arapahoe county voter guide

While alcohol delivery sounds nice, we are not clear how this ballot measure will impact (negatively or positively) our gig workers, low wage workers, and the larger labor force. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Senate races on your ballot. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State House races on your ballot. Its our right and responsibility. Reintroducing gray wolves in Colorado would restore an unbroken connection of protected wolf populations from Canada to Mexico. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning prohibiting an abortion when the probable gestational age of the fetus is at least twenty-two weeks, and, in connection therewith, making it a misdemeanor punishable by a fine to perform or attempt to perform a prohibited abortion, except when the abortion is immediately required to save the life of the pregnant woman when her life is physically threatened, but not solely by a psychological or emotional condition; defining terms related to the measure including probable gestational age and abortion, and excepting from the definition of abortion medical procedures relating to miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy; specifying that a woman on whom an abortion is performed may not be charged with a crime in relation to a prohibited abortion; and requiring the Colorado medical board to suspend for at least three years the license of a licensee whom the board finds performed or attempted to perform a prohibited abortion? Ballot Issue 1A: Arapahoe County Property Tax Increase for Public Safety Services. She is running against Republican incumbent State Rep. Rod Bockenfeld, who was elected in 2019. With over 21 years experience in the Arapahoe County Clerks office, Lopez is a Colorado native, 36-year Aurora resident, and strong progressive. We look forward to more of her good work in office. Kolker has called Arapahoe County home since 1999 and appears to be the kind of person who knows the struggles of everyday life for working families and how the increasing cost of living is making it worse. Any tax changes would be listed with a dollar amount and a plus sign [+] for increased taxes or a negative sign [-] for lower taxes. Making an attempt to challenge her for the seat is perennial Libertarian candidate Michele Poague. He has worked for the people first on the city council, at the statehouse, and now in the state senate. Full text on the ballot: Shall the following Act of the General Assembly be approved: An Act concerning adoption of an agreement among the states to elect the President of the United States by national popular vote, being Senate Bill No. Escrcega says her teachers kept her on track when she was a kid in the foster care system. Stay tuned for information for upcoming elections. Representative Tom Sullivan is seeking election to the Colorado State Senate to represent District 27. In 2024-2025, the fund would expand to provide grants for schools to buy local Colorado food, increase wages for employees who prepare and serve school meals, and increase community education and engagement around healthy meals. Padden wants to use all of that experience for criminal justice reforms like protecting vulnerable populations and addressing systemic inequities like police use of force and over-incarceration. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. The tax was extended by voter approval in 2011, and was set to expire in 2023. She also is the executive director of Books to Life, a company that produces audiobooks for people with sight impairment and other disabilities. Sullivan deserves to continue to represent this district with the support of progressive voters. Jack Barrington is a Navy veteran, teacher, truck driver and mechanic. There are no assigned polling places. As chair of a key oversight panel, DeGette has led the effort to hold the Trump administration accountable for separating undocumented children from their families. She was at the forefront of addressing the Dobbs decision and the fall of Roe v. Wade. Register to vote online at or print and complete the paper voter registration form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. On the climate crisis, Biden proposes net-zero CO2 emissions in the U.S. by 2050 and rejoining the Paris climate accords. Jodeh is the first Muslim ever elected to the Colorado General Assembly. Voter Service and Polling Center are open Oct. 30 - Nov. 7 *Curbside ballot pickup service offered at the locations identified below. It ended shortly before 11;30 . The bill gained strong opposition from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) and Kristi Burton Brown, vice chair of the Colorado Republican Party, who organized a recall effort against Sullivan. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot. He supports protecting DREAMers and passing comprehensive immigration reform and has called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to end its contracts with private prison companies. Conway will work for the people to preserve the rural way of life as well as the land and water. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes reducing the state income tax rate from 4.63% to 4.55%? McCorkle is also an unabashed environmentalist who intends to fight for a Green New Deal not just to address the existential threat of climate change and rapidly transition energy production but to reinvest in rural America and create thousands of good-paying jobs in his district. Amharic. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Littleton. The revenue would also provide access to free, universal preschool to all four-year-olds in Colorado. Crow made the case that Trump put both Ukraines safety and the U.S.s national security at risk by withholding military aid in exchange for political favors. Abortion after 22 weeks only accounts for about 1% of total abortion procedures and in many cases is the result of major gestational complications that are found later in pregnancy. Summey is a proud veteran, mother, small business owner, and union member. Bolling has not taken any issue positions except for his unabashed support for Donald Trump. Type in your Search Keyword (s) and Press Enter. Hamrick is running to improve education funding, bring about common sense gun safety legislation, and to lower the cost of living for working families from health care to housing. 1st Judicial District (Jefferson and Gilpin Counties) Learn more. Spiegel also spearheaded groups such as Taxpayers for Public Education and SPEAK for Cherry Creek to oppose a conservative-majority school board in Douglas County that threatened the vitality of public education. The U.S. Senate must refuse to vote for any legislation which limits an Americans right to self-defense. These kinds of statements dont represent Colorado progressives. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Littleton. Centennial and Cherry Creek schools voter guide, Englewood city and schools voters guideraces, Arapahoe County voters to decide on outdoor funds, 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 These are testaments to her ability to deliver on a progressive vision that prioritizes accessible housing and healthcare, public education, and criminal justice reform. It also permits charitable organizations to hire staff to manage gaming activities. Return your ballot by mail with paid postage. In an interview with the Englewood Herald last year, Froelich said she commended the legislatures work to ban anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy and helping create true ID documents for transgender folks and that she would continue to work on issues like paid family leave and protecting the new full-day kindergarten program. Ilana Spiegel is a highly experienced and well-respected grassroots organizer, columnist, and public education advocate. Similar to the temporary order we saw in COVID-19 - under this ballot measure - bars and restaurants would be allowed to offer alcohol takeout and delivery. She used her position on the Energy and Environment Committee to introduce legislation that efficiently manages Colorados natural resources, and she has supported the economic balance of development that complements open spaces. Prior to winning election in 2020, Jodeh served as community liaison for the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado. Gibbons is a mother of four and a Doctor of Audiology. While in the Senate, Gardner has been a reliable Republican vote on the overwhelming majority of issues. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. State Rep. Dominique Jackson is the incumbent for District 42 and faces no opposition. Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 3rd. Create a State Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Increase how many liquor store licenses an individual may own, Expand wine sales in grocery and convenience stores, Allow third-party alcohol delivery services, Board of Education, 6th Congressional District. Amy Padden, the Democratic candidate for District 18, is a seasoned prosecutor with a stunning resume, having worked at all levels of law enforcement. Since then, however, Gardner has fully embraced Trump and was one of the first senators to endorse Trumps reelection. On police reform, he criticized proposed bans on Aurora police officers using chemical agents, long rifles, and armored vehicles aimed at curbing police-protester violence saying the move handicapped officers. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution requiring that to be qualified to vote at any election an individual must be a United States citizen? Upcoming Election Information. Colorado's flat tax code means that low income and wealthier Coloradans pay the same amount in percentage of their income, and our rate is too low to adequately fund our schools, and other tax-funded services. Since being appointed to the District 3 seat in 2019, she has co-sponsored and passed bills on issues ranging from public-sector collective bargaining to accountability in law enforcement to expanding Medicaid. This kind of political philosophy basically speaks for itself. Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez is seeking re-election in her role. Learn More We Need YOU to Join the Fight This is about YOU making a difference. Also vying for the seat is Martn Mendez, an Adams County Republican activist. Candice Bailey has a long record of racial and social justice activism as a 30-year resident of Aurora. Eight states including California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have successfully passed or implemented similar, solvent paid family leave programs. HD38 Voter Guide Project. He is taking on incumbent State Rep. Richard Champion, an energy businessman and diehard right-wing conservative who toes the party line instead of representing his constituents. More recently she has been fighting against conservative board members who have been advocating for conservative social studies standards that erase LGBT people and people of color from history. Instead, reelect Weissman. > Arapahoe County Voters Guide (including Englewood and Centennial) Election 2021 Q&As: Candidates for Littleton mayor and city council. VIEW COUNTY WEBSITE. She has servedon numerous volunteer committees within the district since 2004, when her first child started elementary school. Ortiz has demonstrated his commitment to progressive issues through his work on several pieces of legislation on higher education, the criminal justice system, mental health, and housing. Trumps decisions have trickled into even the most mundane things, affecting Americans on a daily basis. Previously, organizations had to exist for a longer amount of time in order to obtain their charitable gaming license - often used to fundraise for the organization. And it is critical to so many races and initiatives that voters use this guide to vote for Every. The Colorado 22-Week Abortion Ban Initiative (Proposition 115) would prohibit abortion procedures after 22 weeks of gestational age. He spent 35 years working in the health care industry, yet the biggest point House has made about problems in the health care system is that we must face the facts and repeal Obamacare. House apparently doesnt realize that recent Republican efforts to repeal and replace whats officially known as the Affordable Care Actwhich has been a lifeline for many Americans struggling with health insurance coveragehave been cited as increasing the cost of health care coverage while also reducing coverage throughout the U.S. Other policies he supports are ones that will expand equity and opportunity for everyone, including Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, reducing college debt by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators, and a universal basic income system. With all this in mind, Buck must not remain in office. Vote for Senator Rodriguez. Election Date: November 7, 2023. When our budgeting system fails to produce evidence-based, timely solutions, the most marginalized Coloradans suffer and we miss opportunities to make critical long-term investments in public infrastructure. Vote in every race! Hickenlooper is the progressive voters best choice for U.S. senator. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. Also on the ballot is Marc Solomon for the Libertarian Party. Proposition 115, Prohibition on Abortions Later in Pregnancy Incumbent State Rep. Meg Froelich has a long history of activism for womens rights, childrens welfare, education, community leadership, and environmental protection. Prior to his appointment, Bennet served as Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, presiding over increased student enrollment and graduation rates. But instead of dissing, council was exploring options for trash removal services. Proposition 118, Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Initiative As chair of a key oversight panel, DeGette has led the effort to hold the Trump administration accountable for separating undocumented children from their families. His other priorities include preventing gun violence, combatting the effects of climate change, ensuring small businesses are able to thrive, and fighting for a bold investment in Americas infrastructure. Conway has a long history of community service and leadership in her career and as a volunteer. Trump unilaterally withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords, making the U.S. one of very few countries that are not signatories. He is a clear progressive choice who, if elected, plans to bring people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs together to build an American society where we lift each other up so that we all benefit together. After being laid off from his job as a geologist, he opened a successful brewpub. A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing the county to levy additional property taxes of $3.4 per $1,000 in assessed property value (3.4 mills) through 2052 and $2.3 per $1,000 in assessed property . Since his appointment to the seat, State Sen. Jeff Bridges has been a legislator that District 26 and progressives can be proud of. Qualteri's social media posts include references to baseless claims of election fraud in 2020. Jack Barrington is a Navy veteran, teacher, truck driver and mechanic. Until 2022, Colorado's 18th Judicial District was comprised of Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln Counties. Gibbons has also played both sides when it comes to basic COVID-19 public health practices like mask wearing. Working with the General Assembly, Hickenlooper signed legislation to ensure every eligible registered voter in Colorado gets a mail-in ballot, made voter registration more accessible, and pushed for numerous other election reforms that have made Colorado a model for election innovation. When considering this bill it is important to note that a new fermented malt beverage and wine retailer's license could not be issued to a location within 500 feet of a retail liquor store, and likewise. He is anti-choice, opposes reasonable gun safety legislation, and has said that being gay is a choice. Any physician who performs an abortion after 22 weeks would be found in violation of this initiative and face criminal charges and suspension of their medical license by the Colorado Medical Board. Naval Reserve. His legal career has been marred by numerous ethical scandals, including compromising a case against Republican donors and declining to prosecute a sexual assault, instead blaming the victim. Iman Jodeh has spent the last several years working at the Capitol and in the community advancing several progressive causes. The schools helped her achieve her dreams, she says, and she wants to give back. Trumps administration has encouraged repeated unsuccessful attempts by Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has provided health coverage to millions of Americans, including a federal court challenge in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to dismantle the law. 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