as socialists overturning the countrys neoliberal order. Not just the postman. There is very little time to sit and think in those terms. That may not always be the case, but for now were making it work., As for being pronounced a game changer for women, Ardern welcomed the idea she might inspire others, but was eager to present a truthful picture. And how often should the reset occur? Jacinda only got into power because Winston Peter's liked to cause problems for the National party. In 2008, Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, visiting Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China. These are my notes for the first press conference, she explains. An inquiry was commissioned, tasked with asking, among other things, whether an emphasis on jihadi terrorism had meant New Zealand intelligence agencies were looking the wrong way. The revival of socialism in mainstream politics has been one of the bigger developments of the last five years. Read this book, former Member of Parliament Marilyn Waring. So for me, that means always having a mind on, yes, the policy work, yes, the domestic work but actually what legacy do you leave through some of those bigger, overarching decisions as well? Labour had, after all, just come off a stunning landslide election win that gave it a single-handed outright majority, a first since the countrys 1996 electoral reforms. That, very quickly, was clear to me, when I heard that a mosque had been targeted. It just wasnt something she thought about, she said, hardly at all. I would like to just do my job and be judged on being the prime minister of New Zealand, said Ardern. Jacinda loves music and briefly worked as a DJ at an Aucklands Laneway Festival and in some record shops. I get asked: Do you compare yourself to X or Y politician? and Ill then get a string of male politicians from around the world mostly, to be fair, because there arent too many females. The second of two daughters born to a Mormon family . It was shortly after 11am and the speeches, from local elders, from politicians, echoed back and forth across the lawn. All this wasnt about the nuts and bolts of practical policy. The fact is that she is talking the second the question is finished, if not before. After visiting the USA, Jacinda travelled to England where she worked for British Prime Minister Tony Blair before being chosen as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. Its 10, 11 oclock each night, going through cabinet papers. The Iraq war. Among the speakers this morning is 13-year-old Salma, who stands at the microphone and says, simply, of her father, Ashraf, who was killed: He was a really nice man. Farid Ahmeds wife, Husna, was killed at Al Noor Mosque, too. She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. The co-creators of Hero of the Sea interview each other about writing, illustrating and their latest collaboration. Following the Christchurch attacks, Ardern was asked at a press conference if she agreed with Trumps downplaying of the rise of white supremacy. I thought, yeah, that looks all right, thatll do.. Jacinda worked at a soup kitchen in New York. Jacinda was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. The news was announced via Instagram: Ardern, who still runs her own social media accounts, posted a photograph of fish hooks two regular sized, one tiny prompting copious media analysis. Im only in government because two parties decided to work with us., Ardern alighted on the benefits of New Zealands system when I asked for her take on Brexit. Use the key to unlock the secret message! Its made a huge difference.. It was time to torpedo the status quo, he said, and at 72, he opted to become deputy to a thirtysomething prime minister. Its policy decisions, particularly around the housing market, have further concentrated wealth at the top while raising housing costs for ordinary Kiwis, in response to which it refuses to implement rent control. CPAG estimates that families on welfare would need an extra $100$230 a week to stay above poverty, and that the Treasurys own forecasts only see child poverty dropping a mere 1.4 points to 17 percent by 2023, leaving at least 180,000 kids in poverty. (I spoke to Clark a few days after the Christchurch attack, and she told me Arderns response had resonated because it was authentic. Simple words, whispered by the injured from their hospital beds. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. Sometimes a story is best told alongside a beautiful picture, Here's a small selection of some of our favourite 2020 picture books from local creators. and served as president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. I absolutely knew what I wanted to say. (3) private property rights. If anything, it shows how firmly New Zealand remains under the thrall of this thirty-year-old document. But I am pragmatic about how much time that sometimes takes. The optimism tends to win out. It was half a lifetime ago, she guesses. As if becoming a mother and prime minister were not challenging enough, Ardern found herself hailed as a standard bearer for women everywhere. Nau mai, haere mai ki tnei hui. Not today. My belief in the humanity of New Zealanders has strengthened. E papaki t ana ng tai o maumahara ki runga o tautahi. The term has been adopted by socialists and communists for party members. I do not use "comrade"disparagingly here, as indeed Ardern herself used the term 15 times in just seven minutes at this public event. But what I do know is Ardern and her comrades provided the above answers in 2009and now she is leading us into the economic recovery of post-Covid-19. I think people dont want us to be perfect, she said. The exact number of years Jacinda Ardern was a member of the radical hard left group the International Union of Socialist Youth is unknown, but given she turned 20 in 2001, its likely to be around 10 years. We are not immune to the viruses of hate, of fear, of other. Im making an assumption here, but everyone knows that raising kids is hard work and I dont expect theyd want someone to gloss over that or pretend its easy. Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. Let our Puffin Ambassadors tell you why you should pick up Coastwatcher, a thrilling adventure novel for 9+ readers. Ardern stares out the question for several seconds, grimacing. These stories, they now form part of our collective memories. Oh, you know, sometimes you want things to be resolved a bit quicker, but I go in knowing I have to have those conversations. Jacinda was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. No friend of free speech, she had little regard for public opinion and no respect for those with a contrary view. Jacinda Ardern is one of New Zealand's young politicians, Sarah Hall sits down with her to find out just what her aspirations are. Last week I went half a day with my shirt inside out., For Ardern, Neve helps keep things in perspective. We never have been. Thats it. It just wasnt something she thought about, she said, hardly at all. But, no, I didnt think about particular words. After returning to New Zealand the 28-year-old entered . Trump had by then called to offer his condolences, and asked what he could do to help. It still makes me laugh that Vogue came up with that, she said. The 2009 union meeting is relevant not just because Ardern was president, but because the official resolutions outlined progressive answers to the financial crisis aka the global financial crisis or GFC. I was in a hotel room. In other words, Richardson and her allies aimed not just to tinker with select programs but to transform hearts, minds, and what was politically acceptable. I suppose that is exactly what Ardern and her comrades mean because they further stated: Todays dominating economical system of Western capitalism has contributed to the unequal distribution of wealth worldwide.. When the shooting began, he threw himself to the ground. In the past weeks, New Zealand has reckoned with its own history. Read the story being discussed on Jesse Mulligans show on Radio New Zealand on 17 May 2018. I wonder then what is the exact point whereby "inequality"becomes acceptable? This is especially so outside New Zealand. This means Ardern must negotiate with both NZ First and the Green party to advance any legislation. A lot of pumpkin. She doesnt need to, she suggests. To the global community who have joined us today, who reached out to embrace New Zealand, and our Muslim community, to all of those who have gathered here today, we say thank you. Locals started leaving tributes here on 15 March; today they form a river, filling the pavement for 250 metres. Following this mornings interview with Jacinda Ardern, hosted by Larry Williams in the absence of Mike Hosking genuine get-well-soon wishes to Mike Smith delivered an observation, an important and foreboding warning, to the people of New Zealand. In the reception area, a staffers preschooler son buzzes back and forth on a bike. Theres something very grounding about that. I was born one and politics has not beaten it out of me yet. A week ago, I asked her if the Christchurch attack had affected this optimism. Were deciding whether I can get away with jandal-wear for the latter part of the afternoon, she confided. What would she like to see other nations, other leaders, draw from New Zealands experiences? She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. I look forward to hearing about the success of socialism in curing child poverty. So I asked if she had something I could borrow, because for me it was just a mark of respect. ), Ardern says she has been taken aback by the volume of press coverage over the past weeks, the scrutiny of her every word. A fight was brewing over the possible introduction of a capital gains tax. Its the story of four people, all of whom attend the same wedding in New York, all of whom see one of the guests sit down and refuse to get back up, seemingly entering a catatonic What do NZ fans really think of Fran Littlewood's debut novel? Talking to mourners after the national remembrance service in Christchurch. For me, its implicit now, she says. We gather here, 14 days on from our darkest of hours. Earlier in 2008 Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. The critical thing has been the inclusive approach. On the contrary, gun crimes rose to a 10-year high after the law went into effect, according to Radio New Zealand. Later the same year she returned to New Zealand to campaign full-time during the 2008 election and became New Zealand's youngest MP. Act of exraordnry violence. My belief in the humanity of New Zealanders has strengthened. I will always strive for better. In the past her invocations of kindness might have been dismissed as slogans. Appointed as New Zealand's Prime Minister in 2017, Jacinda Ardern has been described as an iron fist in a velvet glove. She worked only very indirectly for Blair, she said. Peace be upon you. Arguably, the Government revolves around Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern she calls the shots. Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern completed a Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations and Political Science at Waikato Management School from 1999 to 2001. . Over the past two weeks we have heard the stories of those impacted by this terrorist attack. Maybe with your sincerity, not your smile, suggested the photographer. By then, I had interviewed Ardern twice already: after a breakfast meeting at an Auckland hotel, and a few days earlier at Waitangi, on the northern tip of the North Island. And she speaks very quickly. In 2007 Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. They werent alone: the head of BusinessNZ similarly suggested the government couldve been more generous with its benefit increases. Labour refuses to implement a wealth tax or otherwise raise taxes on the rich, while continually placing more and more of the burden on consumers through regressive consumption taxes. We each hold the power, in our words and in our actions, in our daily acts of kindness. The sun was beating down and Neve, in a blue bonnet and spotted dress, clucked away happily. Opinion. We didnt even know a confirmed toll. Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern (born July 26, 1980), also known as Aunty Cindy or simply Cindy, or Jabcinda is the far-left socialist globalist agnostic former Prime Minister and dictator of New Zealand.She served as Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party from 2017 to 2023, and is the second elected and third overall female Prime Minister of New Zealand after Helen Clark and the second . Christchurch was under attack. Official records of that meeting give us insights into Arderns political ideology. 2. Someone is killing us. Arderns words and actions have been really important for our community, and for people who have lost loved ones, he says. Subscribe today and get a yearlong print and digital subscription. Jeremy Corbyns leadership led to a surge in left-wing membership in the UK Labour Party and ongoing wins by the partys socialists in local governments all over the country. Today, in the most appalling circumstances imaginable, she has the worlds ear. I hadnt thought about it in those terms. Today, in the most appalling circumstances imaginable, she has the worlds ear. And we remember, that ours is a home that does not and cannot claim perfection. Previously the youngest Prime Minister, it appears she has run out of energy right when public opinion is turning on her beloved Labour Party. We never have been. But look closer and, encouraging though it may be, the reality of Labours budget falls short of the most effusive praise. A staffer also tells me that Neve has been teething. With her partner and daughter at the UN in New York last September. We only had a short amount of time to prepare.. Dozens of buses are parked sideways around the perimeter, forming makeshift ramparts. I think we were musing about this the risk of ambition. That morning, Friday 15 March, she had surprised a crowd of local school students who were taking part in the global climate strike. (I acknowledge amongst us today our distinguished leaders, speakers and those who bear authority. But she is verbally sharp. Looking for your kid's next great read? She keeps talking and she talks fast. The Union's focus was human rights and equal opportunities for the world's children. To understand the idealogical beliefs of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern we can look back to her time as president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, writes Steve Elers. And over the last two weeks we have shown that, you have shown that, in your actions. Did they propose ideas that would stimulate the economy so businesses could thrive thereby creating job opportunities? She knows what she wants, she knows where shes going, she fessed this morning and said shes a progressive. 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