He didnt realize it until the police told him. Have the Hances had to give any testimony through the various lawsuits about what happened on that day? On Sunday, July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler left the campgrounds in upstate New York where she was vacationing with her family and set off towards home on Long Island. Theres Something Wrong With Aunt Diane reveals a complex and complicated case as opposed to one solved by simple or reductive analysis. R76, I agree with you. She leaves her phone on the barrier on the side of the road. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, I think she did it only after being set off by some event during the camping trip and because drinking and being high gave her the "courage" and decreased her judgement. Hello. In the state of New York, it is now a felony to drive intoxicated with a child in the car. This thread has definitely made me realize this. I don't think there's any disputing the outcome here but regardless it's a crazy story and a reasonably well done documentary/movie. This always seemed to me like murder-suicide; why she just didn't let the nieces out, hand them her phone and say "call your dad to come get you", who knows, but given how long she meandered around before getting on the Taconic and eyewitness testimony that she drove bullet-straight once she started driving the wrong way while people were blowing the horn at her always seemed like to me that at some point on that drive home she decided to kill herself and the kids. Anyone can read what you share. She didn't feel like dealing with 5 little kids and wasn't looking forward to the boring 2 hour ride home. All rights reserved. She ignored her brothers entreaties to stay put. Kind of like a perfect storm. The child calls her parents and is crying because Diane is screaming at the kids to shut the hell up. She purposely killed the kids and herself because she was an angry control freak. She was pissed and angry, and wanted to ease her tension by drinking and smoking pot. The book by the mother who lost the three girls was very softball. Regardless, I think the evidence still suggests intent - her driving behavior while on the highway seemed to imply control of the vehicle. Investigators said Diane Schuler drove against traffic and struck Bastardi's car. I was thrown a little that they showed Diane's corpse at the accident scene. During the Taconic State Parkway crash, some eyewitnesses reported Schuler looked calm and in control. At least two of the calls were to her brother, Warren Hance, the father of three girls who lost their lives. She also said something to her brother during that last phone call that was probably very telling about her motives. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000281.htm. Maybe all the adults were heavy drinkers and MJ smokers. Revisiting the accident that occurred on July 26, 2009, when Diane Schuler drove the wrong way on New York's Taconic State Parkway and collided with . It's obviously sad for the kids and the guys she killed, but that incredibly tightly-wound, perfectionist women seemed like a time bomb. Or maybe one of them said something to her which set her off, because she saw that the pattern was repeating. Jesus Christ! This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. Watchlist. The debate of the go-to bagel spot in Rockville is storied and complicated. I drink and smoke at home -- NO ONE would expect it of me! Does anyone else see it that way? There are signs, EVERYONE IGNORED THESE SIGNS? "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane" premieres on HBO at Monday 9 p.m. WATCH VIDEO: The trailer for "There's something wrong with Aunt Diane"," which is available on. Some features on this site require registration. This mysterious and shattering tragedy draws the public in, feeling a need to find out what really happened to Aunt Diane. The poor kid, his mother and sister dead, and stuck with a lamebrain asshole of a father. It did show a blood alcohol level of 0.19 and high levels of thc from smoking weed up to 15 minutes before she died. Neither of those scenarios make much sense to me. it could have happened) but this is quite near to the psychological make-up of someone who might be prone to snapping like this. Copyright Fandango. No telling what he said/did that morning to set things in motion. [1] It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011.[2]. Well she got an OJ at McDonalds, presumably as a mixer for the vodka, and that is when she started drinking. But yeah. The Long Island mother who drove bombed out of her mind with a minivan full of kids triggering a head-on collision that killed 8 routinely bellied up to the bar and griped about her failing marriage and stressful job, a drinking buddy told The Post. I think the most aggravating thing (not the most devastating thing, as that would be the death of innocent children) about this case is that we will simply never know what in the hell really happened to cause her to behave the way she did. The film follows Diane's husband and sister-in-law, who believe that Diane may have had a medical emergency that precipitated the crash, and who hire a lawyer and PI to investigate that . "I'm watching this now (for the 4th or 5th time) -- where do you see that she was "full of rage?". And when she finally exploded she took seven people with her, four of them children. But while the lawsuits are done, relatives of some of those killed said the unanswered questions are not. R21 does make sense. Many theories abound as to whether Schuler deliberately caused the crash that killed her family members. Diane Schuler, 30 who died in the wrong-way crash on the Taconic Parkway recently seemed under pressure, like work and family were getting to her, said the pal, Sheila, who asked that her last name be withheld. Your contribution will allow us to purchase equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. 2011. It makes me wonder at what point is that day she decided she was going to just kill all of them? The girlfriend still says she's innocent to this day, said it was the boyfriend and a friend of hers that killed Laurie. It would make more sense if she had wanted to end it all and take the children with her to have them unsecured at that point. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. judging from the death photos, R86, no. Plus, as the documentary unfolds, we're given more and more insights into the personal problems that may have led her to Diane's final destructive act. I'd assume she had a routine down in her regular life to control her drinking/addictions and this trip likely off set that. After reading in the NY Daily News that Aunt Diane *left her cell phone on the side of the road* after that last mysterious phone call with the brother (purposely leaving it behindthe only item she did that with) and suddenly driving pin straight 80-85mph down the wrong side of the freeway (after she had weaved and tailgated and driven erratically before for 60 miles and the the brother said he was on his way and for her to stay put after the last phone call) I definitely think she did it on purpose. Meanwhile, her husband, Daniel Schuler, was in another vehicle. She probably wanted med for a tension headache, but ended up resorting to vodka and pot. Diane Schuler was a 36-year-old woman from New York. Things had likely been spiraling in the relationship for a while - unhappiness, feeling overburdened, etc. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane. Family members often are. She purposely killed the kids and herself because she was an angry control freak. Like she decided she and those kids were going to die that day AND THEN started boozing heavily and smoking. It chronicles the Schuler family's absolute denial that Diane was drunk and high at the time of the crash.". , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. The World Is Ending: Amazon Rainforest, dying? No fucking mystery, she was completely impaired, sick from too my alcohol and angry. Yeah, Diane's brother not calling the police right away is the tip off for me that they all knew she was drunk. R39, I just saw the documentary. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane TV Movie 2011 TV-MA 1 h 41 m IMDb RATING 6.7 /10 5.8K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 0:47 1 Video 6 Photos Documentary Crime This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. For nearly two miles, Schuler was driving the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway. The hot air makes her feel worse. told her on the phone that his independent lab tests returned the same results as the original autopsy regarding Diane's blood alcohol levels. I would side with you that it was murder/suicide. IN THE minutes before Diane Schuler drunkenly smashed her vehicle while traveling in the wrong direction on the Taconic Parkway murdering seven innocents and herself her little niece cried, terrified, into a cellphone to her dad: Theres something wrong with Aunt Diane!. [1] It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011. Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case For Reasonable Doubt? She then got some orange juice so she mix more vodka into it and drink it without the kids seeing it. I take it to sleep and I haven't done anything crazy. So sad. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [quote]That's just another lame, totally unproven excuse for Shuler's behavior. "We just didn't get the answers we needed," said Bastardi, 55. The answers arent there either, but its impossible not to watch. In subsequent calls, it was clear that something was terribly wrong. It was strange that they featured her four high school friends and one person who seemed just a neighbor on the documentary but no real intimates or who knew her in her daily life. God rest her soul. Have there been any recent updates with the Schuler family? There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane is a 2011 documentary television film directed by Liz Garbus about the 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash. Nine days after her deadly crash, Diane's toxicology report revealed she had a blood-alcohol content of . HBO, Monday night at 9, Eastern and Pacific times; 8, Central time. By creating an account, you agree to the It messed her up. This was a mentally unstable woman who did a great job of hiding it, had problems in her marriage, had reached a tipping point, and wanted to keep "control" by making sure her children didn't grow up without her. She stops at the Sunoco convenience store for some Aspirin and perhaps another nip and toke. Its unclear why Schuler did not call her husband, Daniel, who was supposed to be driving home in his truck at the same time Diane took the kids. Perhaps this one got more coverage as a result of the documentary. But when toxicology reports revealed Schuler was heavily intoxicated at the time of the crash, it seemed like an open and closed case of drunk driving. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Witnesses Report Schuler Was Remarkably Calm While Driving The Wrong Way Let's also consider the evidenceshe drove perfectly to a McDonald's, rest stop, etc., had the cohesion to use her phone and make a call, but somehow cannot recognize the fact that she is driving on the wrong side of the highway, and does so perfectly straight without any swerving, etc. Daniel cried but once during a press conference that drained onlookers emotions. Yet, the sis-in-law goes outside, alone (except for camera man), to smoke a cigarette and claims that nobody knows that she smokes cigarettes. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." Any history of mental illness? A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. She had a demanding job, a no good husband and two children she was totally responsible for. Other excuses for her: she was having a stroke, she was having a seizure, she had diabetes, she had a tooth abscess, she had a cyst on her leg that may be induced a blood clot. Im just wondering at what point exactly she started what seems to have been a binge? Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. Couldnt Dianes husband have been charged with negligence for that part at least? Money will out eventually. Its a gripping and terrifying account, making use of video footage, cellphone conversations and testimony from investigators and a number of witnesses. Why can't he give the Bastardis answers to their questions? She drives up the Taconic the wrong way and doesn't even realize it. This story has been shared 136,057 times. The autopsy showed no.traces of Ambien in her system. [R40] is on the nose, too. Thank you, Janice Min. Was she a habitual drinker, and if so, did her husband and other family members know? SHE DROVE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY FOR TWO MILES. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane TV-MA | original | 1 HR 40 MIN | 2011 WATCH NOW Watch on HBO The accident made national headlines: a suburban mother drove the wrong way on the Taconic Parkway in New York and crashed head-on into an SUV, killing herself and seven others. She also had a lot of undigested alcohol in her stomach + had been smoking weed. When he found out she was driving a van with children he desperately tried calling both her and 911 but it was too late. Eight-year-old Emma Hance, Schulers eldest niece, called her father from the vehicle approximately a half hour prior to the fatal crash, saying: Daddy, there is something wrong with Aunt Diane.. 13 Streaming Documentaries Guaranteed to Make You Sad, Scared, and Righteously Angry. Schuler had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19, more than twice the legal limit. R5, she didn't take Ambien, she drank a quart of vodka and smoked weed. Were the campers near them during the weekend ever interviewed to see if there was something that occurred to set her off? There's something wrong with Aunt Diane that's one of the last things Schuler's 8-year-old niece, Emma Hance, worriedly told her father by cellphone as the minivan sped hither and then yon,. Emma took the phone to tell her dad that she had a great time camping upstate with the Schulers. (Not making sure his 2 year old daughter had a car seat?). Not 100% anyway. It seemed to want to find a medical reason to account for Diana Schuler's abominable behavior. At one point the retarded hubby said "could she have been hallucinating and drinking vodka thinking it was water?" Oh, I'm sure she was bothered; bothered by being left holding the bag while her dipshit husband went on his merry way. I have no idea. If this is true, Dumb Danny From Long Guyland is a real asshole for suing the families of the little girls! Take a look at Were the smaller children strapped into car seats? hbo Poisoned Apple Donate to Common Sense $1496 $2000 Contributed Our Goal The link at R11 was so poorly written it was unreadable. This story has been shared 106,144 times. Maybe it was Ambien? At least his sleazy lawyer's been disbarred and pretty much lost everything. Schuler, a manager in Cablevisions accounting department, would suck down screwdrivers at a Long Island saloon, where she was a regular the past few years and usually came by herself, her pal said, adding: I wouldnt say she was an alcoholic, but she liked her drinks. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This contrasts with the aftermath of her actions. I think it started to sink in to Jay Schuler toward the end, when the investigator hired by Dominic Barbara (sic?) I just dont get how she goes from camping every weekend and being a PTA mom who doesnt let the kids out of her sighta great mom (per a neighbor) to purposely terrifying and murdering all the kids, herself, and a handful of drivers. (Name will only be used to verify billing.). Her actions on that day, and in the past, were thrust under careful scrutiny by the public. click ACCEPT. I can understand her being consumed with grief but it feels like she's holding back and it makes it more tragic. Jackie Hance had another baby to replace the three girls she lost. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. As relatives, friends, co-workers and a forensic psychologist build a picture of Diane as a high-achieving, perfectionist mother and wife, Ms. Garbus intersperses the interviews with a reconstruction of the events of July 26, 2009. In the L&O episode the Diane character was threatening to whistle blow on the uselessness of an expensive cancer drug her company was promoting, so a co-worker silenced her by covertly getting her drunk and high. If thats true, Im guessing Aunt Diane stepped out to drink and smoke during at least some of that time? I wouldn't be surprised if Danny and her got into some fight, he said something he regretted, and likely feels some responsibility for what happened, but is afraid of criminal/legal/financial repercussions. Like most rest areas it is laid out to be as obviously one-way as possible but he still managed to get back on the highway the wrong way. Your email address will not be published. This is a family who is trying desperately (almost to the point of irrationality) to preserve her imageOR, more likely, to deflect any potential legal or financial responsibility from themselves. reveals a complex and complicated case as opposed to one solved by simple or reductive analysis. I have never before witnessed or heard of an alcoholic get so messed up that they lose control or cohesion to this extent. She calls her brother. If you believe this was accidental, there are two scenarios: 1) shes a raging alcoholic, in which case .19 doesnt get her to this state, or 2) she isnt an alcoholic, but decided on this day to get hammered and high with 7 kids in the car? Directed by Liz Garbus; produced by Ms. Garbus and Julie Gaither; edited by M. Watanabe Milmore; director of photography, Michael Tucker; music by Jonathan Zalban. May the innocents rest in peace. I'm not going to speculate on any specific molestation etc. I think the theory that she had been molested by the brother makes sense, that she killed his kids in revenge. How many people went with the 'she was drunk and it was an accident' narrative vs 'she knew what she was doing, the drink was help, not cause/murder-suicide' narrative? For example, when her husband's mother freely admits that Diane's husband acted more like her "oldest child" than a husband; when Jay lets it slip that the Diane's husband didn't really want to have kids and that he resents having to be a single parent now; when Diane's friends talk about her perfectionism; and when her own mother in law admits she doesn't understand how Diane found the time to work full time and take care of the children and household chores (because your son--Diane's husband--was useless, duh). I didn't much care for the documentary. But the egregious nature of the accident is highly unique. Authorities want to figure out if Schuler, who denied that his wife even liked the taste of alcohol, is a danger to his son. or was she doing it right in front of them? She bought orange juice to use as a mixer! Thanks, R21. Interesting. I just watched "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane," which I found interesting and thought-provoking. R40, I didn't know about Diane's mother abandoning her at 9 years old. If we accept the case that she is an alcoholic (I think the alcoholism is moot at this point), then you're trying to tell me that a seasoned alcoholic who has presumably been drinking heavily for years, gets this messed up after some vodka and weed? "TV review: 'There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane', "A riveting, in-depth look at eight deaths and one enduring mystery". Why blow her cover by getting that wasted? There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane True Crime Obsessed True Crime On Sunday, July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler left the campgrounds in upstate New York where she was vacationing with her family and set off towards home on Long Island. Maybe her husband told her he wanted a divorce or that he never wanted kids. I'm a parent, and can understand how a person could drive in that condition. Diane told her brother she was having tunnel vision the very phrase Ive seen associated with heavy drinking. She was supposedly texting and the police ruled out the kids as being a distraction. Well, there are a lot of theories, so I don't subscribe 100% to any of them. If this was a standard ugly crash - fine, I totally buy it. I'm not saying that is the answer, or that I'm remembering 100% correctly, but after reading those first-hand accounts, I was convinced it could have played a role in her behavior. End of story. She continues along and her head is pounding. Because it would reveal far too much, R27. I think R21 nailed it. I can see her being irritable, having a headache, wishing she could drink,, maybe having a few sips of vodka with OJ to "take the edge off".but get black out drunk in that setting?! The 2 kept insisting that if Diane had had alcohol problems, they would have know about it. I don't get it. Columbia School of Journalism. Do I need to lecture you on how fucking stupid you are being? She's seen becoming visibly ill. She gets shitfaced to work up the courage and to offer a reason for the crash as an accident vs a simple suicide. On the other hand, there are the questions that Ms. Schulers husband, Daniel, has steadfastly raised: Were the tests mistaken? Hard to find anything "interesting" about that. Not one person who has a cousin who is married to someone who used to work with diane schuler? The amount of booze in her stomach was like 10 shots' worth, not counting what was already metabolized at the time of death. The layers of anger, guilt and what many would call blind faith that surround the case, however, have given it a tragic intensity, making the unanswerability of the questions seem profoundly painful. Also: none of the kids were in car seats or had seat belts on and all of them were just crammed next to each other on the seats in the backseat. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thats pretty damning. She made twice his salary. I don't think it's uncommon. (1,682) 6.7 1 h 40 min 2011 18+. Diane, who was the subject of both the HBO documentary There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane, and a 2009 episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show, was behind the wheel of her brother's minivan when she crashed headfirst into another car in July 2009. The accident made national headlines: a suburban mother drove the wrong way on the Taconic Parkway in New York and crashed head-on into an SUV, killing herself and seven others. And she tried to hide all this anger by smoking pot and drinking in secret. I completely agree. She was quick tempered and impulsive. There was also a quid pro quo at work. This mysterious and shattering tragedy draws the public in, feeling a need to find out what really happened to Aunt Diane. This was curious, because the Schulers said they left upstate early, around 9:30 a.m. on July 26. I don't live in the US so don't recall much media coverage of this case. A few other pointsthis was an extremely controlling woman in a potentially unhappy relationship with a man who had no interest/desire to raise several kids. It wouldn't be black out drunk for a heavy drinker. If she did it to excess or was actually an alcoholic it would have been easy to hide it from that clueless family. The decision to leave the phone on the side of the road after the kids alerted one of the relatives to there being something wrong, and then the 2 mile straight, unswerving drive down the wrong side of the highway. [quote] I just find it hard to believe this woman was an alcoholic and no one thought that she should not drive the kids around. Also: the alleged drinking buddy in the article says that Dianes favorite drink was a screwdriver and that she had a super high tolerance foryou guessed it.vodka! If there was Ambien involved (maybe they're just keeping it out of the press) the families may have gotten a huge settlement from the company and a gag order. July 24, 2011. Terms and Policies If she secretly was THAT big of a drinker a BAL of 190 is not that high. According to the documentary, they simply cannot reconcile the toxicology results with the loving mother and aunt who would never knowingly endanger her children.. Okay, guys, if we believe this 2009 NY POST article, Diane was a secret alcoholic who drank basically every day at a bar for at least two years and in the last few months of her life was miserable in her marriage and felt trapped in it. Since this aired I have read comments saying that it could have been that Diane blacked out after taking Ambien. R65 that's no way to describe Datalounge Danny! And of course, there was the fact that Diane's mother had abandoned Diane and her brothers when Diane was only nine, leaving Diane to become the "woman of the house" to her siblings. The Overlook Film Festival has unveiled the full lineup for its 2023 edition, taking place in New Orleans from March 30-April 2, naming the world premiering Universal horror-comedy Renfield as its We do know that Diane got into an argument with the counterboy at McDonalds because her son wanted Chicken McNuggets and they were only serving breakfast but that's who Diane was, wanted to make sure the children all got what they want. Schuler's son, Bryan, who was 5 at the time, was the only survivor. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. Schuler's family, including her husband, Daniel Schuler, blamed her bizarre behavior on an undefined medical condition. Danny from Long Guyland is a real asshole for suing the families of the highway seemed to imply control the... Bastardi & # x27 ; s car, Eastern and Pacific times ; 8, Central time, conversations! 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