At its most basic, a constitution is an instrument that embodies the rules of a social, legal or political organization. It, therefore, leaves room for possible changes. \(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \). The states capital, Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is renowned for its colonial-era British architecture. This type of constitution is unsuitable for tiny countries. It can be amended only in special circumstances. Moreover, there are important aspects of the U.S. Constitution that are wholly unwritten. An unwritten constitution is not contained in a single document and can exist partly in word and partly in writing. This may encourage the rise of dictatorship, as a person, or a cabal with dictatorial propensity may amend it to advance such desires. Because the political values felt to be supreme by the dominant forces in a community have ultimate controlling influence, some European continental scholars have been prompted to call them the material constitution, at any given historical moment, of that community. It has been criticized as being vague and indefinite. A unitary constitution one of the types of constitution which provides that governmental powers should be concentrated on the single central government, which does not share powers with other body in the country, but delegates powers to regional, local government and other subordinate bodies. Joel Ivan, Thanks also I want to ask a question about functions of the constitution of the United republic of Tanzania of 1977 as ammended time to time, Explain classes of constitution There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:- Written and Unwritten Constitution Flexible and Rigid Constitution Unitary and Federal Constitution Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution Republic and Monarchical Constitution Written and Unwritten Constitution This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. It means that the sovereign unit (Centre) and local units . Constitution of India: Borrowed Features Following are the features of the Constitution borrowed from different countries: Features borrowed From the United Kingdom; Nominal Head - President. Absolute monarch: This is one in which the monarch has absolute powers of governance. There is a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary. Merits of Flexible Constitution. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a republican constitution. Although courts may always review governmental action to guard against the arbitrary or unreasonable, the starting point must be a presumption . If the President proclaims an emergency for the whole or part of India under Article 352, the Parliament may be entitled . to. The judiciary tends to overplay its role in a country governed by an unwritten law. The constitutions of USA, Australia and Switzerland are the example of a rigid constitution. This may lead to a revolution by people or a coup by the military. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really admires and likes all your lessons because it teaches real source. CONSTITUTION Article 8 Sovereignty of the people 1. There are two types of constitutions. Required fields are marked *. Drawn from Various Sources 3. Method 1: Congress Proposes an Amendment. Difference between written and unwritten constitution 2. It safeguards peoples rights against legislative encroachment. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Swiss constitution have been changed repeatedly on many important points. differences between a rigid and flexible constitution. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. According to Friedrick, "The great and . The presidents fixed tenure can result in a rigid government. If our SA president can spread conspiracies and provoke other nations on Twitter,which section of the constitution would he had violated? It is the. Since the head of state remains in power for a long time, countries under such laws tend to remain quite stable. Constitutional Law-I. 114-142 by Prof. G. W. Kanyeihamba ([emailprotected]). That is, constitutional procedures are not legal rules, but is accept by binding the British people. Subscribe my Channel: . Also he holds limited powers. Top details about affirmative action pros and cons. A Rigid constitution, is a type of constitution, which takes long processes of amendment. 21. The distinction between unitary and federal states, Judicial review outside the United States. Lengthiest Written Constitution 2. An uwritten constitution is a type of constitution that is not contained in one single document. Therefore, the people have little to no say on matters of whoever governs the country. Democracies tend to be more accountable to the people. Second nature is that it can be seen as a legal, social and political contract between government as a organization. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. The Constitution is rigid (as opposed to a flexible constitution), since modifying it involves a more complex process of reform than that needed for amending ordinary laws. Typically, this type of law is rigid but can still be amended when necessary. I, Ch. It can be viewed as a contract between the people and the government. Democracy is a government of the people, who participate in government either directly, or through representatives. Also read: what are the different sources of constitution, There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:-. It contains titles available in the ASCL Library and published in the past six years. In this type, the constitution may be written or mainly based on agreements. A. V. Diceydefines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, calledconstitutional lawsorfundamental lawscannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws. A rigid constitution set forth specific legal/constitutional obstacles to be overcome before it may be amended, such as special approval of the people by referendum, a supermajority or special majority in thelegislature, or both. A rigid constitution does not easily meet the dynamic social, economic and political needs and development of people especially where it does not have an active, visionary and progressive judiciary that will liberally interpret the constitution to accommodate and meet the constantly changing needs of the country and its people. Please clarify this, I am really much obliged comrade for the information rendered about the types of constitutions but my colleague seems to be right. Types of Constitution: 1. It is unlike a rigid constitution. Difference between rigid and flexible constitution Previous Post Sources of the Indian Constitution There is less influence from the party system. This type of government is also known as a "federation" or a "federal state" in common parlance (eg., United States of America). Such procedures often involve a two-thirds vote in parliament, popular vote by the people or ratification through a referendum. An unwritten constitution is a type of constitution does not contain a single document. To amend the constitution a lengthy procedure has to be followed. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Thus, the relative continuity of a countrys constitutional law does not depend entirely on the adoption of a rigid constitution, though such a constitution may make changes at times more complicated and difficult. Normative constitutions predominate in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the countries of western Europe, while nominal constitutions are common in countries ruled by a one-person or a one-party dictatorship or by a military junta. Republican Constitution is a constitution that provides the position of head of the state who is commonly known as President. Monarchs can easily impose their personal beliefs and preferences on the people. It gets the respect of all as it cannot be easily abused. Since a flexible constitution is very easy to amend, the constitution actually allows quick action to be taken in the interest of the nation in time of emergency. But there is stability in government with a rigid constitution, since it cannot be easily changed to suit the interest of just one person. TYPES OF CONSTITUTION CONTENT Written, Unwritten, Rigid, Flexible, Unitary, Federal and Confederal Constitution with Merits and Demerits of Each Type A written constitution: This refers to a constitution that is written down. Unlike the unitary system, the countrys power is shared among local, state, and federal bodies. Why is the Nigerian Constitution Important? subjected. But the government could fail to take decisions if the country concerned has a rigid constitution. A flexible constitution just like an unwritten and unitary constitution, is wholly suitable for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious or heterogeneous population. A flexible constitution is one that can be easily changed or amended without the need for a cumbersome process. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. ADVERTISEMENTS: These kinds have two different ways in which the constitution can be understand. At times, unwritten laws can result in considerable instability. But before I will move to the crux of this work, i would like to, first of all, describe a rigid and flexibile constitution. In a federal system, a person can compare political, social, and economic systems in different states and relocate to one they find more suitable. As a result, the legislature cannot blame the executive for the non-implementation of the nations policies. What types of constitutions exist and what defines them? In a unitary constitution, all the powers of government are in center, as it is the only source of authority from which power flows. process. Like common law and customary law, an unwritten constitution grows from many years of practical experience and through human political approach. The British constitution is the best example of an unwritten constitution. There are actually two subdivision of a Monarchical constitution namely: Absolute monarch: This is a type of Monarchical constitution where the monarch has absolute powers and was and absolute ruler. To understand the Monarchical Constitution, you must understand that the monarchy is a government govern by a King, Queen, or Emperor. Kinds Rigid or inelastic Flexible or elastic. It fails to keep pace with the changed social, economic and political conditions of the country. Indeed, written constitutions can never exhaust the whole constitutional law of a state. A rigid constitution protects the fundamental rights of the individual. Article 6. what are the different sources of constitution, what are the different source of constitution, Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution. But It is not a single document, but it contain various sources, such as statutes, convection, and judicial decisions. ALSO READ: Differences between a federal and unitary system of government. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. Also read: what is rule of law in constitution. 24. In those days, my political science teacher used to take her time to explain everything to the class. From what we have discussed above, I strongly believe that you understand what a constitution is and you can explain the types of constitution to anyone. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. A constitution also lays principles to protect the human rights of its citizens. -air hunger; sighing-sorrow, shock, stress, and disappointment; take after breakup with mate or death of pet or relative to help deal with the grief more effectively -chronic grieving, sadness, loneliness-deep depression-claustrophobic fears; great insomnia remedy-over-reactive mental state, anxiety from loss; nervous personality 4. The Supreme Court has declared government regulation should be scrutinized very strictly when it infringes on a protected liberty (like procreation or marriage) or a protection action (like political speech), or when it unfairly discriminates against a protected class (like race or national origin). Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy 7. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution. The procedure for amending a rigid constitution is different from the procedure for enacting and amending the ordinary ordinary laws of the land. A flexible constitution is a constitution which can easily be amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure. On the other hand, a parliamentary constitution is a type of constitution where all the executive powers of the government are vested in a Prime Minister, who is the head of government and the head of the majority party, but is not the head of state. It is free from the perils of temporary popular passion. The burden of work can become quite heavy for those in government. To a certain extent interpretation inevitably involves adaptation of the letter of the law to societal changes. The bureaucracy in democracies leads to unnecessary delays in decision making. In contrast, the federal constitution provides different structure of government in national, state and local councils. For example, theConstitution of Australia is rigid, while theBritish Constitutionand theIsraeli Constitutionare flexible. It is not in one document, but can be found in various sources, such as statutes, conventions and judicial decisions. Royal families in monarchs lead very expensive lifestyles that could burden the citizens. It allows for extremely quick decision making. 4 It prevents the autocratic exercise of powers by the government 5 It is ideal for a federation. A rigid constitution is a constitution which has a cumbersome or long amendment procedure. Due to its overly flexible nature, the rules in this constitution keep on changing. This will go a long way to help you understand the differences as we continue. I urge you to read this to the end if you really want to understand the types of constitution. Of course, the constitution of Great Britain is the best example Of the former, While the eighteenth-century constitutions of France were typical illustrations of the latter type. What do you know about the main top types of inflation? These instruments also determine the duties and powers of those in office and safeguard the rights of the people. The development of the material constitution is decisive in determining the retention or demiseas well as the actual meaning and scope in applicationof the principles and rules of the written constitution, whether the latter is rigid or flexible. KINDS OF CONSTITUTION Rigid or Inelastic Constitution One regarded as a document of "special sanctity" which cannot be modified in the same manner as other laws except by some special machinery, more burdensome than the ordinary legislative process. It is unsuitable for a country premised on a federal system. MUST READ: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria 2020. A flexible constitution may be an unwritten constitution, such as, the constitution of Britain and New Zealand. The system allows economic, social, and political experimentation since power is shared across different states. The constitution can be quite expensive to implement, especially when it comes to electing people into office. For this type, constitutional law can be amended in the same way as ordinary law. Oh yeah! It encompasses a nations entire rules and ideals, a factor that might be less than ideal for some ages. This means that the powers and limitations of government, as well as the rights and duties of citizens, are set in stone and cannot easily be altered. The procedure for amending or changing a rigid constitution is cumbersome and long. Only under rigid constitutions is it possible to establish institutional controls to ensure the conformity of legislation with the principles considered indispensable for the well-being of the community. A flexible constitution is easily adaptable to meet the changing social, economic and political needs and developments of a country. A presidential constitution is one in which all the executive powers are vested in the countrys president, who serves as the head of government and the head of state. A flexible constitution by its nature does not protect the interest of minority, disadvantaged or despised people. It is among the most stable law structure and is best suited for an emergency period in a country. Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility issues? Constitutions are widely classified into two categories, firstly written and unwritten ; and secondly, rigid and flexible. Most times, democracies turn into competitions for power play, completely disregarding morality. very frequent. I will be glad to hear from you! This type of constitution can easily be tempered with and may change easily. To understand the meaning and types of constitution, it is important to know that there are two kinds of constitution. constitution. Supremacy of Constitution: The central and state governments must obey the constitution. The need for amendment may be very urgent for country, but the attempt to amend a rigid constitution may fail. This makes it easier to adapt the laws to the peoples or countrys changing needs. "Rigid Constitution" by Wikipedia,CC BY-SA 3.0, "What are the Merits and Demerits of Rigid Constitution ?" A rigid constitution refers to a type of constitutional system in which it is difficult to amend or change the provisions of the constitution. Rigid Constitution: The Rigid Constitution is one which cannot be easily amended. There is better coordination between the legislature and the executive. On the other hand, a federal system of government is an association of free states where power is constitutionally shared to the federal, state and local councils, and with each tier of government exercising its constitutionally assigned powers and functions. It must also be a government formed and installed by the people. Types Of Constitution 1. Written and Unwritten constitutionA written constitution is one in which the fundamental principles concerning state administration are embodied and which has, as a specific document, been passed by a specific body So a written constitution can be produced and shown as a . Under a unitary system, most people look up to the government to initiate and implement development initiatives, a fact that could stifle local initiatives. In addition to parliamentary majority, some . Although it can actually be amended when found necessary. It also serves as an important port city to both the Cross River State and Nigeria at large. Constitutional law in countries with flexible constitutions does not have to be unstable or constantly in flux. It is important to note that most times, the prime ministers in the cabinet are all members of the same party or coalition equals. 3. A country operating a unitary system of government usually adopts a unitary constitution. It is often asserted that the United States has a written constitution and the United Kingdom an unwritten one. Constitution., The first Supreme Court was established by the: a. At times, amendments are extremely necessary. A rigid constitution is usually in writing or a written constitution. Reasons for underdevelopment in Nigeria and possible solutions. A unitary constitution is one of a kind of constitution that provides for the powers of government to focus on a single central government. In Switzerland, for example, amendments to the federal constitution of 1874 are proposed by the legislature or by a petition of 100,000 citizens and require for their approval a majority vote in a national referendum and ratification by a majority of voters in each of a majority of the cantons. The system is not very stable since the prime minister does not have a fixed term. Flexible and Rigid Constitution A flexible constitution is a constitution, which can be easily amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure. Parliamentary sovereignty is commonly regarded as the defining principle of the British Constitution. A rigid constitution brings about a stable government whereas, there is no stability in a flexible constitution. As the procedure of amendment of a rigid constitution is very difficult, it causes problems for the country. That is, constitutional practices which are not legal rules, but are accepted as binding by the British people. Rigidity lends legitimacy to the constitution. Types of majorities: Simple majority Special majority Effective majority Absolute majority Meaning of Quorum: minimum members requires for the particular meeting. The word democracy is derived from a combination of two Greek words Demos meaning people, and kratia meaning rule or government. A rigid constitution constitution where every arm of government is functioning maximally with checks and balances and not at the pleasure of executive, does not encourage the emergence of a dictator, because an individual, or cabal with dictatorial propensity cannot easily hoodwinked the legislature which represents the people. Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is best suited for an for. Time, countries under such laws tend to be unstable or constantly in flux an unwritten is! 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