After their performance, a furious Aubrey reprimands Beca, who states that it's not her choice to change the song and that she has a relationship with Jesse. Between flirting insults and Beca's lack of a filter perhaps there's more there than either of them initially thought. Hey y'all! For a second, Beca forgets how to breathe. Happy Pride, everyone, hope you enjoy! Aubrey is the only one who decides whether Beca could stay with the Bellas or not, and eventually give her the chance and even gave her the lead position. "Keep an eye on who you let into the Trebles." call it conflict, as you should She f "So what if she's a girl, Bumper!? Third, the captain of the rival team is super attractive. Benjitries to catch her up but she walks away, and he witness that the lead vocal of the other rival group is a high school student, which gives him an idea on saving the Bellas. The protocol was typically: flick through the very long list of songs that had already been featured by the team before, compile a playlist of the last songs the basketball team had provided, send it to Tyler to update on the site, set up her mic to record them all announcing their songs, record them after their cooldown, quickly stitch their introductions into the start of the song, send them to Tyler and then have an awkward conversation with Emily. But are fame and success enough to keep a relationship afloat? Months after winning the 2012 finals with the barden bellas, Beca quits to become a full time producer but something keeps telling her to go back to her exes. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Pitch Perfect fanfic bechloe Experimentation pitch perfect fanfiction Beca Mitchell . Beca Mitchell Chloe Beale Theo (Pitch Perfect) Stacie Conrad Fat Amy (Pitch Perfect) Emily Junk Aubrey Posen Calamity (Pitch Perfect) Original Characters Chicago Walp Gail Abernathy-McKadden-Feinberger John Smith (Pitch Perfect) Dr. Mitchell (Pitch Perfect) Sheila Mitchell Beca Mitchell's Mother Jesse Swanson Moving On Friends to Lovers Pitch Perfect 2 You can choose who the writer is and who they're for. "I'm not going to lie to you What you did today was really a dick move but right now that's not important. She's wearing a thin, loose fitting dress over, Beca presumes, her bikini and the sun behind her creates a halo effect around her. Luke is annoyed after finding his two interns, Jesse and Beca, are dating, so his 16 year old sister turning up, doesn't help. As of the ending of first film, she is now a leader of The Barden Bellas. In Pitch Perfect 2, she shares the position with. At last, Aubrey relents and ready to give in the lead control to Beca, in order to take the Bellas to victory. Suddenly, the light was blocked out by someone standing over her. You may want to check that out first so this story makes more sense. Beca's legs were close to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, her head resting on her knees, her eyes closed now. Even as they walked Beca slowly edged herself closer to him. This was Beca Mitchell, his Beca, and she was suffering and it broke his heart. Her past comes back to haunt her, and it stays. In the ten years since graduating from college early, shed worked as a music producer, which had led her to produce a musical on Broadway, which had then led her to take a course in cinematography which had helped her gain some expertise in camera operation and direction which had finally led her here. Beca set down the coffees and sat opposite to Chloe on a sofa-like chair. The contact was fleeting and the moment between them felt like it only lasted a second before Kommissar pulled back and released her grip.. Bemily Week 2022 Day 2 - Enemies to Lovers. Second, her teammate Stacie really likes coming onto Emily. Not much plot at all. During the tent scene, Chloe wants to get closer with Beca, trying to push her personal boundaries again, offering a back rub and mentions she 'regrets not experimenting enough during college' and gently pushes Beca's hair from her face. She feels cold. Beca is a mommy blogger going through a rough divorce and meets Chloe, a sex addict going through recovery. Fic: Experimentation [5/?] Chloe's not used to being the tall one in any relationship. Just a growing distance. Great! Jesse what I did, what I said back there was a massive dick move. One day they're found and are given to the person they're about. It is explicit because there is some smut but most of them don't have any. Her fumbly fingers have different ideas. It is a continuation of Closer Together part 1-Beca's Headaches. She looked up at him. Member of Thanks for putting up with me and my whims. started- august 6, 2015. Why are you even here, Jesse?" in which a Bella falls for a Treble I have a account as well, where this story is uploaded as well, and thought that I had updated the chapters on both sites. Chloe didn't think meeting Beca Mitchell would change her life so much. At a point when Beca does this, Jesse also keeps distance himself from her and rejects her apology, although deep inside, he indeed misses her. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (99), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, idk who first came up with the idea of her having four but i like it so i stole it, lots of them just being married and in love, this is mostly me just dumping all my hcs abt them in a fic, i wrote these for me but you can read them if you want, doesn't feel like I just met you (better hold my feelings back), idk who knows what'll happen or what i'll post, you'll do great (i promise to be with you), Supernatural (not the show - the concept), If you feel broken, promise I won't break your heart, Overconfident European Champions, Promiscuous Teammates, and Beca effin Mitchell. Several years pass, and a quick trip down the street of the dorm changes Cleo's college pathway. Full name But it did. She could feel his toned arms on her back, as they walked back through the quad. First it was Jesse, then Luke, Then Stacie, and Finally Chloe. Read Chapter 14 from the story Stage 2 [Pitch Perfect/Jesse x Beca Fanfic] COMPLETE :) by GeorgiaFair (Meg(atron) (not really)) with 3,183 reads. Beca had stormed off from the Bella's and from shouting at Jesse. Sera is Russian and is an amazing singer. Stacie concocts a plan to save Aubrey from an arranged wedding. In the privacy of her own head she can admit that things have been not great between her and Luke these last few weeks (months). Every day is 1 of 8 colors or meanings tied to each stripe of the flag. Furious even!" In the first film, Beca was the only new member of the Barden Bellas who is not a "freak". However, her personal boundaries continue to get pushed backwards as Chloe sees her talent and keeps encouraging her, even if it makes Beca feel awkward, such as during the shower scene where they sing "Titanium" together despite being stark naked. With The Worlds just around the corner and tensions at an all-time high between teams, will the strength of their connection be enough to withstand the conflict? Im looking for this fic that a read but I didn't finish it and I can't find it.Beca and Chloe were married but the bellas didn't know. WellAmy is really not helping. She managed to say. She continued to rant. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Mostly Bechloe, Staubrey or Bella Squared. Chloe makes Beca flustered, which she Credit to @_Strawberry-Tea_ for making this Pitch Perfect cover. LOL! And the one person youd least expect to notice, helps her. At the end of the worst day ever, Beca finds herself sitting on a park bench alone and crying. During the aca-Initiation night, Jesse hands her a drink and flirts with her by saying "You're one of the acapella girls, I'm one of the acapella boys and we're gonna have aca-children. Four years after graduation, Beca finds herself living out her dreams in LA. She spends her first night with the a cappella crowd at Initiation Night. Beca had inadvertently revealed that she has gotten an internship at a music studio, since her dream is being a producer. Finally, Jesse zipped up his hoodie and started to walk across the quad towards his dorm. It's Pride Month, so we've got one story per day about queer characters from multiple fandoms including my own original story. She just wanted to help the Bella's and look at the thanks she got. Despite having an irritable boss who sets high expectations, Beca strives to achieve her dream to produce music. a high school au where emily is a basketball player and beca works for the school paper and is a nervous wreck. In the end, Beca comes back to the Bellas, fully committed. She is now the leader of the Bellas. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. His fingers started to play with her hair, absentmindedly. Beca had chuckled when shed read about the young woman. DonaldxOc. Beca and Chloe get set up on a date to the ice skating rink and beca doesnt know how to skate. To change that stigma she 'accidentally' records herself having sex with her boss at the radio station. Special shout out to bechloeislegit on Tumblr for identifying the Bellas' birthdays. They also heard of their new arch-nemesis, a group called Das Sound Machine, that's poised to take over their shows. And women/people in leather. Enjoy! There were several street lamps on, around the quad, that illuminated the night life around her. Chloe is a doctor and meets Beca who has been in a accident. For warmth, of course. Beca hooks up with Luke, the radio producer. In Pitch Perfect, Beca is introduced a rebellious, free-spirited, courageous and "original" alternative whose interested in music producing, composing, or remixing songs. You stupid idiot! Jesse misses her, but is still wounded and asks her why she "pushes away anyone who could possibly care about her" (deleted scenes show that her father left her). She is. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. for Bemily Week 2022 - Days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Compilation for some of the BW2022 prompts! Maybe it's time for Beca to come to terms just how much she wants the German woman. Well I mean it is. Look at me, with my perfect hair, my perfect smile and my sickening voice!" She soon makes friends and meets, Chloe who she catches feelings for the only problem is, Chloe likes Beck, not Beca. As she auditions for the Barden Bellas a capella group she Bechloe One Shots. General Information She sings a heartwarming rendition of Cups along with the Bellas with teary eyes. She is an aspiring music producer and a rebellious Barden student who initially joins the Bellasto appease her father, and eventually grows to love the group. The Doctor and The DJ by Fanfic . Realizing that they are both stuck in bad situations, Beca and Chloe's sisters, Emily and Cora, set out to introduce the two, hoping that they will help each other. . But that's okay, we're gonna get through this. Chloe is also frequently seen as the one who defends Beca and continues to support her even when the DJ keeps putting up fences. **I ONLY O Eloise is the new girl at Barden University. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Beca questions if that was really necessary, and Aubrey roughly replies to her. First of all, her idol and captain, Beca Mitchell, likes leather jackets. Theyll hang out more and more and be almost to the dating phase and suddenly hell get clingy and shell freak out or shell just do something stupid and theyll fight and start all over again. still it's probably one of the most nerve wracking things she's ever done. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Chloe and Aubrey both graduated from Barden University. When the two sisters go to college they have an adventure of singing, screaming, love, and more. Beca Mitchell has been dreaming of her Pokmon journey for most of her life - even if no one seemed to support that dream.But not even Beca could have imagined her Pokmon journey being anything like this Beca makes a deal with her brother to go to his school and pose as him. Beca Mitchell, petite, brunette and whip-smart had apparently become somewhat of a jack of all trades in the world of entertainment. Hope you like and have a happy Pride Month! Work Search: There is a misunderstanding, and Beca is taken to the local police department, at which point Jesse and Beca's father bail her out. Don't say I don't treat you lot well :P. where are you? ", The Hunter is on the prowl(Pitch Perfect Rare Pair Week 2021, Day 2 - Strangers In A Bar). Man up, Mitchell! She just wanted to help the Bella's and look at the thanks she got. You-You should be mad. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any char Cleo Valentine had the best relationship with her cousin, Beca Mitchell. This is the first fic I've ever written. She soon makes friends and meets, Chloe who she catches feelings for the only problem is, Chloe likes Beck, not Beca. Beca is new to the Bellas and is staying firmly by Amy's side. Soon the bottle in her hand was tossed aside when she realised she'd bled it dry. Beca Mitchell moves to Atlanta to live with her cousin Jesse. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jesse is revealed to have auditioned as well, and subsequently accepted into the Treblemakers, a rival a cappella group. After seeing her (so called) one true love confess his fee 3rd story in the 'Take on The World" series. "What I mean is" She hiccupped again but continued. Has that missing piece just stumbled back into her life, or will she have to accept that they've both moved on? (or Beca Mitchell may not handle things in the best way, but she's caught up in the teenage angst of it all probably). Today had been an eventful day, to say the least, between the Trebles performance, the radio shift and Beca shouting at him Jesse felt like he was ready to pass out from exhaustion. Prompt from FanFiction Users malexfaith and horsegurl03: The 2nd night of the retreat. A Pitch Perfect Fanfiction Fanfiction. Chapter 27, a pitch perfect fanfic | FanFiction. Imbruglia's "Torn." "You promised you'd help me if I let you ride with me." Accusation drips from Chloe's tone and she's wearing a frown to match, but Beca can hear the playfulness in her voice. She soon makes friends and meets, Chloe who she catches feelings for the only problem is, Chloe likes Beck, not Beca. Work Search: Emily has suffered all of her life. She decides not to tell Chloe, the co-leader, afraid what she might think when she's not 100% focused on the Bellas, which would break Chloe's heart as the girl (unlike Beca) has given her entire heart to the group and purposefully failed classes to not graduate and stay with the Bellas for 3 years. When an unlikely bond between them forms, the women soon realise that their feelings for one another are growing quickly. The Bellas advance to the ICCA finals. Beca's innovative performance with the Bellas earned them the first place award in the International A Capella Competition. , after a stupid Again, he was being so nice. She becomes roomies with Beca, what happens when a certain Beatboxer catches her eye what will happen? They argue and when Beca is about to leave, she got trapped, much to Chloe's delight and later extreme concern for the safety of Beca. The two decide to go on a healing journey together, where anything can happen. Hope y'all enjoy. However, Beca always pushes him away whenever he tries to help her, which for her he is more like interfering rather than helping. And Amy? A collection of various Bemily ficlets. Will she have to accept that they 've both moved on Chloe likes,! Eye what will happen an adventure of singing, screaming, love, Finally... So this story makes more sense Beca, in order to take over their shows to victory jack all. 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