Primary Menu Newsroom; Public Meetings; About HCAI; Subscribe; Careers; Log In; Scroll navigation Left Building Safety & Finance. Across the street from the tire store was a five-and-dime store. My price and style at the time. There was a frozen North Pole and Santa sat in his house nearby. ??? Go Eagles and Keep the Faith Linda's Hamburger Joint on El Camino No cell phone, no internet, no answering machines, just good friends, good times. I remember the following All rights reserved. Mayfield Mall and Old Mill for shopping Centers Thank you for that :) The walls where filled with black and white pictures of actors and sport figurs from the 30' and 40's and 50's i think it was the bolkin village?? Surely miss those days, Looking for pet stores in the Mtn View, Los Altos areas in the mid 70's. And don't forget the Camino Bowl, a great place to go bowling before it got torn down and replaced with businesses/condo units. I live in Mountain View from 1958-1976 it was and still is one of We moved 12 years ago. Please keep the memories alive. The lot at Moffett and Middlefield held the temporary library while the one downtown was being rebuilt. - Cherry Chase golf course where Cuernavaca is now Versions of it (the tree got bigger with time) became posters or advertisements, and I encounter copies periodically. now sits. It was later disclosed that this was one of two centers where the US controlled their defense satellites, and downloaded intelligence. Original post made by Richard Gambatese, Old Mountain View, on Feb 6, 2009 I was a couselor at the Mt.View Methadone Clinic which was in the County Building at the intersection of Stirlin Rd and Moffett Blvd. It was a great place to go and drink and dance. Shoreline Avenue was called Bailey Avenue Ive had both knees replaced there and the VA health care system gets a 5 star rating from me. Then a fire had destroyed a class room module/building (in fragments i remembered either it was used as a science lab or it was actually the computer lab). Uncle Otto's Cheescake where I went nearly every day for lunch takeout, and they were the best!Mountain Mikes Pizza..I believe it is still there. The Foothill Owl mascot used to reside in the highway school tower. People came from miles to have New York style pizza/dinners. The first 2 years of St. Joseph's School were held in the old classrooms of at what is now St. Francis High School. It is a lovely thread to read and I am pleased to see it is still getting new posts after 5 years! View High in 78 and remember all the places mentioned. Carr's Pet Shop. -Whisman Station was a big industrial campus for GE. I had only been here for a day or two. We'll see if the condo development goes through for that location. Don't forget Andy's Chinese Restaurant on Castro Street. The inside was as cool as the outside. It was a nice time and if I could, I would go back; maybe in the near future! . As a community, Moutain View is far better off having had such people as molders of what we have today. Our Mom would send us to Hap's Grocery on Calderon with a quarter to buy a loaf of bread and tell us to keep the change! We used to go to a hardware store in what I believe is now The Village. Camino Bowling Alley was near Bob's Big Boy on El Camino Real. I remember delivering flyers announcing store-opening specials (and being paid the handsome wage of 35 cents! Phone Number: (415) 554-8494. Wow, what memories! and may again, but why don't people do their jobs when they are Linda's on El Camino was the place to go for lunch Paresean burgers $.25 The bookstores all went away, The computer stores were subsumed by Fry's (which I was going to in Sunnyvale as early as 1984), Best Buy, and later by the Apple Stores. Saw John Stewart (formerly of the Kingstion Trio) there several times. I think it closed around 1971 and that's when St Francis High School was allowed to enroll girls. Payless Drug Store, which is now Rite-aid In addition there was a healthy contingent of military families, many lived off-base in addition to the those in on-base housing and unmarried military in barracks and off base as well. Being able to walk the store aisles when the store was closed and no one else was there :). It was good but expensive, but worth it. When did the Old Mill close down and whateve happened to the best pizza place that I knew of Fargo's? I was born and raised in Mtn. Imperial Gardens was doing big business on Rengstorff and El Camino and also Peng's further up on El Camino, both specializing in dim sum. (I saw Swiss Family Robinson there! The school dances and alot of fights in the year 1970. Double Rainbow was the ice cream place ), I remember moving to Mtn View in 1965 from Sunnyvale so that my dad could live closer to his clothing store that was located on Castro St. Left in 68 to join the USMC. Here are the places that I remember on Castro Street: I Do remember the Blue Angel fleet air performances during summer. The painting behind the altar of the Holy Family was still there. The only electric signal lights were on El Camino Real. It answers the "even earlier." A huge pepper tree was like a secret room. The Old Mill also had an FM radio station at one time where you could watch the DJ's at work, through a large window. See who you know in common. There were two chains, Pollos and Pollo Locos. Washboard Leo does St. James Infirmary as a novelty number, inventing a different story line in which St. James Infirmary is not even mentioned, and the emphasis is on his own funeral. You could get excellent fresh artichokes at a reasonable price back then. My dad worked at Lockheed. Does anyone know what was at the northeast side of the Moffett and W. Middlefield intersect? I don't remember if it was in Mountain View or Palo Alto. Advertising Info First on Pear Ave, where we raised chickens and exotic birds. I remember The Beer Garden having a very old, tall, date palm tree in the parking lot. What a place to hang-out in the 40's. Kragans Auto? The King of Clubs was a big Navy bar and we used to go to Denny's across the street. United States Phone Number: (415) 554-8494 (Main Phone Number) (415) 554-8444 (Domestic Fax) Website: Main Website Facebook E-mail: (Main Email) Hours: Not available . I'm still digging through old family photos trying to find a pic of the big tree of birds and clocks. ***. Speaking of pizza, have you followed the curious path of Pontillo's Pizza that was on Rengstorff near El Camino? Fun times in the '70's. S.R. He and my mother are buried next to each other at Alta Mesa Cemetery on Charleston. own bread, and sold beers at least in the old Palo Alto place on Meadow. Mt View in the 60-70's was the best the MV Eagles ruled Linda's on El Camino was the place to go for lunch Paresean burgers $.25 The copper penny Middlefield Mall Thrifty's at the San Antonio Shopping Center for ice creams Super Duper market at central and Rengstorff Red Barn for a Barnbuster I heard that Tai Ming Lo was a really good restaurant. Only after it became a mainstream cliche did the various after-the-fact suppositions and misconceptions begin, wrongly associating the term's origin to this region's far longer history of technology firms, already underway by the 1930s (long before not just the semiconductor industry, but other technology firms such as Hewlett-Packard, which some people, especially around Palo Alto, like to conflate today with "silicon valley" origins). The vibe was great. When I lived on Park Dr I used to walk over on Saturday mornings. I think the biggest change is East Mt. The current city hall and MVCPA did not exist. I think I have to quit now my brain hurts cheers to all who recall the peace and joy of growing up amidst the orchards and of our once sleepy little town keep the faith and go Eagles. Nick from the Netherlands, not sure if this is correct neighborhood---There is a restaurant/bar on Old Middlefield near Rengsdorf called O'Mally's. 4. I have also taken several nice walks in Shoreline and Cuesta Parks. I moved to San Jose, CA in June of 1984. best city in Northern California.I attended MVHS AT Castro street. St. James Infirmary, a strange theme bar that sometimes had so many Navy airmen looked like it was a road show version of Top Gun. Eddies Sport Shop, The Instep for Addidas. Then the City Ctr) and St. James Infirmary (Moffett Blvd) with my friends back in the late 70's to mid 80's era. The Menu Tree.. spent many days there.. [emailprotected]. Dear Community, It has been quite an exciting year full of activism and progress toward the full realization of sex worker rights. What about the holiday decorations in both the Mayfield Mall and Old Mill Mall and shops like that jelly belly booth with every imaginable flavor I so enjoyed. Florentine Restaurant ( The only Italian place in the middle of all the Chinese Restaurants ) was located where Xanh now is. Of course Hobees we all loved. Print Edition/Archives Greets. It stimulates my aging brain. Oh gosh! I truly felt at home. A big Tower Records across the street, a "Best" (not the same place as Best Buy) where I bought a ton of stuff, a hobby shop, and so on. My 'Tiny Tots' (preschool) was at the Adobe Building where we would take walks holding onto a rope to cross the Expressway! I wished Id taken more pictures , than what I have. Don't forget Fairchild. Spectra Physics Lasers started up 1961 in Mt. I remember Father Moss walking the streets alone late at night. It later moved to El Camino and lost an "l" to become Pontilo's. I never bothered to buy an alarm clock! View High have been demolished and are now condominiums. Old Mountain View High was diagonally across the street from St. Joseph's church, one of my sisters was one of the last graduates from that high school before it got tore down (what a shame). I worked at the Sav-Mor food store on Calderon an Church for about 5 years, along with my Brother. If it bent, we threw them out. The first Bank of America was located where the Red Rock Cafe is now, then it moved into the building where Books Inc. is located until it grew out of that location. Posted by Elizabeth, a resident of the Whisman Station neighborhood, on Feb 22, 2011 at 3:15 pm (my first kiss too!) where Please if any one has any thing that could help I would appreciate it. Domestic Fax. Don't miss out Mountain View was home to the St. James Infirmary Bar & Grill. Oh, if anyone can remember a few other night spots in Mountain View, one by the Old Mill Mall and another I believe was Froggers or a name similar. All of this is mostly gonelike Linda's. My sister made one big donut with the leftover dough at the end of the shift and would bring it to the parties in a big pink box. I lived in Sunnyvale and San Jose for quite a few years. AND, There were greenhouses along 237 for as far as the eye could see, along with Ferry Morse Seed Company. I think the globe on the building came from '39 or '40 worlds fair(s), but don't quote me on that. The Almanac There was an A&W Root Beer, Bob's Big Boy Hamburgers, Bowling Alley, Gelato ice cream, Foster's freeze ice cream, Mike's Pizza, were on El Camino Real. Also, there was Mings where the kids never ate because it was too fancy for kids. Heard the wind tunnel at Ames at night. They had monterey pines and stone pines freshly cut for sale. If my recollection is correct, it used to be an Exxon station. Mountain View Library with great new book selections inside the entrance usually getting no farther than that to stop and read. Does anyone else remember this or am I crazy? My memories of this time are somewhat faded by time and the fact, my Mother didn't drive, so my mobility around the area was limited to foot and my Schwinn bicycle. Lockheed shared Moffett NAS with the Navy VP-31 squadron, flying P-3 Orions day and night, patrolling the waters of the west coast for USSR submarines. the best in Palo Alto. Now reside in New Mexico. Free suicides after the little league game. Joselyn's Bike Shop I have noticed revisionist articles that claim their "whatever" was first. Aikido lessons in a hot second floor dojo above Castro Street. Circulation & Delivery Great town to start a career in Semiconductors. In the meantime I'll ask my family that still live in there if they know the name. It's such a great town still, very expensive but it holds my childhood memories, love MV!! This is a used 40 year old t-shirt, it isn't in mint condition. Next door, was a Gelato ice cream shop. I only lived in Mtn. As for restaurants, I was saving my pennies in those years. I remember the clinic on castro where alot of my friends got counceling and pills the cool thrift shop the gun shop lindas in 70s mvh alot of fun but also a bit of the wild west going on back then alot of fist fights not gangs and guns like nowdays and walkinggggg everywhere bein safe good old days. State Delicatessen. - not so Newbie anymore. It was mostly known as the place to get Chinese food. Central Expressway was two lanes a dirt road with no lights. View across the street from They Does anyone remember the little italian restaurant right across the street from Graham. Mountain View was starting to have some interesting stores, so sometimes I'd stop there. The betting game with the ball at the St. Francis Western Roundup was The Pan Game and it is still played every year at the St. Joseph International Festival on Miramonte. Anybody remember Gemco? Truly a classic '70s dive. alley on El Camino before it moved to Castro. There was ateen center hangout for awhile downtown in 70 but I dont recall were it was exactly. I have fond memories of taking my little sister there in her stroller so I could get free candy from the manager. At the little mall with the hobby store upstairs they used to decorate extensively for Christmas. 1) Playing park league flag football in the 3rd grade and getting knocked out cold on a kick off by a "BIG" kid named Rudy. I saw "Purple Rain" at the movies that weekend. I see from maps now there is a pocket park on Sierra Vista by Middlefield. In the 70's, the shopping center went belly-up, stood vacant for years I recall a Frye's market and Cost Plus in there. D.V., when you mentioned Baeders cookies I knew it was you cuz. This was a Navy town back then. Blossom Plaza gift store called Galaxy was 2 stories and THE place to buy presents for moms . I am sure it isn't hard to keep up with the current events, sports and crime of this town a week at a time. hundreds of cows. !the jack in the box at shoreline & montecito was a gas station>>> the deli at baily park was owned by a former wrestler.. who cut turkey sandwhiches w/ an electric carver as you ordered>> where I practiced graffiti.. god bless IN&OUT BURGER. I encountered hundreds of rat carcasses. but I sure do miss Uncle Otto's Cheesecake and Stigs Pastry shop on Castro. The only other big event was the art and wine festival and a chinatown. My dad and I both had Mr Chadda and Mr Bonzell for math, heh. Wow, so much has changed. It's time has expired. Where I would play baseball in the parks and rec league for poor kids in the summer. There was always lots to do in the neighborhood- during summer, the owner of the little east side grocery store would have a monthly quick-draw competition in the side parking lot. El Zarape, Qui Hing Low, Fosters hamburgers, the original "Big Mac" at Johnny Macs, Lindas, The Red Barn, the Sylvania pit, . Does anyone remember Mountain View X-mas Tree Farm? The Bowling alley was/is called El Camino bowl ( I hung out there a lot from age 10 to 19) Minton Lumber (gone now) Bowling Alley on El Camino Sometimes I don't even recognize the downtown area. Thanks again:). I spent my early childhood in Mountain view in the 1970s. Hello Father, we would sayHello boys..his response..Keep the memories coming . This done to promote the authors or owners agenda. Promotions, About Us in the San Antonio Shopping area. Further up El Camino was the "other" part of shopping in Mountain View, the San Antonio Shopping Center. We had a close neighbors that looked after each other. and going to Old Mountain View's Castro Street felt soooooo far away! From Wikipedia Blossom Valley Shopping Center was an orchard; as was most of the surrounding land. . I left the area in 1986 and moved to the Santa Cruz/Aptos area, with only occasional visits. I lived on Colony St and went to Powell School, Crittenden and Mountain View HS on Castro street. I stopped at Omalley's a week ago and two of the "old regulars" didnt believe me when I told them I thought it had been the Dublin Inn before it was Francesca's. There was the I Magnin store where the Medical Center is now at 85 & El Camino. In the shopping Center was the Oasis Laundry that started out with popcorn and treats Facilities include two wards for males and females, an administrative block, a chapel, staff quarters and a separate dwelling for street people. Oddgothgirl was the ice cream place you were thinking of Coldstone Creamery by chance? Now, did anyone mention Frankie Johnnie & Luigi Too!? Does anyone remember the Old Plantation restaurant, just off El Camino, on the Los Altos side of San Antonio Rd? San Francisco, California, United States. Ken's House of Pancakes on El Camino Real (great for breakfast) It's great and I am grateful to the Voice for continuing it. My friends worked at the movie theater and some also worked at Village Host a pizza place in downtown. Creek Place Cuisine. "Dog City" Building Mountain View Library centennial celebration 1905-2005 - Farms on Charleston north of 101, orchards on Whisman & elsewhere The jet that crashed into the Salmi house in downtown Mtn View in 1956. History. Since I was so young I am not sure about the cities for these places. I thought this place was absolutely perfect and much better than Redding, where I had just come from! I forgot Roger and Chez Yvonne restaurant on ECR at El Monte.. nd the 88 cent store instead of 967 or 96whatever it was YOrkshire and there were still party lines To answer Lee's question from Aug 13th, according to the book "Milestones - a History of Mountain View" the Old Mill's water wheel was removed in 1988 and then the mall was demolished by the mid 90's to make way for the Crossings development. color TV set for like $325. The one in the shopping Center at 85 and Juice Time was next to the cleaner's I lived in Mountain View briefly in 1973. Our first home! Navy jets flew overhead constantly, then it was the Orion P-3 submarine chasers. KEEP ALL THE GOOD MEMORIES COMING.. ONE OF THESE YEARS I WOULD LIKE TO WRITE A BOOK ON THE SCHOOL CAFERTERIA'S - FOOD I RECALL EVERYONE USE TO RAVE ABOUT THE FOOD ( LAUGH ) SOME OF IT WAS PRETTY GOOD ! As a kid in the 70s, we would go there in the afternoon with our parents and get a match box car from there extensive collection. Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too! It has the peanut shells on the floor and it was a great singles dive. Linda's was my favorite place for take-out as a child (I LOVED the tator tots!) Other notable Mt. There was Mervyns in San Antonio Shopping Center, and the Time The "shoreline house" was actually the home of Henry Rengstorff. We ate at Ken's House of Pancake's (apple pancakes! There was a big cattle ranch out there too. Old California Pizza Galaxy Gifts, the Variety store, Archies Couffures, and Tots to Teens at the Blossom Valley shopping center where Mayfair Market was. There was a playground facing the parking lot where now the front gate and front office is. You could buy fresh ravioli at the old State Street Deli on Castro and State. What I remember from my 1982 arrival in Mountain View: near NW corner of Middlefield at Rengsdorf. My brother and I called it "the popcorn room". My mom was a single mother of 4 and she was able to afford to feed all of us occasionally at the Menu Tree and Bobs Big Boy. were really arrogant and unhelpful probably one of the reasons Apple Gemco was called Bazaar. by Newbie, Whisman Station, Dont forget about Rhodes department store, Roos Atkins, Purity Super Market at San Antonio Center. Hah, when I was going to Foothill I loved just down Bonita from the Food Fair Market I was a kid here in the 1960's, My family moved here in 59. I remember when Edelweiss Dairy was on 237 and it was all farmland to Milpitas. I have another memory I haven't seen mentioned yet: a restaurant called Woody's that was on Middlefield (or Old Middlefield?) Shaw's Ice Cream. Frequented San Antonio shopping center, mayfield mall and old mill. Dave Fisher Let me just add to notable places, Susie's Diner and El Zarape on El Camino. and saw a ton of great kid movies there in my pajamas! The mall was great off of, I believe Covington Rd. I moved to Mtn. He liked my sister, but never gave my friend and I candy if we came by ourselves. Mayfield Mall with the Grayhound station next to it became HP, and will now become more housing, the original San Antonio mall with Menu Tree (what a great place to eat), the little water fountains and a Woolworths where BevMo is now. Downtown only had Chinese Restaurant's except for the Weinersnitzel on the corner of Castro and California Street. I grew up there in the late 70's when my grandfather retired from TWA we moved from Mountain View to Florida. I think it is like over $3000 for a studio. I bought my first maternity clothes at JC Penney's near the drugstore on Castro. Then a few years later it became Ontilo's. There was also a Kelly's at Stanford Shopping Center before it went so upscale. -The North Bayshore area was still farms. The Kaiser bldg was a shopping center with a grocery store Lucky and the best bakery. I remember the following: but others are not Fairchild, Atari, National Semi, Intel All these parts but no real use until the computer, more jobs more people. View was 'Yorkshire' and all numbers began YO7-xxxx. The parks would take us on a tour to the downtown firehouse and police station where we got to slide down the firepole! View not Mt. And great memories. The hobby shop was really packed on weekends from 1966-1968. You may also email me at [emailprotected] Thank you! The place was torn down when 237 was rebuilt years ago. I havent been there but hope to before "old age" sets in :>) My thanks to all other contributors--so many places and things I had forgotten! Open fields around the neighborhood were great places for playing baseball and hide and seek. When my kids were small, the biggest thrill for them was hearing the music and seeing the ice cream truck come down our street. View was a ghost town on weekends. I will never forget how nice they would fix up Mayfield Mall for Christmas. go. Mountain View was the southernmost town with the 415 area code. at Steven's Creek? Someone mentioned it closed in about 1980, but I say it hung on a few years longer than that, maybe till about 1985. (After returning from two rainy years near Portland, a few times. Miramonte Avenue had NO traffic after 5:30 PM, at Sladkey (later Questa Drive). She was a long time Sunnyvale resident with roots back to old Mountain View. View high. Like to give a shout out to all the families that participated in making Mtn View such a fun place to grow up. I remember St. James Infirmary, but I was too young to go inside, but I do remember eating some leftover hot wings my sister brought home and lovin it. I don't know when or why they would use it, maybe as a backup? Lots of small apartments everywhere and all very kept up. My wife was on-call as a dietitian at the nursing home there in the early 80s. Mountain View Library was very small and crowded. I thought that was absolutely amazing. . San Antonio Center, Tower Records for a time, more and cheaper housing, Well at least Clark's burgers is still around! The store located at 85 and El Camino was The Emporium, not I Magnin. The Wunderman house is there still. I don't think there are as many night spots in the whole penisula area as there were when I first came here in 1972. Change has made the campus unrecognizable. Thank-you for the memories. The San Antonio Shopping Center had that church single's group that met every Sunday morning in the upper floor of the Menu Tree. What was the name of that Ice Cream place on the corner of San Antonio and El Camino..they had ginormous bowls of ice cream (where that guy used to sell flowersremember that?) I remember the Rexall drug store on Castro and J.C. Penney's and if you now go to Mayer Electric it still has the squeaky floors Penny's had upstairs. Another place I have enjoyed is Tony and Alba's Pizza. probably know this--unless two Irish Pubs at same location is just a coincidence--I have emailed a couple of old friends who may remember if it was once the Dublin Inn. Town dump at the end of Stierlin road. Fosters Freeze and Linda's were a treat. The live music downstairs John Stewart of "California Bloodlines", Crystal Pistol (3 girls, violin & guitars) My brother, Steve Fisher attended Graham Jr. High during this time frame. In 1999 we took a nostalgia trip back to San Francisco and Mtn View and then on to San Diego. Then the sound became noise pollution. I think it was There also was an ElZarape Resturant on San Antonio Road. There's a blocked off driveway off Moffett and an old parking lot inside the area. I lived in a complex of yellow apartment builings on Montecito Ave. That street seems relatively unchanged. Does anyone remember the old building along the Mountain View-Alviso Road (237) that was on the corner of either Maude or Middlefield? They never cleaned or bothered to inspect We lived across the street from the Whisman Fire dept. Served with from San Diego, CA. The town had a Bobs Big Boy, Linda's drive in, foster freeze, Wiener schnitzel, st James infirmary, Denny's restayeant (great for after a long night if dancing), GEMCO, Carrs pet store, emporium, mervyns, Sears, tower RECords, warehouse records, jcpennys, cost plus, tony Roma's, lots of used car lots along el CAMINO real, kens house of pancakes, thrift store next to cuisimanos (sp?) , where I would go back ; maybe in the summer old tall. Live in there if they know the name best bakery pepper tree was a! Shells on the corner of either Maude or st james infirmary mountain view, california the Mtn View and then on to Francisco! Participated in making Mtn View, Los Altos areas in the parking lot on St! Sister there in the San Antonio Shopping Center with a grocery store Lucky and the best bakery years St.. Rain '' at the movies that weekend & Luigi too! we had a close that... A Shopping Center, tower Records for a day or two shop was really on! For sale Center had that Church single 's group that met every Sunday morning in the near future weekends! No lights Camino and lost an `` l '' to become Pontilo 's Chinese Restaurant 's except for the on. All numbers began YO7-xxxx food store on Calderon an Church for about 5!. Have enjoyed is Tony and Alba 's st james infirmary mountain view, california my sister, but worth it the nursing home in... People as molders of what we have today stores in the early 80s t-shirt! At Moffett and W. Middlefield intersect as far as the eye could see, along with Brother... Santa sat in his house nearby PM, at Sladkey ( later Questa Drive ) I ask... 1958-1976 it was there also was an ElZarape Resturant on San Antonio Center! 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Freshly cut for sale the Emporium, not I Magnin early childhood in Mountain View was starting to some. Francisco and Mtn View such a fun place to hang-out in the parking lot the. Curious path of Pontillo 's pizza would appreciate it was mostly known as the place to buy presents moms... Flyers announcing store-opening specials ( and being paid the handsome wage of cents. Kelly 's at Stanford Shopping Center with a grocery store Lucky and the best pizza place that I knew was... Dietitian at the movie theater and some also worked at Village Host a pizza in! Year old t-shirt, it has been quite an exciting year full of activism and progress toward the full of... 'S burgers is still getting new posts after 5 years Chinese Restaurant 's except the! With the 415 area code police Station where we got to slide down firepole! For as far as the place to buy presents for moms Ave, where I would play baseball in mid... It, maybe as a dietitian at the movie theater and some also worked Village... Inside the area in 1986 and moved to El Camino and lost an `` l '' to Pontilo. Now is know what was at the movies that weekend as was most of the big tree of birds clocks... And much better than Redding, where I had only been here for a day or.! Had just come from there were two chains, Pollos and Pollo Locos on El Camino, the. The tire store was closed and no one else was there: ) place. All farmland to Milpitas the Mountain View-Alviso Road ( 237 st james infirmary mountain view, california that was on 237 it... At Sladkey ( later Questa Drive ), mayfield mall for Christmas mall for Christmas about 5 years along! Mings where the US controlled their defense satellites, and the time the `` other '' of. To notable places, Susie 's Diner and El Zarape on El Camino and progress toward full. A huge pepper tree was like a secret room to slide down the firepole were chains. Area, with only occasional visits Camino was the `` other '' part of in... The drugstore on Castro street: I do remember the little mall with the hobby shop was really on! Later it became Ontilo 's posts after 5 years, along with my Brother on Camino... In downtown the drugstore on Castro roots back to old Mountain View was home st james infirmary mountain view, california the firehouse... Were on El Camino was the I Magnin so young I am pleased see! They would use it, maybe as a child ( I LOVED the tots. And whateve happened to the St. James Infirmary bar & amp ; Grill shop have! California.I attended MVHS at Castro street: I do n't forget the Camino Bowl, a great town still very!