Rodney manages to save the team, but at a terrible cost to himself. She walked down the hall, her gait different than normal, more purposeful and commanding. Janet has been observing her best friend's odd behavior lately. He knows Evan has never judged him, but he never intended to say anything, and now he has to get through a spanking before they can even talk about it. Extinction By OriginalTempus Summary: Defending two galaxies from a single planet is an impossible task. John was more than faintly surprised the Gate was still standing, although he did not see a dialing device. Special thanks to ajw for allowing me to adopt his idea and giving me the chance to test my writing chops at a simple yet wonderfully unique idea. She did not expect to wind up as a space fighter pilot aboard a battlecruiser, t Nicki O'Neill has been living in the shadows for a while. The archive is completely automated so that you can register and upload your fanfiction; view and archive fanfics; and review and rate stories. Salvage crews are sorting the the wreckage orbiting the moon Sam is acting weird. Meet Ronon D Kai Zian's life was ruined by the Wraith. Takes place during Stargate Atlantis Season 5, sort of. However, Woolsey makes the unfortunate discovery of what their new leader is hiding and his life becomes a nightmare because of it. Set right before Memento Mori. "Yeah, with what's likely to be coming. P.O.V Higher Planes. Don't say you weren't warned Series. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Don't say you weren't warned Series. AU alternate 10 Cracks by 7 League Boots: One too many battles, one too many deaths the toll on SG1 after Counterstrike. As Ali was stripping the two Reaper ships of anything useful, in the higher planes of existence was an ascended being going by the name of Videns. There will be tears. The reply from his friend, Rodney McKay, came back over the device's little speaker SpaceBattles She decided to follow her older brother once to work and found herself in the SGC. Operating similar to how an Ancient puddle jumper or Wraith Dart would do. This fic is a crossover of Motherland: Fort Salem characters into the Stargate universe, cannon for both shows will be changed as this fic is written, this is a continuation of The Marriage and The Honeymoon, it is advised you read those before reading this fic. The man who br. One of a number of men asked from his armchair in a dark and smokey room with a clear British accent. How Colonel Oneill will react? If Harry had stopped to think about what was on the other side of the Veil, he wouldn't have guessed it was a tropical beach. Dr. Mariah Gray continues to learn about her powers and explores her relationships, both romantic and platonic. Courtesy of the How To Use instructions on a bottle of Snow Fairy body wash from Lush Australia:If you really dont know how, then we suggest you find someone you really like and invite them into the shower with you to demonstrate.Jack finds Carter's bottle of shower gel Carter finds Jack. I had ideas for a couple of chapters, then the opening scene popped into my head and I started writing. The Murphys Law short story falls between books 2 and 3. Cam is nervous when he lets a hidden desire slip in the middle of discipline. Want to discuss currently posted stories here or elsewhere, why not. ? When John later stumbles across an Ancient facility, he finds that it can give Rodney what the scientist had given up as a lost cause due to his sacrifice. I have the right to live my nature all of it! Atlantis: the Soap Opera. It may not display this or other websites correctly. No need to hitch a ride on a carrier or Star Destroyer to move vast A/N: Hello All, welcome to this new story which is a cross over HP and Stargate (with elements of another). John has insomnia before a big day, and Rodney tackles the problem head on. After a few days, the Foundation move it to a secure site (something akin to Cheyenne Mountain, but bigger). Vote. Somewhere in the Attican Traverse AN: Stargate-SG 1 implied that the timeline we saw in the show was arguably the best. NEW THREAD: This is the only story I don't have a clear endgame planned for, mostly because I'm not Because I've been reminded of the existence of a stargate she ra fic, I want to know (if it doesn't exist) how a crossover between stargate and another aggressively gay cartoon would go? But the facility is rapidly running out of power and John has to make a snap decision. Work Search: His neck craned forward and his face puckered like hed just tasted something sour. Meet Alkira Nyx Timeline: after Unending still fighting the Ori . Their best chance . This is a sequel to my story "Strong, But Not Impervious" and continues the story of Dr. Mariah Gray and the residents of the City of Atlantis. Currently, Im mulling over using four, maybe five, of the episodes in one way or another. Thousands of years of evolution have told us that. Stargate Origins : Catherine . Ok, previous statement is a little bit of a lie. Covers Season 3, Ep. Comme on ne voulait pas les froisser, nous avons accept. A time travel incident lands Lt. Col. Sheppard on Atlantis at the beginning of the expedition. You try my patience, the Queen murmured, her disapproval suffocating and he closed his eyes against the vicious ache it caused._____. The archive is completely automated so that you can register and upload your fanfiction; view and archive fanfics; and review and rate stories. Dangers and decisions lay ahead that no one is prepared for, and the fate of two galaxies rest on the shoulders of a few select people. John laughed, desperately. However, the team is misled and is forced to stand trial, for their alleged crimes against the Pegasus galaxy. This is the fourth story in my Stronger Series and continues the story of Dr. Mariah Gray and the residents of the City of Atlantis. This episode is a clip show: it is largely composed of clips of previous episodes. That was 6 years ago. As a teenager she met her father, Jack, and was introduced to his world when his enemies used her as leverage Johnathan was in hospital after getting hurt on stage. Cargo: 0/10 One day she saves the life of a group who clai Harry goes to sleep after the final battle but he wakes up at his first Welcoming Feast under the Sorting Hat. Foundation agents within the Egyptian Government contact other Foundation personnel. While she would be millions of lightyears away, and fighting unknown enemies, in a war that's not hers, this might just be the only chance she's got at a normal life. When Earth became indifferent to them, Atlantis and the people who loved her looked for ways to make things work. Please consider turning it on! What starts as just helping McKay turns into a much larger issue as many more problems in the Atlantis Expedition come to light. Author: Yukito aka Natalie. There is one cameo from the big B herself, but otherwise I took the Slayer lore and shoved it into a Stargate Atlantis story. Nothing is ever safe. She looked up and met Rodney's eyes, shared his . But Evan has a theory, and he's probably right, as usual. Just all my favourite Atlantis whumpers, involving the whole team :) English - Staff: 0 - Followers: 0 - Since: 12-28-09 - Founder: FireFairy1992 . 07 October 2005, 05:15 PM. S Surtout avec vous, si je m'en rappelle bien. There is one cameo from the big B herself, but otherwise I took the Slayer lore and shoved it into a Stargate Atlantis story. But he would get them down in the right place. SEASON TWO IS FINISHED Today Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Does an Ursa Hunt in the Woods? He's not looking forward to any of it. A Game of Thrones X Stargate SG1/Atlantis Crossover. As the downtime weighs on them and they get to actually know each other, John realizes he might be in danger of developing real feelings. Lia McGillion is a young woman who finds herself in a completely new galaxy. 6.9K 108 16. Stargate: Equestria: The team accidentally ends up on Equestria instead of returning to the SGC (sequel: Stargate Equestria: Incursion) And Now I Lay Me Down to Rest: Sam and Jack hitch a ride on the Serenity. But Evan has a theory, and he's probably right, as usual. Communities TV Shows Stargate: Atlantis Communities 13 My Favourite Atlantis Whumpers. John and Elizabeth lead the expedition together and try to figure out how to form an alliance with a completely alien civilization. But does Sam want to go to Atlantis or does she want something entire differently? The Athosians are attacked, a new Earth ship is deployed to sort it out and fix things in the Pegasus. Please consider turning it on! Janus, what have you done. Lets hope that I chose wisely. 55,000 words, 5 hours 27 minutes, 36 readers. Cam really doesn't understand why he lashes out sometimes, because it's nothing he'd ever do in public and he doesn't at all enjoy the consequences in private. Book 2: Gods Blood is concurrent with Book 2.5: Manifest Disaster This is a guide to everything you need to know about the Goa'ould, the Ori, the Replicators, the Wraith and so much more. I moved this story from Fanfiction. Fuck no. You'll be part of a Quarian run expedition to investigate a faint, though definitely artificial, signal that the Quarian migrant fleet detected outside of Threadmarks: SG_Omega the introduction and beginning. I'm lost in his tower Please consider turning it on! Sheppard and McKay and their remote-control cars clash with Teyla and a wakeful Torren once too often. Author: LadyRa Canon: Stargate Atlantis | Stargate SG1 Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay; Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson Rating: Explicit [NC-17] Word Count: 69,959 Summary: Atlantis ends up with some unexpected new . Work Search: Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate. Thankfully his sort-of ally Todd is around and able to lend a hand. Between discovering the secrets of alien tech, creating their own, fighting for survival and building up an international organization, they are up for an interesting year. Somewhere in the Attican Traverse That was until Lazarus accidentally went back in time. Have an idea or comments on potentially starting a fanfic, AU, crossover, whatever, and want to voice ideas, go ahead. But you'll cry along the way! Now Daniel and Adolfina are both he Kai Zian's life was ruined by the Wraith. Welcome to Chapter II of the game. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Then they proceed to lecture the team that " maybe one day, you'll learn that your way is not the only way" Just a few days before Volume 3, an archaeological expedition to the edge of civilized territory uncovers a peculiar, ring-shaped device: Pepper doesnt often regret the improbable circumstances and choices that brought her, Tony, and Jim to the SGC and then to Atlantis. not to me. " What happens when you combine two universes, some of the planets have to match right? Angst. Parental Guidance Suggested. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Nothing can save me I guarantee no consistent updates or actual plot consistency. This fungus: The Mycellium; Sarah Alders child and Izadoras pride and joy. Could it be the consequences of the last SG1 mission? Know a good story or Scraped from here. Chapter 1 If you have any questions or problems, please consult the Help Page. Otherwise I took the Slayer lore and shoved it into a Stargate Atlantis story. Lets say that a few days before Anubis launched his invasion of Earth there is a How would you go about introducing the five members of G-Force (and only them), along with all of their toys, into the Stargate franchise? Road Trip: Sam and Cassandra visit Eureka. Lt. Every member of the Stargate Atlantis team knows that monsters are real, but they go out there anyway. This one sparked from the idea of Daniel being Daniel 'of the impossible things' with a history the Stargate program would probably question his sanity even more upon learning. The survivors of Atlantis cling to one another, mentally and physically broken after two years on the run from the Wraith. Devanye and Severus are going to Scotland to meet Mrs. Beckett. The rest of humanities enemies were long gone and man was in the golden age of space exploration and colonies. There is one cameo from the big B herself, but otherwise I took the Slayer lore and shoved it into a Stargate Atlantis story. Watching the Goa'uld System Lords sent to parlay with the Asgard over the fate of Earth, was a bit Last couple of weeks I have been fighting writer's block while working on the current chapter of With Friends Like These(for those of you that read that, I'm almost done with the next chapter). Reader is gender optional. Dont say you werent warned. John refuses to give Rodney the one thing he wants. Le lieutenant Coughlin est, malgr son mtre quatre-vingt-dix et sa carrure de marine, un gentil garon, discret, loyal, fiable et ponctuel comme un coucou suisse. " it should. " Currently, Im mulling over using four, maybe five, of the episodes in one way or another. I like those blue eyes.". We'll be exploring a different aspect than the normal sheppard journey. "This is a bad idea." If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Johns on a mission with his team when things go rather spectacularly wrong. Rodney manages to save the team, but at a terrible cost to himself. I made this because the Stargate fansom lacks watching the movie/show fics. A very different turn of events creates a Harry who is more powerful than anything seen in Versalial before. Take care of your people. In the third part of the Best Friends series, Jack decides to ask Daniel out. Here she has to create a new life for herself and who knows, maybe even love will find her? This is a reincarnation quest based on my old quests from seven years ago. After a helicopter crash ended her military career and nearly killed her, Keziah (Kezzie) Woolsey refused to risk her life ever again, content to bask in the quiet, solitary nature of academia. He blinked away the spots in his vision and realized he could feel something wet gather where her claws pressed, stinging slightly. But its going to be rough. Les affres et douleurs des adolescents . As the hive hovered menacing in the air Darts descending upon the helpless populous below a black spider like craft shimmers into Threadmarks: Opening Post and the First Letter. In it, Earth and her allies, got as far as they could, while paying as cheap a price in lives and sacrificed morals as practically possible. There's been a few threads about how people would disclose the Stargate program to the wider Earth population and when they would do it. Not that knowing why makes Cam feel any better. The question is: Why? Work Search: Die Gesetze und Urteile der Erde interessieren mich nicht, gelten nicht mehr fr mich. Ich bin hier, ich habe die Waffen zur Verteidigung, ich habe die Schlssel fr die Stadt und ihre Schatzkammern, ich habe volle Gewchshuser und Vorratsschrnke mit Essen, Trinken, Medizin, Kleidung, PC-Zubehr, Waffen, Jumper, Technologie und Wissen fr die Forscher, alles was Sie was Stadtbewohner brauchen. So this is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer/StarGate Atlantis Crossover, but without Buffy or any of the Scoobies. Hohenheim's Dream for a Requiem [Harry Potter/Stargate] SI/OC, Everything Everywhere One Thing at a Time (Harry Potter / Stargate Multicross). Sparky fanfics of all genres, types, and ratings are welcome. So this is story five in my Hero series. My lord, we shall arrive in the target system Mass Effect: Broken Bow Series 1 Onwards. Videns had ascended millions of years ago, from the time the Ancients were still . A/N: One of the few series I tried to write. The rest of humanity's enemies were long gone and man was in the golden age of space exploration and colonies. Elizabeth tried to escape the voices of John Sheppard and Koyla grinding against her ears. In which Quicksilver has two soulmates with the same name, Todd is both gleeful and frustrated, and John is in denial until he figures it out. After finding out how it operates, they manage to make contact with the U.S. Airforce and begin peaceful contact. :) I mentioned in an SGA community that I had saved a long list of fics with Sheppard's brother, David, and I was asked about sharing it. If only feelings didn't get in the way. The U.S. Airforce and begin peaceful contact x27 ; t warned Series Lt. Sheppard. Before a big day, and ratings are welcome became indifferent to,... Beginning of the Scoobies do n't own Stargate years of evolution have told us that Atlantis communities my! 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Tasted something sour his tower stargate atlantis si fanfiction consider turning it on Nyx timeline: after Unending fighting... They manage to make things work to discuss currently posted stories here or elsewhere why.