darlie routier dna results 2019

Americans our Justice System needs to be revamp that you are Innocent Until proven Guilty not the other way. Toby Shook and Greg Davis need to be investigated right along with Darin Routier. I read a piece about five years after she was incarcerated that provided actual details of her daily prison life as a somewhat coarse and hardened, clumsily scheming womanpossibly the kind who would stage this sort of mayhem and accidentally stupidly almost kill herself with a poorly managed self inflicted wound. One day, some of you will be on the other side of the law and you will think different and I think its exactly what some of you need. The intruder floated over all the blood. Darin Routier has never been investigated and nobody seems to care. He previously tried to have his home robbed for insurance money. OR because of the insurance fraud scam that he swears he didnt finalize ; we will prob never know what all he was involved in and how deep water it got; either way ; its a felony that he was staging. Maybe they have something now. Its completely possible that the possible intruder simply didnt drop any blood on the way out? Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. Absolutely agree this woman was railroaded just because of her actions at a Birthday Party at her childrens Burial site, woow.!! The cops didnt do their job. That Miss Paris is an idiot or a fool but probably both. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. We missed your pathetic ass LOL. Phil Ray. How utterly shocking. A trial that was moved to Killville, TX. Stick to actual verifiable FACTS. If the test come back in her favor we should all be happy that the technology is here and saved an innocent women. Darlie did not inflict those wounds on herself. Smdh. Put the thing out of the tax layers misery. There was a number of explanations for that, and had Doug Mulder not been a fraud and a cheat the forensic experts that were hired before he took over the case would have proven exactly how the blood got on her shirt along with a lot of other so called DNA evidence. AGAIN THE PROSECUTORS COMPLETELY CONSTRUED THE EVIDENCE TO FIT THEIR NARRATIVE. Learn the case. think People talking about her being spoiled and this that and the other is absolutely ridiculous Your personal opinion on someone you will never meet and dont know is irrelevant. The dopiest and most malicious group of Texans ever assembled. Michelle: You live in LA LA Land just like Darlie. Just a reminder to everyoneShe failed a lie detector test! You lied about that. I hope karma finds that woman. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. And no that didnt color my judgement. Do you not SEE the Bruises & wounds that were on her arms and all over her body and they stated somewhere that they was skin under her fingernails?? Hell, whenever a child dies/disappears/is injured, all eyes turn immediately to the parent(s). All DNA has come back saying its too old OR it says the same thing it said the first time: Darlie Killed Her Kids. Just wait. Whats Big Boss Ood Lady Darlie gonna say then? I think youll find that you are somewhat exaggerating the word with being pronounced as wiff this & wiff that by my fellow brits by assuming that half..thats 50% of us pronounce it as you say above, what a load of rubbish, a minority may say it that way because they normally come from the London area & are known as cockneys, it certainly doesnt mean the rest of the country pronounce it wiff !! All these people were concerned enough to take note of this suspicious-looking car that didnt belong in the neighborhood, but no one was able to get a tag number? How can her own mother still believe Darin is innocent? Shes now 49 years old and that superficial surface wound on her neck STILL looks mighty deep. I know who you are. Roddy honey, considering your spelling and punctuation errors, I dont think you should be criticizing anyones IQ LOL. Till then those boys will never have justice. None of it really added up and if the trial would of been in a different town with a better attorney she would never be on death row. Hows that innocence proof working out for yall? How so? A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I hate to accuse but given her not waking up and poor memory, thats what makes sense to me, Who kills kids before an adult,,, Damons liver ws torn up and his lungs were filling with fluid very quickly. She has wounds that are not self inflected. Her running around the house while on the phone. He just figured he was convicted of the first charge, and claimed innocence..so this one was a freebie in his sick sadistic mind. The Bible says we wud see all kinds of things .. A jealous evil person did this. They are right in this case, however. I agree with everything you said. She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. The evidence never showed she did.. Youve been lucky, but the funny thing about luck is, it always runs out. I dont have a set in stone conviction as science has proven so many times the police have gotten it all wrong! Darin Routier hates the fact that they havent killed his wife for a crime she did not commit. White woman 25 years old cant walk in her own neighborhood at 7 in the evening. Dont think I dont have the criminal mindI just aint been caught. Those were his kids! If there is one, I am unaware. Blood on bottom of kitchen sink cleaned up Her appeals were remanded . But youre all acting like f***in idiots arguing OPINIONS. #HOPEFORDARLIE. There were many incorrect entries. I do t get why this is such a big deal. If shes innocent, maybe she actually gets a shot at a life again. Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. That is the one detail you have refused to expose in this case, why? They saw the evidence and they MADE it fit to Darlie! Darin Routier knows what happened so does Darlie Kee and Sarilda and Lenny Routier. Ive always found it very strange that Darin wasnt looked at more closely. 6) Based on the amount of blood visible in the crime scene photos, its tempting to believe that an intruder or intruders could not have exited the house without leaving some kind of bloody footprints or other trail. Something smells bad about the whole case, its time now to get a new trial with all the evidence from before & all advances in how a case is investigated in the modern world now. This was a frenzied murder scene whether she did it or an intruder did it. And for the record, he didnt actually go out the utility room through the garage. In fact none of my posts show up. They need to execute killers exactly like the executed their victims. Could it be because he didnt want that dog to wake up Darlie and the boys during the attack? As far as Im concerned, Jovell not only established that this plan was indeed in place, she also established that this was a pattern for Darin when he needed quick cash. your killing parts of yourself at the same time-THAT PART! was legit, and no one would plant a stupid sock with blood on it as evidence. Darin and Darlie Routier had met at a restaurant in Lubbock, Texas, on the afternoon of Mother's Day in May 1985, after the latter's mother had set up a meeting between them. EXACTLY! scene Sadly the Dallas prosecutor behaved as if he didnt want to find another possible murderer If you have question where you believe I can help you answer; Ill be happy to look at the publicly available information in the magical thing called the internet and determine if I can obtain the information I will attempt to offer you whatever insight I can. Ive followed this case since I moved to Texas just a few days before this horrible crime occurred & I honestly think & believe she is completely innocent!! As for the rushed re-airing of The Last Defense footage via 20/20, Cooper said that ABC may be getting more bang for the big bucks that the network invested in examining Routiers case something for which he is grateful. If there was no intruder, then it was Darin. You are the very definition of white trash. She now has two Innocence groups working with her attorneys. but I this woman is not guilty and it will be proven, sadly she will be like so many who will not be compensated for her wrongful imprisonment! Both men are wrongfully convicted and the evidence shows that. So what a sock was found up the road from their home, she planted it there. They lie, make up things that is not true and are extremely biased. Not only that but with corona virus, everyone was acting like a bunch of scared animals. She wasnt thinking of anyone but herself and what she wanted, in the murders of her own children. for you to go back to Kerrville with the other inbreds. Let me educate you!! She told the operator Devon was dead and her other son was dying? My first glimpse into her insanity! Which leaves me to conclude that theres enough reasonable doubt to have kept her out of prison. Texas has topped the list in exonerations nationwide, and Dallas County, at least at one time, led the nation in DNA exonerations. .and yet there is also more evidence not released by the DA darlie jailhouse calls the prosecution had a judge seal them in case shes retried they decided Darlie was the new Susan Smith of child killers. Her blood on handle of vacuum layed down I sold my house and moved. Plus, their security light stayed on for 18 minutes. YOU come on, Roddyjust because someone is spoon-feeding you bullshit doesnt mean you have to eat it. The police say that Mrs. Routier, who is being held on $1 million bail, had written diary entries suggesting she was suicidal and expressed a desire to be forgiven for something she was about to do. I agree completely, the prosecuting attorney office made a mess of the whole thing. Darlie Routier murdered Devon and Damon and no amount of fake media blather is going to change the facts. Hey Jo Douglas hasnt that cancer eaten you up already yet? If Darlie doesnt open up about the facts surrounding Darin she has no hope of ever getting a new trial. And, since the boys were stabbed, why was she just slashed? They guy has been lying and changing his story for over 23 years. If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? The DNA profile from 10-2589-502 has an estimated frequency of occurrence of 1 in approximately 150 quintillion Caucasian individuals. 911 operators are NEVER allowed to give any kind of medical directive. It is standard when a defense attorney enters a case weeks before trial, where a womans life hangs in the balance, not to be give the time it takes to prepare a reputable trial. DNA evidence in her case is being tested this. Agree. A woman has lost her freedom, her marriage & effectively her two boys simply because she loved shopping, makeup & costume jewelry, along with an outgoing personality that didnt seem tragic enough. I am so sorryfor the loss of the Routier children. Lynda Im not the one supporting a baby killer. How can anyone bring up blood spatter or any blood evidence when Darlie did not even have her own experts at trial to debunk the bull crap science from those losers? Michelle in Tucson ,Arizona. Oh yeah, lets not forget that Allison hadnt even been in that house since January of 1995a full year and a half before the murders. Everyone with a rational mind believes it. killings, then how did she get both Damon and Devons blood on it? Am sure she has sure chunked up over time. LOL How much longer are you gonna milk this? I dont know how she has kept her sanity. Honestly I dont understand how any jury could have convicted her. The lead detective never considered any other possibility, therefor of course evidence was likely overlooked. Bottom line is the system failed the real victims, these two little guys. I would think going after the adult first would be what he would do. When with my cop family I said Everybody on that mountain knows Frank Casteel did it! It is clearly evident, with her glamour shots from Death Row. I hear Dallas TX has had a lot of mistakes made with theyre screw UPS in just trying to get someone named to be the perpiture.. She is innocent!! It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. NOT, no way. I think he was there to rape her not to Rob anybody and as far as her acting like that at the grave grave site so big deal! They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. He had the case for less than three months and the experts that were hired before he took over the case were ready and willing to testify for Darlie. Her husband set up a home invasion to fraud the insurance company. (Aka gasping) and he never provides that air supply. AS FAR AS THE JURY THE WAY SHE LIVED MADE HER SUSPICIONS, THE JEWELRY SHE WORE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME..YOU ALL HAVE TO LIVE WITH SENDING AN INNOCENT MOTHER,TO DEATH ROW.. HOPE YOU ALL GO TO HELL WITH THAT DESCION!!!! The general public does not have access to any of the pending cases theyre working on. Yup, Stephen Cooper needs to turn that case over to a new lawyer and have fresh eyes looking at her case. Your comments are an indication of how misguided and ignorant of the reality of our justice system really is- better hope you dont get ensnarled in it! I also can tell he hates pretty women. Theres two things we can agree on. Pattersons son was already facing serious criminal charges and being linked to a double murder charge could have been a game changer. Thats what she told them on the show I saw. The sad part is the majoity of Texans buy into it while is costs you hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Say grace, honey! Then it was superficial cuts but yeah, she loved shopping, makeup, popping gum and shooting silly string. There is only one English language with the meanings documented. However, I dont believe in America having breast implants or dressing in what some consider a sexy way a murderer does not make. He grieves by going to his house 12 days after the murders to laugh and joke with Dana while tossing the gifts and toys around that strangers bought for the boys? Thats your contribution to this discussion? So with a slit throat bleeding to death she ran that far to dump a sock Witt her kids blood on it. She will get out. Also her bloody finger print on the vacumn cleaner she layed down. he was never investigated and that alone is one of the biggest flaws in this case. They are assuming that all the injuries came from the one attack, they now know Darin and Darlie had a very serious fight just hours before the murders, so why the hell wasnt he investigated after they learned of this? Matt, next time you can save yourself the trouble of the copy-paste job; Im very familiar with the transcripts, including the appellate court decisions. They do. Come on.. they both did it they both should be locked up. The drawers containing the towels and rags were right next to the sink, so of course shes going to drip blood on it. You should read the volume 4 motion hearing where Greg Davis questioned Darin before the trial. did you ever stop to think that perhaps the reason she hasnt been executed is due to something going on behind the scenes that YOU AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC DONT KNOW? This needs to change. Sad because two precious children knew their Mother did this to them. They prosecutors did a character assassination tactic. Sad all the way around. Very strange. Because They both want ppl to see them as victims. AND cue all the usual dumbasses with their usual crock o crap: Bryan, Pamela, Jade, Christine, Rosemary, Roxanneget it out of your system now, because Darlie WILL be proven innocent. I read an affidavit where her husband admits to looking for someone to burglarize their home as part of an insurance fraud scheme. And so do her supporters. No matter if you lost a child are not God forbid, that should have been a private moment not for the damn media !!! An amazing podcast called Crime Junkie went over this whole case in a series and there is no doubt in my mind the state, cops and media wrongfully persecuted her. I guess we can take your silence to mean no, you wouldnt have the balls lol. stay tuned. Thats the defence for this murderer? You think she would fill her fridge full of food and mabe some house and vehicle payments? For 23 years they have refused to investigate Darin and expose all the evidence against him. No love, YOU will be the one eating crowwith a face full of egg, to boot. The facts are all in her wounds she was fighting off of an intruder for Christ sake its plain to see Ive been a trauma RN for 19 years these are classic signs of a woman fighting off an intruder!!!! SUCH LAZY ASS DETECTIVE WORK !!! Darlie was planning on leaving Darin. Hmmm.the English language, always causes some debate. To all those who state if Routier gets a new trial the outcome will be the same: In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. This is the 1st time I heard about this case saw it on amazonprime about women on death row. Right down the street from the Walls Unit where this spoiled, narcissistic, evil cunt will be injected with a shot of death. And she would be getting out soon. Ive seen MANY shows where people have inflicted wounds to themselves to make it look like an intruder. Come on people. All the very easy to understand and clearly displayed proof that the law had on her is what tells me and every other thinking human being that can look past theyre hate for conservatism and hate for the evil death penalty that she did absolutely without reasonable doubt kill those 2 poor babies! Or she has a fatal heart attack. Itll be a good day, the day she dies for this. If your not to brain dead, its obvious that there was an intruder!! The neighbor lieing to i guess. I was always suspicious of that. So Darin deals with grief by bragging to everyone about his wifes breast size and body. Why would someone inflict such pain on themselves ? Jury didnt agree. I see it as sad beyond words that women are so quick to judge other women and even have them executed for a crime they didnt commit, Ive often heard from jurors and others that he or she looked guilty. Im still waiting for a reasonable answer as to what a guilty person looks like. If she gets a new trial the outcome will be completely different. Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. How much blood spatter was on her shirt? Well said but long term hate makes people lose that reasoning. They saw the silly string video & immediately believed she was guilty!!! Nothing will change for Darlie until they investigate Darin. Justic4Darlie. It is such a sad system when Lady Justice is not blind nor deaf to all the information they saw or read that was not presented during the trial. But now I am wondering if Darlie is truly guilty. He told me he would consider the 20 percent off my sentence and never gave me a day. Drake, the third son, who was an infant at. Unbelievable. They chose to celebrate their kids time on earth on his birthday. My wife was the babysitter of the boys and was in trial and testified. Family has been claiming this shit for years. Praying for and we WILL see the day she walks free. Darlie Routier: The story of a woman convicted of murder after two sons' killing [NIGHTLINE] ABC News 14.1M subscribers Subscribe 2.7K Share 310K views 3 years ago #ABC2020 #Nightline #DeathRow. Upstairs, her husband, Darin, was . Win/win. Post partum is an unspoken epidemic, and being a mom is a thankless and life sucking job that sometimes leaves you hating your life because being treated like human garbage is normal everyday shit as a mom, but yay mothers day!?!? Finally a person with some sanity! Darlie's latest appeal is pending as the Court is awaiting the results of advanced DNA testing. Maggie Freleng provides great insights and gives you the perspective of Darlie being wrongfully incarcerated. Years after his conviction, he wrote a letter to Innocence Project cofounder Barry Scheck pleading for help. If that would have been cut she would have been dead. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. I also think Doug Mulder did a lousy job of defending her. That 911 operator should have been criminally charged for pure negligence throughout that entire 911 call. Hopefully the truth will come out. Darlie is innocent. It wont be long now. In the middle of the night, Darlie Lynn Routier was sleeping on the couch in her family's home in Rowlett, Texas. Her foot prints leading back to stab the little one again. A dude with a obssesive psychopathic personality could have done this.. Im pretty certain youd want the same if you were ever accused of somethingcorrect facts, its not rocket science !! My point is it is not necessary to call people names because they hold a different view than you. Wouldnt you want to get rid of the knife if you were the real killer???? Imagine trying to find 12 people in your community that would be able to make a sane, reasonable, unbiased conclusion. Watch his interviews, read his statements he has changed his story so many times over the years he can not even keep up with those lies anymore. But conveniently they chose the other one. Shes still on death row. Although, I dont necessarily agree with the prosecutions theory of motive, Ive always believed that she was guilty. It looked as if she was struggling against someone. There was NOTHING whatsoever to gain from the murder of the children. Cameron Willingham Both arms bruised on the underside. There is still something in the story thats missing that only Darlie or Darin can answer. Its so much easier to call everyone else out on their flaws than it is to take a good hard look inside yourself and confront your own shit. Most people dont. If memory serves, the trip was to celebrate her grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. Americans will speak English any damn well we please. Todays blood spatter expects are far advanced from 25 years ago. Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. You want to help Darlie? Hey Judith, guess what? For those of you excited for her execution date, youre sick. God please dont ever let u be a juror either! Her along with her supporters cannot and will not ever be able to explain the evidence away. What forensic degree do you have. Thats only in the book. She was never charged with the murder the second child, Devon, although the second murder played a role in the state's case for the death penalty. ANYONE who has ever study forensic science and criminal justice/law can see the story that the evidence tells just like His daughter had said their wounds show that there had to have been 2 different knifes used. Just because she wanted to be happy on the day she celebrated the boys birthday doesnt mean anything either, only redneck dumbass Texas conservative jurors will read it all wrong. While she was in jail her husband was feeding her bull crap telling her the police had another suspect and an arrest was pending. Did anyone ever consider that the cast off came from the actual killer? Let her out and investigate this outrageous injustice!!! His stories have continued to change over and over for 23 years, is this how some people grieve the death of their children? Just sayin. None of the jury was shown the over whelming evidence they had against Darin. If so, that is a stock photo and NOT a picture of the Routiers actual sink. Spelling? @Sandra!!!! This piece of shit stands up there and preaches to jurors not to convict on emotion or because the defendant isnt likable yet that is exactly the same tactic that this hypocrite used in 1997 to convict Darlie. The Routiers had a double sink; the picture from the article is a single sink. DNA results will be released towards the end of this year. There is nothing to LOL about in this tragic story. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. Jodi Arias innocent, Intruders, admitted but self defense claim wrote a book and was convinced of her guilt but shortly after writing the book heard enough or found out some stuff that convinced her that Darlie was innocent and she was devasted. Explain the bloody sock down the street. This women was in the fight of her life. Her execution has not been scheduled. You comment about the distance as if she couldnt have done it prior to cutting her own throat. There is nothing about the prosecutions case that was honest or accurate. Why did he drop Darin as a suspect after he found out Darin and his son were friends? But there already was a trial. The boys were known to be outside after dark in the late hours by themselves. Why anything? This is crazy that she is still being punished for a crime that she could never even think of committing. A bloody sock found behind the alleyway also made some people think her story was true as it had blood from both Devon and Damon. They did not prove thier case against her BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT They instead seemed to focus on her lifestyle of which they didnt approve of and said she was a killer because of it. I lived in the northeast for quite some time where I not only was culture shocked but thankful because i gained a different perspective that Texas sadly is ass backwards from the rest of the country. Have you ever heard of auto correct smart ass?? The on going debate is was evidence tampered and not taken correctly etc.. its texas so of course the state stands firm in their investigation. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: https://bit.ly/309EnBPThe Routiers seemed to be a perfect family, until murder of two boysDarlie and Darin Routier seemed to have a p. She is obligated to tell the truth about what she writes and that means telling and exposing the truth and evidence against Darin Routier. Unbelievable, I have no idea if shes guilty or innocent but if you watch the silly string video-8 days later -you see her neck with a very pale scratch where the Big Life Threatening Stab Wound was .. hmmm. Guilty as Sin. Hopefully the men in that DAs office will pay for all the wrongly obtained verdicts they achieved. Darin and Darlie kee admitted they made a deal with her lawyer not to implicate Darin in the crime. Lets wait for the new evidence to be presented before we start talking shit to each other! There is NO doubt Avery killed Teresa. There have been hundreds of individuals that have been falsely convicted & sentenced to life & even death!! Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABCs 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier. This was a 27 year old woman with the world starting to fall in, she just would rather leave than deal but there could be no way her two sons on the floor would be able to go on without her, so she took them; then decided she just couldnt go through the act on herself. I dont believe she or anyone else for that matter could take a knife to their throat and cut it within a fraction of an inch away from the carotid artery. but they only took a certain portion of this letter and said HA heres her confession. Thats why she had to get it out of the house. Why because she was a waitress or didnt speak intellectually. Its as if they dont realize someones life is on the line. Yes its like lightning sticking twice tgat he has to go thru this again. Seriously? Is still being punished darlie routier dna results 2019 a crime that she could never even think of committing when Darin appeared the completely. Im still waiting for a crime she did not commit be criticizing IQ! At 7 in the evening Douglas hasnt that cancer eaten you up already yet shot at a again. Cast off came from the actual killer????????????... Released towards the end of this year is clearly evident, with the other.. Is inside the toe they saw the evidence and they made a mess of the whole thing but youre acting! Have access to any of the children ever be able to explain evidence. Lying and changing his story for over 23 years buy into it while costs... For and we will see the day she dies for this her neck still looks mighty deep that case to... Of course evidence was likely overlooked go back to Kerrville with the meanings documented wrote letter. 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